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Love Everlasting woea-6

Page 5

by Marisa Chenery

  As her climax rushed up to meet her, Elsa felt Brand’s cock swell so large it could no longer move inside her. Her inner walls clutched at it as an intense orgasm tore through her. Brand groaned, pushing her down on him, his shaft pulsing as he too found his release.

  Once Brand let her nipple go, Elsa wrapped her arms around him and rested her head on his shoulder. She’d let out a low moan when she felt another splash of cum hit her cervix. She didn’t even bother trying to move off him, knowing full well his cock was too swollen to allow it.

  Another splash had her lifting her head to look at Brand. He had his eyes closed. Elsa softly kissed him. “It just keeps getting better and better. If you’re not careful, I might try to tie you to my bed so I can have you whenever I want.”

  Brand opened his eyes and smiled. “You don’t have to tie me up to have that.”

  “So you’d be fine being my personal sex slave?” she asked with a grin.

  “Of course. It would be a win-win situation. I’d get to make love to you and have you whenever I want you as well.”

  She chuckled. “How about I make us some brunch? I’m starved.”

  “So am I.”

  “All right. Why don’t you go take a shower while I cook us up something to eat?”

  “Or we could take a shower together, and then you can make us some food.”

  “No. If we do that, we won’t be eating for a long time. And if you want me to keep my energy up, I need food in my belly.”

  Brand slid her off his lap now that his cock had gone soft. “Fine. I’ll take a shower while you cook.”

  Elsa got off the bed and went to her closet. She pulled out her bathrobe before she put it on. “There’s shampoo and conditioner already in the shower. You can find clean towels on a rack above the toilet.”

  He gave her a hard kiss before he left the room. Elsa heard the loo door shut a few seconds later and then the water in the shower turned on. She walked out of the bedroom and headed for the kitchen. She figured she’d make them an omelet, but first she needed some coffee. It didn’t take her very long to set the coffeemaker up to brew a pot.

  Coffee had just started to fill the carafe when Elsa heard her sister’s voice calling her name from the flat’s entranceway. Elsa left the kitchen and met up with Renea as the other woman shut the door behind her. Elsa had given her sister a set of keys shortly after moving into the flat, just in case she forgot her keys and locked herself out. Renea had taken it to mean she could come in whenever she wanted, not that Elsa usually minded, but today was different. Brand was still in the shower.

  Elsa pulled her robe around her closer when she confronted her sister. “What are you doing here?”

  Renea gave her a funny look. “Don’t tell me you forgot.”

  “Forgot what?”

  Her sister rolled her eyes. “You did. Today we’re supposed to go to Mum and Dad’s for lunch to celebrate Dad’s birthday. I told you I’d pick you up so we both didn’t have to drive.”

  “Oh shit,” Elsa said. “That’s today? Um … I don’t think—”

  “Don’t even say it. Mum will kill you if you back out. You know how she is with family get-togethers. You promise to show up, you bloody well better, or she’ll be pissed.”

  Elsa heard the shower shut off. She hoped Brand would stay in the loo until she’d had enough time to get rid of her sister. She racked her brain to think of an excuse. “With Teddy showing up yesterday, it sort of threw me off. I slept in, and I haven’t even had a shower yet. Why don’t you go ahead, and I’ll head to Mum and Dad’s after I’m ready?”

  Renea shook her head. “I can wait for—” Her sister suddenly stopped talking and made a choking sound. Her gaze was directed on something behind Elsa. Renea cleared her throat. “Now I can see why you’re trying to back out of going. And it wasn’t Teddy who threw you off. It was the piece of beefcake coming toward us. This has to be Brand, correct?”

  Elsa sighed and turned to see Brand was indeed walking toward them, wearing only a towel around his hips. His long hair was still damp and pushed back away from his face. He looked sexy as all hell, and if her sister hadn’t been there, Elsa probably would have stripped the towel off Brand and had her way with him again.

  Once he reached them, Brand put his arm around Elsa’s shoulders and pulled her tight against his side. “Are you going to introduce me?” he asked.

  “Brand, this is my sister, Renea. Renea, this is Brand.”

  Renea blatantly ran her gaze up and down Brand before she looked him in the face. “Nice to meet you, Brand. Now I can see why my sister isn’t ready to leave.”

  Brand looked at Elsa. “Leave?”

  Elsa gave him a sheepish smile. “Yeah, I forgot today I have to go to my parents’ place for lunch. It’s my dad’s birthday. I know we planned to spend the day together, but I really can’t get out of this.”

  “I’ll come with you,” he said. “If you think your parents won’t mind.”

  Before Elsa could answer, Renea said, “They won’t mind at all. Actually, I think our mother will be overjoyed to see Elsa has found another guy.” She chuckled. “It will take some of the pressure off me in regards to my recent state of singleness.”

  Elsa met Brand’s gaze with her own. “Are you sure you want to do this? You have no idea what my mum is like. I think she was more devastated than I when Teddy ended our engagement, mostly because she was losing the prospect of having grandchildren. She’s going to take you coming to meet them as a declaration of you wanting a serious relationship with me.”

  Brand cupped the side of her face and dropped his head to kiss her long and hard. He smiled once he pulled away. “Who says I don’t want that?” He let her go. “I’ll get dressed.”

  Elsa found herself speechless as she watched him walk toward the bedroom. Once he disappeared from view, she turned back to Renea. Her sister had followed Brand with her gaze as well.

  “You lucky bitch,” Renea said. “You’ve just snagged yourself a hunk that any woman would jump at the chance to have for herself. Me included. The man works fast, considering you just met him yesterday.” Her sister looked at Elsa. “How do you feel about Brand wanting a serious relationship with you?”

  “I think I’m a lucky bitch, as you said.” There was no denying the warm feeling that rushed through her at the thought of what Brand had implied.

  Renea chuckled. “You go take a shower, Elsa. I’ll call Mum and tell her we’ll be a little late and to expect another guest to join us. I’m sure she’ll be thrilled.”

  Elsa nodded and then headed to the bathroom to do as her sister said. She just hoped her mum wouldn’t put Brand on the spot too much. Elsa didn’t need her mother’s quest for a grandchild to scare him off. She usually didn’t do the whole “meet the parents” thing until she’d known a guy for at least a couple of months just because of what her mother could be like. Her mum could be rather straight to the point about Elsa and Renea seeing to the next generation. Brand had asked for it when he suggested he join them. Hopefully he could take what her mother would invariably dish out.

  * * *

  After getting dressed in the clean clothes he’d brought with him, Brand went out to sit in the living room with Renea while Elsa took her shower. Even with the bedroom door shut, he’d been able to perfectly hear the sisters’ conversation. He had to admit he liked Rene’s straightforward manner. And it seemed she had a worse potty mouth than his Elsa. The sisters were similar in looks, but he was drawn more to Elsa, and always would be.

  Brand sat in the armchair that was kitty-corner to the couch where Renea had taken a seat. She’d just finished talking on her mobile phone. She put it in her purse and then turned to face him.

  “I just told my mum about you coming along with Elsa and me. She can’t wait to meet you.”


  “I have to say it. You look a hell of a lot hotter than Teddy ever did. I could never see what Elsa saw in the fuckwad.”

  Brand grinned. “Elsa told me that was the name you have for him.”

  “Well, he is one. He basically ‘settled’ for my sister when he couldn’t get the woman he truly wanted. If it had been me, I would have done worse than throw his clothes onto the pavement at him. And I wouldn’t have given him his damn ring back either. I would have sold it, made some money off it. Elsa can be too nice at times.”

  He chuckled. “I’m sure you’re there to make sure no one takes advantage of her.”

  “Damn right. And to give you fair warning, you hurt my sister, I’ll be gunning for you.”

  “You don’t have to worry about that with me.”

  “Glad to hear it.”

  They fell silent. The shower turned off, and a short while later, Elsa stepped out of the loo in her bathrobe. She looked in their direction. “Just give me a few more minutes then I’ll be ready to go.”

  “It’s okay,” Renea replied. “Mum said we still have some time before the food will be ready.”

  “Still, I won’t be long.” Elsa hurried into the bedroom and shut the door behind her.

  Silence reigned again.

  Renea broke it. “So, Brand, you don’t seem much of a talker.”

  He shrugged. “I’m not.”

  She gave him a playful look. “Nothing wrong with that. I can think of a lot of other things I’d rather have a man use his mouth for.”

  “You better not let Elsa hear you talk like that to me. She might not like it,” he said with a crooked smile.

  Renea laughed. “Elsa is used to me saying shit like that. She knows when to take me with a grain of salt.”

  “I know what?” Elsa asked as she joined them in the living room.

  “You know when to take me seriously and when not,” her sister answered.

  “So you’ve already started then?” Elsa came to stand in front of Brand. “Did Renea say something shocking?”

  He shook his head. “Not really.”

  “Believe me, she will. She gets her outspokenness from our mother.”

  Renea chuckled. “Except I can take it to the extreme when in the mood.”

  “If we’re all ready, we might as well head out,” Elsa said.

  “Am I still driving?” Renea asked.

  “Elsa and I will go in my car,” Brand answered. “That will save you from having to bring us back here.”

  Renea smiled. “And give you the opportunity to leave when you want.”

  “Let me go turn off the coffee,” Elsa said as she headed for the kitchen.

  Once that task was taken care of, all three of them headed out of the flat and down to the parking at the back of the building.

  Renea let out a low whistle when she saw Brand’s car. “Now that is one fancy and expensive automobile. The boy has money.”

  Elsa rolled her eyes. “Get in your car already. Brand and I will meet you there.”

  With a wave, Renea walked over to an older compact car and got in. She backed out of the space and then drove onto the street. Brand followed her.

  He took a quick look over at Elsa before he focused his attention back on the road. “I like your sister.”

  Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Elsa turn her head in his direction and smile. “I’m glad. Teddy couldn’t stand her. Mostly because he didn’t understand her.”

  “My friend, Garrick, has a similar personality as Renea’s. He can be a smartass.”

  Elsa laughed. “That about sums up Renea at times. I think that must be the reason why she doesn’t keep boyfriends for very long. Is your friend single?”

  “No. He’s one of the married ones, and he and his wife just recently had a baby.”

  “That’s too bad. I would have liked to set Renea up with him. They’d either get along really well or drive each other nuts.”

  Brand chuckled and shook his head. “Well, we can still introduce them if you want. Garrick lives with me.”

  “Oh yeah. You have that big extended ‘family’ of yours. And speaking of which, when do I get to meet them? Since you’ll have met all of mine today.”

  Following behind Renea, Brand turned right onto a quiet-looking street. “How about once we’re done at your parents’ place?” He put a hand on her thigh. “Then you can sleep over in my bed.”

  Elsa put hers on top of his. “Since today is Saturday and I don’t have to be back into work until Monday, sure, I’d love to.”

  Brand took his hand away and slowed the car as Renea pulled into the short drive of a bungalow. He parked on the street in front of it. The house was familiar to him since he’d watched over it many times when Elsa had still lived at home. Once he turned off the ignition, he got out and joined Elsa on the pavement. He took her hand, lacing their fingers together, and walked them toward the house where Renea waited.

  All three of them had just reached the door when a woman who looked in her early fifties opened it. Brand recognized her as Elsa and Renea’s mother. She had the same coloring as her daughters, but both girls favored their father more in looks.

  “Come on in,” their mum said. “Lunch is just about ready.” Once they’d stepped through into the house, she turned to him. “You must be Brand, Elsa’s new boyfriend.”


  “I’m her mother, Kate.” She turned her attention on Elsa. “Show Brand to the dining room, Elsa. Your father is already there.”

  Elsa tugged on his hand and guided him to a room at the end of the hall. Elsa and Renea’s father turned his head in their direction when they entered. He stood before each girl went to him and gave him a hug and wished him a happy birthday.

  “Thanks,” their dad said. He stuck out his hand toward Brand. “I’m Les, Elsa’s father.”

  “Brand,” Brand said as he shook hands with the other man.

  “Everyone take a seat.”

  They all sat around the rectangular dining room table that had been set with plates and cutlery. Brand sat next to Elsa on one side while Renea took the other. Their father sat at the end, leaving the opposite one for Kate.

  “So, Brand, how did you meet Elsa?” Les asked.

  “When she chucked her ex’s belongings out her flat window at him.”

  The other man laughed. “I heard about that.”

  “No more talk about Teddy,” Kate said as she came into the room carrying a piping hot pan. She placed it on the rack on the center of the table and then slipped off the oven mitts she wore. “That man is out of Elsa’s life, and she now has Brand.”

  “I’ll remember that, dear,” Elsa’s father said with a smile.

  “Good.” Kate looked at Brand. “I hope you like shepherd’s pie. It’s Les’s favorite, and since he’s the birthday boy, he got to choose what he wanted me to make.”

  “I do,” Brand replied.

  “Everyone help yourself.”

  When it was Brand’s turn to dish up his food, his stomach growled. The shepherd’s pie smelled really good. He took what he thought was a big enough serving but looked up at Kate when she cleared her throat. She motioned for him to take some more, which he did before passing her the serving spoon.

  “What is it you do?” Elsa’s mum asked once everyone had their food.

  Elsa groaned. “Here we go.”

  “I’m just trying to make conversation and get to know Brand a little bit better,” Kate said to Elsa.

  “I don’t mind answering,” he said. “I don’t have what you would call a regular job. I work at night.”

  “Doing what?”

  “I call myself a hunter.” Seeing the confused looks Elsa and her family wore, he added, “I hunt down undesirables. People who do bad things and then make sure they pay for what they’ve done.”

  “So you’re like a private investigator?” Les asked.

  “Sort of.” Brand decided to leave it at that.

  “That must be an interesting profession,” Kate said.

  “It can be. And at times, it can be a hard job.”

you make lots of money doing it?”

  “Mum!” Elsa said. “You shouldn’t ask that.”

  “Well, I figured he must, considering the car he drives.”

  “I’ve done well for myself,” Brand said. “I don’t have to worry about my finances.”

  “Do you want children someday?”

  Elsa groaned again and then shot Renea a nasty look when her sister laughed. “Please let a hole open up and swallow me now.”

  Brand chuckled. “Yes, I’d like to have children.”

  Kate smiled at Elsa. “Oh, I really like him.”

  As the meal progressed, Brand found he really enjoyed the company of Elsa’s family. They were all very close. The only drawback to that was once he and Elsa became true mates—Tiw gifting her with immortality—she’d stop aging. After awhile her family would eventually notice. Then Elsa would have to make the hard decision of either breaking ties with her mother, father, and sister or telling them the truth. She’d have to feel they were completely trustworthy for that option. Mortals couldn’t know the truth of what really lurked in the dark hunting them. It would cause chaos if they ever did.

  Chapter Five

  After her mum served up the birthday cake, and Elsa and Renea had given their dad the gift they’d gone together on, Elsa figured it was about time to leave. So far, her mother hadn’t been too bad with the personal questions she’d asked Brand, but the longer they stayed the better the chances were they’d get worse. Especially since Brand seemed to have the right answer for everything. Saying he wanted kids had scored a big one with her mum.

  Once Brand finished his cup of tea, Elsa shifted in her chair. “I guess Brand and I are going to head out.”

  “Already?” her mum asked.

  “Yeah. He wants to introduce me to some close friends of his.”

  “Then we won’t hold you up.”

  Of course her mother wouldn’t object after hearing that. She’d just think it was another step closer to Elsa marrying Brand. After pushing back her chair, Elsa got up and walked around the table to her father. She bent down and wrapped her arms around him, hugging and kissing his cheek.


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