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Hunting Angel (A Divisa Novel, Book 2) (Divisa Series)

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by Weil, J. L.

  We arrived at school in record time, which was a good thing, because we were running late. The bell rang just as we were walking through the parking lot. Hall High looked exactly the same as the last time I’d been here. I shuddered, not realizing how being here again was going to affect me. This school was definitely filled with unpleasant memories. Somehow I always ended up fighting for my life.

  Chase was immediately at my side. “Hey, you okay? Your face just lost ten shades of color.”

  I nodded, unable to speak. My throat had closed up on me as I mechanically put one foot in front of the other.

  Nodding for Lexi to go on ahead of us, he put a hand on my shoulder, halting my movements, and turned me toward him. “Angel, look at me.” With his thumb, he titled my chin up, staring into my face. “Nothing is going to happen to you. Not while I’m here. I promise.”

  I wasn’t convinced. “You can’t be sure of that. What about when I’m alone?” Yes, I was totally acting like a frightened, needy baby, but that was exactly how I felt. No matter what I do or where I turn, trouble found me. I was like a heat seeking missile for misfortune. To make matters worse, I was now marked. There wasn’t a safe corner for me to hide in.

  “You won’t be alone.”

  I gave him a funny look. “What? Are you going to follow me into the girl’s bathroom?”

  He smirked as if the idea held promise. “If I have to.”

  The big jerk probably would and enjoy it too. “Be serious Chase.”

  His hands ran down my arms leaving behind tendrils of warmth. “I am actually. Look, last week Lexi and I sort of talked with administration. We rearranged our schedules so that one of us will be in your classes.”

  Oh goodie. I had babysitters.

  By talking, he really meant they had used compulsion. I took a deep breath. Looks like I was going to be spending a whole lot more time with Chase than I ever could have imagined. If I thought one class was bad…what were multiple classes going to be like? A part of me knew I should have been outraged, not relieved, yet I couldn’t rationalize anything normal anymore.

  “Come on. We need to get to class before we’re late. I wouldn’t want us to spend your first day back in detention. I have plans after school.”

  Plans? I ignored the tiny flutter of panic that sprinted across my heart. If he was going out after school why should I care? It was not like he had to check in with me or anything. He was a free agent and able to come and go as he pleased.

  Then why did I feel this irrational beating against my ribs at the thought of being away from him? It made no sense. It was not like we were with each other twenty-four seven. He lived next door for God’s sake.

  I was shocked how easy it was to get back into the swing of things. It helped that Chase had made sure I didn’t have any homework to make-up. I am sure that this applied as cheating, but in this case I was willing to let it slide. Though I think he was using his mind-altering talents a little too freely. I was going to have to have a talk with him before it started to get out of hand.

  In-between classes, Lexi (my assigned shadow for the period) and I were at my locker when I heard a voice that made me cringe and stew with distaste. I felt a foul taste in my mouth like coppery blood and battery acid. Yeah, it was that bad.

  “Oh. My. God. You’ve got to be kidding me.” Glancing over my shoulder, I found Sierra glaring at me with hate. “It’s true.”

  I scanned the halls looking for the source of Sierra’s freak-out, even though I knew she was talking about me. “What the hell is she spazzing about?” I asked Lexi beside me. I figured that the other Divisa’s had been brought up to speed about what went down that night. Hayden had been there, he must have told them what happened. So what was Sierra’s deal? Maybe she had a hard time believing it, or maybe she was just pissed off that I hadn’t died so she could have Chase to herself. Sorry to disappoint.

  “I can’t believe it. I just can’t believe it,” she went on and on like a broken record. Her screeching voice was making my ears bleed.

  So much for lying low and not causing a scene on my first day back, I should have known that it would be Sierra who was the hiccup in my otherwise normal day. “Why’s that so hard to believe,” I spat, crossing my arms. It was no secret Sierra and I hated each other’s guts, though it was probably not the smartest idea to bait her. She was part demon after all, more to the point – she was a bitch.

  “I get that he saved you, is always saving you,” she dragged out overdramatically.

  I clenched my jaw.

  “But this,” she threw her hands in the air making her red locks fly with the exaggerated movements. “This is too far. She reeks of him.”

  “Sierra,” Lexi warned low. “If Chase finds out about this…” Lexi’s words implied that he wouldn’t be happy.

  She smiled smugly at me. “At least he hasn’t completed the bond. One out of three, I guess that’s a small consolation.”

  I wanted to slap that superior grin off her gorgeous face. Forget that I had no idea what she was talking about.

  What the hell was going on? What did she mean I reeked of him?

  Before I could demand answers, a rush of warmth spread through me, and my tramp stamp started to tingle. I didn’t even need to turn around to know who stood behind me. He was like a looming force of steel.

  “Is there a problem?” he asked Sierra in a condescending tone.

  She glared at him over my head with tiny spears of disgust, and then promptly turned on her Dior heels and stomped gracefully down the hall. I watched in a haze of confusion and animosity as her painted on jeans sauntered away.

  Hello Hall High…I’m back for your amusement. Step right up as we watch Sierra make mincemeat out of me. Ugh. Sometimes being a teenager sucked. Being an altered teenager bound to a half-demon was proving to be cumbersome.

  Chem class proved to be even more entertaining, if that was possible. Chase assumed his bodyguard duty behind me, causing the temperature in the room to rise by about a hundred degrees. Pulling out my notebook, I heard my name whispered to my right. I glanced sideways to find Brody, the football jock, smiling at me.

  His chocolate eyes were bright with excitement. “Hey, I’m glad to see you are back. We really missed you around here.”

  I blinked. In school this size it was impossible to not be missed. “Thanks, I think.”

  His boy-next-door-grin widened. “Anytime. This class just isn’t the same without your pretty face.”

  I got the feeling that he was being overly friendly, almost as if he was into me. Not that long ago he sort of asked me to homecoming, and that hadn’t ended well. I just assumed that had been the end of it. I must be the most clueless girl in the school. “I’m sure anything beats Mr. Edginton’s monotone lectures,” I replied, trying to downplay what I thought was a come on.

  Chase shifted in seat, leaning forward and making his presence known. I don’t know how anyone could forget he was in a room. Try as I might, I never could. Brody’s eyes darted to Chase warily and then back to me. He cleared his throat, and I knew from the shuffle of his feet under the desk what he was going to ask before he said it. “Maybe we could, I don’t know, hang out sometime.”

  Oh boy. He was totally nervous. And I was dumbfounded. The day wasn’t even half over and this was like the third time a guy had suggested that we hangout. For real. The first one I figured no big deal. The second one I thought coincidence, but a third one? This had to be a joke. I most definitely was not that popular, even in a school this small.

  It was on the tip of my tongue to tell him to bite me, yet… Chase leaned back into his seat and snickered. Not just any kind of snicker, the kind that made me what to make him crazy, insanely, jealous. Served him right. “Sure,” I found myself answering.

  Truthfully though, I knew that when the time came, I would find an excuse why I couldn’t go. It probably would have been easier had I been up front with him, but I was too nice and afraid to hurt his feelings –

  Class started shortly after that, and I was listening intently to Mr. Edgington’s lecture, hanging on his every word. Okay, that was a total lie. What I was really doing was trying to pretend that Brody wasn’t winking and air blowing kisses at me from the next aisle over. Well maybe the air-kissing was going too far, but still, what the hell? I was also trying to ignore the rapid tapping of Chase’s pencil on the desktop. Apparently, I wasn’t the only one who had noticed Brody’s cheesy attention.

  Boys could be so oblivious.

  Did Brody actually think that was the kind of attention I wanted when I’d said yes? He had to be out of his mind, or more likely drunk, to try and hit on me in front of Chase. Everyone knew that we sort of had a thing going on even if I didn’t know what exactly that thing was. I was pretty sure Chase was going to choke-slam him after class if the growl that came from behind was any indictor of what Chase thought of Brody’s behavior.

  I slumped lower in my seat, trying to make myself as small as possible. I was so ready for this day to end.

  After school, Chase dropped Lexi and me at home, and then went off to do something that apparently was none of our business. I huffed and tried to pretend my heart didn’t tighten as I watched him drive away. Whatever – it was fine by me, so I stuck out my chin. I had a few questions for Travis and Lexi, plus it would give Travis and me some time to gush over the upcoming release of Black Ops II. Hell yes. The video game of all video games – the newest Call of Duty. I’d been counting down the days since I pre-ordered a copy, seemingly eons ago. Travis was the only one who I could talk to, the only one who really understood.

  I walked into their house after Lexi and found Travis already assuming his usual position on the couch. Devin was at work, so it was just us. I sat beside Travis. He grunted an inaudible hello, never losing concentration from the game he was absorbed with. I totally sympathized and just reclined into the couch.

  “Travis you need to get a life,” Lexi announced, clearly annoyed with her brother. He ignored her. “You are such a TV hog,” she whined, stretching out on the chaise.

  “Sshhh. You are going to get me killed,” he shot back.

  Lexi pouted and grabbed the newest Victoria Secret magazine that had just come in the mail.

  I should probably have intervened before things took a turn for the worst. “Have you guys noticed anything different about me? Something that a normal person wouldn’t pick up on?” The question had been rolling in my head since seeing Sierra.

  “Yeah. You stink of Chase,” Travis answered without peeling his eyes from the game.

  “Funny, but I’m being totally serious here.”

  “So was I,” he answered.

  Lexi nodded her head. “No, it’s true. You give off this scent that screams you belong to another half-demon.”

  “What do you mean scent?” I did not like where this was going at all. Not. One. Single. Bit. I didn’t want to smell like Chase.

  Travis dropped the remote on the table forgetting the game for a moment, a sign that this was going to be a solemn discussion. “I can see the little wheels working in your head. It’s not like you think. You don’t physically smell like Chase.”

  “Thank God,” I sighed.

  “Well don’t be relieved just yet. You do give of this vibe or odor that states you belong to another one of us, a half-demon. It’s a way of letting others know not to mess with you – a hands-off kind of policy. Those who know Chase will recognize the signature as his. It also makes you a target for all the nasties.”

  “And how long have I had this scent?”

  Lexi pulled her knees up. “Since that night.”

  Meaning, since the night my life changed forever. Since the night I died and Chase bartered for my soul. Since the night we became linked. “Figures. And before that, I didn’t have a scent?”

  “Nope,” Travis grinned wickedly. “You were fair game then.”

  “And now I’m not fair game?”

  “You got it toots. There isn’t a Divisa around who would risk Chase’s wrath by touching you. They would have to have a death wish.”

  I looked at Lexi for confirmation that Travis wasn’t just pulling my leg. She nodded sending her blonde ponytail swishing with the movement. “Yep. You are like, sprayed with Divisa repellant.”

  I slumped against the back of the couch. “Great. I stink.”

  Travis gave me a lopsided grin, throwing an arm around my shoulder. “You might smell like crap, but Lex and I still tolerate you.”

  Lexi snickered from her chaise lounge.

  “Thanks,” I mumbled dryly. “You better not get too close, or you might wind up dead,” I added snarky. I couldn’t help it, I was feeling snarky.

  He removed his arm slowly, a playful gleam sparkling in his turquoise eyes. “You’re probably right. This face is just too damn good-looking to withstand a thrashing from Chase.”

  I snorted. Like that had ever stopped the two of them from going at each other like two cage fighters, if anything, he was probably looking forward to good fight with Chase.

  I stayed a little while longer before hiking the short distance to my house. I had most definitely not been waiting around to see if Chase would show up – which he hadn’t. Not that I cared.

  There I go lying to myself, again. Maybe mentally I didn’t give a monkey’s butt what Chase was up to, but this link we had…well it had a mind of its own. And it was growing more anxious by the second.

  As I got ready for bed I caught myself several times picking up my new phone to call him. Since I got home, I’d spent the rest of the night messing around with all the options and adding a gazillion apps to my iPhone. It could pretty much do everything except pee for me, and I was sure there would be an app for that soon. I had customized the crap out of it, including programming Chase under Douchebag. I had quite a giggle over my ingenious.

  Curled up under the covers, sleep evaded me until the moment I heard the crunching of his tires next door. Then a serene calmness overcame me, and I promptly fell to sleep.

  Figures. Stupid bond. I hope he suffered miserably.

  Chapter 3

  It was the end of October, which in Spring Valley, Illinois meant tumbleweeds, tilling fields, and of course hayrides were a given – Hickville. For me Halloween had a slightly different impact. I just loved the idea of loads of candy corn, insane parties, and sexy costumes. In Arizona we never had to factor in the weather as part of our costume. Here, they dressed in layers or long underwear, which you can be sure I wouldn’t ever be caught dead wearing.


  I loved Halloween. And it just so happened this year I lived in my own personal haunted house. No matter where I walked you could guarantee a floor board will creak, a cobweb will be hanging in a doorway (not a decoration, but the real deal), and sometimes the lights flickered for no apparent reason.

  My first week back to school flew by in a whirlwind of chaos. Out of the blue, I had become a hot commodity at Hall High. Guys I had never seen before said hi to me between periods. I even received an anonymous note from a secret admirer. It felt like there was always a small crowd around me, well until Chase got there that was. I hated every second of the attention. Chase’s presence became my saving grace – the only time I was left alone. One frown from him and they all scrammed. I never thought I would be grateful for the overbearing jerkwad’s company.

  But I had bigger and better things to think about…

  Halloween was right around the corner and it was starting to seep into my pores. I was itching to start my costume shopping.


  Once upon a time that word would have elicited excitement, now it made my feet hurt. I swear, I got blisters just thinking about shopping with Lexi. But there was no getting out of it. The commitment had already been made.

  Every year there was a Halloween party thrown for the high school kids at a local farm. It was on a pumpkin farm – how original. This town oozed originality. I was
told it was a regular hee-haw, complete with obnoxious music, a bonfire, tractor rides, and a costume contest.

  And it was unsupervised.

  Lexi insisted I couldn’t miss it for the world. Truthfully, she just wanted a reason to drag me shopping with her. Lucky for her, Halloween was my holiday. For one day I got to pretend like I was somebody else – anybody else. Lara Croft. Selene from Underworld. Mystique. I’d been every kickass girl I could think of. No princesses, mermaids, or faeries for this gal. I was all about woman empowerment.

  This year I was turning over a new leaf – sort of. What I had in mind for my costume was different from my usual characters, but it was going to be no less than amazing. There was only one problem…Lexi and I were on opposite continents when it came to shopping for our Halloween costumes. She wanted to hit every costume shop within a two-hour radius. I, on the other hand, was looking to scope out the craft and fabric shops. When I told this to Lexi, all I got was a blank stare.

  “Why would you want to go there?” she finally asked, crossing her legs in the passenger seat, her black spiked boots nixing the dash.

  I kept my eyes on the road, maneuvering my little white Fusion in the next lane. “It’s like tradition. My mom and I have always made my costume. I can’t imagine not doing it. It’s part of the fun.”

  She looked unconvinced. Her blue-green eyes measuring me like I was the one who wasn’t human – which was still totally debatably anyhoo. “You are like a dying breed. It’s no wonder Chase is so enthralled with you.”

  I rolled my eyes. “He is not enthralled with me. He thinks I’m a nuisance.”

  “A sexy nuisance. I know Chase better than anyone, and let me tell you, you have changed him. You are the first person he’s truly cared about.”

  “I’m not so sure about that.”

  “Are you telling me that you are not over-the-moon crazy about him?”

  I shrugged. I wasn’t admitting to anything, not even to myself.

  “Do you even have ovaries?” she asked bluntly.


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