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I Love You

Page 13

by Shanade White

  Paige rested her head on his chest, “We’ll deal with it together.” she said, looking up at him.

  Cooper looked at Paige, then took a deep breath of relief. “It’s not going to be pleasant for any of us, but knowing you’re here makes it so much easier.” He said, burying his face in her hair.

  Amy got in her car in a panic; she’d expected her reunion with Cooper and Brandon to go much differently than it had. She’d never for a million years expected him to be involved with someone, and someone clearly so much younger than she was. Looking in the mirror, she wondered if she needed to try and find somewhere to get a little work done before she came back tomorrow, then abandoned the thought realizing that what she needed was some different clothes.

  She’d felt as ridiculous as she’d looked stumbling across that field, tomorrow she’d dress differently, fit in better. Paige or whatever her name was, didn’t stand a chance. By tomorrow night, she’d have Cooper eating out of her hands; it was just a matter of approaching him differently. Already planning out her seduction in her mind, she drove back to town and the man who was waiting for her there.

  After dinner that night, they helped the boys with their homework, then let them have some television time. “Let’s go sit on the porch, I want to talk to you.” Cooper said, handing her a jacket to wear since the night’s had grown chilly.

  Once they were settled on their favorite bench, Cooper’s arm around Paige, he said, “I want you to think about spending the night tonight.”

  “Oh, Cooper I don’t know.” She said, more tempted than he could imagine to take him up on his request. “What will the boys think?”

  “That we’re committed to each other.” He said, looking in her eyes. “I know how you feel about us spending the night together, but Paige I think this might be the time to make an exception. Brandon needs you.”

  She studied him for a minute, Brandon had been particularly clingy tonight, which was completely unlike him. But she knew that there was more to Cooper’s request than just Brandon’s happiness — she could see the vulnerability in his eyes. Amy had hurt him, and although she didn’t doubt his feelings for her, she knew that right now he was dealing with some heavy emotions.

  She was just about to agree, when he said, “I need you, too.”

  “Of course we’ll stay. I’ll always be here for you when you need me.” She said, stroking his face.

  He leaned into her hand, then said, “Thank you. I need you here with me tonight.” Then he kissed the center of her palm, and added, “But you’re going to have be much quieter than you usually are, these walls aren’t very thick.”

  She laughed and said, “Who said anything about sex, I didn’t hear that part of the bargain.”

  “Well, if you think you can sleep in the same bed with me and not have sex then that’s fine with me, but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to try.” He said, bringing his mouth down on hers in a passionate kiss.

  When he finally released her, there was no question in her mind about what would happen later, “When you put it that way, how can I resist?”

  Paige was in the kitchen washing up the last of the dishes, and Cooper had offered to put the boys to bed while she put the house to bed. “They’re both asleep.” He reported, coming into the kitchen and wrapping his arms around her from behind.

  “Good, it was a long day.” She said, leaning back into his chest.

  “Then let’s go to bed.” He said, “Then added, it’s nice that you’re mine for a whole night.”

  When they climbed into bed, Cooper pulled her to him and got comfortable. She could tell that he had something on his mind, and she was sure that it was Amy. They’d talked about his marriage very briefly, and although she didn’t want to hear more of the story, she knew that there was more to be told.

  Cooper took a deep breath and said, “I really thought that I loved her, and honestly it wasn’t until I moved up here that I began to understand that I was in love with the idea of Amy. She was more than willing to adapt herself to what I wanted, then once we were married she changed, but I still had my dreams so I adapted my thinking to hers.” He’d explained.

  “That happens a lot in relationships.” Paige had said, just to keep him talking.

  “I was such an idiot. I still don’t know how I didn’t see through her charade.” He said, feeling the rush of both embarrassment and anger that he’d let her manipulate her.

  “Cooper, I think the first thing you need to do is forgive yourself.” Paige said, sitting up so she could look into his eyes. “Don’t you see? Amy used the very best part of you to get what she wanted.”

  When he looked at her in confusion, she went on, “Cooper you have an amazing capacity to care about people, but with that comes the risk they’ll use that against you. Amy saw that in you and took advantage of it; you didn’t do anything wrong besides trusting someone you loved.” Cooper sat silently for a long time thinking about his years married to Amy, then it occurred to him that Paige was right.

  “The question you have to ask yourself is if you’ve learned from the experience. And don’t forget that whether she’s a horrible mother or not, you have a wonderful son sleeping in the other room. No matter what else she may have done to you, she did give you Brandon.” Paige said, then took his hand in hers, lifted it to her mouth and kissed his palm.

  Her point made, Paige laid back down next to him and curled herself around him, content to let him think about what she’d said. Cooper was turning Paige’s words over and over in his mind letting them sink in, his embarrassment and anger at himself draining away. While the mistake he’d made had been huge, he had grown from the experience and Brandon was certainly something he’d never be sorry for.

  “How did you get so smart?” He finally asked, his voice telling her that the crisis had passed.

  “Well, it’s easier when you’re standing on the outside.” She said, relieved to hear her Cooper back.

  He sat up so suddenly, she practically fell out of bed. “But you’re not on the outside. Don’t you see this affects you too?” He said, jumping up out of bed and grabbing his robe off the hook on the back of the door and handing it to her?

  She was confused but followed him down the stairs and out onto the porch. “Cooper, what are we doing? It’s freezing out here.” She said, grimacing when her bare feet came in contact with the cold boards on the porch.

  Cooper sat down on their bench and pulled her onto his lap, then pulled her feet up and covered them with the robe. “Better?”

  “Yes, but what are we doing out here, it’s the middle of the night.” She said, genuinely confused.

  When she looked into his eyes, there was so much intensity in them, that her heart started beating a staccato rhythm in her chest. Cooper reached up and cupped her face in one hand, then said, “I just thought it was appropriate for me to tell you how much I love you here.” He said, stroking her cheek with his thumb.

  “Oh Cooper, I love you too.” She said, the tears running down her face.

  “It occurred to me that no matter what happened in the past, we have each other now and I’ve never told you that I love you. I think I’ve loved you since the first time we sat on this bench.” He said, smiling at the memory.

  Paige was speechless for a long time, her eyes shining with tears of happiness, “I know it sounds stupid, but I never thought I’d find that perfect person, yet here you are. At first, I was afraid to believe that something so wonderful could happen to me, and finding you and Brandon was the best thing that ever happened to me.”

  “We fit together perfectly.” He said, standing up and carrying her into the house. When he set her on her feet, he took her hand and led her upstairs, his thumb rubbing across the middle of her palm, sending shivers of anticipation rushing though her.

  Chapter 13

  Cooper pulled her into the bedroom, closed the door and locked it. He pulled her into his arms and captured her mouth in a heated kiss, their tongues tangli
ng together as their passion built quickly. He broke the kiss and cupped her face in his hands, his eyes locked on hers, he said, “I love you.”

  She smiled up at him and said, “Those are the sweetest words I’ve ever heard. I love you, too, Cooper.”

  “Be prepared to hear them a lot, since I’m going to tell you as often as I can.” Cooper said, threading his fingers though her hair.

  She couldn’t resist letting her head relax back into his hands as he massaged her scalp, purring in her throat as every muscle in her body began to relax, reaching for Cooper to steady herself. He slid his hands out of her hair and down to the collar of the robe, which she’d cinched tightly around her waist because it was so big, then down to the knot she’d made.

  Paige’s breath was coming in short gasps, Cooper’s blue eyes locked on hers, as he pulled the knot free and spread her robe open. He slid his hands inside the robe to her hips, then up her rib cage, making her shiver, then gasp when his thumbs grazed the sides of her breasts. Passion in his eyes, he slid his hands under her breasts, lifting them slightly he bent his head down and captured one nipple in his mouth.

  Paige grabbed his muscular shoulders with her hands to brace herself as a torrent of pleasure raced through her body. She was immediately hot and throbbing between her legs, her body crying out for more, but Cooper released her breast and pulled her up against him. The feel of his naked chest against her sensitive breasts made her gasp with pleasure, his throbbing erection was pressed up against her stomach only intensifying her desire.

  Cooper’s mouth came down on hers with such force that she practically melted in his arms as he poured all his love and passion into that one kiss. Feeling her complete submission, Cooper backed her up to the door and pinned her there with his body, kissing her until she had to break the kiss or faint.

  Paige stood immobilized by desire and watched while he stripped off his boxers, then stepped back up to her. He slid his hands back to her hips then down between her legs, his mouth taking hers again, as a cry of pleasure came out of her mouth. Muffling her pleasure with his mouth, he stroked her until she was trembling in his arms, then brought his hands back to her hips and pulled back.

  “I want you now. Put your hands on my shoulders and hold on.” He said, lifting her into his arms.

  She wrapped her legs around him as he drove himself into her waiting heat and wetness. This time it was Paige’s mouth that muffled his pleasure as her body clasped tightly around him, her breasts rubbing against his chest. Cooper ground his hips into hers, his hard length reaching some deep spot that he’d never reached before. Paige threw her arms around him, her fingernails digging into his back as the pleasure began to build so deep inside her she knew that it would soon become all she was.

  With each powerful thrust, Paige felt herself coming nearer and nearer to the crest, each wave of pleasure greater than the last until she was panting, “Please, please, please.”

  “It’s up to you sweetheart. Come for me, I love the way your body feels when you do.” Cooper purred in her ear, grinding his hips into hers, sending her flying over the crest.

  Cooper carried her over to the bed, her body still clenched tightly around his and sat down with her still straddling him. Then he laid down on his back and flipped her onto hers. When he pulled out of her, she whimpered, but he spread her legs and lowered his head between them.

  When his tongue flicked over her clit, her hips came up off the bed, but he reached up and pushed her hips back down, then ran his tongue over her again. The fire that leapt to life in her belly was instantaneous and all consuming, but Cooper continued to fan the flames. Using his tongue, he drove her to the brink of orgasm, then gently held her there hovering, the waves of pleasure rolling over her until he slid his finger inside her.

  Cooper gently slid his finger in and out of Paige’s dripping core, his tongue lapping at her until she stiffed and tumbled over the edge, unable to stop herself from crying out his name when she came. Cooper’s mouth was immediately on hers, capturing his name with his mouth, then when the worst of her trembling was over, he thrust into her as deeply as he could, no longer able to resist her waiting warmth.

  Paige was breathless with pleasure, but she knew that Cooper had never possessed her as he had that night. As he continued to thrust into her, bringing that familiar heat to her middle, she threaded her hands into his hair and pulled him down for a kiss. Then whispered, “I love you Cooper, when you’re inside me I feel complete.”

  At her words, Cooper lost all control and with one final thrust, let himself go completely, the force of his orgasm beyond anything he’d ever experienced. The last rational thought he had, was how much he loved this woman underneath him, then he collapsed on top of Paige the world fading to only the feeling of her underneath him. Finally, he managed to roll them over, and Paige snuggled up next to him, her body suffused with a sense of wellbeing.

  The next morning, Paige was in the kitchen making pancakes for breakfast when Amy pulled up outside. Cooper had already left for the day, excited to begin the instillation of solar panels that would supply power to the canyon. She smiled thinking of how excited he’d been last week when the panels had arrived, like a kid on Christmas morning, he’d opened every box before he was satisfied.

  One of the things she loved most about Cooper was the way he always seemed to throw himself into whatever project he was working on. In the time she’d known him, he’d learned about the hydraulics of the dam and water flow patterns, he’d help excavate at the dig, not to mention all the other small projects he’d tackled in between. Now he was happily learning all he could about solar power and its potential.

  It was good that he had something to distract him from Amy’s appearance yesterday; it had shaken him up pretty badly, but they’d talked long into the night, then made love until early morning. Neither had gotten much sleep, but Cooper had opened up to her about his marriage to Amy. She’d been horrified when he’d told her about the night of their anniversary, Amy had chosen the most painful way she could have to destroy his world.

  But now the woman was getting out of her car and Paige suddenly realized that she was standing in the kitchen in Cooper’s robe and a panicked feeling like she’d done something wrong overtook her. Then she realized that she had every right to be here and squared her shoulders for the confrontation that she was sure was about to come. Brandon and Justin were looking out the window to see who had just driven up and when Brandon saw his mother get out of the car, he quickly looked back at Paige.

  “Why don’t you boys go get ready for school? I’ll call you when it’s time to go.” Paige said, nodding her head toward the back of the house.

  She stepped up to the door, but waited until Amy knocked to answer it, then took a deep breath and opened the door. Amy’s eyes widened at the sight of Paige standing in the doorway, clearly wearing his robe. She seemed to consider her options, then asked, “Is Cooper here?”

  “No, he’s gone seeing to some work in the park.” Paige said, not planning to invite Amy in.

  Amy studied her for a second, weighing her options, “Is Brandon here?”

  “He’s getting ready for school.” Paige said, not planning on making this any easier than she had to. Justin’s father may not have anything to do with him, but this was a woman who sold the rights to her son like they were stocks and bonds.

  “Can I see him?”

  Paige wished she’d discussed this possibility with Cooper, but didn’t see how she could refuse her. “Come in then, I’ll go get him.” Paige said, holding the door open wider.

  She couldn’t fail to miss the look that crossed Amy’s face when she saw the house; it was a mixture of horror and disgust that she quickly tried to hide. “You can wait in the kitchen.” Paige said, pointing through the door. “Help yourself to coffee if you like.”

  Paige didn’t even wait for a response from Amy, simply turned and went back into the bedroom and got dressed. When she was ready, she got B
randon and Justin and together they went to the kitchen where Amy was waiting impatiently. She’d been pacing the floor, but when she saw Brandon she flew across the room and threw her arms around him.

  Brandon cringed, then untangled himself from his mother’s arms, which Amy pretended not to notice. “I thought maybe you and I could hang out together today.” She said, giving Brandon a big smile.

  “I have to go to school today.” He said, with relief in his voice.

  “Oh, I think you can skip school for one day.” She said with confidence.

  “No, I have to give my report on the creek today, I’ve been waiting all week. I’m not missing school.” He said, stubbornly, showing a side of Brandon Paige had never seen.

  “Look...” Amy started to say, but Paige cut her off.

  “Brandon is going to school today. I can guarantee you that Cooper would not be happy if he skipped school.” Paige said firmly.

  “I don’t know who....” Amy started to say, but his time Brandon interrupted her.

  “Paige, I’m ready to go to school.” He said, and was out the door.

  Amy followed them out the door, wanting to stamp her foot in frustration, again her well laid plans had been destroyed by this woman. She was supposed to show up here this morning before Cooper could leave the house. Once alone, it wouldn’t have been long before she’d have had him, but instead she showed up to find another woman in Cooper’s house, wearing his robe no less.

  She should have been more upset that Paige had replaced her in Brandon’s life, but the truth was she didn’t really care, he’d only been a way to keep Cooper happy until she’d gained what she wanted and was ready to move on. But it wasn’t a good thing for her plans that she’d have to fight for both Cooper’s cooperation and Brandon’s. One thing was certain, she couldn’t leave here without the information she was looking for. The rest of her life depended on it.

  Then new inspiration hit her, “Can I go with you to drop the boys off, I’d love to see the school.” She said, heading for the car she thought was Paige’s.


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