Anica Storm & The Wand Of Time (Part 1 of 4)
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Other Books For Sale By:
Author Steven Wolff
Got Ghosts? Real Stories of Paranormal Activity - is the first bestselling book by Steven Wolff that is a collection of over 11 years of REAL emails sent to the Ghost Education & Research Center from people experiencing paranormal phenomenon in their homes and businesses. These never-seen-before emails document in detail the things that do go bump in the night and if you get scared easy, this isn't something you should read.
(Readers Note: Unlike book 2, there isn’t commentary at the end of the emails, which was something readers requested and was put in Got Ghosts 2. In the future I will be adding commentary back in the first book.) :-)
Got Ghosts? 2 More Stories of Real Paranormal Activity – Back by popular demand and better than ever, Got Ghosts 2 now includes commentary by Steven Wolff after each email to help educate, enlighten and talk about the paranormal activity mentioned! If you think ghosts aren’t real, read these real emails from everyday people like you, asking the Ghost Education & Research Center for help!