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Xander King BoxSet

Page 35

by Bradley Wright

  “I’m sure,” Jack answered.

  “Why are you doing this, Jack? Why should we trust you?”

  Jack tilted his cowboy hat back, revealing more of his hardened face. His bushy eyebrows matched the silver of his hair, and his deep brown eyes looked to Xander like the dark insides of one of those big liberty floor safes, stuffed full of secrets.

  “Well, so far, I guess I’ve given you no reason either way. All I can tell you is that I have been investigating what happened to your father for even longer than you have. The way it all went down has always smelled fishy to me.”

  “The two of you were that close?”

  “We go a long way back. He was a hell of a SEAL. Not like you, but still, hell of a good man too. We even worked a few cases together.”

  Xander’s face drained of its color. A look of pure confusion formed on his face. Sam leaned forward from her seat in front of them. The silence between them was filled only by the hum of the jet’s engines. All of a sudden, Jack’s face looked just as confused.

  “Wait, you mean you didn’t know? Jesus. Manning never said a word about it being kept under wraps. There were at least five others from the CIA at your father’s funeral.”

  “You were at my parents’ funeral?” Xander’s mind was reeling.

  “I sure was. I remember seeing you and your sister there. Awful thing. I’m sorry, Xander, I just assumed you knew.”

  Sam, apparently slow on the uptake, tried to catch up. “I’m sorry, did I miss something? Assumed he knew what?”

  “Dad was in the CIA,” Xander said, not to anyone in particular. More just letting it settle in for himself.

  “That can’t be. You or I would have come across this information.”

  Jack cleared his throat. “Well, that’s part of what I meant by smelling fishy. After the funeral, they never really even attempted to answer the question about who was responsible. Which I guess isn’t all that strange. You know, it’s a thankless job. When you are an undercover agent, and you die, they often think it better just to act like you never was.”

  “This makes so much sense.” Xander looked over at Kyle who was also wearing a shocked expression. “Kyle, what you said was true. My dad would never have been involved with someone like Dragov. Not unless he was trying to take him down.”

  “And that’s exactly what he was real close to doing too,” Jack explained. “Last time I spoke with him, he didn’t give me details, but he was in Russia, and he seemed excited. I can’t believe you didn’t know. I mean, I know yesterday you were speculating on whether or not your dad would have dealings with him, I just assumed you meant outside of working the case. I’m so sorry, son.”

  Xander cleared his head. He actually felt a weight lifted. “So, you said fishy. You had to have meant something else.”

  “It’s a long story.” Jack shifted in his seat. He wasn’t sure he should share the information on the tip of his tongue. However, the very reason he had himself put on this assignment with Xander was because of this information. And, as loyal as he was, it was at this very moment where he had to decide who his loyalty was with. He searched the faces of the people surrounding him on Xander’s plane, then back to Xander. Not only had he heard all of the stories of Xander’s time in the military, but he had also followed it himself with a keen eye. That would probably be enough to swing his loyalty Xander’s way. It is the information about Director Manning he happened across in Russia last year that made the decision easy.

  Xander could see Jack arguing with himself. “I have a feeling it isn’t that long of a story. Besides, we’re still an hour outside of Florence. Take your time.”

  Jack shifted in his seat, took a sip of his coffee, and thought for a moment about his classified mission in Russia. And then he thought about who he called just before he boarded Xander’s jet a few hours ago.

  “Well?” Xander interrupted Jack’s train of thought.

  “That’s a deep subject.” Jack stalled.

  “Really?” Xander began to grow impatient. Usually he could appreciate stupid jokes, but now he wasn’t in the mood.

  “I’d rather you hear it from the horse’s mouth.”

  “I don’t get it. Another bad joke?” Sam asked.

  Jack leaned forward, elbows on his knees. He had already chosen Xander’s side. “I’ve got someone meeting us at the airport in Florence. I’ll let her tell you and you can make up your own mind.”

  “Her?” said Xander.

  Jack clasped his hands together and nodded his head.

  “Vitalii Dragov’s daughter.”


  Did I See a Wood Fired Pizza

  Oven by the Pool?

  The gorgeous and sleek Gulfstream G650 landed in Florence, Italy, about an hour later. In that hour, Xander had time to throw exactly two conniption fits, one of which ended with Sam untangling the collar of Jack’s ugly plaid shirt from Xander’s iron grip. As they came down the steps of the jet, Xander stopped his stride toward the helicopter and turned back to Jack one last time.

  “Explain to me again why I am going through with this?” Then he looked at Sam. “And you, you’re okay with this? With Vitalii Dragov’s estranged daughter coming with us to my home in Tuscany? Literally letting the wolves into the pasture?”

  “I made some calls before we landed, Xander. You heard me make them.” Sam spoke over the winding down of the jet engines. “My source in Moscow confirms everything that Jack is saying about her. She not only has no contact with Dragov, but she testified against him in court. She is as much an enemy to him as you are.”

  “Is this source as reliable as your source was in Syria?”

  The look of shame on Sam’s face was enough to let Xander know that he had gone below the belt. Sam had apologized over and over again about James. She was deeply hurt when he turned out to be a traitor, and Xander knew it.

  “I’m sorry, Sam.”

  “No, you’re right.”

  “I’m not. I trust you, and your judgment. You know that.”

  Sam nodded, still stinging from the comment.

  “It’s just that this seems crazy to me. Am I wrong?”

  “You’re not wrong, Xander. It does seem crazy.” Sarah interjected.

  “Thank you. Kyle?”

  “I don’t know man, is she hot?”

  Xander was too upset to give that an answer. “I’m serious, Jack. If she’s so estranged, then how does she have any information whatsoever about Dragov that could help us?”

  “Because her best friend is Nicoli Pavlovich’s niece. The two of them grew up together. I swear to ya, Xander, she can help. Just let her explain.”

  Every ounce of Xander’s intuition screamed at him to not let this happen. He very rarely didn’t listen to it. The tension between the four of them was thicker than a pine knot. Sam felt obliged to relieve it.

  “To answer your question, Kyle, I sure as hell hope she isn’t hot. The last thing we need is another distraction for the two of you.”

  “Dibs.” Kyle smiled at Xander. It took a moment, but Kyle had the magic touch.

  “Fine. But it must be said, this just doesn’t feel right to me. And, Kyle, she is all yours.”

  Xander turned toward the helicopter. It was bad enough that she would be inside his home; there was no way in hell he was going to let Dragov’s offspring in his bed too. He enjoyed living far too much to take that risk. Kyle was a little more careless in that regard.

  As the five of them approached the helicopter, a tall, fiery-red-haired, long-legged, hourglass-shaped woman stepped out of its cabin. She wasn’t hot, she was a total knockout. If Xander didn’t hate her father so much, he would have immediately turned to Kyle and made him take his dibs back. Her white blouse flapped open from the stirred wind the rotors above had created, enough so to reveal a milky-white skin that was rounded into two amazingly curved mounds. Her tight black pencil skirt revealed that her curves didn’t stop at her torso. She was truly a sight. As Xander appr
oached, he looked deep into her cat-shaped bright-green eyes, the skin around them almost translucent, and then couldn’t help but move his glance to her naturally pink, pouty lips that would have made Angelina Jolie jealous. Then he walked right past her outstretched hand and pulled himself up into the helicopter. For once, he let his big head make a decision. Kyle quickly took that empty hand and introduced himself, apologizing for Xander’s behavior. Sam shook her hand and pulled herself inside, taking the seat next to Xander.

  “So much for no more distractions,” she shouted over the sound of the helicopter. Xander just turned and focused his attention out the window.

  Twenty minutes and one hell of an awkward helicopter ride later, they were hovering over a sprawling estate in the vine-filled hills of Tuscany. Xander paid twenty million euros for it early last year and had only visited once in the meantime. He looked out his window, and all of Tuscany stretched out in front of him. The first thing that came to mind was Lexington. The terrain was stunningly similar. Beautiful rolling hills, acre after acre dedicated to farmland, alcohol production, and at the end of it all, a city that held almost an identically sized population. Obviously, the history was much longer here, but the people in Kentucky had a similar pride for their home as the Florentines. His home was directly below them now. It stood atop a hill in the town of Greve in the Chianti region, a town in the province of Florence. The manor house, constructed in the sixteenth century, had multi-shade red clay tiles for a roof and matching sand-colored stone with red accents as its walls. The pool area extended out the back and had breathtaking views of the vineyard below it, and beyond. The grapes in the vineyard should be in the fruit set phase, and would just be showing the signs of the fertilized flowers developing a seed. This would be Xander’s first year of growing here. He had Cabernet, Canaiolo, and Sangiovese grapes currently on the vine. He couldn’t wait to combine them to make his own Chianti. King’s Ransom Chianti, no less. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

  The helicopter made its way down to the open grass field at the front of the manor. The manor had plenty of room for everyone to have their own space. Ten bedrooms. And even if it were without the extra bedrooms, any one of the seven farmhouses on the property would have sufficed.

  “Are you kidding me?” Kyle shouted as he put his arm around Xander, who was smiling. He had forgotten that this was Kyle’s first time at the villa. “Did I see a wood-fired pizza oven out by the pool?”

  Xander smiled again. “I’m making pizzas tonight.”

  “Of course you are. A little vino too?”


  The chopper let everyone out, then immediately lifted off and headed back toward the airport. Just like that, the silence of the countryside surrounded them.

  “Man, I love that sound,” said Jack.

  “There is no sound.” Sarah laughed.


  Xander couldn’t agree more. The older he became, the more he enjoyed being out of the fray. And this place was officially out of the fray.

  “Xander!” Melanie shouted from the front door. Her infectious smile nearly knocked the black-framed glasses from her face. Xander always loved her quirky style. Her short black hair bobbed up and down as she ran to him.

  “Melanie?” said Kyle. “I didn’t know you were going to be here!” Kyle stepped in front of Xander and took her in his arms. Kyle and Melanie had been a flirt-a-minute ever since Xander had brought her on board to assist with all of his toys and business affairs.

  “Oh yeah, I’ve been here a week and never want to leave!”

  “Hey Melanie, how are you?” Xander gave her a hug.

  “Never been better. And so happy you all are here!” She smacked Kyle on the ass. “I’ve got us all set up for this evening. Everyone’s room is ready, and the chef will be here at five to start working on the pizza!”

  Xander loved her infectious personality. He literally had never seen her in a bad mood. He assumed, if she ever got bad news, it probably bounced right off the gleam of her smile.

  “Great, thanks, Mel.”

  The day turned to evening and Melanie made sure that everyone was settled in. Xander managed to avoid Dragov’s daughter entirely. So much so that he didn’t even know her name when she approached him as he sat in a lounge chair by the pool, staring off at the countryside.

  It startled him when she stepped in front of the sun. Her long legs made their way into a pink sundress, and her red hair blew in the warm breeze.

  “I am sorry that my presence here is disturbing to you, but I thank you for having me at your beautiful home.” Her Russian accent was thick, and even though the dress didn’t seem to be her style, she wore the hell out of it.

  “One of Melanie’s?” He nodded toward the dress.

  “Oh yes. There is something off about her if you ask me, but she is very much a sweetheart.”

  “That she is. Why are you here?” Xander cut to the chase as he stood up from the chair. The soft grass billowed between his toes, and he was forced to look away from her mesmerizing eyes. They reminded him of Vegas Kelly’s emerald pair.

  She held out her hand. “Xander, I am Zhanna Dragov.”

  Xander glanced down at her hand, and then back to her eyes. He made no move to take her hand. “Why. Are. You. Here?”

  She took back her hand and then ran it through her hair. Xander could tell by the way she moved that she was used to getting men to do whatever the hell she wanted. The wind rustled through the surrounding olive trees, and down the long private drive he could see it blowing through the quintessentially Tuscan pencil pines.

  “I am here to help you,” she answered.


  “It’s true. And I am here for myself as well. My father is monster.”

  “That’s right, he is. He killed my parents. Give me one reason I should believe you are here for any other reason than to lead Dragov’s dog—Nicoli Pavlovich—right to my doorstep.”

  “Because you and I have common goal.”

  “You and I have nothing in common.”


  “Enough!” The volume of Xander’s shout caused her to jump. “Sam took your cell phone, correct?”


  “Good. And you have no other electronic devices with you?”

  “No, why—”

  “Then just sit by the pool, look pretty, and enjoy my hospitality. I don’t want to hear another word. I am going to kill your father with my bare hands. I’m going to watch the life drain right out of him for what he did to my family. If you’re lucky, I’ll spare you their fate.”

  “But I need to tell you—”

  “Xander!” Melanie called from the house, interrupting Zhanna. “The pizza is ready! I’ve got us all set up by the pool. I even hung those pretty string patio lights you like!”

  Xander waved to her and then turned back to Zhanna. “Save it for someone who gives a fuck, okay?” Then he walked away.

  Zhanna was left alone, frustrated. Valuable information hung on the edge of her lips.


  Expect the Unexpected

  Just as Xander was all but telling Zhanna Dragov to go to hell, Nicoli Pavlovich and eight of his finest men stood on the tarmac at the London Heathrow airport, growing very tired of waiting for Xander’s G6 to arrive. Nicoli had been there for hours; he wanted to make sure Xander didn’t arrive early. But now he was beginning to think they had received the wrong information. Then his cell phone rang.

  “I gave you the wrong information.”

  “Wrong information? Xander is not coming?”

  “Not to London. I’m sorry, I couldn’t risk calling you until now.”

  “Where is he?” Nicoli’s voice sounded as if it was losing patience.


  “Are you certain?”

  “Of course I’m certain, I’m here with him now. I’ll text you the address. When will you come?”

  “I’ll be there by

  “Are you sure you want to try to take him alive? He isn’t like the low-life thugs you are used to dealing with. He—”

  “He must be taken alive. You will be there to help, no?”

  “Of course. But—”

  “Then we will take him alive. There is no other way.”

  “I’ll be ready.”

  Xander took a seat at the long, reclaimed wood table beside the outdoor bar area at the edge of the lagoon-shaped pool. The smell of burning applewood and the baking pizza crust filled the air around them. The chef was hard at work shuffling the pizzas around in the oven while Sam and Kyle were catching up with Melanie. She had done a fantastic job with everything. The soft yellow patio lights were strung above their heads like she’d promised, and somewhere in the distance, the sun was dipping its toes into the Ligurian Sea. That thought helped settle Xander’s nerves. He would do his best to forget Zhanna even existed. He couldn’t help noticing, however, just how gorgeous she was as she walked around the corner of the manor, the orange sky and rolling green hills as her backdrop. Sam was right: she was, if nothing else, distracting. Sarah and Jack walked out of the manor at the same time, and before Xander knew it, he was sharing a meal with his mortal enemy’s daughter.

  Ain’t life grand.

  Other than a few contentious staring contests, Xander made it through the meal. And a glorious meal it was. The chef started them with caprese salads—fresh sliced tomatoes and creamy burrata cheese topped with basil-infused olive oil.


  They paired the salads with a 2010 Castello di Ama, Chianti Classico Gran Selezione.


  Then came the pizzas. Perfectly smoked thin crust, a sweet and flavor-filled tomato sauce, and fresh burrata cheese topped off with more of the basil olive oil.

  Magnificamente perfetto!

  Everyone agreed, dinner was perfect. It was full dark outside now. Xander couldn’t help but notice that everyone around the table was beautiful. Except for Jack, of course, but the rest of them, beautiful. It didn’t hurt that they had just finished the fourth bottle of Chianti.


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