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Broken (Soldiers of Darkness MC Book 1)

Page 10

by Michelle Betham

  What? Miss watching her and Cora getting it on? No freakin’ way! ‘You bet your beautiful ass I’m gonna be there, darlin’.’

  She smiles again, and I need a fucking drink so bad… hell, I need a bottle! ‘Everything I’ve said, Mack… do you understand what I mean?’

  No. I don’t understand a fucking thing, I’m lost here. I’m drowning. ‘You really ain’t gonna go gunning for Viper’s crew? ‘Cause you gotta understand, baby, that I’m finding that hard to believe.’

  She reaches out and touches my cheek, her thumb running lightly over my lower lip, her eyes burning deep into mine and I feel my stomach twist up. ‘Then give me a reason to drop my vendetta. If you think I’m lying…’

  ‘I didn’t say you were lying…’

  ‘If you think I’m spinning you crap – if you really think I’m still gonna pull some kind of crazy shit, then give me a reason to put it behind me. Give me a reason to stop looking back; a reason to move forward, because without you I’ve got nothing, Mack. I’ve got nothing.’

  ‘Baby, I…’

  She kisses me before I can get another word out, and that’s fine, because I ain’t got a clue what to tell her. I need this girl; I want this girl. I fucking want her.

  ‘I’ll see you at Laney’s.’ She pulls away from me and throws me one last smile. A few days ago I wouldn’t have let her leave without fucking her first, but I don’t feel the need right now. I know I’ll fuck her, later. I don’t need to do it here.


  She turns around, and her pretty face… man, she looks so young and innocent – Jesus! What the fuck is going on in my messed-up head?

  ‘I’m gonna give you a hundred fucking reasons, darlin’.’

  A hundred fucking reasons.

  And she better start counting.


  I smile to myself as I walk away from the meeting room. I’ve got him, hook, line and sinker. Was I really spinning him shit in there? To some extent, yes. I was. Am I staying because of him? Yes, and no. Mack Slayer is under my skin now, and I like him being there. He makes me feel alive, for the first time in so long, and I need that. He makes me forget. But I also need to remember. Aiden and my father deserve some kind of retribution. I can’t just walk away from here and do nothing.

  I know what I’m doing.

  I can control my feelings for Mack Slayer.

  They won’t get in the way.

  I know what I’m doing…

  Chapter Twelve


  It’s like Superbowl night in here tonight. I guess word got out about Izzi and Cora’s double act, and this place is filled to the fucking rafters; filled with horny guys all wanting to see two of Laney’s most beautiful and skilled performers together – the experienced pro and the red-hot new girl. My girl.

  I take a swig from the bottle of Jack Daniels I took from behind the bar, standing back in the shadows as Izzi and Cora start to move together. I don’t feel like watching from the crowd tonight. Things feel different. I feel different, so I’d rather stay here, and watch from a distance.

  I take another swig of liquor, my eyes fixed on the stage as Cora slowly peels Izzi’s panties down. Both of them are naked now, and the bar erupts into a cacophony of shouts and cheers and the usual lurid suggestions of what they want the girls to do. But these girls know exactly what to do. They don’t need to be told.

  For a second I close my eyes. Just for a second. And when I open them Izzi’s lying down. Her back’s arched, her arms up above her head, and Cora’s licking her pussy, her head buried between Izzi’s thighs, and Izzi’s moaning so loud that even from back here I can hear her above the music. She’s enjoying it. Does she prefer a woman’s tongue to mine? Have I made her scream out like that?

  I need another alcohol hit and I swallow down a large mouthful of whiskey, feeling the liquid burn my throat. I glance over at the stage again. Cora’s lying over Izzi, sucking on her tits, and I want to do that so bad I don’t know if I can handle it. This shit is freakin’ killing me!

  The roof raises again as Cora plays to the crowd and pushes her fingers inside Izzi, I mean, I can’t see it in no detail from where I’m standing, but I know enough to recognize the way Izzi’s body jerks, her back arching even more as Cora thrusts her hand against her. She’s in there, and that’s where I want to be, and I’m sick to my fucking stomach with jealousy. And that ain’t an emotion I’ve ever experienced before, and I’m scared. I’m so fucking scared, I can’t tell you.

  Every guy in this room is on their feet now, the noise deafening as Izzi’s cries ring out around the bar, her body bucking as Cora’s hand begins to thrust faster, and then she pulls her fingers out and spreads Izzi’s legs so wide there ain’t nobody in this place gonna fail to see what I need to bury my face in right now. And as she bends her head and brings my girl to a crashing climax, I’m filled with a quiet rage. Somebody else is touching her, they’re making her come, and that’s my job. That’s my fucking job, and I don’t care that it’s a woman with her tongue up Izzi’s pussy, I don’t care. She came to me, she told me shit I didn’t need to hear but she said it, I heard it, and now I know why I didn’t want to face up to any of this.

  I’m not sure I want to watch Izzi return the favor, but I need to stay. I need to keep an eye on what’s going on here. The bastards we get in this bar, they can go too far sometimes, and this place may well be some low-down strip joint, but keeping these girls safe is paramount.

  The way she moves – I can’t take my eyes off her. And it’s obvious that Cora enjoys every touch of her fingers, and when Izzi rubs her pussy against Cora’s… Before I can take another breath Cora’s on all fours, her legs spread, and Izzi’s tonguing her from behind and I swear I really can’t do this no more. I can’t watch this. I can’t watch every man in this place watching this. It’s tearing me apart, no word of a lie. Feelings I didn’t even know existed are fucking me over here, and even the alcohol ain’t calming me down.

  I need Izzi.

  I need to be inside Izzi.

  I fucking need her…


  I’ve never even kissed a woman before, so having one go down on me in front of a crowd of horny bikers was an experience. A weird yet beautiful experience. But every flick of Cora’s tongue over my willing clit… I wished it were Mack’s.

  I hadn’t faked those orgasms either. They were real, and my body is still tingling all over, but even if I hadn’t enjoyed what had gone on out there, I have to do it. Because I want to drive him crazy, make him sick to his stomach with jealousy. He needs distractions, something to focus on so he doesn’t have time to wonder if I’m lying to him. And I’m playing with fire here, I know, but it’s all I have left now.

  ‘You ain’t doing that shit no more, y’hear me?

  I swing around at the sound of his voice, and when his eyes meet mine they’re dark and dangerous but I’m not scared. I’m not. Mack Slayer doesn’t scare me, he excites me.

  He grabs my hand and pulls me into his office, kicking the door shut behind us, and once we’re inside he starts pacing the floor, running a hand back and forth over his head. He’s agitated, and I feel my stomach dip with a mild apprehension. He’s going to fuck me, that isn’t in question, but the mood he’s in – I’ve got no idea how this is going to play out.

  ‘Did you enjoy that, huh?’

  His eyes are blazing, and it’s making me wet.

  ‘Did it feel good, having a woman’s fingers up your pussy?’

  I drop the robe that’s covering my naked body, my eyes never leaving his. ‘I wanted them to be yours.’

  His expression changes, and I know I’ve got him now. He just wants reassurance. He’s weak, and he doesn’t realize it. He has no idea how weak he really is.

  ‘She’s finger-fucking me, and I’m enjoying every second because my eyes are closed, and I’m imagining it’s you.’ And I’m not lying here. I’m telling him the truth.

  He stops pacing,
walks over to me and pushes me back against the desk, kissing me hard as he rams a hand between my legs. I cry out as he roughly shoves his fingers inside me, but he’s only claiming what he thinks is his now.

  ‘You ain’t doing that shit no more, baby,’ he murmurs, his hand on my neck as he continues to invade my body. And I moan as his thumb strokes my clit, every inch of me giving in to his touch, because that’s what he needs. He needs me to give in to him, to do anything he wants me to. And I have no problem with that. ‘From now on, when you go out there you stick to solo performances, you got that?’

  His eyes bore deep into mine as he rips his fingers out of me and replaces them with his cock. And, for some reason, he’s more gentle now, his thrusts are a little less brutal.

  ‘Nobody else touches you.’

  He’s making me his property, and, yeah. I’m OK with that.

  ‘Y’hear me, darlin’?’

  I nod, giving him my best doe-eyes. Let him think I can be a push-over sometimes. It’ll work in my favor, in the long run.

  He grins, and his eyes lighten, the darkness lifting. He’s taking his frustration out on me, releasing all that tension.

  One day I’ll get to release mine.

  Only I’ll be doing it with a gun in my hand.

  Chapter Thirteen


  The only time my head feels anywhere close to clear is when I ride. It’s my haven, the open road; freedom stretching out in front of me, and don’t think, some days, I ain’t been tempted to just keep on riding. Especially the days when that anger and frustration I’ve carried with me my whole fucking life pushes forward and takes over; when I wonder how different things might have been if I’d had parents who’d given a fuck, instead of ones who saw nothing wrong in dumping me outside an outlaw MC less than three days after being ripped from my son-of-a-bitch mother’s womb. Those days happen. Because there’s a lot of shit I ain’t let go of. I can’t. I’m clinging on to it like some warped kinda comfort blanket. That shit; those days, they fire me up, keep me as the person I need to be to survive in this God forsaken world I live in. Weakness isn’t a fucking option, so I need the anger and the frustration to stay.

  But now there’s Izzi; wild, beautiful, unpredictable Izzi. Sent from Christ knows where to fuck with my head. Which is why I’m out here, just me and the Harley and nothing else to get in the way, because I need to think. I said weakness wasn’t an option, but Izzi, she’s a weakness. And I don’t want her to be, I don’t need this crap, but I can’t keep her at arm’s length. I can’t do it.

  Watching her in Laney’s, up on that stage with Cora, I’ve never felt anything so intense. The rage, it was scary, man. And I don’t know why that bothered me so much, because knowing everyone else is looking at her; knowing they all want her, want to fuck her the way I fuck her, hell, I get a freakin’ kick outta that! But seeing someone else touch her, even if that someone’s a woman, I couldn’t handle it. Something inside of me just snapped, and I don’t understand why this is happening… She’s mine. She’s my girl, and I need people to know that now. I need them to fear going anywhere near her, to know that if they even so much as breathe in her direction I’ll be on them.

  I skid the bike to a halt and take a long, deep breath, gripping the handlebars tight as a realization I’ve been trying to deny for days now once more sweeps over me. I can’t ignore it any longer. It’s time to face up to something I ain’t ever had to face up to before. She started it. And I just hope she knows what she’s getting herself into because I sure as hell don’t. And that ain’t something I’m used to.

  I start the bike up and double back. I know she ain’t working tonight. I decide which girls are going on when, and I’ve given her the night off.

  There’s something I need to do now. And once that’s done, everyone’s gonna know exactly where they stand.


  I’m kind of disappointed he isn’t here. There’s somewhere I need to be, and I can’t hang around here for long because I really can’t be late, but, yeah. I’m disappointed.

  ‘Can I get you a beer, darlin’?’

  I turn my head and smile at a really-quite-handsome young man – if you like long hair and unkempt beards and a mind-boggling array of tattoos. ‘Yeah. A beer would be nice. Thanks.’

  He grins at me, and it doesn’t look like he’s in any hurry to fetch me that beer. ‘I fucking dig that accent, man.’

  I continue to smile at him. ‘I’m sure I’m not the first British person you’ve come across.’

  He shrugs and takes a sip of his own beer but he still makes no move to get me mine. ‘Never really paid all that much attention to any of ‘em.’ His grin grows wider, and for some reason I really want to laugh now. ‘Guess none of ‘em were as pretty as you.’

  ‘You flirting with me?’

  I hold his stare for a couple of beats, because I know it’ll make him uncomfortable. He’s quite young, this prospect. Younger than me. And I don’t think he’s quite as cocky as he makes himself out to be.

  ‘I’m Duke,’ he says, and I’m wrong about making him uncomfortable. He seems perfectly at ease with me, and I wonder if that’s because Mack isn’t here.

  ‘Yeah. I’ve seen you around. First time I came here, to the clubhouse, you made me a pretty decent cup of coffee.’

  His smile’s a little less cocky now, in fact, he seems a tiny bit shy, which is amusing. ‘Didn’t think you’d remember me.’

  ‘I don’t forget easily.’

  Isn’t that the truth.

  ‘I saw you, in Laney’s the other night. Well, both nights, as it happens.’

  He actually shuffles from foot-to-foot and I have to stifle a giggle. He’s a prospect with one of the toughest MCs in the state and yet, at this very moment in time, he’s coming across like a shy little schoolboy. ‘Did I do OK?’ I really have to try hard to stop myself from smirking, but my mouth’s twitching, I can feel it.

  ‘Best girl Laney’s had in a long time.’

  I allow myself a small smile now. ‘Why, thank you, Duke. That’s nice to hear.’

  ‘I’ll go get you that beer, huh?’

  ‘That’d be good, yeah.’

  I lean back against the wall and look around the clubhouse. There appears to be a bit of a get together going on, but from my short time hanging out here that seems to be a regular thing. There’s always something going on, and I like that. Means there’s always some kind of distraction happening.

  ‘Hey there, beautiful.’

  A tall, sandy-haired man with a neat beard and startling green eyes appears by my side. I’ve seen him around here before, so I know he’s a club member, but I can’t remember his name. Unlike Duke, I don’t really know this man, although, as I check out his cut I notice his Vice President’s rocker. So, he’s Mack’s VP. His second-in-command. He can’t be a total dick, then.

  ‘Something I can do for you?’ I ask, wondering if he always approaches women in this way.

  ‘You not at Laney’s tonight?’

  I narrow my eyes slightly as he states the obvious. ‘No. It would appear not.’

  He leans in a little closer to me, his hand flat against the wall beside my head. ‘I guess that’s why we’re packed out in here, then. Nothing worth watching over there.’

  They’re all full of it tonight. ‘Is there something you want?’ I mentally give him ten seconds to step away from me before I do the job of removing him from my space myself.

  ‘Yeah, sweetheart. You. In fact, I don’t know a guy in here who doesn’t want you…’

  All of a sudden he’s yanked away from me with some force and thrown across the pool table, balls scattering everywhere. Mack’s arrived. And it doesn’t take a genius to work out that his mood isn’t good.

  ‘Keep the fuck away from her!’

  I recognize the dark look in his eyes as he scans the room, directing his venom at any man who’s within touching distance of me, and those who are too far away to even know I’m the

  ‘All of you, keep the fuck away from her.’

  It takes a second or two for me to actually realize that he’s holding my hand, and I don’t remember him taking it, but his fingers are curled tight around mine and I like it. I actually feel safe when Mack’s with me, and the irony of that almost makes me laugh out loud.

  He turns to face me, and his eyes are still dark, his expression verging on threatening and I feel my heart thumping loud and heavy, so fast it’s making me light-headed. And then he kisses me, and that fleeting moment of fear passes. He kisses me long and slow, a deep, dirty kiss that’s making my stomach contract with a mixture of nerves and excitement.

  He pulls away briefly, allowing both of us to take a breath but his lips barely leave mine, and now I’m vaguely aware of him pushing me back against the pool table, his hands on my hips as he lifts me up and sits me down on the edge of it.

  I know what’s happening here, and I’m powerless to stop it, he’s holding me too tight, but even if I could; even if I wanted to make this stop, I think it would be a mistake, to do that. To stop it. I need Mack Slayer to believe he’s got me right where he wants me. And I still don’t know if I’m playing this right, but I’m doing all I can in the only way I know how. Because I believe this is the way things need to be.

  I close my eyes as he reaches up underneath my skirt and roughly pulls my panties down, yanking them off me and spreading my legs, and the excitement that ripples through me is both warped and wonderful because this is happening in full view of everyone who’s still here in the clubhouse. Mack Slayer is about to fuck me, in front of everyone, and I’m so turned-on it’s sick.

  He says nothing as he unzips himself, his eyes burning into mine, and then he does it; he actually does it. He pushes into me, his hands on my inner thighs keeping my legs wide apart as he thrusts hard and deep and I know this isn’t something I’m supposed to be enjoying, but I am. I’m not going to gain any satisfaction from it, that’s obvious; this is something he’s doing only as a way of showing everyone just what I am now – his property. Whether I come or not is irrelevant. He’s just stamping his authority. And as he reaches his own selfish climax with a barrage of ear-splitting cries, I know exactly what this means.


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