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I Love You

Page 15

by Shanade White

  “They can’t be far ahead of us, let’s cut across the burial ground. I think the ancestors will forgive us this once.” Calvin yelled over the sound of the wind in the trees.

  Paige just nodded her head vigorously and followed his lead; they hadn’t gone more than a mile when the skies opened up and the rain came pouring down. Hardly able to see, Paige followed Calvin, praying that Scott and Cooper were on their way. She hadn’t been able to reach Cooper, but had gotten through to Donovan who was immediately in action. Someone would find them and come to help.

  When they reached the trail the led to the old mine, Calvin suddenly braked and pulled into the trees. Paige quickly figured out why, the trail was a river of mud, she hadn’t noticed because the four wheelers where equipped for the conditions. But the golf cart Amy had been driving was not, and it was stuck in the mud not more than 500 yards up the trail.

  Amy and a man were standing in the rain yelling at each other, while Brandon and Justin were sitting in the back of the golf cart holding on to one another. Hoping they could sneak up on the cart, Paige shrugged out of her jacket, not even feeling the rain soaking her T-shirt. With the rain, they’d have to keep their weapons as dry as possible so she kept the hand gun in the back of her pants. The shot guns could handle the rain better, but they were too bulky to carry.

  Following Calvin, they made a big loop around the golf cart until they were only a few steps away from the boys. The rain was so loud that Paige had to practically scream to get their attention, but when she had it, the boys quickly slid down and crept over to her. The man who had been arguing with Amy turned just as the boys disappeared into the trees, he pulled a gun out of his pants and fired wildly into the woods.

  Calvin pushed Paige and the boys away from him, “Run.” He yelled over the storm. “I’ll cover you.”

  Paige kissed him on the cheek and grabbed the boys and began to run down the hill. When they passed the four wheelers she thought about trying to get them all on one, but looked at the rushing mud and changed her mind keeping to the tail. As they ran and slid down the hill, Paige heard gun shots and was tempted to turn back, but with a small hand in each of hers, she couldn’t do it.

  When they got to the bottom of the hill, the boys practically fell to the ground exhausted, and she knew that they couldn’t go on, but then she spotted a shack tucked into the trees. It was practically falling down, but when she opened the door it was dry inside which was good enough for her. She shoved the boys inside and told them to stay put, then headed back up the hill to help Calvin. It was probably a stupid idea, but she had so much adrenaline pumping through her blood stream that she didn’t stop to think.

  When she got to the top of the hill, she saw the man pointing his gun into the forest and firing into the trees. She could barely see Calvin hiding behind a large tree, stuck where he was because of a cliff. Getting as close as she dared, she planted her feet and yelled to get the man’s attention, but when that didn’t work, she fired a shot into the air. Mentally marking the shot off in her mind, knowing that she had five shots left, she waved her arms and took off down the road.

  Calvin heard the shots and poked his head out from behind the tree just as the man who’d been shooting at him fired off one more shot. He felt a stinging in his shoulder like he’d been stung by a bee, but then his shoulder began to throb and he put his hand up, surprised when it came back covered in blood even as the rain poured down. Stumbling behind the tree, he heard Paige fire off another shot, then she took off down the road.

  The man so angered by her bravery took off after her, slipping and sliding as he went. Calvin already feeling the loss of blood, stumbled forgetting about the five-foot drop and tumbled down into darkness, landing with a thud. The pain in his shoulder blazed into an inferno and his vision began to darken until the world went black. When the rain on his face brought him abruptly back to consciousness, he was disoriented, but struggled to his feet and began to run through the forest.

  Paige ran past the four wheelers then down the hill, no idea what she’d do when she got to the bottom, but then she slipped and went down in the mud. The man was quickly gaining on her and she couldn’t seem to get her footing, then suddenly he was standing above her, his gun pointed directly at her head. He seemed to feel the need to gloat because he stood above her a superior look on his face.

  “You should have just told me where the gold is.” He shouted to be heard over the storm.

  Just then Amy came sliding down the hill shouting, “Max don’t shoot her. You never said we were going to kill people.”

  Keeping his gun trained on Paige, he turned to Amy and shoved her, then laughed when she fell down into the mud. “Stay out of this bitch. I’m done playing these games, I want that treasure no matter what it takes. If I kill her they’ll know I’m serious. Now get up and go find those kids, they can’t be far.”

  Paige had her gun in her hand but it was trapped under her body, the man couldn’t see it, so shifting her weight slightly she waited for her opportunity. “I wouldn’t bother Amy, by now the boys are far away, they know this land and you don’t.” Paige said to Amy, then turned to Max. “I’m not going to tell you anything about the treasure, its safe where you’ll never find it. Do you really think you’ll get away with this?”

  “It doesn’t look like I have much of a choice.” He said, lifting his arm to fire, but a shout from farther down the road distracted him just long enough for Paige to pull her arm free and aim for his chest.

  She didn’t hesitate, but pulled the trigger as her hand came up. Shocked, the man looked at his chest and sank to the ground. Paige quickly found her footing and kicked the gun away from the man’s hand, then pointed the gun at his head waiting for some sign he was still alive. But when he remained still, she reached down and felt for a pulse, finding nothing she sank to her knees and crawled away from the body.

  Cooper watched horrified as Paige came flying down the road, slipping and sliding in the mud. Not far behind her there was a man with a gun firing wild shots in her direction. As he watched Paige slipped and seemed unable to get her footing. The man was upon her instantly, he almost closed his eyes expecting a gun shot, but Paige had managed to get the man talking. When Amy came sliding down the hill, it gave him just enough time to get close enough to be heard.

  Desperate to get the man’s attention off Paige he shouted, then watched as Paige pulled the gun out from under her and shot the man square in the chest. Then he watched as she jumped to her feet and disarmed him, only stopping to check for a pulse when she was sure he was no longer a threat. When she collapsed on the ground, he was by her side scooping her up in his arms almost instantly.

  “Paige.” He said, getting her attention over the noise of the storm, “Where are the boys.”

  Paige raised a shaky hand and pointed to the shack, Scott seeing her gesture rushed over to the shed and threw the door open. The boys came shooting out and into his arms, relieved to see a familiar face. Cooper relived to see that the boys were okay, began running his hands over Paige.

  “Are you hurt?” He asked, finally meeting her eyes through the rain pouring over their heads.

  “I’m okay, but I don’t know where Calvin is. He may be hurt.” She said, her eyes widening at the sight of six four wheeler’s charging up the road.

  “We’ll find him. He’s a tough guy, I’m sure he’s fine. Let’s get you and the boys back to Marissa’s.” He said, helping her to her feet, then taking the boys from Scott. “Go look for Calvin, the danger is over, but he may be hurt.”

  The sun was just rising when the sheriff finally left with Amy in the back of his car in handcuffs. Paige was wrapped up in a blanket on the couch in Marissa’s sun room still feeling the shock of what had happened the night before. Cooper sat down next to her and handed her a cup of tea. She took a sip and set it down on the table.

  “Amy is going to be charged with kidnapping, but the charges will probably be reduced so she won’t do any j
ail time. I guess she got mixed up with the wrong people, some man took all her money and left her with his gambling debts.” Cooper said.

  “So she thought she’d get the money by stealing the treasure, no one even knew if the treasure was real or not. That’s just crazy, Cooper. What’s wrong with people?”

  “Money will make people do crazy things. If she’d just asked me I would have given it to her.” Cooper said, putting his arm around Paige.

  “Any news about Calvin?” She asked, looking into his eyes, knowing they’d tell her what she needed to know.

  “They found his trail and followed it to one of the old farmhouses, he’s hurt but not badly. They’re going to take him to the hospital in town.”

  Paige immediately tried to get to her feet but Cooper pulled her back down onto the couch. “We really should go see him.” She said, trying to get up again.

  “Nope you’re staying right where you are, you had a rough night last night, I’m afraid it hasn’t caught up with you.” Cooper said, pulling her a little closer.

  “Are you sure?” She asked, not at all sure she shouldn’t go see Calvin, without him who knows what might have happened.

  “I’m sure, Calvin is going to be just fine. My brother Carter is going to meet them at the hospital, he’s a doctor he’ll take care of him. It’s my job to take care of you. Besides, there’s something I’ve been wanting to ask you for a while, but I can’t seem to find the right time.” Cooper said, digging around in his pocket for something.

  Paige looked at Cooper her heart hammering in her chest remembering the night on the porch when he’d told her that he loved her. When he opened his hand to reveal a velvet box, her heart stopped beating for a second, then started back up beating even faster than before.

  “I love you Paige and for a minute there tonight I thought I was going to lose you. It made me realize that I’m never going to let you out of my sight again. Right time or not, I’m asking you to marry me Paige, spend the rest of your life with me. I want you with me forever, I want to grow old with you, watch our grandchildren play in the stream by the house.” He said, opening the box and sliding the ring onto her finger.

  “I love you Cooper and nothing would make me happier than being your wife.” She said, reaching up and pulling his mouth to hers in a kiss that held all the love she felt for him.

  “I never dreamed that I’d find a treasure when I moved here, but I found you Paige, you’re the treasure of my life.” He said, then picked her up and carried her upstairs to the bedroom they always used.

  As he settled down next to her, slowly peeling away the layers of clothes Marissa had insisted that she put on when she’d arrived soaked to the skin, Cooper kissed each bit of exposed skin making Paige squirm, “Oh, Cooper treasure comes in so many forms, but you’re by far the most valuable I’ll ever find.” She managed to say before she was unable to form words any longer.

  The end.

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  The Billionaire's Surrogate Family

  Will he finally get the family he's been craving?

  A complete and twisting romance, brought to you by Alison Tucker of BWWM Club.

  On the outside, Milan’s life is perfect.

  She’s been married to her high school sweetheart for 9 years, she has a steady job, and she has a best friend, Andre, who's a billionaire.

  But beneath the surface, Milan’s marriage is loveless and her job feels stagnant.

  The only light is Andre, who is about to give her the opportunity to change her entire life if she’s willing.

  Andre has always wanted a family, and wants to enlist Milan’s help as a surrogate so he can start one by himself.

  But what will Milan's husband Derek have to say when he learns the news?

  And with pregnancy bringing heightened emotion for all involved, will some discover the best type of romance is built on friendship first?

  Find out in this emotional, sexy roller-coaster of a romance by fan favorite author Alison Tucker.

  Suitable for over 18s only due to sex scenes so steamy, you’ll want your own hunky billionaire best friend.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 1

  Is love a feeling or a commitment? Milan had pondered this question for years, more so recently than ever.

  She typed out the final sentence of the company report trying to distract herself from the feeling of her world crumbling at her feet.

  “It’s 6 o’clock, Milan. Everyone else has gone home already.” Mr. Fields, the head of the On Your Way to Wellness counseling center headquarters, said to her.

  “It’s 6 already? I guess I just couldn’t stop myself.” She lied. She knew she was well into overtime, but she didn’t want to go home. Mr. Fields furrowed his brows at her and could detect the dishonesty in her voice. He didn’t press her though.

  “Just remember to lock the doors before you leave.”

  “Will do.” She smiled and returned back to the word document on her screen. She stared at it and found comfort in the silence around her.

  In the silence she always heard the most. Derek, her husband who she’d known for 13 years of her life, never understood that. He tended to think shouting and criticizing harshly was the way to discover someone’s true feelings and intentions. As well as get his point across.

  Milan sighed as she sent the report via email to the higher-ups and packed her tote purse preparing to leave. She couldn’t hide in her office all day, no matter how badly she wanted to.

  She locked her office door and made rounds around the building to make sure all the doors were closed. Suddenly, her phone began to vibrate and alert her of an incoming call. It was from Derek.

  She shut her eyes and prepared herself for what he had to say.


  “Where the fuck are you?” He shouted into the receiver interrupting Milan. She breathed to steady herself.

  “I’m running a little late. I’ve been at the office finishing a report.” She told him. It was the truth.

  “Get your ass home.” He whispered through clenched teeth and hung up abruptly. She nodded accepting. He was much nicer than normal on that call.


  Andre Hausman was a billionaire at birth. His family owned The Haus and Hospitality Corporation, a company that owned a chain of five-star hotels along the east coast. Ever since he could remember he had been followed by paparazzi, invited to the hottest parties, and annually vacationed in the Hampton's. He was a proper socialite and it wasn’t a stretch to say he was a well-known face in New York.

  “You didn’t dance with any of the girls that came up to you last night man. What’s wrong?” Justin Bartlett, Andre’s wingman and party-companion asked concerned. Andre sat at the bar table and kept his lip pressed to the straw of his mojito.

  “If you ate the same shit everyday you’d be tired of it too.” Andre answered taking a look through the emails his assistant forwarded to his phone.

  He was a man who got anything he wanted. Women flocked to him naturally and even more so because of his money. He was 30 years old and most men in his position wouldn’t give up that life for anything. Andre was different. Women had used him for his money, not that he didn’t use them for their body, for all of his life. He longed for the one thing it seemed he could never get: “real love” wi
th an honest wife with whom he can start a family.

  “Dude, don’t tell me you’re going soft. You know they have pills for that kind of thing? You don’t even have to really enjoy the women anymore.” Justin spewed before chuckling at himself. Andre crumpled his eyebrows and gave him a look of disgust.

  “That has got to be the most vile thing I’ve ever heard you say.” Andre laughed with him until he looked out the window and noticed a woman. His laughter stopped as he tried to get her attention. Her hair flowed past her shoulders in a big, tightly-curled bundle of locks, her full lips were stained with red lipstick, the sun shone against her radiating dark skin, and her big deer-like brown eyes noticed sharp movement to her left. She glanced into the restaurant where Andre was sitting at the bar waving at her insanely. She took a moment to recognize who it was and by the gleam of his smile and those deep dimples she couldn’t mistake the man, it was her best friend: Andre Hausman.

  Milan opened the door to the bar and stared at him with the biggest smile she’d had all day. He tended to pop up when she needed a distraction the most. Andre was good at that. Whenever they hung out together she felt 18 again: her mind filled with big ideas and visions of a future with the man of her dreams. But, as he knows more than her family or any other friends, her dreams didn’t exactly come true. After marrying Derek, it seemed like a lot of the big dreams she had were placed on the back burner to collect dust and dry up like a raisin in the sun. Andre always listened to her troubles and if he couldn’t offer encouragement he offered his silence. Once again, it spoke louder than any words he could have ever said.


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