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Xander King BoxSet

Page 49

by Bradley Wright

  “Bob!” Xander shouted once more.

  Bob answered without words. The engines went into full thrust, throwing everyone back into their seats and Xander to the floor.

  “We’re not gonna make it!” Kyle shouted.

  Xander picked himself up off the floor. The plane shot forward like a rock out of a slingshot. As it approached the position of the Jeep, the Jeep turned parallel and drove ahead of them in the strip of grass that separated the tarmac from the runway.

  “Xander, why is that man standing—what is that in his hands?”

  Xander knew without looking. The last thing Viktor had said before their call ended a minute ago was something about a rocket launcher. Melanie must have picked up the man who was holding it before racing toward the plane.

  “Xander! They’ve got an RPG! I’m gonna have to veer off—”

  Xander cut him off. “Just get us in the air, Bob!” Then he turned to Sam. “Grenade.”

  While everyone else looked at Xander like he was on fire, Sam didn’t hesitate. She tossed him the grenade.

  “Xander!” Sarah was horrified. Kyle’s face crinkled in the way it might if the devil himself were standing in front of him. Zhanna, like Sam, knew what Xander was doing.

  Xander rushed past the first row of seats. “Get up!” he screamed at Kyle who was seated, unbeknownst to Kyle next to the emergency exit window. In a split second, Xander had decided on the emergency exit window instead of the door. Once they had taken off, there was a possibility that the hydraulic door would not shut, forcing them to land. Chancing the fact that someone could once again catch up to them. The emergency exit window, however, manually popped inward and could easily be shoved back into place once they were clear of the Jeep and rising to cruising altitude.

  If they could get clear of the Jeep.

  As Xander pulled the release, just above the window, and the window released slightly toward them, Xander could see the Jeep just on the side in front of the wing. The man in black was hoisting the rocket launcher onto his shoulder. There were a million things that could go wrong here, Xander knew it, and any mistake would end in all of them dying. Whether from the rocket or the very grenade he held in his hand. He also knew that if he didn’t throw the grenade, they were certainly dead. The G6 was a big-ass plane. It would take a blind man to miss its back end with a rocket launcher from anywhere inside of fifty feet.

  With the grenade dangling from his mouth by the pin held in his teeth, Xander took the now visible handles on the left and right side of the emergency exit window in his hands, jerked it out of place, and handed the removable window and attached panel to Kyle. Wind from the nearly one-hundred-mile-per-hour streak down the runway filled the cabin, and the roar of the engine just outside the open window screamed back at them—so loudly that when Xander pulled the grenade from his mouth, the pin still in his teeth, he couldn’t hear Sarah scream in horror as Xander began to cook it off in his right hand. He glanced at Kyle. Kyle stared at the grenade like it was a bullet shot from a gun that had 40,000 knives and an evil witch attached to the end of it.

  “Now, Xander!” Sam screamed from behind him.

  As if someone had hit the slow-motion button again, seconds to Xander felt like minutes. He was at the count of three in his head. The jet had really picked up speed now, and the nose of the Jeep had disappeared from sight. He could no longer see the man holding the rocket launcher, but he could feel the man’s finger wrapped around the trigger, getting ready to squeeze. The nose of the jet began to pull upward.

  Now or never.

  Xander reared back—Peyton Manning at his finest—and started his forward motion. The wingspan on a G6 is ninety-nine feet and seven inches. Subtracting the eight and a half feet for the cabin, each wing was around forty-five feet long. Under normal circumstances, if he gave it all he had, Xander could throw a grenade fifty yards or more.

  These were not normal circumstances.

  The suction of the Rolls-Royce engine, just to the right outside the open window, would be strong enough to suck in just about anything while running at full throttle as it was then. Couple that with the force of the wind blowing back toward it, even a fifty-yard throw might not make it around the engine. The fact that Xander would have to drop down and heave the grenade sidearm to get it out the window would take at least twenty yards off his maximum throw. He had no choice but to try.

  With everything inside of him, an animalistic roar from his lungs, the tendons and muscles in his arm and shoulder bending to their furthest reach, Xander brought his arm forward and released the grenade, sending it through the window at fastball speed, exactly two seconds before Xander expected it to explode. Slow motion turned to fast-forward, and in one second the grenade skipped off the wing of the plane, out of suction range of the engine—YES!—and dropped quickly out of sight—YES!—less than one second later they heard an explosion, just as the back wheels of the plane lifted off the ground.

  “YES!” Kyle shouted, hands raised, from the seat in front of Xander. “Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!”

  “Yes?” Sarah screamed in the form of a question as she white-knuckle-clutched the seat underneath her. Then she shouted, “Yes!” as the elated look on Zhanna’s face said they were clear. Not to mention the obvious fact that their plane hadn’t been blown to smithereens.

  Two seconds later, as they all roared cheers of “we’re alive!” excitement, they heard an explosion in the distance, off the left side of the plane. Surprised, they looked at each other for a split second, then rushed over and looked down out of the rear windows to see an explosion cloud of black smoke pluming toward the sky in the middle of an empty field. Jack would later explain to them just how close the rocket the man fired had come to clipping the rear end of the plane, and how the exploding grenade that Xander had thrown moved the line of fire just enough at the very last moment. He would go on to say that he and Viktor’s view from the helicopter as they were pulling away was quite spectacular. “Down right amazin’,” to quote him exactly. He also would mention that Viktor shouted Xander King’s praises for the entire excruciating four-hour helicopter ride back to Ukraine.

  While watching the black smoke fill the air for a few moments, they all let the fact that they had just completely cheated death wash over them. And as everyone hugged each other with the hugs that only survivors of a near-death experience could enjoy, Xander popped the emergency exit window back into place and collapsed into the adjacent white leather chair.

  He didn’t so much as fidget for well over six hours.



  Six hours later, it wasn’t the rustling of movement around him, it wasn’t the hum of the G6’s engines, and it wasn’t even turbulence that finally woke Xander. Instead, it was the sweetest scent in the entire world that roused him from the depths of exhaustion.


  It took him a couple of attempts at opening his eyes before his lids lifted, and when they did, his stomach screamed and his mouth watered when he saw a mini pizza, a can of Coke—condensation still sliding down its side—and of course a magnificently beautiful bottle of his very own King’s Ransom bourbon. He hadn’t thought about food in a while, what with all the little distractions of the past two days, but now it was apparent that he had never been hungrier in his entire life. He glanced to his right, and the cabin of his plane was filled with the people whom he cared for most in the world. Short of his family, these people here were pretty much it for him. Sam glanced over and noticed Xander waking.

  “Cheers, old boy, I thought you might fancy a little sustenance. I would have made you something else besides pizza, but I’m not sure you actually like anything else. Not to mention, the only thing you stock the freezer with is, well, pizza.” She gave him a warm smile.

  Xander ran his hands up and down his face and smiled back.

  Before Xander could answer, Kyle popped his head over the back of Xander’s chair, mussed Xander’s hair, and handed him a Red Bull.
  “Now it’s the perfect meal.” Kyle smiled.

  Xander’s heart was full in that moment. Sarah walked up and took a seat beside him. Her smile was as bright as a flash photograph in the darkest of caves.

  “Dig in, sleepy head.” She rubbed the back of his hand. “I managed to patch up your leg while you were sleeping. The bullet must have just grazed you, but it opened up the fresh scar tissue from the bullet you took on the yacht. That’s why there was so much blood.

  Xander glanced down at his bandaged leg, gave it a reassuring wiggle, and picked up his plate.

  “Thanks. Wow, I was really out.” He acknowledged everyone as he pulled the first slice from the individual sized pie. Even though it was just a frozen pizza, the first bite may as well have been the greatest bite he’d ever taken. They say your taste buds are muted at high altitude. In that moment, Xander couldn’t find an ounce of truth in that statement. He knew the weight of what happened in Russia with his father would settle over him soon, but until it did, he was going to do his very best to enjoy what was in front of him.

  “You guys get any sleep?” Xander asked with a mouthful of sauce, crust, and cheese. Sarah poured him a drink, and everyone gathered around him with a drink of their own.

  Sarah answered, “We all dozed off for a bit. I think it was the showers that really helped us feel better.”

  “Shit, I bet I smell like a subway tunnel.” Xander laughed as he wiped his mouth.

  Kyle raised his glass, and Zhanna, Sarah, and Sam did the same.

  “To Xander. Best friend,” he said as he gestured from himself to Sam. “New friend,” as he nodded toward Zhanna. “And lover friend,” as he nodded toward Sarah. Sarah turned the shade of a fire truck and smiled the smile of a thirteen-year-old girl who just got passed a love note from her crush. Xander couldn’t help but smile back at her beautiful aura. Kyle continued, “I know the last couple of weeks—hell, the last ten years—have been tough, but I just want you to know that we are here. Whatever comes next for any of us, we always know that you have our backs, and we just want you to know that it has meant the world to us to have your back too. We love you and we are excited to take the next steps of this crazy life together. Cheers, brother.”

  Kyle clinked Xander’s glass, and everyone else followed suit, agreeing wholeheartedly with Kyle’s words.

  “Thanks, Kyle.” Xander took a sip of his King’s Ransom bourbon and Coke. The sweet mixture tickled his mouth and brought saliva to his jowls. “I can’t thank all of you enough. I’m sorry that I made my personal vendetta everyone else’s problem, but my life will forever be better because of your help. Zhanna,” he said, taking her eyes with his, “we don’t know each other very well yet, but I thank you for getting me inside your father’s compound so that we could do what we both set out to do. And I hope we can get to know each other better soon.”

  She gave him a nod. “I do as well, Xander. Believe me, it meant as much to me as it did you, what happened back there. Thank you.”

  Xander nodded, then looked at Sarah. “Sarah, you came out of nowhere. Next to Sam, you are just about the baddest woman I’ve ever met. The way you handle yourself in the heat of things is truly inspiring. Not to mention how miserably gorgeous you are.” He winked.

  “Me?” Sarah smiled at him. “Xander, I don’t think there is a woman alive that has looked into those baby blues and ever been the same.”

  Xander really wanted to end the toast right then and take her to the bathroom to shower with him, but he forged ahead, taking his eyes from hers and moving them to Sam.

  “Sammy.” Xander’s voice faltered a bit. “You continue to amaze me. There isn’t another partner in crime I’d rather have. In battle and in life.”

  “Cheers, mate.”

  Samantha Harrison, the sentimental.

  Xander smiled and moved on.

  “Kyle, no words brother. I love you.”

  “Love you too, X.”

  Xander set his drink on the table in front of him and grabbed another slice of pizza.

  “Let’s all just enjoy the rest of this ride back to Kentucky, get a good night’s sleep tonight, and after a massive breakfast, I say we plan a celebration worthy of royalty for tomorrow night. That sound okay with everyone?

  Everyone was indeed okay with that plan. It was hard not to be.

  Eight hours later they landed at the Bluegrass Airport in Lexington, Kentucky. A fleet of drivers chauffeured them to Xander’s horse farm, and everyone settled into their beds. Xander had gotten a call on the flight from Marv, letting him know that he and Mary Hartsfield had made it safely back to Langley. He also informed Xander that Jack had checked in and they were safe in the Ukraine. He said Jack mentioned that Xander owed him big-time––not because of his help with the mission, but for having to stay the night in the company of “that crazy bastard” Viktor.

  All in all it was a successful mission. No one who wasn’t supposed to die ended up dying. That is always a success.

  Xander told Kyle good night and led Sarah by the hand, down the hall to his bedroom.

  “I can sleep in the other room if you need some time to yourself, Xander,” Sarah whispered as they approached his door. Xander answered by pulling her inside his room, shutting the door behind them, and kissing her on the lips with a hunger saved for only those kisses that you really mean.

  “You sent the text that night that saved my life here at the house. You knew all of those men were coming for me.”

  Sarah didn’t speak. She just gave him a smile that turned every gear in his libido.

  Words were spoken after that, not in conversation but in the throes of passion. They made love for hours. Her skin became his skin, intertwined in the timeless dance that lovers dance. Their minds above the clouds as their bodies became as one. A connection that enveloped the two of them so completely that neither one of them would ever be the same.


  Sarah Gilbright had managed to steal Xander’s heart somewhere along the way.

  And Xander didn’t mind, not one little bit.


  King’s Ransom

  After Sarah and Xander finally collapsed in exhaustion, an hour passed and Xander was still staring up at the same strip of moonlight that streaked along the ceiling over his bed. His body still thrummed with pleasure from the intoxication of Sarah’s body. He vibrated in relaxation, but his mind couldn’t rest, mostly due to the surprise of how calm and clear everything seemed to him. The moment he had found out it was his father who was responsible for Xander’s heartache, he thought for certain that it would haunt him for the rest of his life. He would never have guessed that taking his father’s life would have lifted the burden. He would have sworn it would have had the opposite effect. But as he lay there, watching the blades of the ceiling fan twirl overhead, relief and excitement for the future played in his mind. For the first time in a long time, he was truly excited about life. Sure, there had been many moments over the years that he cherished. But no matter how great those were, they were always shrouded in anger and sadness. He had the feeling that he could finally let it all go. His mother’s death was no longer the focus of his memory of her. Instead, it had already been replaced with the myriad good times they spent laughing and playing together during his childhood.

  Xander put both hands behind his head and smiled. He didn’t have a clue what was next, but he was excited. He knew that he wanted to continue to try to make a positive difference in the world. And who knows, now that Mary Hartsfield had taken over for Director Manning, maybe there was room to work together with the government again. Of course, he would make the rules, but it would be nice not to have to worry about doing things illegally. It could work.


  His thoughts then drifted to Natalie Rockwell, as they inevitably seemed to do since she barged into his life. His feelings hadn’t dampened for her. But something certainly was different now that Sarah was here. As much as his entire b
eing wanted Natalie, he felt just as strongly for Sarah now. As he thought about it, things just made more sense with her too. Natalie could never understand Xander’s life the way Sarah could. Xander just wanted Natalie to be happy. If that meant an existence without him bringing unwarranted trouble into her life, then that was the way it should be. He would always have a giant place in his heart for her.

  Xander glanced over at Sarah beside him. So delicate. He wondered for a moment if it was the last couple of hours with Sarah that made him think of Natalie this way. He wondered if in the morning it would be Natalie he would think of first.

  Sarah rustled beside him.

  “Everything okay?” she asked, her voice wrapped in sleep.

  Xander leaned over and kissed her forehead.

  “I’m going to get some water.” He brushed a strand of hair back behind her ear. “Can I get you anything?”

  “A kiss.”

  Xander obliged, then rolled out of bed, pulled on a T-shirt and a pair of cotton pajama shorts, slipped his feet into a pair of slippers, and made his way downstairs. Moonlight poured into the kitchen window. Xander grabbed a bottle of water from the refrigerator and walked over to the window that looked out over the back of his property. In the distance he could see the moonlight sparkling off the top of the weathervane at the top of the stables.

  King’s Ransom.

  He remembered a text that his head trainer, Gary, had sent earlier saying that his favorite racehorse would be leaving the stables early in the morning for Belmont Park in New York to get acclimated for the upcoming race. The finale of the Triple Crown. Xander hadn’t seen Ransom in a while. He didn’t even get to see him win The Preakness. An excitement came over Xander and he just couldn’t wait any longer to pet his equine best friend on the nose. Xander went back to the refrigerator, grabbed a nice juicy red apple, and practically skipped out the back door and out onto the patio. As soon as he opened the door, the warm summer night fell over him like a warm blanket, fresh from the dryer. The smell of pine, grass, and a hint of honeysuckle flooded his senses as he walked down the steps, around the pool, and down the narrow drive toward the stables. The sliver of uncovered moon shed plenty of light on the path, and Xander tossed the apple in his hand as he listened to the vibrating chorus of the cicadas and the intermittent solos of a family of tree frogs. Crickets offered the treble and a couple of bullfrogs supplied the bass. Summer nights in the south were unbeatable.


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