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Ex-files: Kinky Katy

Page 2

by Dakota Cassidy

  Katy cocked a haughty eyebrow in the mirror. “I think it’s like you said, Tallulah, you don’t know anything about my marriage.”

  “Nope, I sure don’t. But, it pisses ya off just the same, doesn’t it? To hear you might be wrong. So, go ahead, make the same mistakes. I’m just trying to do my job.”

  Turning, she faced her newest nemesis/wish-granter. “Look, I don’t know what went wrong, not exactly, anyway. We just drifted apart, lost touch. We didn’t have any knockdown drag-outs. One day it was just over.”

  “See, right there, Katy? That’s IT! Where was the passion in that? A good fight lends to some hot making up! A sweaty exchange of bodily fluids and all. Rumble under the sheets. Not everything has to be all calm and serene. And not everything requires this breathing technique you’re so damn fond of. Sometimes breathless is good.”

  Katy shook her finger at her. “You could benefit from those breathing techniques, not to mention the thinking spot.”

  Tallulah stuck her tongue out at Katy. “Please, the thinking spot… do you know how stupid that sounds? Who goes to a spot to think? Maybe you should spend less time thinking and more time doing…”

  Katy bristled over that. No one made fun of the thinking spot and got away with it!

  Choose your battles, Katy.

  Instead, she smiled placidly and injected an appeasing counselor’s tone. “I completely understand your desire to shun all things therapeutic.”

  Tallulah whacked her on the back, making her shoulders jerk. “Oh, don’t patronize me, lady. Don’t think for one second I don’t get where you’re goin’ with this. You’re picking your battles. Well, this is one battle you’d better reconsider, cuz I get the impression it’s your biggest problem.”

  Narrowing her eyes, Katy breathed deeply. This was a wom… fairy… oh, whatever the hell she was, who was in need of some real help and Katy would see to it she got it.

  After she found Garret.

  Her heart raced. Garret… smiling at her again, instead of looking at her with that vacant, disheartened stare. Garret laughing with her instead of stoically agreeing to let her have the new set of china and the matching bath towels. Turning back to the mirror, she sent a silent plea to the heavens.

  Oh, God, please don’t let me blow this.

  Tallulah peered over her shoulder, grinning into the mirror. “Ya will if ya don’t listen to me…”

  Chapter Two

  “Are you ready?”

  Katy wiped sweaty palms over her black spandex pants. She’d forgotten just how revealing they were… not to mention revealing. Did she say revealing?

  “I think you’ve covered that, Katy. They look GREAT. Just let it be, would ya?”

  “That’s easy for you to say. You don’t have to go out that door, but I do and I think I may yark, just like Maddie does before she gets ready to do something she doesn’t want to do.”

  Maddie… Maxie… Victoria. Katy’s stomach clenched. She wished they were here with her. Maddie would give this Tallulah a good dose of what for. They were her friends.

  Would they miss her at the next meeting? She was going to miss it for sure. What if Victoria had another fight with Maxie? Maxie and Maddie didn’t even need to attend the meetings anymore. It was really just she and Victoria who were divorced now, or unattached anyway. But every week they showed up, no matter what. Maxie in all her glory, pregnant and waddling, sipping a coke and Maddie, smart-mouthed and still skeptical over love, but diving in anyway. Katy owed them so much.

  Tallulah squeezed her arm and smiled sympathetically. “There are sacrifices, aren’t there? When you begin to believe people can’t live without your advice. You’ll be back in no time and you can explain it away. Just tell them you needed some ‘you’ time. It’s a very Katy-like thing to need.”

  Gulping, she clung to Tallulah’s hand. “I don’t know what I would have done without them these past months. They think I help them, but they really have no clue. Without them I wouldn’t have bothered to get out of bed. We’re the ex-files…”

  Tallulah cocked her head and her eyes grew misty. “I have to believe that in some way or another you all help each other, Katy. Yes, the girls love you and yes, they’ll be frantic with worry about you and NO, I cannot send a message to them via time/space travel, or whatever the hell it’s called to reassure them you’re off in 1983. I can only give you five days to make peace with your choices for the future. But I think somewhere in your heart you’ll feel them. You’ll somehow know that they would want this for you, Katy. Your happiness, your fulfillment account so damn full, you’d never have to make another deposit again.”

  Tears welled in Katy’s eyes. They would want her to be happy. Of course they would. Maddie had Cole and Maxie was so in love with Kellen it made her teeth hurt. Five days wasn’t forever… They’d cheer her efforts to possibly win Garret back.

  But what about Victoria? She was alone. They were the last two in the group who were still single. They joked about it often.

  Tallulah pressed a palm to Katy’s heart. “See, now that’s the Katy Garret fell in love with. The Katy who worries about her friends even if it means sacrificing her own goals.”

  Katy smiled and patted her eyes with a towel.

  “I get the feeling Victoria will be just fine. No worries.”

  “Will I see you again, Tallulah?”

  Winking, she pinched Katy’s cheek. “Oh, I’ll be around.”

  Well, that was evasive. “What happens when this is over? My five days I mean?”

  “You go back to the future, Katy, knowing if what you really want is Garret and if that’s the case -- you go back prepared to make the sacrifices necessary to get him and keep him.”

  “Which means he’ll still be hooking up with that bimb -- oh…” Katy slapped a hand over her mouth in shock.

  Tallulah snickered. “Now that was nice, Katy. You could learn a thing or two from Maddie. Say what you mean, not what’s nice, not what they teach you to do in constructive confrontation 101. Don’t be wishy-washy. Just once say you hate the bitch and you wish she would grow hair on her ass!”

  Well that was always an option…

  “I wish she would grow hair on her ass,” Katy said triumphantly.

  “Louder,” Tallulah coaxed.

  Katy frowned but allowed the rage to consume her for a moment. Rage over her lost marriage, over her neat orderly world crumbling to a heap of broken dreams on the floor. “I hate the bitch!” she yelled into the mirror, watching as her face grew red. Oh, that felt soooo damn good.

  “See,” Tallulah smiled, “it’s like letting a bunch of toddlers run hog wild at the candy store, huh?”

  Katy impulsively hugged Tallulah, who squirmed out of her embrace, yelping.

  “Cut that crap out. No hugging, it’s mushy.” Tallulah cringed. “Now, I repeat, are you ready?”

  “I think I am… so… so… I just go out the bathroom door?”


  “What’s out there? I mean, if it isn’t Maddie’s apartment, then what is it?”

  “Your life, Katy. Now, quit stalling and go.” Tallulah gave her a shove toward the door.

  Clasping the knob, Katy closed her eyes and said a silent prayer that she would make this right. Just one more chance, please.

  Swallowing hard, she yanked the door open and went to reclaim her man before that vapid airhead he was marrying got a hold of him in the future.

  Katy, it isn’t nice to call names, you know, her counselor’s voice admonished.

  Fuck you.

  * * *


  “You are the sexiest thing in spandex I’ve ever seen. C’mere, woman.” Garret smiled at her wickedly from the corner of their bed and wiggled his eyebrows.


  It was Garret. GARRET! her head screamed.

  He looked so incredibly good. And he was smiling… at her. Katy couldn’t breathe for the absolute euphoria of it.

  His sandy brow
n hair was too long, and cut in a bi-level, and his clothes looked completely ridiculous given the year she came from, but nothing mattered now. Garret was here and he was smiling at her.

  Not at some two bit tramp.

  Ooohh, that was fresh.

  Damn right it was.

  Looking around her old bedroom, she couldn’t believe where she was. The shabby walls of the room never looked more beautiful than they did now, leaks and water stains included. The old comforter she’d later given to their dog covered their bed and the old rocker her mother had given her sat in the corner of the tiny room with all of her psychology books stacked on it.


  “Woman, come here! I think we need to rectify a situation.”

  Katy looked up at Garret. His blue eyes twinkled with that look she knew so well. A look that hadn’t crossed his face in so long, Katy could have wept with relief.

  Compose yourself. Act natural. For God’s sake, don’t act like some nutty broad in a bathroom just zapped you here from the year 2004!

  Taking a deep breath, she put her hands on her hips. “A situation, huh? And what situation might that be, Mr. Jennings?” she asked, trying to keep the tremble out of her voice.

  Garret pointed to his crotch. “A situation that needs immediate attention. C’mere and I’ll show you.”

  Katy crossed the space in two strides and stood in front of him.

  Did that seem too anxious?

  What difference does it make? Tallulah whispered in her ear. He’s your husband, for Christ sake!

  “Wow.” Garret whistled. “That was fast. You mean I don’t have to wrestle you away from your books?”

  See, I do look like a slut with a libido the size of the great state of Texas!

  Oh, you do not. Try and remember he’s your husband. Contrary to popular belief, it’s okay to give it up sometimes.

  Katy cupped his face, running her thumbs lovingly over his jaw. Her hands trembled, feeling his skin beneath her fingers again. “Nah, tonight I’m all yours. So what’s your pleasure, Mr. Jennings? Hard and fast or hard and fast?”

  Garret shot her a confused look, but he smiled, his blue eyes warm. Warm… it rushed over her in a wave of regret, because she could only remember his cold, vacant stare in the end. “Hard and fast? Wait. Is this my wife? Katy? Katy Jennings? I can’t ever recall her wanting it hard and fast.” He was teasing her, but his underlying tone was that of unfamiliar territory.

  Had she always been so reserved? Katy always remembered their sex life as fulfilling, completing her. She was never a prude. There were some things she’d wondered about, but was too shy to approach in their sex life.

  Well, when the hell did ya have a chance to get jiggy if you were too busy practicing the thinking spot technique? Now’s the time, Katy…

  Katy jammed her finger in her ear. Tallulah was in her head, messing with a well-ordered balance. A balance that took years to achieve.

  Was Tallulah right? Was she far too focused on her career and her thinking spot?

  Well, she’d just show her! Katy was going to boink the life out of him, just like Maddie said she did with Cole.

  Boink, boink, boink. And then, she’d boink some more just for good measure for five solid days.

  “Well, maybe your wife wants to do it hard and fast. Is that a crime?”

  Cupping her breasts through the sweatshirt she wore, he shook his head. “You won’t hear me complain. Now, c’mere and look and see what I have to offer in the way of hard and fast.”

  Giggling, she straddled his lap, pulling him to her. Her nipples tightened as he nipped at them through her shirt. Arching into him, she groaned and tunneled her fingers through his hair. She let the thick, soft texture slide over her senses, remembering…

  Garret pulled her down to meet him, slipping his tongue into her mouth. A zing of pleasure shot between her thighs. She moaned again, against the lips that hadn’t kissed her in over a year. Maybe longer if you counted the time she hadn’t realized they were drifting apart and her practice was what she lived and breathed. The firm pressure made her nipples ache and her heart hammer in her chest. Katy kissed him back, with everything she had in her, devouring his tongue, dueling with it.

  Garret tugged at her sweatshirt, breaking contact only to pull it over her head. Finding the smooth column of her neck, he trailed kisses down to the top of her breasts. Her gaze followed his path.

  OH! Her breasts! Miracle of all miracles, they sat pertly in her lacy bra. No longer southward bound, they swelled out of her undergarment, full and heavy. Waving to her as Garret licked the sensitive flesh.

  God, 1983 was fabulous! Katy unhooked the clasp on the front of her bra, anxious to feel Garret’s hot tongue engage a nipple.

  His head bobbed up. “Isn’t that my job? You never like to undress in front of me.”

  Oh, silly man, he had so much to learn. Looking like this again, she’d be okay with naked all the time.

  Her voice was husky as she stood to pull her pants off too. “Maybe today I feel like it. Any objections, Mr. Jennings?”

  Garret’s mouth was wide open -- shock had set in. He shook his head no.

  Smiling at him, she tossed her panties to the floor carelessly. “I see you’re properly aghast. I have to keep you on your toes. Keep you interested,” she said as she straddled him again, pushing him down to lie on the bed, and unbuttoned his shirt.

  “How could I not be interested in this?” Cupping her breasts, he ran his thumbs over her nipples. They tightened, hard and needy. Brushing his shirt aside, she ran her tongue over the hard ridges in his abdomen. His cock, still encased in his trousers, pressed along the hot ache of her pussy. Katy ground against it, reveling in the rigid line.

  Chills coursed along her spine as she remembered how little she’d paid attention to these sensations. How focused she’d been on learning how to be a good therapist and how she’d forgotten she was also a wife, a lover… it was long past the time to show Garret how much she loved him.

  Then, now, or now and then. She was too confused to know where she was, only that he was. Garret was here, beneath her, and that was the only factor she could focus on. Sliding down his body, she popped the button on his pants and moved her hands to slide them beneath his waist, lifting him up and helping him shrug his pants off. She felt him kick them off his feet and she leaned back taking in his naked form.

  Her hands fell forward to run over his chest, caressing the smooth skin, hot to her touch. Katy bent forward, hovering over Garret’s lips. “I’ve missed you so much,” slipped from her in a whisper.

  Garret’s hands skimmed her breasts before coming to rest on her cheeks. “Well, I was only gone for eight hours. You remember? To work and all…”

  Katy laughed as she fought to contain tears. If he only knew… “Can’t I miss you while you’re at work?” she asked as her hands roamed his shoulders, squeezing the firm muscles.

  “You’re usually so busy with school. I didn’t think you noticed I was gone most times. When I come home you’re always buried in a book,” he said absently as he tugged a nipple with his fingers.

  Katy let the sharp sting of desire take her breath momentarily before she said, “I know… I’m sorry. From now on I’m going to pay closer attention. So stop talking, Mr. Jennings, and ‘do me’.”

  Garret rolled her over him and lay half over her, nudging his thigh between hers. Katy instinctively closed hers around his, letting her clit scrape the crisp hair on them as she pressed her breasts to his chest. “Do you? Who are you?” he chuckled as he kissed her forehead.

  Katy’s heart pounded in her chest. Who was she anyway? For now she didn’t care. Right now she was a woman who wanted this man with an ache that tore at her body parts like nothing before. “Um, I think I’m your wife… last time I checked anyway.” In 1983… “And this wife wants to do it.” Reaching between them she held his cock firmly in her hand, gripping it lightly as she explored the smooth skin. “So quit talki
ng to me and let’s get busy.”

  Garret swept along her neck with small licks, finding a hard nipple and rolling his tongue over it before he captured it in his mouth. “Like this kind of busy,” he said around her breast.

  Katy arched upward, her ribs pushing against his as her hands wound through his thick hair. “Yesss,” she almost screamed. “Just like that.” As his hot mouth engulfed her swollen nipple, Katy caressed the smooth muscles of his back, kneading them, luxuriating in the heat of his skin pressed to hers.

  Garret’s hand smoothed over her belly, trailing to the soft mound of her pussy, running his fingers through the crisp pubic hair. Katy let her legs fall away and lifted her hips, encouraging him to touch her, but he evaded the needy flesh.

  Katy took his hand, grabbing a finger and slipping inside the wet folds of her cunt, hissing at the contact. Garret’s hand stilled and Katy knew why. She’d never been forward in their lovemaking, and she’d never initiated it much either. She was always buried in a book, falling into bed most nights, occasionally doing her duty.

  Well that shit was gonna stop, NOW.

  “Garret,” she sighed, arching her back and opening herself to him. “Touch me…”

  His tongue slowed its movement on her nipple for a moment. Confusion thwarted him for seconds and then he relaxed, sliding along the flesh of her pussy with nimble fingers and circling her clit with his thumb.

  Katy came almost immediately. The sweet hot release flooded her senses as she rocked against him, moaning.

  Garret raised his head and smiled into her eyes, looking rather pleased with himself. “That was quick.”

  It was because she wasn’t thinking about anything but him and her response to his fingers. Katy decided he was a bit smug about it, though. “Listen, stud, don’t get so cocky. Maybe I’d like more of the same and I’m challenging you to make it happen again.” Holy challenge! She was bold and brazen… a true hussy at heart as she heard the words pop out of her mouth before her brain gave them carefully planned thought. What a concept, she mused ruefully.

  It was damn freeing, if you asked her.


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