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The Society of Orion Book Five: The Tayos Caves (Colton Banyon Mystery 18)

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by Gerald J Kubicki


  Society of Orion

  The Tayos Caves #5

  A Colton Banyon Adventure/Mystery


  Gerald J. Kubicki & Kristopher Kubicki

  Other Books by Gerald J. Kubicki

  A Dubious Mission #1

  A Dubious Secret #2

  A Dubious Dream #3

  A Dubious Terrain #4

  A Dubious Plan #5

  A Dubious Artifact #6

  Books by Gerald J. Kubicki & Kristopher Kubicki

  A Dubious Position #7

  A Dubious Curse #8

  A Dubious Crime #9

  A Dubious Device #10

  A Dubious Race # 11

  The Society of Orion Series

  The Weapons #1

  The Recovery #2

  The Deception #3

  The Orion Codex #4

  License Note

  This ebook is for your personal enjoyment.

  It may not be re-sold.

  The Society of Orion

  The Tayos Caves #5

  Published by Gerald J. Kubicki & Kristopher Kubicki

  Copyright ©2015 by Gerald J. Kubicki & Kristopher Kubicki

  All rights reserved

  This book is dedicated to all readers who love adventure.

  The Society of Orion

  From Books One through Four

  In the first three books of the series, Colton Banyon travels to Poland and soon uncovers a plot that goes back to his famous ancestor – all the way back to the 19th century. It involves The Society of Orion and the mythical legend of Orion. He had many weapons and some are missing. Each weapon has incredible power. Many people are after the weapons.

  Banyon finds out the missing weapons have been offered to the North Koreans for a huge sum of money. It will happen in three days. Banyon and his team quickly develop other plans. They succeed in making things right, but also discover that the society in Poland is corrupt. Banyon decides to become the keeper of the Orion weapons and head of The Society of Orion in Poland.

  In book #4, Banyon is working in his office when he receives a cryptic message from the head of The Society of Orion in Ecuador. He needs Banyon to retrieve The Orion Codex, a summary of all 115 Orion weapons and how to use them. Banyon and several of his team immediately leave to find the mysterious head of the society.

  In Ecuador the team is attacked by a supremacy group which wants to take over the country — but they are stopped. When the team finally finds their man, he admits he brought Banyon to Ecuador for another reason. He wants Banyon to eliminate the supremacy group and save Ecuador. It leads to a ferocious battle in the Amazonian jungle. Banyon and his team are out-numbered five to one.

  Current list of Orion weapons that Banyon possesses:

  Influence – Can control what people think.

  Insight – Can see who last used a weapon.

  Love – Part of The Magic Belt – Makes people passive.

  Determination - Part of The Magic Belt – Shoots a ball of fire.

  Destiny - Part of The Magic Belt – Can hear thoughts of people.

  Health - Part of The Magic Belt - Can heal sickness.

  Addition - Part of The Magic Belt – Creates paranoia.

  Emotions - Part of The Magic Belt – Sound waves that disable thought.

  Security - Part of The Magic Belt – Projects a blinding light.

  Relationships - Part of The Magic Belt – Turns user into any animal they choose.

  Time – Uses Vril to bend time.

  Courage – Gives immense courage to user.

  Reflection – Can make the user invisible.

  Imagination – Can build anything from nothing.

  Deliverance – Draws objects from space.

  Shield – Forms a protective shield around user.

  Renew – Can heal wounds.

  Covers – Cloaks things that the user wants protected.

  Climate – Creates tornados.

  Zeus – Creates lightning.

  Water-Wall – Makes Tidal waves.

  Call – Calls animals that the user decides.

  Weapons not in Banyon’s possession – yet:

  Visions – Jug used by Nostradamus to predict the future.

  Divider – Staff used by Moses to part the sea.

  Part One


  Chapter One

  The large brown off-road Hummer bumped and swayed along the rutted path that passed as a road in the jungles of eastern Ecuador. The travelers had been bouncing along the route for almost an entire day. It was hot, smelly and very humid in the military styled vehicle. Some of the people were getting seasick from the constant jostling.

  “Do you think this thing will have any paint left on it when we reach an actual road?” Steve Pellegrino, the driver complained as he brushed by a huge dark green plant. They had been passing through the thick brush for what seemed like an eternity.

  “This thing has kept us safe for several days now,” Kenny Cole replied. “Be nice and quit complaining.”

  “Well we’ll need to find some gas soon or you’ll be pushing this tank,” Steve replied with irritation in his voice.

  “Relax,” Carol Cole, Kenny’s sister and the navigator, said. “We are almost to the highway.”

  “Good thing,” Colton Banyon replied. Not because he was worried about the gas situation — he was worried about the level of bickering and general restlessness of the seven occupants of the vehicle. They had left the Salesian mission compound five days ago with great expectations. They had an ancient map and intended to find the Tayos caves and untold riches. Instead, they had been forced to rummage around the jungle, had to defend themselves against thirty armed supremacists, fight off the creatures of Mother Nature, all sleep in one tent and in the end they had found that the cave entrance was underwater. A large lake hid the caves and they had not packed scuba gear. The trip was a complete disaster. No one was satisfied.

  “I can’t wait to get my hands on that damn Father Hector,” Steve threatened as he pounded the steering wheel with his fist. “He lied to us. We almost died.”

  “Actually, he didn’t lie,” Loni Chen said politely. She was Colton Banyon’s petite Asian companion, partner and lover. “He just omitted the part about the entrance being underwater. I’m sure there was a reason. He’s a very devious monk.”

  “I just hope he doesn’t have another task for us to perform before he gives us the real truth,” Maya Patel added. She was the only member of the Patel clan on the mission. Her two sisters and Eric were stuck in India and could not make the trip.

  “I thought it was fun,” Mandy the seventh member of the Forever Ours team, piped up. “There were some real life experiences.”

  “You’re just saying that because you got to sleep on top of Colt when Loni was on guard duty,” Maya said sarcastically. Everyone knew Mandy had more than a crush on the much older Colton Banyon.

  “And what should I tell Heather when we get back to the office,” Mandy replied with equal sarcasm. “You were draped all over Steve all night — every night.”

  Heather Vance was the last member of the team. She was very good friends with Mandy and was also Steve’s girlfriend. Heather was in Chicago running the law offices which had been recently acquired by Forever Ours, LLC.

  “I only put his hands where I wanted them,” Maya responded evasively. She then turned her head towards Mandy and smiled.

  “Okay,” Banyon yelled out — “that’s enough s
quabbling. Let’s try and figure out what we’ll do when we reach the mission. It is only a couple of hours away and I don’t want us to go there acting like a bunch of hotheads.”

  Chapter Two

  Steve eventually found the highway, but noticed it was void of traffic. The Hummer was the only vehicle on the road — in either direction. While he thought it was strange, he didn’t comment to the others. They were busy working on a new plan.

  As the Hummer sped down the road, the Forever Ours team spent the next hour and a half discussing what happened in the jungle and what they would do next. The conversation was lively and productive. In the end they developed a new plan. But as they rumbled onto the hard-pack dirt road near the Salesian mission in Cuenca, Ecuador, the team became quiet and began to once again stew in their contempt for the diminutive Catholic monk, Father Hector.

  By the time Steve pulled into the compound, Colton Banyon was not sure if he could control them. The monk had knowingly put their lives in peril. Nobody was willing to forget that fact.

  The perceptive Loni was the first to notice that something had changed in the compound. “Stop the car,” she screamed.

  Steve immediately slammed on the brakes and the large Hummer skidded to a stop a hundred feet from the first building of the compound. The team had worked together for a long time and knew to take the warning seriously. As the trailing dust from the dirt road blew past the vehicle, five guns immediately were cocked and the travelers began searching their assigned lines of sight for anything out of the ordinary.

  “What do you see?” Banyon quickly asked.

  “It’s what I don’t see that worries me,” Loni replied. “This is the middle of the school day isn’t it?”

  “Yeah,” Banyon replied.

  “Do you see any children? In fact, do you see anyone?”

  “You’re right,” Steve uttered, as he peered out of the window. All they saw were the majestic white stucco buildings standing silently against a dark blue sky.

  “Maybe the school has been attacked by some remnants of the supremacy group which died in the jungle. Remember the stupid supremacy group had attempted to attack the compound six days ago,” Loni reminded everyone.

  “We’d better proceed with caution,” Banyon replied. “Steve, take us in close to the front door over there,” he added as he pointed.

  As soon as Steve stopped the Hummer, the team jumped out and took up defensive positions. They only had five guns, but seven people, so Banyon and Maya held machetes as they made their way to the door.

  “Look,” Mandy cried out as she stared above the doorway. “The bell has been removed.”

  “That’s not a good sign,” Loni quickly noted.

  “Try the door,” Banyon ordered. Loni immediately went to it while she pulled out several lock picks from her fanny pack. The rest of the team spread out in a semi-circle to protect their flanks. There did not appear to be any other things out of the place in the compound as far as they could determine. They faced open empty arid meadows in all directions. It was eerily quiet.

  “It’s unlocked,” Loni sounded out with a little fear in her voice as she pulled the big wood door open.

  “That is also not a good sign either,” Maya commented.

  They entered the building using the practiced moves of a SWAT team and proceeded up the long wood-paneled hallway. When they came to the first door, Steve kicked it open and the rest of the team poured into the room. Everything looked normal. There was no blood or evidence of a struggle.

  Back out in the hallway, they checked out the next room. It was also undamaged.

  “What the hell,” Loni lamented in frustration.

  “Wait,” Carol suddenly spoke. “I hear something.”

  The team dropped into a crouch and listened.

  “It sounds like singing,” Maya commented. “It’s coming from that way,” she added as she pointed down another hallway.

  The team stealthily slithered up the corridor. It ended with two massive wood doors blocking the way. At the count of three, they went in with all their guns pointing ahead.

  The scene was surreal. It was a chapel. All the children were dressed in white, sitting in pews and singing. Several people lined the sides. Black drapes covered portions of the walls. Incense filled the air. Four monks stood at the front. One was on a pulpit leading the singing. Father Hector wasn’t there.

  Several children heard the commotion and turned their heads to look. Banyon’s team immediately hid their weapons and stood in amazement.

  “Those are funeral songs they’re singing,” Carol noted. She understood Spanish.

  One of the monks noticed them in the back of the chapel and made his way over to their position. He walked very piously with his hands hidden in his sparse brown tunic and kept his head bent down. Banyon recognized him as Father Ruiz. He had met the monk six days ago.

  When he reached the group, Banyon quickly asked, “Where’s Father Hector?”

  “He’s no longer here,” the monk replied. “He’s dead.”

  Chapter Three

  “His death was unexpected,” Father Ruiz said sadly. The Forever Ours team and the monk had moved to the office formerly occupied by Father Hector near the front of the school so that they could talk. Father Ruiz acted like he had expected them to show up and he was willing to talk.

  “Why’d you say that?” Colton Banyon quickly asked. “Do you believe that there was foul play?”

  “No, nothing like that happened,” the monk waved his hand dismissively. “In fact, he seemed happy and even jovial when you left five days ago,” Father Ruiz explained. “He was making plans and he had private discussions with each of us throughout the rest of the day. Then that night he retired to his cot and never woke up again.” The monk now produced a handkerchief from inside his long brown sleeve and dabbed his eyes. “He was a good man and will be missed.”

  When Banyon looked around at the people in the room, he noticed that their hard looks had softened. He wondered what each one was thinking. He no longer wanted to strangle the old monk. He felt a twinge of sympathy for his followers.

  “I’m sorry for your loss,” Banyon muttered. Some of his crew shifted slightly on their feet. He knew they were thinking the same thing.

  “The doctors who performed the autopsy said he died of heart failure. His heart had been weak for some time. He knew he was dying,” the monk said softy.

  “I think we should visit his gravesite and pay our respects,” Maya said solemnly.

  “I’ve more to tell you first,” Father Ruiz replied. “He wanted me to give you some information and a box. I didn’t understand at the time, but he was giving me an oral will,” the monk said as his eyes filled with tears.

  “Tell me about your discussions with Father Hector,” Banyon pleaded gently.

  “He said that he did want you to discover the Tayos caves, but he needed you to return to the mission compound first. I now think he knew he would be dead when you got back.”

  “That actually makes sense,” Loni uttered.

  “He said he considered you a friend and an excellent human being. He told me to trust you and share everything we know with you,” the monk continued.

  “I understand,” Banyon replied. He suddenly felt only compassion for the revered monk.

  “He wanted us to show you the hidden treasure which we have accumulated. He said you would understand what it means and know what to do about it. The four of us, the other monks and I, believe he had a definite reason for saying that.”

  “I don’t know what he meant,” Banyon replied. “But we will be happy to take a look. Maybe something will be there that will help us to understand his meaning.”

  “Or maybe it is in the box you mentioned Father,” Maya offered.

  “Yes, the box,” the monk responded. “I’ll get it for you now.” He got up from the desk chair and moved to the wall where Banyon knew there was a safe. He moved aside the picture and began to turn the dial.r />
  “You know about Father Hector’s safe?” Banyon said with surprise.

  “He told me about it during our discussions. I have never opened it until now,” Father Ruiz replied from over his shoulder.

  Banyon knew the safe was where Father Hector, the head of The Society of Orion in Ecuador, kept the Orion weapons. He wasn’t sure what he thought about the other monks knowing that fact.

  When the monk opened the door, everyone in the room leaned forward to see what was inside the vault. The only thing inside was a wooden box. It was about one foot square. It had no markings, but there was a red wax seal covering the hinged lid. The monk brought it over to the desk and set it gently on the top. They all stared at the box.

  “He said for you to open it when no one was around. I think that he meant us — the monks.”

  Banyon quickly understood that the remaining Orion weapons were hidden inside and he hoped there was also a letter of explanation as well. He had no idea what Father Hector expected from him, but knew the old monk had been a very cunning man in the past.

  “So what do we do now?” Loni exclaimed. “Should we stick to our plan and go to buy some scuba gear and return to the Tayos cave? Or do we stay here and visit the hidden treasure?”

  “Oh, but you can’t go back to the jungle,” Father Ruiz warned in a shrill voice.

  “Why is that?” Steve asked as he wondered what the monk meant.

  “Three days ago twenty-six bodies were found in the jungle. They had been killed by wild animals,” the monk quickly replied with fear in his voice. “The government has closed all the roads into and out of the jungle while they investigate. They put a ban on visits to the jungle for the time being.”

  “That explains why I didn’t see any traffic on the roads on the way back here,” Steve exclaimed.

  “How horrible,” Mandy uttered in a fake but concerned voice. The Banyon team was the reason for the men’s death.


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