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The Ascension Trilogy

Page 14

by David S Croxford

  "You speak of me as a hero, a person good of heart," said Mavok.

  "Aren't you?" she asked.

  "Remember that I came from the path of strength and did many terrible things," he said.

  "That was a long time ago and you have done much since then to reprieve yourself," said Amy.

  Amy was not aware of much that he had seen or done whilst a commander on the path of strength. As a son of the leader, Mavok was to lead by example and stick to the core beliefs of the path. That included doing some regrettable deeds. "It will take a lifetime to think of myself as absolved for what I did"

  "Then it is a good thing that we're long-lived enough to get past these things," said Amy with a smile that softened him. "We should not live as long as Zalon doing things alone"

  "What do you mean?" Mavok asked.

  "Many here find the company of others to be a satisfying distraction from the lack of having children," said Amy.

  Mavok was still confused.

  "So if there is someone that you like then maybe you should be with them," said Amy with a cheeky smile.

  It dawned on Mavok what she meant. Since his ascension, he had not thought of anyone in that way. He had children, of course, the way of the warrior was to earn your prize and that included reproducing. He looked at Amy. She was attractive and it awoke feelings within him that had lain dormant but as they did his mind went straight to images of Rinne. Her smile, fortitude and power drew him to her.

  "So what do you think?" Amy asked.

  "About what?"

  "You and me, sharing a bed," said Amy. Her face was bright as though a light shined on her head.

  "Oh, well. I," Mavok found himself lost for words at that moment.

  "The great warrior is speechless," said Amy with a laugh. "Or is it that I am not your type? Maybe Zalon or Alack"

  "No it is not that," said Mavok. "I have not thought about it"

  "Well, we have a long life ahead of us. Do not take too long to think about it, there are plenty of others living within this mountain," said Amy.

  "Then why not someone else?" Mavok asked.

  "Because it is you that I want," said Amy. She finished her food, stood and then left the kitchen area. Leaving Mavok alone with his food and his thoughts.

  chapter twenty

  Nate and the men he led spent two days heading for the mountain, they moved and stuck to the thicker stands of trees. Finally, the mountain was within sight and Nate could see the entrance that was not guarded. Many elves journeyed in and out of the mountain.

  "How are we going to get in?" Mikal asked.

  "We need to make sure that our people are inside and still alive. To do that. One of us needs to get inside," said Nate.

  "We could ambush one of their hunting groups and dress as they do. That way we should blend in," said Mikal.

  "We could risk alerting them to our presence," Nate pointed out.

  "Then we follow one of the groups and do it far from the mountain. That way we could be in and out before they notice anyone is missing," said Mikal.

  "Good plan," said Nate. "Come with me. The rest of you wait here and keep quiet"

  The group nodded as Nate and Mikal crept through the trees and picked out a group of three elves that were only armed with bows.

  "If we can get close then they will not have time to use those weapons. Be careful not to ruin the clothing," Nate whispered.

  They followed the three elves some distance before Nate gave the signal. The elves had brought down a deer like animal and were preparing it ready to take back. With a nod, Nate and Mikal snuck up on them and before they could cry out they managed to slice a throat each. The last elve made an attempt to pull an arrow out but Nate through a dagger at him, hitting the elve straight in the chest, felling him.

  "I thought you said to be careful of the clothes," Mikal said as he cleaned his blade on a cloth.

  "We only needed two," Nate replied. He began to undress the elve he had killed before the blood began to soak into the clothing too much.

  "Are we doing the right thing?" Mikal asked.

  Nate looked at the bodies but felt nothing. "They started this by capturing our people. We are only doing what we need to save them," he said. Mikal shrugged and then undressed his elve. Once they were both dressed they headed back to the rest of the group who startled at first until they recognised the two.

  "Well, I guess that we look the part at least," Nate said to Mikal.

  "What now?" Mikal asked.

  "Now, we try and get into the mountain. Once we are there then we need to find our people, if we can rescue them then we must try."

  "If they have been killed?" he asked.

  Nate thought about it for a moment. "Then we must seek revenge and end those that have hurt us," replied Nate.

  The others looked uneasy, but Nate knew they would do what he commanded. They may be the last of those that journeyed to this island and he was the last one in some sort of command. They were looking to him to lead and save them. He would do his best. "Come on Mikal, the sun is starting to go down and there are other groups returning, we can blend in as long as they don't look at us too hard," said Nate.

  Mikal followed him as they left the cover of the trees and into the shadow of the mountain. Other elves were heading to an entrance to the mountain.

  "Keep your head down and try to remain calm," Nate whispered to him.

  They walked across the small open area and fell in behind another group and walked into the base of the mountain without challenge once. A cavern opened up in front of them and it was full of buildings and elves walking around. In the distance, they could see a tall, thin building that seemed to raise right up to the top of the mountain.

  "Where do we go?" Mikal asked as they walked behind some other elves.

  "They will be keeping them somewhere safe and out of the way. Maybe that tall building," said, Nate.

  It was then that he saw someone he recognised.

  chapter twenty-one

  Amy walked along the path feeling smug, the thought now in his head would finally get him away from that girl for good. She arrived at the house that she had been given and then walked inside. Someone pushed her from behind and then slammed the door. Amy brought up her power and turned, ready to unleash at the person to find someone unexpected standing by her door.

  "Nate?" Amy asked. "How did you get here?

  "Amy, it is good to see that you're well. We snuck in to rescue you all"

  "Rescue us?" Amy asked. The group they had left behind had not been found and it was quite possible that they did not know that all the elves now lived within the mountain. She could use this to her advantage. "Thank goodness that you have come, we didn't think that you had survived," Amy said, forcing out a tear that ran down her face.

  "What happened and what has happened to our people?" Nate asked. "How many have been killed?"

  'Killed?' thought Amy. They were making this easy for her.

  "More than half were killed as an example to force the rest of us to work like slaves. Much like the humans did to us," she said. Trying to suppress a smile.

  "We need to free you all and take revenge," Nate said with anger in his voice.

  Amy nodded. "But it will not be easy, they have a monster here that protects them. We need to get our people out and then seal this mountain for good"

  "What kind of monster?" Nate asked.

  "One that could destroy us all if we do not do something about it," Said Amy. "How many men have you got?"

  "There are eight of us left," said Mikal.

  "And Alyster?"

  Nate shook his head.

  "Another casualty brought about by these elves," said Nate.

  "Then he will be remembered as will they all. Now we must work out what to do, you can stay here," said Amy keeping as calm as she could. "This house was given to me to stay in so nobody else will come here and we need to get the others in here somehow"

  "They can get in
the same way we did if we do it in small groups," said Nate.

  "Good. Mikal you will go and do that. The elves here leave and re-enter this cave all throughout the day and night so it will not look suspicious," said Amy.

  "How are we going to bring down the mountain?" Nate asked her.

  "I will give that some thought, for now let's get our people in here so that we can free the rest," said Amy.

  They spoke for many hours coming up with a plan as Mikal brought the rest of their people back to the house without any trouble. Once they were all in, Amy got them some food and made an excuse to leave the house. There was someone that she needed to go and see.

  Alyster had been travelling for days trying to find his way to the camp, he had found the beach but realised after a day of travel that he had gone the wrong way. Now backtracking upon himself, he found the empty camp with no signs of the others nor Nate and his group.

  Sighing he decided to try and invoke the voice that had spoken to him.

  "Are you there?" Alyster called out and he felt a weight on his mind.

  'You have not yet accomplished your task' it said to him.

  So he was not imagining it.

  "I cannot find them," he responded.

  'They have already made it to the mountain and have made it inside. You must be quick before it is too late'

  "The mountain," Alyster groaned. All his walking seemed to have been for nothing and he knew he was at least two days from the mountain itself, maybe less if he ran the way there.

  "Can you not stop them?" he asked the voice.

  'I am, but a voice and you have your part to play in this' was the response and then the weight lifted again. Alyster was alone and expected to get to the mountain on the order of a voice within his head.

  The night was beginning to set in and Alyster was not good at tracking or telling what direction he was facing. Although he had to make haste, he chose to rest and recuperate then get a good start when the dawn broke, he just hoped it was not too late.

  chapter twenty-two

  Rinne found Zalon giving orders to the elves collecting the harvest. A lot of it sent to the cool caves where it would last longer in the cooler environment. He saw her and waved. "So Rinne, how was your meeting with the guardian then young Rinne?" The elder asked.

  "He had many interesting things to say," she lied.

  Zalon narrowed his eyebrows then they returned with one of his usual smiles.

  "He did mention something that I should ask you about," said Rinne.

  "Oh, what would that be?" Zalon asked.

  "It mentioned love and how it had been lost. That you remember those days," said Rinne.

  Zalon looked at her, his face furrowed with sorrow. "Oh Rinne, how I wished that the guardian left that alone. Long ago we did follow the heart more than our minds and it often led to trouble," said Zalon.

  "What trouble?" Rinne asked.

  "Lust, conflict and war. All brought from that one little word," said Zalon. "And hardest of all was the losses we suffered"

  Rinne's mind put the pieces together.

  "You lost someone?" she asked.

  "Yes I did, a long time ago now I cannot remember her name. Our long lives do have some let downs. Losing people is just one of them," replied Zalon.

  "So what is love?"

  "That Rinne is a question that no-one can answer. I can tell you how love made me feel and why we abandoned such feelings and practices"

  "The guardian told me that we should feel love again. That it is to be," said Rinne.

  "I cannot say whether it would be a good idea or not, I know that the elves already living upon this island do follow their hearts and pair off with those they love," said Zalon. "You seem interested in this subject, is there someone that you may feel love for. A certain elder that travelled with us?"

  Rinne felt her cheeks grow warm. Zalon laughed.

  "By all means I think you should go for it, our lives are long indeed and my loss came before I ascended. She did not come with me"

  "Could you not find someone else?" Rinne asked.

  "I am old Rinne and I have lived this long alone with only the fleeting memory of the girl I once knew," said Zalon. "Mavok would be a hard man to love, he has much regret and hatred of himself and what he has done"

  "So do I," Rinne said and the images of all the people she had killed flooded her mind.

  "Yes, you do. Maybe you will make a better match but tread with care. Mavok may not want the sort of relationship that you want," he responded.

  "I know," said Rinne and she turned away from him to hide the tears that ran down her cheeks.

  "Go find him, child, it's the only way that you will know," said Zalon and Rinne heard him walk away then continue to give orders for the last of the crops.

  Rinne headed back towards the houses, her head throbbed with all the thoughts going around in it and she needed to lie down and think of a conversation to have with Mavok. Knowing now that the feelings within her for Mavok came from her heart, it ached too much to not do anything about it.

  Once she got to the house, Rinne went straight to the bed and lay down. Her last thought was of Mavok as sleep took hold.

  Amy had been listening to the conversation between Zalon and Rinne, now that she knew how Rinne felt for the warrior she had all she needed to complete her plan to secure the power of the guardian.

  'It will not work' said the guardian.

  'Yet you still insist on trying to dissuade me' Amy thought.

  'I believe that there is good in everyone and that you just need to realise that what you have in life is enough to be happy' said the guardian.

  Amy laughed both in her mind and out loud. 'Why have you not alerted the others to what I plan to do?' Amy asked.

  'There are some things that should not change'

  'Then what I am doing is right' said Amy.

  'The future is not set in the stone your people carve. Every choice leads to a different destination upon the path of life'

  'Then we are done here. Your power will be mine and I will avenge all the elves that have been killed by those weak humans'

  The guardian left her mind, a wash of sorrow passed over her when it left.

  'I am doing the right thing' Amy thought and went to get the others. It was time to put her plan into action.

  Mavok had finished his meal and walked back towards the fields hoping that most of the work is complete. His mind was still confused by Amy's offer and his body was more tired than it had ever been.

  Most of the fields were now clear. He could see the first signs of new seeds being sown and a top soil of fertilizer placed on top. These crops would be allowed to grow at a natural pace, as they had plenty of food to last them.

  Zalon stood on one of the platforms overseeing everything and he saw Alack climb the platform and speak to the elder. Mavok walked over to join them. "Ahh Mavok," Zalon greeted him. "Have you spoken to Rinne yet?"

  Zalon had a strange smile upon his face.

  "No, I have not seen her since she left to see the guardian," replied Mavok.

  "Very well, we are almost done for the day. The celebration will be in some hours now so I believe that we should rest," said Zalon.

  "I agree. There is just the matter of our missing people," said Alack.

  "All our people are tired. There is little that we can do for now. Tomorrow after we have rested and filled our stomachs with this glorious food then we will work together to find them all," said Zalon. Mavok nodded and Alack agreed.

  Shouting on the other side of the mountain turned them all to look, something was happening and a scream echoed. Without thinking, Mavok jumped off of the platform and ran towards the screaming. As more and more cut through the mountain, he was followed by Zalon and Alack.

  chapter twenty-three

  Rinne to the screams coming from near her house and jumped out of her bed and to the window. She could not see anything.

  She grabbed the sword
that she kept next to her spare clothes and ran out of the door. More screams were coming from all around her. After passing several houses, Rinne found the first body upon the floor and she ran over to it.

  She could not see any wounds and saw that the woman was still breathing, she stirred. "Are you okay?" Rinne asked.

  "Elves, attacking elves," said the woman and she fell unconscious.

  Rinne looked around and saw several more bodies, then a small group of elves ran past her carrying bows.

  "What is going on?" she called out.

  "Someone is attacking us," said one of the elves.

  Rinne followed them as they headed for the fields. More bodies lay upon the floor and this time Rinne could see the blood-forming upon their clothes. A fire had started, she could see the smoke rising from the storehouses. Most of the harvested crops stored within those houses was at risk and now Rinne could see elves carrying over buckets to try and quell the flames.

  They reached the fields and Rinne gasped, the spire was now alight and the flames were working their way up the tall building. Mavok, Zalon and Alack appeared beside her.

  "What is going on," Mavok asked her.

  "I don't know. People are saying that we are under attack," said Rinne.

  "Who would be attacking us?" Alack asked.

  "The humans?" asked Zalon "Maybe they followed us here"

  Rinne shook her head. "Someone said that it was other elves," she replied.

  Before anyone could say more the ground trembled and they all heard the guardian roar.

  "We must evacuate everyone," said Alack. "The fires are already overtaking the houses"

  "What about the guardian?" Rinne asked.

  "I cannot reach him, he will make his own way out," said Alack. "Come, get as many people out as possible"

  They hurried towards the entrance to the mountain, calling out to everyone that they passed for them to escape. Hundreds of elves began to run for the entrance, trying to avoid the flames that headed towards them.


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