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The Ascension Trilogy

Page 22

by David S Croxford

  "Mavok, where is everything?" She asked.

  Mavok looked around in as much puzzlement and shrugged.

  "More questions," he said.

  'Are you awake yet?' Rinne thought in her mind. 'Do you know that we are here?'

  There was still no answer as they walked down the long hallway. After some time Rinne expected to see the light that signalled they were close to the guardians cavern, but they were still in darkness, almost stumbling into it.

  "It is dark in here," said Nate.

  "Too dark, I can't see anything," said Rinne.

  "Mika," Mavok called out. "Can you send up some light?"

  Mika was a fire lighter and could use his essence to create the orbs, like those that still burned in the mountain. With some mumbling, Mika's hands began to glow then a ball of what looked like fire flew from his hand and ascended to the ceiling, illuminating the cavern and causing them all to gasp in shock.

  Rinne looked around but could not see anything, the cavern was empty and the guardian was gone.

  "Where is it?" Rinne asked.

  There was a dip in the caverns floor that showed where the guardian had once been but a scattering of rocks showed that it had been vacant for some time.

  "I don't know," said Mavok. "I thought it would be sleeping here. Maybe it moved elsewhere"

  Rinne looked around the cavern and saw at the back that there was another hallway that would fit the guardian.

  "Deeper into the mountains maybe?" said Rinne and she pointed to the hallway.

  "It is worth a look," said Mavok. "Leave the packs here but bring your weapons just in case"

  "Just in case of what?" Nate asked, but Mavok did not answer.

  They walked around the large recess in the floor and to the hallway that was as dark as the one they had already come through.

  As they entered it something crunched under Rinne's footsteps and she looked down then screamed prompting the others to draw their weapons. At the entrance to the hall were some bones and Rinne had stepped on a skull that had shattered.

  "Some poor soul must have been left behind when we escaped the mountain," said Mavok.

  "You don't think that the guardian ate them?" Rinne asked and shuddered at her own thought.

  Mavok knelt down and examined the bones then shook his head.

  "If the guardian had then there would be teeth marks upon the bones if there would be any left at all. You can tell by the ribs that something heavy hit this elve, which could have been the reason for the death," he said and then stood up again. "These bones are old and have been here for a long time, let's continue"

  The walked down the hallway, it was as bare as the first with signs that it had not been travelled in some time. If the guardian had passed down this way, then it had been long ago. The hallway began to curve and Rinne saw some light in the distance.

  "I can see something," said Rinne.

  "Come along, let's make this quick," said Mavok and they picked up speed.

  But it soon became clear that they would not be finding the guardian, the light grew until Rinne began to see trees in front of them and a cold wind began to blow over them. The continued on until they found themselves back in the forest on the other side of the mountain.

  "The guardian has left," said Rinne.

  "This was here all the time, we should have checked around the mountain," said Mavok.

  "Where could it have gone?" Nate asked.

  "Somewhere safe, out of our reach I assume," said Mavok.

  "So we are not going to get any answers," said Rinne.

  Mavok shook his head.

  "Come along. This has been a waste of time, we best head back to the city before the storms hit."

  Rinne was disappointed, she had been hoping to speak to it once more but it was not meant to be. The group went back to the cavern, picked up their bags and then they headed back to the city.

  chapter eighteen

  "What do you mean the guardian was gone?" asked Zalon.

  They had made it back to the city and Mavok had made his way straight to the council chamber in search of the elders. They were both awaiting his return and both were surprised by the news the group brought back with them.

  "The cavern was empty and there was a hole on the other side of the mountain in which he guardian could have got through," said Mavok.

  "Well, that is bad news indeed. We always suspected that the guardian would sleep in the mountain after it was blocked," said Alack.

  "So what do we do now?" Rinne asked.

  She had insisted on remaining with him when he went to meet with Zalon and Alack. Mavok had agreed.

  "Now, well we carry on as usual. The city must continue to run as it does, we will continue our research on ascension and we will uncover the answers ourselves," said Zalon.

  "I have an idea," said Rinne.

  All three elves looked at her and she felt embarrassed.

  "What is it?" Mavok asked.

  "Well, we know that there are other guardians in the world, hidden away and sleeping. Well, could we not go in search of them?" Rinne asked.

  Zalon shook his head. "Even if we did find them, there is no guarantee that we would be welcomed by them like the guardian that lived within the mountain. He chose to try and help us, to look after the elves for what they had done to us, the others might not be so pleasant," said Alack.

  Rinne's idea was shot down, but she still felt like it was worth doing.

  "What do we tell the other leaders?" Mavok asked.

  "Nothing. We keep the information between the four of us and those that went with you must understand that the need for secrecy is paramount. To know the guardian is gone would panic them just as much as knowing that there is a problem with ascension," said Zalon.

  "I will speak to them. They will understand and I trust them to keep it quiet," said Mavok.

  "Very well, let's end it here for now and return to our regular duties," said Zalon.

  Mavok took Rinne's hand and they left the council chamber together, heading straight to their chambers.

  Zalon looked at Alack and they both sighed together.

  "What do you think this means?" Alack asked him.

  Zalon looked around the room to ensure that they were alone.

  "We know that the dark movement has been growing in strength and their goals are to obtain the power of the guardians," said Zalon.

  "Do you think that they have something to do with the guardian's disappearance?"

  "They may be a growing sect of elves, but I cannot see how they would have the resources or people to manage such a task. Also where would they have taken it? Maybe the guardian left the mountain as it knew it was in danger," said the elder.

  "We are getting old Zalon. We still do not know how long our lives are, but I cannot help but feel my body struggling to move in the mornings," said Alack.

  "I know how you feel, who do we trust to carry on if our time is up?" asked Zalon. "There is much Mavok doesn't know and he will not like finding out after all these years"

  "You still believe that she lives and is the leader of the movement?" Alack asked.

  "It makes sense, but I also believe that there are more than a few of our leaders involved in all this. It would explain the disappearances, the information that is being intercepted and the ever increasing following that the dark movement is gaining," Zalon said. "If they have done something to the guardian it may just explain what has happened to ascension."

  They let the thought sit for a while.

  "What course of action will we take?" Alack asked.

  "I think it best that we sit and watch for now, let them take their moves and do what we can to block their plans," replied Zalon.

  Alack agreed and they both sat in the council chamber in silence.


  Balen sat at the crossing point and waited which gave him time to think. Ten years had passed since he had arrived on the elven islands and after his memories had re
turned he had gone into training as a hunter. An elve that travels through the forest, hunting the game and other animals that dwelt there for food. He had excelled at sword craft and was competent with a bow and it had only taken him four years to rise to the rank of leader as he held a natural talent for commanding his hunters and teaching elves that decided to join them. It had prompted Mavok to question whether he had ever been part of the path of strength though Balen believed that it was in jest.

  He was awaiting the leader Rinne who appeared from the branch of a close by tree.

  "How long have you been there?" Balen asked her as she jumped down and walked over.

  "Long enough to see your mind wander off," said Rinne with a smile.

  "You wanted to meet out here," said Balen. "I assume you have heard more about the mission"

  Rinne nodded and sat down next to him.

  "Zalon and Alack have approved the mission to the human islands in search of answers to why the ascensions have stopped," said Rinne.

  "So still no luck with those researching it? Balen asked.

  "Ten years and they still have no idea what is wrong. You were the last to ascend, I am surprised they didn't experiment upon you some more," said Rinne.

  "You didn't come here to ask about that," said Balen. "And I promise that they experimented on me enough for a lifetime, even one as long as ours"

  "Well. Mavok is leading the mission to the human islands. As much as he begrudges going, he is the only one that Zalon and Alack trust to get the job done" said Rinne.

  "So there is still much suspicion about the leaders then," said Balen.

  "Yes, those that are now calling themselves the dark ones have managed to get a firm grasp of some of the leaders," Rinne said with a shudder.

  "And they don't suspect me?" Balen had to ask.

  Rinne shook her head.

  "I vouched for you," she said.

  Balen smiled. "Why do you trust me?" he asked.

  "I find it hard to trust people, but I have watched you and believe that you are honest and do not covet the power like the others do," said Rinne. "On that note, I persuaded Mavok to let you go on the journey."

  "You have?" Balen asked.

  "Yes and they are heading for the monastery you came from first," she said. "So you will get to see your boy again, what was his name?"

  "Danion, he will be all grown up by now. I doubt he will even remember me," said Balen.

  "Well there is only one way to find out, but you best hurry because they leave this afternoon when the tide runs low," said Rinne.

  Balen thanked her and then ran back for the city. The chance to see Danion and with any luck he would get to see Aly once more was a chance he would never miss. Luckily he had his travel bag and a sword with him so he headed straight for the dock, knowing that Mavok would be there already, loading up the boat ready to go as soon as the tide turned.

  When he got there he saw the boat they would take, it was much bigger than a fishing boat and held two masts to enable more sails that would catch the wind better and speed them along. Mavok stood by a plank that extended to the side of the boat, barking orders at some elves that were loading crates.

  "I am here," Balen said as he reached the elder.

  "As I can see, well I agreed to take you with me but you must follow my orders," said Mavok. "No doubt Rinne has told you where we are heading first so I want your word that you will not let your past interfere with the mission. We are there to gather information and see whether there have been ascensions that our alerts have missed"

  "You have my word," said Balen.

  "Then get on board, the tide should turn soon," said Mavok.

  Balen walked over the plank and onto the rocking boat and he turned to look at the city, he had been here ten years ago when he first arrived on the island. Now he was heading back the way he came and earn the forgiveness of his family for leaving them.

  The End




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