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Merlin's Song

Page 2

by Samantha Winston

  “What is it, dear?” Her aunt sounded concerned.

  “Nothing. I…I was just thinking about my brothers. I miss them so much. I imagine you must miss your brother.”

  His eyes glittered. “Yes. I do. We’re twins,” he added with a shrug.


  “In every way.”

  Kyla drew a quick breath. She couldn’t imagine two such specimens together. Both with that bright red-gold hair, emerald green eyes and such broad shoulders and long, muscular legs. “I think…I think I’ll take the tray back to the kitchen.” She picked up his empty plate and glass.

  Her aunt cried, “Oh, don’t bother to wash them, dear. Just put them in the sink. Bonnie will do them before she cooks breakfast tomorrow.”

  “I’ll need to leave at first light,” said Merlin. He stood and stretched. “Would you be so kind as to show me to my room, Dame Flandres?”

  Kyla’s aunt got to her feet and bustled out of the room. “Follow me, Merlin. Kyla, be a dear and make sure the fire is damped before you retire.”

  “Yes, Auntie.” Kyla took the tray to the kitchen and washed up. No need to make extra work for Bonnie. There were only a few things anyhow. Then she damped the fire down in the reception room and went to her little round room in the turret. There she sat on her bed and thought for a while.

  Her mother always said that thinking got her in trouble. It wasn’t so much the ideas she got as the fact that she had no qualms acting them out. This new idea was totally mad. So what? Kyla packed her things in a leather bag and put on her warmest clothes.

  She dropped her bag out the window then, looking carefully to see that no one had heard it fall, climbed down the stone wall. The slivered moon offered no light, and the air was frigid. Her breath left pale plumes of fog. She wasn’t cold though, she’d wrapped her warmest cloak of black swan down around her. She was nearly as impervious to cold as an elf, but as a fairy, she loved her luxury. Even if she was running away, she wanted to be comfortable and have fun. That’s what fairies were best at. She was looking forward to teaching that stuffy elf Merlin a lesson or two.

  Whistling softly, she made her way down the road. It was dark, but she had keen eyesight. The road sloped downhill all the way to the port so she made good time. She had to be careful around the docks. There were a few people around, but they either dozed near a fire or caroused in the local tavern.

  The boats were docked at the quay. There was only one the elves could possibly take—a small, swift schooner. Hesitating only a second, she tossed her bag onto the deck and leapt lightly after it. Then she went below to find a comfortable place to stow away. She was tired of staying in the castle all by herself. She wanted to have some fun and adventure.

  Chapter Two

  Merlin rubbed his eyes. What a spoiled brat that little Kyla was. He didn’t know many fairy women, so he couldn’t really compare, but they all seemed frivolous and flashy, emotional and unpredictable. Give him a nice, steady elf woman any day. Someone with a little curve and form. Kyla was as slim as a reed. And she was a terrible cook. The omelet had been nearly inedible and the wine too sweet, as if she’d put sugar in it instead of honey. He shook his head. Well, he’d never see her again, and he wouldn’t have to eat her dreadful cooking.

  And why was he thinking about her anyway? But he couldn’t stop. Her narrow face with its dark blue, slanted eyes and wide, mocking mouth seemed to float in the air in front of him. She was tall for a fairy, and willowy, like a supple birch tree. And her hair…he’d never seen such a color before. It was pale blue and glowed like a cloak of moonbeams. He shook his head again, trying to dislodge her image, but she undulated and danced before him, troubling him more than he cared to admit.

  He took off his traveling cloak and lay on the bed. He would have liked a hot bath, but it was late at night and he didn’t feel right asking Dame Flandres to heat a caldron for him. And that little fairy obviously wouldn’t lift a finger to help. She must lie in bed all day just waiting for someone to come and serve her.

  She would be lying in her bed, her pale blue hair tumbled around her head like sea foam, her skin like the delicate pink of seashell, her eyes so dark blue as to appear nearly black. His cock grew hard as he thought of striding up to the bed, tearing the covers off her naked body and… He drew a sharp breath. What was he thinking?

  About naked fairies? His cock seemed to say hopefully. It gave a little jump in his hand. And when had he taken it in his hand? He gave it a squeeze. Well, while it was there, might as well leave it there. And maybe squeeze a little harder, and think of that ravishing little pest kneeling in front of him and begging him to service her. She would beg him to stroke her breasts with their pink nipples and he would order her to kiss him. Yes, now he imagined her soft mouth kissing his lips then sliding down his chest and belly to his cock and…sucking him. Her soft mouth sucking him harder and… By Mistral, what had come over him?

  He stared at his hand, his cock and the splatter of cum on the bed sheet, and thought that maybe the war was affecting him worse than he thought. He was losing his mind. He didn’t want to make love with such an obnoxious creature. He didn’t like her at all. She wasn’t his type, and she… Oh, for Mistral’s sake! He’d be gone the next day and wouldn’t have to set eyes on her again. He cleaned up his bed and then, because he was exhausted, he fell asleep immediately. The next thing he knew someone was shaking his shoulder and his twin was there, telling him to get up—that they had to leave right away.

  “It’s still dark.” Merlin rubbed his eyes and tried to focus.

  “I just arrived, sorry to be so late. But I wanted to check with the harbormaster. The boat is ready.”

  “Can we man it ourselves or do we need other crew?” Merlin dressed and slung his bag over his shoulder.

  “It’s small enough to be manned by two. And it’s swift. Let’s go. There’s not a minute to spare.”

  Merlin knew his brother’s impatience. They were identical, but he was the calmer of the two. Sebring tended to be almost flighty for an elf. “All right. I’m ready.”

  “We can walk to the harbor. That way we can leave our horses here in the castle stables. Are there any grooms left?”

  Merlin knew that he’d be running all the way to the harbor—his brother was incapable of walking anywhere. “There’s one groom left. He’s toothless and bent nearly double, but he’s been around horses a long time and he’ll take good care of them.” Merlin also knew that his brother adored his horse, and would probably bring it on board with them if he thought it wouldn’t get good treatment.

  “Right then. Let’s get walking.”

  As Merlin jogged after his brother, his thoughts kept returning to Kyla. It aggravated him and he sped up, nearly passing Sebring. They arrived in the harbor and went aboard, stowing their effects before checking the supplies and the sails and then getting to know the boat.

  The sun rose and the wind lifted, ruffling the water and filling the sails. Slowly, then gaining more speed as it left the shelter of the harbor, the boat cleaved through the water. Waves curled about its bow and the cold salt spray stung Merlin’s skin, helping him stay awake.

  “Didn’t you get any sleep last night?” Sebring asked, bringing him a steaming cup of spiced tea.

  Merlin handed over the rudder and stood near the rail, sipping the tea. “No, I didn’t, and I thought I’d see you at the castle. Weren’t you supposed to be there before me? Now that we’re alone, suppose you tell me why you were so late.”

  Sebring narrowed his eyes and said, “I found out some things that can help us convince the Southern Isles to come to our aid.”

  “What, more than what we already have?” Merlin felt a little thrill of excitement. The outcome of the war was now balanced on the blade of a razor. Anything could tip the results one way—or another. If the Southern Isles came in on their side, it would mean certain victory for them.

  “We already know that the ex-rulers of the Southern Isl
es furnished dragons to the Mouse King for the last war. Their ignoble treachery was discovered and the rulers of the Southern Isles banished.”

  “Yes, but that is just one possible argument we have to drag them into war on our side and it may not work, seeing as the royal family is already gone. What is the other argument?”

  Sebring gave him a grin, but it was a rather strained grin, Merlin thought. “Ourselves,” he said. “Me or you. It seems that the new ruling family of the Southern Isles is very concerned with inbreeding. The Southern Isles have been hermetic for far too long and there is a real danger of the whole population dying off. They need some new blood—”

  “Hold on. Are you telling me that we are about to bargain with our, our…”

  “Our fabulous bodies, sparkling wit, and undeniable—”

  “Have you lost your reason? We can’t possibly—”

  “We’re at war, so any—”

  “I know we’re at war, who do you take me for? But that plan—”

  “Will you stop interrupting me?” Sebring cried.

  “You’re the one interrupting.” Merlin had often felt like hitting his brother when they were children, but he’d thought that was behind them. Until now. He took a deep breath. “All right. Start at the beginning. What is going on?”

  “As you well know, the Southern Isles cut themselves off from the mainland centuries ago. Then during the last war its rulers, grown corrupt and mad for power, supplied the Mouse King with an army of dragons in exchange for our resources when he won. Only he didn’t win. And when the people of the Southern Isles found out what their leaders had done, they banished them.”

  “Where did they go?”

  Sebring shook his head. “They got a boat, supplies and a compass. Not being good sailors, most people figure they sailed around until they died. No one knows for sure, and nobody cares. Anyhow, the people elected a new king and council and settled down for another few centuries of isolation. But to make a long story short, the fact is, there are no more babies being born in the Southern Isles.”


  “Our people don’t have many children anyhow, so you can imagine the disaster. King Branagh’s spy says the kingdom is desperate for new blood. They will negotiate, I’m sure, if we let the soldiers who come fight for us bring back brides from Hivernia.”

  “Mistral be!” Merlin was stunned. So that was the problem and the solution. But one thing still bothered him. His brother’s bleak expression. There was more to the story. “Yes but why are just the two of us going? Why not send a whole boatload of willing maidens to bargain with them?”

  “They don’t want willing maids right now. They just want one thing—for their queen to get pregnant. If we can manage that, they will send troops that very day.”

  Merlin choked on his tea and coughed.

  “I know, it’s a shock, but there you have it,” Sebring said, his countenance grim. “That’s our mission. Make love to queen until she quickens, then hie back to Hivernia with an army and defeat our enemies. Easy.”

  “What if she doesn’t get with child right away?” Another thought struck him. “And what if she’s too old?”

  “According to the reports, she’s young and healthy. No reason to despair quite yet. Branagh has confidence in us.”

  Merlin sighed. “And the king knows that you, at least, are not sterile.” He touched his brother’s arm. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it to sound like that.”

  Sebring didn’t say anything, but Merlin knew what he was feeling. Last spring, just as the war started, Sebring’s wife had died in childbirth. It had been a bitter blow, and for months Merlin had stayed at his brother’s side, afraid to leave him even for a minute. Even Llewellyn, their foster father, had come back to stay, leaving King Branagh without a captain for a whole month, until orders came calling him back.

  Then Sebring had finally left off mourning and had thrown himself into the war so fiercely that Merlin had another fear—that he would welcome death. He fought without regard for his life until the day Branagh had said he had a special mission for them. And they had to set off to sail for the Southern Isles. Now Merlin wondered if this mission wouldn’t be even more devastating to his brother’s well-being than staying in Hivernia. Merlin tried to think about what would happen when they landed in the main port. And when he imagined the queen for some reason he pictured Kyla, that pale fairy minx, and got such a hard-on he could hardly walk.

  * * * * *

  Two days passed. The sea was rough, as usual in the winter. Strong winds put a great distance between them and the coast. On the third day they entered the southern current and the water grew deep green, changing from the slate gray of before. And Sebring came to see him on deck with a basket over his arm.

  “What’s that?” Merlin peered inside the basket. Loaves of bread lay like brown stones nestled close together.

  “Something has been eating our supplies.” Sebring looked baffled. “Two loaves of bread are missing. The fairy cakes are half gone, and there are two less frees fruit than before. Have you been taking extra while my back is turned?”

  “No, of course not. Let me check.” Merlin went to the galley and sure enough, the supplies were lower than they should be. “Rats?” he hazarded.

  “Perhaps. I think we better search the ship. If there is a rat, we’ll have to kill it.”

  Merlin started aft while Sebring started fore. As he worked his way methodically across the stern, Merlin caught sight of a quick movement from the corner of his eye. It was dark below deck, and so anything could be hiding in the shadows. He drew his sword and lunged.

  “Stop! No, please don’t hurt me!”

  He pulled the blade back just in time. The point quivered at the hollow of Kyla’s pale throat. Was it a vision? He’d imagined her so many times these past few days his cock was sore from his rubbing it. And just the sight of her stiffened it again. His breath quickened.

  Her mouth opened, closed, then she grinned and said, “Surprise! Uh, would you be so kind as to lower your blade, sir? It’s Merlin, right? I saw you and your brother both together and could hardly tell you apart. But I’m sure you’re the grumpy elf that came to the castle. Well, don’t you recognize me? Aren’t you going to say hello?”

  For a second he wanted to at least prick her hard enough to take that grin off her face. What was she doing here? His cock didn’t seem to care, it was so hard it was nearly agony. He gritted his teeth. “I am not grumpy,” he heard himself say.

  She blinked, and then, raising her hand, pushed the knife point away from her throat. “Do you mind terrible pointing that somewhere else?” She paused and boldly ran her gaze down his chest to his cock. He felt her gaze like hot coals and his cock, damn that traitorous appendage, gave a massive twitch. Her eyebrows shot up. “And point that thing somewhere else too,” she said, her voice bubbling with laughter.

  That did it. He grabbed her arm and dragged her toward his room. He was going to teach that insolent little fairy a lesson she’d not soon forget.

  Chapter Three

  Kyla had hidden in the supply room behind the baskets of dried fruit and barrels of water. It was easy to keep out of sight. The elves were busy on deck most of the time, and she didn’t think they would discover her for a while. She had to eat though, and that’s what had betrayed her. Well, at least now she could come up on deck and get some fresh air. She was also strangely giddy at the sight of Merlin, standing there with an expression of shock on his face.

  More than giddy, actually. Her whole body tingled at the sight of the tall elf. Her knees felt weak and for some reason her heart beat erratically. She must just be cramped from sitting so long in one place. “Can you help me? I don’t want to step on the fruit.” She put her hand out.

  He took it, and as soon as their skin touched a strange lethargy came over her. She swayed and he caught her and then pulled her against his chest. Her arms looped over his broad shoulders and she laid her cheek against his sho
ulder, breathing in his musky, masculine scent. His arms were around her waist, holding her tightly against him, and she could feel the hard ridge of his cock against her thigh. She angled herself so that her sex came in contact with it and was shaken by a quick starburst of an orgasm. It was just a tingle—a quick throb—like when you’re half asleep and having a wet dream.

  And then she said something about his knife pointing at her throat and something about his cock pointing too. Why did she have to be so impudent? Her mouth was always getting her into fixes. He definitely lost his temper with her when she said that. His eyes narrowed and he grabbed her arm.

  “Come on, get moving,” he said, his voice rough.

  She looked up at him, incapable of moving her feet. “To where?”

  He blinked, then said, “My room. You will stay there until I decide what to do with you.”

  “Do with me?” She swallowed hard. “Do whatever you want with me.”

  “Don’t you understand that you’re putting an entire country in danger? Our mission is to save Hivernia. You may have completely wrecked it!” He looked furious. And adorable. She wanted to kiss him.

  “I didn’t wreck anything,” she said petulantly.

  He dragged her into a small room and pushed her onto a bed. “Stay there.”

  “Don’t leave me alone!” She grabbed his sword belt and pulled, and his buckle gave way. His sword clattered to the floor. “Whoops,” she said.

  “I should teach you a lesson. Obviously no one else has ever had that pleasure,” he said. And before she knew it he sat down, put her over his knee and yanked her pants down. She gasped, and then he spanked her.

  His hand slapped her buttocks hard enough to make her see stars. He hit her again, spanking her until her rear felt as if it were on fire. She had never, ever been treated in such a manner! She wriggled to get away, then suddenly a wave of sheer passion rolled over her, leaving her limp. Whimpering, she opened her legs and pressed her clit against his knee, rubbing back and forth until she exploded again, this time with a real orgasm that left her shaking.


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