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Merlin's Song

Page 5

by Samantha Winston

  Merlin fondled Kyla’s breasts, his hands sliding softly across her nipples, making her feel both hot and shivery at the same time. She couldn’t get enough of his touch, his taste or his body. She pulled him onto her, opened her legs and guided his stiff cock into her already inflamed passage. He didn’t last long and neither did she. Her body was already excited, her nerves drawn tight. The slightest touch, the feel of his cock buried deep inside her, and she came with a cry of sheer delight. Panting, she glanced to the side.

  Sebring hunched over Willow’s body, his cock pumping into her harder and harder until he too came with a long, drawn-out song. It echoed in the chamber for long minutes after they had finished.

  The queen rolled over and kissed her lover, her body loose and relaxed.

  Kyla knew how she felt. Her body was sated but her mind still churned. How long would they have to stay here? Would Merlin have to sleep with the queen next? Would Sebring want to sleep with her? For some reason, she felt no desire to make love to Merlin’s twin. As much as they resembled each other physically, they weren’t the same person, and Kyla only felt passion for Merlin. But at the same time, she wouldn’t mind making love to Merlin while watching Sebring and the queen again. That had been quite exciting and brought to mind the fancy late-night dinner parties at the royal palace before King Branagh and Queen Melflouise had arrived. The fairies had loved to have sexual encounters during the dinners—some subtle and some not so subtle. But since the new court had arrived things had become more elflike—that is, more decorum and less debauch.

  The queen slipped back into the bath with a little smile now on her face, started to wash. She tugged Sebring’s hand and he climbed in next to her. He took the sponge she gave him and washed the queen’s back. They seemed at ease with each other now, not so stiff and nervous. The queen even laughed as he tickled her.

  Kyla felt squeaky clean inside and out, and the water had started to cool, so she climbed out of the tub and searched for some dry towels. There were some on a heated bench, and she carried some over for Sebring and the queen.

  The queen took her towel with a thank you and another pink-faced smile.

  Kyla gave one to Merlin, who looked at her with hooded eyes. He dried himself and stood as far from her as he could go and still be in the same room. Kyla tried not to be hurt. She was too tired to dwell on it though, and as soon as the queen had let the servants in and showed them to their rooms, Kyla fell onto the bed and dropped off to sleep.

  * * * * *

  Merlin watched her sleep. Just looking at her gave him a hard-on and he groaned. He was exhausted but wanted to speak to Sebring. He’d been assigned to a room across the hall. He’d not been able to talk to his brother since they’d entered the bathing room, and he was worried about him.

  He went to Sebring’s room and knocked.

  “Come in.” Sebring was lying on the bed, his arms behind his head.

  Merlin sat on the end of the bed. “Are you all right?”

  Sebring shrugged. “I’m fine.”

  He didn’t look fine, but Merlin didn’t say that. Instead he said, “Kyla gave me a potion before we left. She slipped it in my wine. Only she had a sip of it too.”

  Sebring sat up. “What kind of a potion?”

  “Some sort of love potion.” Merlin sighed. “I didn’t mean to keep anything from you.”

  “As if I could miss the way you and Kyla looked at each other.” Merlin snorted. “Or acted. A potion! What do you plan to do?”

  “Get an antidote. Maybe there is a potion master in the city here.”

  “I’ll ask the queen if someone can help.”

  “How do you feel about the queen?” Merlin asked carefully.

  Sebring started to shrug again, then looked at Merlin. His face twisted. “She and I sang together,” he said, then he put his face in his hands.

  Merlin wanted to comfort him, but could think of nothing to say. By rights, elf song was reserved for lovers in love. That he sang it for Kyla was bad enough, but for Sebring and Willow to share it, when they had not even spoken together, was humiliating. So he knew what Sebring felt like when he raised his head and said, “I have to talk to her.”

  “Do you want me to come with you?”

  “No, I don’t.” Sebring got up and pulled on a clean white tunic, belting it with his worn leather belt. His hands rested on the buckle, and Merlin saw it was the one that his wife had given him.

  “Is it because of Holly?”

  “No, that’s not it at all.” Sebring hesitated. “I never wanted to fall in love again but when I made love to Willow and we sang, my heart seemed to crack in two. I couldn’t help it. I don’t love her,” he added quickly, “it’s too early to speak of love. But I swear, there is something about her. I don’t know how I feel, but it’s like I was in the darkness and suddenly I’ve found daylight again. There’s hope. I no longer want to die.”

  Merlin was shocked into silence. He had known his brother’s pain, but not the extent of it. Finally he said, “I’m glad you found Willow then.”

  “So am I. But at the same time, I feel as if I’m betraying Holly. I don’t know what to do. I hope I can figure this out before we have to leave.” Sebring departed from the room without another word, and Merlin went back to his room, where Kyla still slept.

  He was tired, so tired his bones ached, but the sight of Kyla stirred him. Absently he stroked the hard ridge of his cock then, with a sigh, he lay down on the bed beside her. In her sleep she moaned and stirred, and he put his hand on her arm to comfort her. The contact made her open her eyes sleepily and then, with a smile, she pressed against him and fell asleep again.

  The scent of her skin and the steady sound of her breathing lulled him to sleep in an instant.

  Chapter Six

  The next day dawned bright and clear. Sunlight came in the window at the same time a hundred trumpets sounded and a hundred bells pealed. Kyla, used to a quieter morning, sat up with a start.

  Merlin too must have been startled, because he bounded out of bed, dragging covers and sheets behind him. “What a horrible noise,” he said. “Do you think they ring like that every morning?”

  “I hope not. It would ruin the rest of the day for me, and the night too, just knowing they would be blaring, blasting and ringing again the next day.” She sighed when the noise finally stopped. “And if they’ve done that just in our honor, then the good people of this city will be happy to see the last of us.”

  Merlin chuckled. “I thought you liked pomp and ceremony.”

  “Oh, I do, only not so loud.” She went to look out the window and gasped. The view was incredible. She could see past the city to the port and out to sea, where fishing boats sailed and where hundreds of other, smaller islands dotted the water. “How lovely.”

  Merlin came to stand beside her, but was careful not to touch her. Even so, the heat and scent of his body, so close to hers, sent her heart racing. “Was it like this where you grew up?”

  “Not quite as big, not quite as rich and not so high up. I feel like a seagull.” She laughed and he laughed too. She was suddenly conscious that it was the first time she’d heard him laugh. The thought made her wince. He’d poured his soul out to her in elf song, but that was all she really knew about him. Oh, what did it matter? Today she was determined to get the antidote and get over him. He turned and his arm brushed against hers. That was all it took to make her knees go weak.

  He must have seen her discomfiture because he pulled back as if he’d been burned. He looked at her and said, “Wait here. I’m going to find a potion master.” Then, in a hurry, he put his clothes on and left the room. She sank down on the bed and rubbed her arms. This had to stop.

  He didn’t take long. Only an hour passed before he was back, carrying a small flacon of liquid and a basket of apples. “I thought you might be hungry.”

  “Thank you.” She took an apple, her eyes on the potion. “Is that it?” She pointed.

. There is a potion master right at the castle gates. A soldier took me. He had to mix this up from scratch—it seems there is more of a demand for love potions than antidotes.” He didn’t quite meet her eyes.

  “Did you drink?”

  “Not yet. Half for you and half for me.” That said, he pulled the cork from it and drank, then handed her the flacon.

  She finished it, making a face at the bitter taste. Then she wiped her mouth and tossed the flacon into the wastebasket. “It’s over then.” She tried to dredge up some enthusiasm but only felt depressed.

  “I’m going to go see my brother,” said Merlin. “I’ll be back in a while. Maybe you should go see if you can get something else to eat.” He hesitated, then turned and left.

  Kyla sank onto the bed, her heart beating strangely. She felt a hollowness in her stomach, as if she’d lost part of herself. “Don’t be stupid,” she scolded. “You had nothing in common with him, and it’s for the best.” But she didn’t feel like eating the rest of her apple and she tossed it away. She spent another hour washing up, dressing and fixing her hair. Then, just as she was about to leave the room, a knock sounded.

  When she opened the door a woman dressed in a red dress and apron came in and curtseyed.

  “I’m Lucy, and I’m in charge of guests. Lunch is served in the dining room. If you follow me I’ll show you the way.”

  “Pleased to meet you, Lucy. It was kind of you to come fetch me.”

  They hadn’t gotten very far when Lucy asked, “Excuse me, but is it common for people of Hivernia to have slaves?”

  The woman sounded kind yet curious, but Kyla couldn’t tell her the truth—that there were no slaves in Hivernia—because it might get the twins in trouble. They had claimed she was Merlin’s slave to explain her lack of proper identification. “There are a few. Not many.” She hoped her lie would never be found out by the people of Hivernia. They would be furious with her. Hivernia despised slaves, and had outlawed them eons ago.

  “Oh, are you exclusive concubine then? Were you terribly expensive?”

  That didn’t sound too bad. An exclusive, expensive slave. Well, if she was lying, she might as well go all the way and invent a story. “Yes, Sir Merlin paid for me in rubies.” She tried to look modest as she said this.

  “Well, that’s interesting to be sure. You know, when the court saw you last night, they were quite fascinated. Certain gentlemen even spoke between themselves and said they would make offers for you if you were for sale.”

  Kyla started to find the deception far less amusing. “Are there many slaves in the Southern Isles?” she asked.

  “A few. Mostly they are concubines, such as yourself, living in wealthy households. The men seek to have children, so they take as many concubines as their wives will allow. Some women forbid their husbands to take one, and others insist on three or four, hoping for children to rear.”

  “Oh.” Kyla felt a bit faint. Perhaps it was just the hunger, but the thought of buying women to try to breed with them made her sad. What kind of a country had the Southern Isles become? Too much isolation had nearly ruined it.

  The dining room was empty, but there were several platters of fruit and pastries on the table. “Have a seat. I’ll go get you some tea,” said the woman.

  “Thank you.” Kyla took a piece of fruit and nibbled on it. Something felt out of place here. This big, empty room reminded her of her aunt’s drafty old castle that the war had emptied. The paintings on the wall all seemed to stare at her avidly. In fact, their eyes seemed to follow her every movement. She got up, uncomfortable now. The tea was taking a long time. She’d headed for the door, intending to leave, when she heard a noise behind her. She whirled around in time to see something dark rushing at her, and then something swooped over her head and enveloped her.

  She tried to scream and struggle but her captor was too strong. She was overpowered and the next thing she knew she was being carried somewhere.

  “Put me down!”

  “If you cry out, you’ll be hurt. Be quiet. Nothing is going to happen to you.”

  Something dreadful was already happening to her. She was being kidnapped! She struggled some more and let out the loudest scream possible, and something hit her on the head.

  * * * * *

  She woke up with a huge headache. For a minute she forgot what happened to her. Then she remembered being caught and clobbered. She rubbed her head and felt a large, extremely tender bump. Well, whoever had taken her didn’t know Kyla very well. She’d grown up with two older brothers and she knew how to fight. They’d taught her how to defend herself. The next person to come in this room would get a taste of her fist. She got up, groaned as her head ached even more, but managed to walk around the room. She looked for a weapon. There was nothing she could use.

  She was naked, the bed had soft satin sheets, the walls were bare except for some filigree sconces holding tall, thin candles. There was a bookcase, but books made terrible weapons and these were slender tomes, not even nice thick books to drop on someone’s head.

  There was a closet, but it was empty. Not even a hanger to twist into a claw. The rug beneath her feet was soft and the chair next to the bed was a delicate antique.

  Kyla took the chair and smashed it, then hefted one of the flimsy legs. It wasn’t much, but it was better than nothing. She stood by the door and waited.

  The doorknob turned.

  The door opened.

  A person stepped into the room and Kyla smacked her over the head with the chair leg. Her? Oh Mistral! “I’m sorry!” gasped Kyla, as the woman fell to the ground, clutching her head.

  Tears poured down the woman’s face as she stared at Kyla. “That’s all right, I would have done the same thing if I’d been sold into slavery, but I promise, I mean you no harm. I want to be your friend.” She wiped her hand over her face and Kyla saw she was young, maybe a few years older than herself, and pretty. She was a fairy too, a little smaller than Kyla, with fairy pink hair and violet eyes, except her hair and eyes were curiously faded, as if left too long in the sun.

  “Sold into slavery?” Kyla backed up a step. “What do you mean? Who are you?”

  The woman got to her feet and said, “I’m Jemina. My husband bought you from the slave dealer yesterday for an astronomical sum.” She gave a hollow laugh. “I didn’t know about it until this morning when my husband told me what he’d done with my inheritance.” She made a face. “I don’t mind though, if you give us a child. That’s all I really want.”

  Kyla felt as if she’d fallen into a bad dream and hadn’t woken up yet. How long had she been knocked out? A glance out the window told her only it was day. Wait a minute. Child? “Give you a child? What do you mean?”

  “Why, getting pregnant of course. The slave dealer said you came from Hivernia, and that you were a concubine there. He claims that you’re not sterile.” She gave another nervous laugh. “With the price we paid, I should hope you’re not sterile.”

  “I’m not really a slave,” Kyla protested. “I hid on the ship coming here because I was bored because of the war. I don’t belong to Merlin, I’m a free person. I have to go back to the palace right away, Merlin will be frantic with worry.”

  “If he’s not your master, why should he worry? Is he in love with you? Are you married?”

  Kyla’s stomach clenched. He wasn’t in love with her. He drank the antidote. He wasn’t her master either. But she wasn’t a slave to be bought or sold. “I am not a slave,” she said firmly.

  “You are now.” Jemina’s voice became distinctly less friendly. “If you behave, you’ll have wonderful robes and jewelry. Come, let me show you your new room.” She took Kyla’s arm and led her out of the room and into the most gorgeous house Kyla had ever seen, and Kyla had been to the king’s court in Hivernia and had seen some very impressive houses. House? It was a manor! The halls were lined with portraits, the furniture was gilded and the rugs underfoot were made of silk.

  The views from th
e window showed magnificent flower gardens, a carefully tended wooded park and a view overlooking the sea. Jemina opened a door with a flourish and said, “Here is your room. I hope you like it.”

  It was like something out of a fairy tale. As she walked in, three ladies’ maids stood and curtseyed. The bed was huge and covered in blue silk. Blue silk curtains hung on the tall floor-to-ceiling windows. The windows opened to reveal a vast courtyard with potted plants and beautiful tables and chairs set up around a bubbling fountain. The closet that Jemina flung open was full of the most splendid dresses, and there was a dressing table covered with perfume, makeup and jewelry. Everything she’d ever dreamed of was in that room.

  As she stood, staring, one of the maids rushed over with a filmy blue dress in her arms. She put it over Kyla’s head, smoothed it over her hips and tied it just under her bosom with satin ribbons. Another maid came over with a brush and more ribbons and did her hair for her, while still another picked out a dazzling necklace made of precious, pale blue sea-stone. When she caught sight of herself in the mirror her heart leapt. She looked like a princess! Her hand lifted to her neck and she fingered the glittering stones.

  “This is beautiful,” she gasped.

  “It’s yours now. And we have parties and dances almost every week. There are horses in the stables and pools to swim in. There are hundreds of young men and women who come to play, dance and sing with us. We could have so much fun together!” Jemina sounded almost desperate. She took Kyla’s hands. “All I ask is that you take my husband as your lover and bear us a child. Please!”


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