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Page 6

by M. L. Young

  “It might as well have been. How are you?” I asked, letting go and picking up my bag.

  “I’m doing miles better now,” he said before we walked inside.

  “When are they getting here?” I asked. The smell of fennel and coriander filled his house. We were having a little dinner party tonight with one of his band mates and his wife. To say I was nervous about making a good first impression was an understatement.

  “Hopefully within half an hour or so,” he said.

  Regan asked if it was too early to meet any friends, but I didn’t think it was. We’d been seeing one another for over a month, and Kai met her the first day that he and I met, so I thought it was fine. His friends were a big part of his life, and it wasn’t like I was meeting parents or family or anything.

  Within forty-five minutes the doorbell rang, and I felt butterflies bulldozing their way around my stomach. I wiped my clammy palms on my black dress and took a deep breath. “You’ll do great,” he whispered before opening the door.

  Kai greeted Paul, one of his band mates, and Laura, his wife, with open arms and kisses. “You must be Bianca. I’ve heard so many nice things about you,” Paul said, shaking my hand.

  “Likewise. Kai has told me how much of a brother you are to him. It’s very nice to meet you,” I said with a smile.

  “Hi, I’m Laura, it’s nice to meet you,” Laura said, shaking my hand.

  Laura kind of reminded me of myself, though a little higher-end looking. She had brown hair, a little past her shoulders, and it shined so bright I was sure I saw my reflection. Her skin was fair, yet tan, like she does enough to get a small glow without roasting herself in the process. She wasn’t drowning in pearls or diamonds, a little more low-key, but she definitely had a healthy clothes and spa budget. Maybe we would get along.

  “Something smells good in here, so I know you didn’t cook tonight,” Paul said, looking around.

  “Hey, hey, you don’t know that,” Kai said.

  “Come on, Kai, don’t try to fool me,” Paul said, smiling.

  “A good chef never reveals his secrets,” Kai said.

  “I think you mean a magician,” Paul laughed.

  “Yeah, maybe,” Kai retorted, laughing.

  “Those two are something else. Kai is more like his brother than his own brother,” Laura said as the two of us stood a little further away from the guys.

  “It’s nice seeing him be so silly and laugh so much,” I said.

  “Kai has always been like that, even when he had his problems. He’s a good man at the heart of it. I’m just happy he’s sober now,” she said.

  “Have you known him for a long time?” I asked.

  “Well, I’ve been with Paul for about ten years now, and I met Kai around eight years ago, I think, well before they made the band and hit it big. He seems a little more calm now than he used to be,” she said.

  “You guys talking about us?” Paul asked.

  “Just the good stuff, babe,” Laura said with a smile.

  “I’m afraid I don’t have any wine or anything to pair with this tonight,” Kai said.

  “Dude, we don’t care about that. As long as you’re sober, that’s all we care about. We don’t need booze to have a good time, no matter what Jamison says,” Paul said.

  “We still have about twenty minutes left. Oh, I have something to show you in the studio. We’ll be right back,” Kai said, and the guys ran off like boys on Christmas morning.

  “How have you been adjusting to dating Kai? Or wait, are you guys together?” Laura asked.

  “Not officially, like not with titles or anything. Dating has been fun, though. He’s so sweet, and not like what I originally thought. We almost didn’t go out again, you know,” I said.

  “How come?”

  “Well, our first date didn’t really go so hot. He treated me like a groupie, and I don’t really do that kind of stuff. I gave him a piece of my mind that night,” I said.

  “Good for you. I hate groupies, they’re trash, and I’m just happy that Paul has always been faithful and never tempted. Kai needs a stable girl in his life,” she said.

  “I’m getting nervous about their tour, though. Isn’t it in a month or two?” I asked.

  “Yeah, something like that. I usually go along with Paul for parts of the tour. I can’t do the entire long haul, but I think it helps him to know he can practice and do the show and then come back to me. Adds a sense of normalcy to his schedule and routine,” she said.

  “I’m just not sure what’s going to happen with Kai and me. We aren’t together, and I fear it’ll throw a wrench into our relationship,” I said.

  “You might be officially together by then. Kai is really into you, and I wouldn’t be surprised if he wanted to make it official sooner rather than later. Besides, he could easily fly you out to see him,” she said.

  “I hope so. I’d hate to go that long without having anything more than a Skype call or whatever,” I said.

  “Uh oh, they’re still talking,” Paul said as he and Kai walked back upstairs a few minutes later.

  “Laura is good, she loves me,” Kai said with a smile.

  “Psh, I’m telling her to run as fast as she can,” Laura said sarcastically and laughed.

  “Better not,” Kai said, checking on the food. “It’s done.”

  Kai had had a chef prepare the meal, even if he wasn’t telling them that. We had rosemary and garlic red potatoes, sautéed green beans, stuffed chicken breasts that were oozing rich people cheese and herbs, and a salad. It all tasted about as good as something made by God himself.

  The conversation didn’t stop, with a lot of talk about their tour and upcoming album release later in the year. To think that I, a regular girl, was sitting here and in this position, was absolutely boggling to me. What if Regan had never won those tickets to the concert? I didn’t even want to go originally, and I’d only gone for the food and drinks, but she forced me to go out onto the floor with her to see the band play up close. That turned into talking to Kai, into a date, and disappointment, before redeeming itself.

  I could still be sitting in my apartment, lonely, angry at everything, but I was here. It really goes to show how easily and quickly things in your life can change if you’re open to opportunities and new situations. I was living proof of that.

  “So Kai tells me that you’re in school—graduate school, right?” Paul asked.

  “Yes, I’m finishing up my Masters in social work at the end of May,” I said.

  “Wow, that’s so great. What made you want to go into that, if that’s not too personal?” he asked.

  “Not at all. At the core, I just want to make a difference in children’s lives. There are so many kids, especially in this area, who are underprivileged and who really have nothing, and not just in the money aspect. There are kids who are abused, beaten, whose parents can’t afford to feed them, who are sexually mistreated, and so many other problems. These kids need help, and I want to do something fulfilling that would help them,” I said.

  “That’s just, wow. I’m honestly speechless,” Paul said.

  “And he always has something to say, so that’s a huge compliment,” Laura said.

  “Is there any way I could help?” Paul asked.

  “Well, the best way people can help, the biggest way, is mentorship. There are a lot of kids out there who need a stable adult in their lives who will provide them with love and compassion. Kids who are on the streets need to see what life can bring them if they give it their all,” I said.

  “See, that would be perfect for you. You could be a mentor to a kid who’s into music, or something like that,” Laura said.

  “There’s a music program at the children’s center near my school. They have pretty outdated instruments and furniture,” I said.

  “We should talk to the label about donating new supplies. It’s a win-win for everybody. The kids get the things they need, and the label gets to look good in the media,” Kai said

  “Yeah, because they’re too cheap to donate them otherwise,” Paul said.

  “I’ll talk to Percy about it next time I see him. I wish they’d donate the stuff just for the sake of it, but at least this way, even if it feels cheap, they get what they need at the center,” Kai said.

  We sat around talking for another hour and a half before Paul and Laura said they had to get home. It was getting late anyway, and I wanted some alone time with Kai before we had to get in bed.

  “That was fun,” Kai said after closing the door. “Did you enjoy yourself?”

  “I had a great time. I think they liked me,” I said.

  “Oh, they definitely did. It makes me happy that you got along so great with them. It means a lot,” he said.

  Kai picked up the table as I sat on the couch, moving my leg up and down anxiously, trying to decide if tonight was the night. Something about tonight, about his friends, about the way he acted with me around them, just made me want him. Other guys ignored me around their friends, acting like I was there more as an accessory, but not Kai. He included me, gave me affection in front of them, and that got my lady juices flowing.

  I got up off the couch, a little nervous and jittery as I walked towards Kai. He was wiping his hands after putting away some dishes, and I couldn’t control myself. “Hey—” he said, but I interrupted him.

  I kissed him, not cutely, but passionately. He was taken aback, his hands floating down towards my hips, pulling me in closer, as I put my hand on his jaw and tasted the sweet relief of his lips. I wanted him, and I was sick of waiting.

  I put my hands up his shirt, feeling his abs, before tugging at his shirt, nonverbally telling him to take it off. He got the hint. He pulled it up, tossing it aside, his hard tattooed body presented to me. I kissed his neck, rubbing my hands all over him, before kissing his chest and back down towards his abs. I tugged at his waist, his brown leather belt securing himself from me and blocking me from getting what I wanted.

  “Upstairs,” he mumbled, picking me up and holding me in his arms.

  He carried me as if I couldn’t walk. I probably wouldn’t be able to after tonight. As he kissed me he peeked up every now and then to make sure we wouldn’t crash into something. He playfully tossed me on the bed before closing the door. I hurried up onto my feet, since he was much taller than me, before I started to undo his belt buckle.

  He counter-measured me by pulling up my shirt, seeing the most of me he had all this time, cupping my breasts through my bra as I bit my lower lip and got his puzzle of a belt undone. He reached behind me, unclasping my bra, before it slid down and he saw them for the first time. “Shit,” he said in a muffled voice.

  I smiled, grabbing his hands and putting them on top. He squeezed, playing with my nipples a little, before leaning down and kissing my neck. I closed my eyes, my head back, as I let out a sigh of pure ecstasy. His pants now unbuttoned, I let them drop to the floor and he kicked them aside. I was nervous, nervous to have sex again, nervous to take this next step, but even through all of the nerves I was more than ready. I wanted it.

  I reached into his black boxer briefs and felt it, felt him, his warm and growing cock in my hand. I cupped my hand on the bottom of the shaft, pulling it out of his briefs, before he pulled them down and was completely exposed. I looked down, my head leaning back this entire time, before I was greeted by it. It was big.

  I looked up at him, and he gazed down at me. I kissed him softly before falling to my knees. I was still half-dressed, only my top exposed. I kissed his head, seeing a small bit of pre-cum oozing from him. I licked it, though it didn’t have much taste to me, before opening my mouth and sliding him inside. He tasted good.

  I heard him let out a sigh, then a moan, as he ran his fingers through my hair and pulled it back from my face. He was fully erect now, maybe eight inches, though I didn’t have a ruler, and as thick as I could accommodate. Any bigger and this wouldn’t have worked. I looked up at him, since my last boyfriend told me guys liked when you did that. He wasn’t lying. Kai bit his lower lip just enough to tell me he liked it, and I looked back down and continued working him. I cupped his balls, massaging them gently, before coming up for air. “My turn,” he said.

  He rolled down the top of my dress all the way, having me kick it aside so I stood there in my lacey panties. His hands tickled as they ran down my sides, goose bumps forming all along the path his strong hands were tracing, before his fingers slid into the band and he started to take my panties down with him. I didn’t feel self-conscious with him, like I wasn’t enough. I felt strong, empowered, and most of all, sexy.

  He guided me onto my back before spreading my legs apart. I looked down, seeing him looking back up at me, and yes, it did work the same on women. His tongue hit my clit, flickering like a candle being blown in the wind, before I pushed my head back into the mattress and closed my eyes. His palms ran up and down my thighs, his tongue doing all the work as I tried to breathe normally and not orgasm too early.

  “Yes,” I moaned softly as I felt a finger slowly slide into me.

  This was better than my vibrator, feeling his thick, masculine finger slowly find its way in and out of me. He did it quickly enough to give me pleasure while also going slowly enough to make me beg for more.

  Suddenly, and without warning, I felt myself stretch as two of his fingers went in. “Shit,” I said, gripping the sheets. This was bliss, my pussy feeling more worked than it had been in months, though it made me wonder at the same time how I was going to handle all eight inches of him. His fingers felt massive.

  “I don’t know if I can handle it any longer,” he said softly.

  “Handle what?” I asked in a moan.

  “Not fucking you,” he replied.

  I propped myself up on my elbows, looked him square in the eyes, and told him the thing I’d been fantasizing about for the past week. “Then fuck me,” I said with a smile.

  He jumped up, went to his bedside drawer, and pulled out a condom with a golden wrapper. He rolled it down his cock, the latex looking like it would run out, as I kept myself propped up, watching. “You better take it slow. I’m not sure I can take your dick,” I said.

  “That’s why I have this,” he said, picking up a small bottle of lube from the bed next to me. He squirted it in his hands, rubbing his dick and making it shimmer under the light, before he walked forward and I felt it resting on top of me.

  I stayed propped up, looking at him, before he grabbed himself and guided it slowly into me. I opened my mouth, my eyes squinting a little, as I tensed my abs and tried not to scream. It was fucking huge.

  “Shit,” I moaned.

  He was only a third of the way into me, and I could already feel my pussy loving it. I let go, falling backwards onto the bed, taking him, first a third, now half, and I couldn’t believe how good he felt. No man had felt like this to me before, not even close.

  “Harder,” I moaned, making him pant a little harder.

  My tits bounced all around, my legs in his hands, as I gripped the sheets and started to tense up. If I was trying to hold back an orgasm before, it definitely wanted to be known now. “Don’t stop,” I said, letting out a squeal of a moan every time he thrust.

  “Yes,” he moaned, reaching down and rubbing his thumb against my clit.

  “Shit!” I yelled, as if he’d just unlocked the magic door.

  I felt a rush me, my pussy tightening up around him, making it even harder for him to thrust. My abs were tense, my knuckles turning white from twisting the sheets, about to tear them, as I held my breath and looked at him. His eyes closed, my sensitive pussy feeling his dick pump inside me, knowing that he was finishing at the exact time I did.

  I gasped for air, the orgasm’s strangle wearing off, before I grabbed my tits, my nipples as hard as diamonds, and tried not to see spots. Kai slid himself out of me, slowly, and suddenly I felt an immense emptiness without him there. He pulled off his condom and crawled up next to me, ki
ssing my cheek, and then my lips, before holding me, our naked bodies together, and my bearings started to come back to me. How was I going to handle regular sex with this man? I’d blow a gasket!

  I looked at him, his arm around my stomach, and snuggled into his side, ready to fall asleep right then and there. I felt good.

  Chapter Ten


  “Well, things are about to get interesting,” Percy said as the guys and I sat around with him in his office.

  “What’s the matter?” I asked.

  “The tour got pushed up. The label says that because of upcoming laws in some of the countries we’re visiting, we need to get in and out of there so that they won’t affect us,” Percy said.

  “Well, why can’t we just cancel those shows then?” Paul asked.

  “Too much money lost and nothing gained. They’re pretty big ticket sales at those venues, and the label doesn’t want to lose money on the venues and labor,” Percy said.

  “Well, when are we pushing it to?” I asked.

  “They want us to leave next week. Really a week and a half,” Percy said.

  Gutted, I sat there and tried to absorb it. Normally it wouldn’t be much of a deal at all, but things with Bianca were going great. It had already been two weeks since we consummated our relationship, but leaving so soon for tour meant going a full month to five weeks before I was originally supposed to go. We had things planned, dates to go on, and so much time to spend together before I had to be shipped off. I knew she wouldn’t be thrilled.

  “Well, I guess we should all go make some calls. Laura is going to kill me,” Paul said.

  “Listen, guys, I’m sorry, I really am. I tried fighting for you, but you know how they are. They look at numbers and profits and that’s it,” Percy said.

  I could sense the genuine tone in his voice and facial expressions. He wasn’t always the most trustworthy guy, or the nicest, but he was a good manager and he looked sorry. I doubted he wanted to go so soon either. None of us did.

  I was nervous later that night when I sat down with Bianca. “I need to talk to you about something,” I said, a scared look on my face. She looked like she’d tasted something sour, her demeanor changing from happy to scared as if I were going to dump her or something.


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