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Lieutenant Commander Stud

Page 43

by Chance Carter

  Whew, that was close. I knew it was a stupid idea to write it down.

  Xander looked out the window to check if Johnny and Molly were far enough away from the house to be safe.

  I could just quickly go over everything again.

  He reopened the page and began reading details of the various ideas he’d had for how he could propose to Molly. From the moment Molly welcomed him back into her life, Xander had been brainstorming ways he could ask her to be his wife. Starting from the top of his list, Xander read through his ‘proposal proposals.’

  “On the beach, during the sunset.”

  Romantic, but it might be hard for her to walk in the sand at almost nine months pregnant.

  “Wedding ring in a cupcake.”

  She could choke and die. Not exactly what I’m going for.

  “Jumbo-Tron at the next Ranger’s game.” And if she say’s no? Thousands of people would be watching. No thanks.

  Xander scrolled down to the very bottom of the page, bypassing a number of ideas that made him roll his eyes, or better yet, laugh at himself.

  Wait, what’s this one? Reading the second to last sentence, Xander felt goosebumps on his arms. This is the one. It’s perfect.

  Everything but the final idea, Xander had deleted. The front door opened and Xander closed the screen just as Molly and Johnny walked back into the office.

  “You’re all smiles. What are you doing?” Molly asked suspiciously.

  “Just thinking about you, Molly Tompkins.” Xander pulled Molly onto his lap and kissed her lips.

  Molly Delgado. I like the sound of that.

  Chapter 77


  Tommy marched angrily around his office, yelling at the lawyer he’d hired a month previous to help bring down Xander Delgado.

  “I understand that, but there are legal implications to what you’re asking. The best I can do is issue a court order. You said that he did sign the contract, right?”

  Tommy’s lawyer was holding the contract papers Xander had rejected when Tommy had offered to become his manager again.

  “If you opened your eyes Mr. Menard, you would see your answer written plainly on the bottom of the page where it says ‘Xander Delgado’ in that chicken scratch he calls a signature.”

  Mr. Menard rested his reading glasses on his nose, and looked over the signature for the fifth time.

  “Yes, I understand. It’s just that… well, the other day when I was asking about a possible breach of contract, you mentioned that he had never signed the papers.”

  Tommy pulled at his hair with both hands.

  “I made a mistake! It all just happened so fast. He signed the papers, and then next thing you know Johnny whats-his-face was pulling him out of here and feeding him all sorts of lies about me. Xander came back in and told me he couldn’t do it and fled! Now he’s got a gym and he’s managing people? I won’t have it. He’s a two-faced, manipulative liar who’s using what I’ve taught him to throw me out of business. I want him out.”

  Mr. Menard packed the papers into his briefcase and made his way to the door.

  “I will prepare the necessary documents and have them served to Mr. Delgado promptly. If this makes it to trial, we will also need to have a backup plan.”

  Tommy shooed his lawyer out of the office, closing the door behind him.

  “Just do your job,” he said under his breath, watching as the bald-headed man who would soon represent him in court, exited the building.

  Chapter 78

  Xander walked around the entire grocery store twice, and still couldn’t find what Molly was asking for.

  Where in the hell am I supposed to get cheddar and bacon flavored popcorn?

  Just as he was about to ask a store clerk for help finding the items, Xander heard a voice bellowing from behind him.

  “Mr. Delgado?”

  Xander slowly turned around, and saw that a stranger holding a large manila envelope was towering over him.

  “Ya… that’s me. What can I do for you?”

  He passed Xander the envelope.

  “You’ve been served.”

  What the…?

  Xander tore open the envelope and pulled out the contents.

  “Wait, by who?!”

  Xander yelled down the aisle, but the stranger was already out of sight.

  Chapter 79

  Molly and Johnny were sitting at the kitchen table with Xander. Molly rubbed his back and was reading over the papers.

  “He’s taking me to court, Mol. The little fucker forged my signature, and he did a damn good job of it too. Now he’s saying I’ve ‘breached’ my contract. A contract that I never even signed in the first place! Johnny, you were there, you know I didn’t sign it, right?”

  Johnny put out his hand, asking Molly to see the papers for himself.

  “It sure does look a lot like your signature, though. But he would have a million of those lying around in his office from past contracts and fighting agreements. Before I came into the office, you’re positive you didn’t sign?”

  Xander slammed both of his hands down on the table, startling Molly and Johnny.

  “I’m sorry. It’s just… everything we’ve been working so hard for Johnny, he wants to take it away. Don’t you see what he’s doing here? He’s scared that we’re going to run him out of town.”

  Xander took a few deep breaths.

  “And to answer your question, no I didn’t sign the papers, Johnny. I would have told you… and you, Molly.”

  Molly bowed her head, showing Xander that she believed him.

  “Everything is going to be okay, Xan. My uncle is an attorney and I know he’d help us out. I’ll call him right now.”

  She squeezed Xander’s hand and left the table.

  Johnny and Xander sat in silence, both thinking about what would happen if Tommy won at trial. Before pushing them back over to Xander, Johnny looked at the papers again.

  “He’s just grasping at straws, Xan. Molly’s right, everything is going to be okay. I gotta head home. I’ll call you in the morning.”

  Molly walked back into the kitchen and over to where Xander was sitting, his head in his hands and a small pool of tears puddled up on the table.

  “My uncle will be over tomorrow after his hearing, okay? He said not to give up hope just yet—that you might have a chance.”

  Molly looked at the sun setting over the mountains.

  “It’s getting late, my love. Let’s go to bed. Come on.”

  Molly took Xander by the hand and led him to their bedroom.

  All night, Xander tossed and turned—dreaming of Tommy as a two-headed serpent looming ominously over the house, spitting his acid-like venom everywhere. Xander tried to save Molly and Johnny, but they were burned alive—leaving only himself to fend off the giant monster.

  Xander awoke in a puddle of sweat.

  I was just about to cut…

  When Molly fluttered open her eyes and pushed herself upright, she saw Xander drenched in his own sweat and shaking profusely.

  “Xander, are you okay? Did you have a bad dream?”

  Molly wrapped her arms around him, hushing him back into a tranquil state.

  “Let’s go take a shower together before my uncle gets here.”

  Molly rolled out of bed and pulled her nightgown down to her ankles.

  “Come on handsome, don’t you want to see me all naked and wet?”

  Xander followed her, stripping as he stepped into the shower behind her. His cock began to get hard as he looked at the round curve of her ass. She was so sexy now that she was pregnant. Her body had new curves, new adventures that he’d never thought about before. Her breasts were fuller and more voluptuous, her nipples were bigger and pinker, and her belly had the most alluring bump that thrilled him every time he saw it.

  She turned on the warm water and threw her head back, letting her hair get wet.

  He crouched down t
o his knees and while she still had her head back, her eyes closed, he began kissing her pussy. She was surprised and let out a little squeal. Instinctively, she grabbed his head and pulled his face against her pussy, grinding into his face.

  He slid his tongue in and out of her pussy and sucked on her clit, sending thrills of pleasure through her body.

  She looked down at his muscular frame and swore she’d never seen someone so powerful, so strong.

  Without hesitating, he reached up to her waist and lifted her, sitting her on his neck so that it was like a backwards piggyback. Her legs were over his sounders and her feet were dangling behind his back, but her pussy was still crushed against his face and he was still sucking her clit and fucking her with his tongue. She held onto his head for balance and it was like the most pleasurable, exciting ride imaginable.

  She held on tight as the orgasms rushed through her, and when he felt her muscles relax, he lifted her off his face and turned her around.

  She splayed her hands on the wall of the shower and pushed out her butt to tempt him. He took the bait and put his mouth right over her ass, licking her crack. When his tongue ran over her asshole, she squirmed in pleasure. It felt so good. He was so naughty. He would stop at nothing. He was voracious and wanted to devour her, and that made her feel so desirable and beautiful.

  She leaned forward, arching her back as his tongue ran circles around her asshole, teasing her to a frenzy of desire.

  “Fuck me,” she cried.

  And with that he stood up and grabbed her by the waist. He spun her around and bit her neck. This brought her to a frenzy and she leapt into him, throwing her legs around his torso as he made out passionately with her mouth, kissing her as if his life depended on it.

  Then he lifted her a little higher, so that his cock was pointed at her asshole instead of her pussy, and lowered her ass onto his long, wet, rigid shaft.

  When she felt his tip touch her anus, she gasped and wrapped herself even more tightly around him. He enjoyed her surprise and nipped her ear playfully. She responded by biting his neck, hard, and as she did, he slid his cock, lubricated by the water, smoothly into her ass.

  “Oh God,” she cried.

  He lifted her up and down, making her bounce on his cock, so that he slid in and out of her ass.

  “Oh my God,” she screamed.

  He kept bobbing her on his cock like she was a toy. She felt so light and small in his powerful arms. He threw her up and then thrust upward as she landed, driving further than ever into her. The sensation overwhelmed her and she cried out as her orgasm started in a wave from the core of her boy and rushed through every inch of her.

  He came at the same moment, pouring powerful streams of semen, jet after jet, into her ass.

  “I fucking love you,” he cried, as he came.

  His orgasm lasted so long it amazed Molly. She’d never known it to last so long.

  When he was done he was exhausted, and let her back down to her feet, kissing her mouth the entire time.

  Chapter 80

  The bathroom had filled with steam and was so hot that when Xander stepped out of the shower it was as though he had gone right into a sauna.

  “Baby, would you crack the window? I don’t want to have to take another shower after getting out of this one.” Molly asked, washing the soap off of the rest of her body.

  Xander opened the window and saw a middle-aged man in a suit walking toward their door from the courtyard.

  “Shit, your uncle is here. I have to go get dressed.”

  Wrapping a towel around his waist, Xander ducked past the window and into his bedroom.

  A loud knock on the front door reverberated through the house.

  “Coming! Just one minute!” Xander yelled, pulling on his best pair of pants and a button up shirt.

  Not exactly how I imagined meeting her family for the first time.

  Xander flung open the door just as Molly’s uncle was about to ring the doorbell.

  “Hello! It’s Peter, right?” Xander asked, offering a handshake.

  Peter stood in the doorway, studying Xander.

  Great first impression. Shirt is half way unbuttoned and my hair is a mess.

  Looking intently into Xander’s eyes, Peter finally shook his hand.

  “Yes, it’s Peter. And you’re Xander. Where is Molly?”

  Peter furrowed his eyebrows, displeased that Xander was the one to greet him.

  “She’s just getting out of the shower. Come in, I’ll put on some coffee.”

  Xander cleared a space at the kitchen table for Peter to set up his remote office.

  “Do you take cream, sir? Or sugar?”

  Peter had already begun flipping through the papers that Xander had set out. The manila envelope that he was given by the stranger in the grocery store detailed where, when, and why Xander had been summoned to court.

  “I take my coffee black. I see here in the court filings that you signed a contract with a Mr. Dimitri and are now being charged with Breach of Contract. I want to set the grounds for an honest discussion so I’m going to cut to the chase.”

  Xander poured a mug of coffee for Peter and himself.

  I’ll need extra sugar this morning, I take it.

  “Are you a liar, Mr. Delgado?”

  Xander was thrown off by Peter’s audacity to ask such a question—having just met him and all.

  “A liar? No, Mr. Tompkins, I’m not a liar.”

  Xander carried both coffees over to the table and sat down across from Peter.

  “Good. So, Molly tells me that you are under the impression Mr. Dimitri has then forged your signature onto this contract? That you did not accept his offer to act as your manager for this… fighting it is that you do?”

  Peter looked over the top of his glasses at Xander.

  “It’s a complicated situation, sir, but no, I did not sign that paper.”

  Peter compiled everything into the envelope and slid it back into his briefcase.

  “I will contact a professional who will then authenticate your signature, and if all goes according to plan, you will be acquitted of this offense. We will also ask Mr. Dimitri for video footage from his office space. I will be contacting you shortly.”

  Xander had only taken two sips from his coffee before Peter was completely finished his and was headed for the door.

  “Do you want to wait to see Molly before you leave, sir?”

  Peter put a hand up and shook his head.

  “I have no time to spare. Give her a kiss and a hug from me.”

  Molly walked out of the bathroom just as the front door was closing—a towel wrapped around her head and a gel mask smeared onto her face.

  “Oh, did he leave already?” Molly asked, as a drip of goop fell from her cheek onto the floor. “He never says goodbye.”

  “I think he would’ve ran out of here if he saw you like that.”

  But, I think it’s adorable.

  “Peter? Pfft. He doesn’t care. He has to be one of the least judgmental people I know.”

  Are we thinking of the same Peter? The one who just gawked at me for missing two buttons on my shirt?

  “Speaking of judging, I don’t know about this, Mol. Your uncle didn’t seem all that confident that we have a solid case. Maybe I should look into hiring someone else?”

  Molly unwrapped the towel from her head and dried the tips of her hair.

  “No, Xander. Trust me, he’s one of the best attorneys money can buy, so we don’t have to break the bank settling this dispute. It’s a win-win.”

  Xander flared his nostrils and let out a sigh.

  “Yeah, if we win.”

  Chapter 81

  A little less than a week had passed and Tommy was feeling confident he was going to win. Mr. Menard had been fairly ambiguous when it came to their brief meetings or conversations over the phone, but Tommy could tell by the tone of the man’s voice that things were going his way.

  Tommy leaned back in h
is chair and opened the desk drawer he reserved for ‘special celebrations.’ In it was a two hundred dollar bottle of Scotch, a pack of Cuban cigars, and a photo of himself with his brother.

  “This is for you Jimmy. After all of these years I’ve kept our business afloat, and I sure don’t intend to let it all go down the drain because of Delgado. I swear to you, I’ll do whatever it takes.”

  Tommy held the photo of Jimmy to his face and gave it a brotherly kiss.

  “Is now a good time to come in, Mr. Dimitri?”

  Tommy threw the photo back in the drawer and slammed it shut.

  “Yes, come in Mr. Menard. Take a seat. I was just about to pour myself a glass of this new Scotch I picked up on the Isle of Arran over in Scotland. Have you heard of it?”

  Mr. Menard briskly entered the room, removing his suit jacket and hanging it on the coat rack.

  “I have heard of the place, Mr. Dimitri. I’m sure that many people have heard of Scotland. I’ll pass on the scotch”

  Tommy fetched one glass and a bucket of ice cubes.

  “I appreciate you coming here, Mr. Menard.”

  The lawyer opened his briefcase and took out a thick booklet, laying it on the desk for Tommy to see.

  “You are paying me to do so. Now, in this rather thick booklet I’ve placed before you, Mr. Dimitri, you will find a response from Mr. Delgado and his attorney.”

  Tommy reached across the desk for the papers. Mr. Menard put his hands on top of the booklet.

  “On second thought, it may take all afternoon for you to read through this, so I will summarize. Mr. Delgado’s attorney reviewed the files and had video footage pulled from your office. He also had a very reputable authenticator assess the signature you so foolishly forged, which was made obvious to a professional after a side by side analysis of Mr. Delgado’s actual handwriting. The most interesting part, however, is that you failed to realize that as soon as the video footage was released, we would see that not only did Mr. Delgado never sign the papers, but instead you, Thomas Dimitri, made a new copy after ripping the first one up in front of a group of spectators and signed them the night after we met for the first time. I have no time for representing a client such as you. Good luck.”


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