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The Good Luck Charm (The Good Luck Series)

Page 11

by Tyler, Leanne

  Shrugging, Lucinda picked up her digital camera and snapped a picture of Keely up close. “I’ve been meaning to talk to you about the gris-gris. Now that you’ve found your Vous Deux, it’s time you pass the charm along.”

  “Really? Who should I give it to?”

  “That is for you to decide, my dear. Surely there is someone you know who could benefit from its help?”

  With the wedding a week away she didn’t have time to think about anything else. How could she give consideration to who should receive the charm next? Besides, was it that important to pass it along so soon? Hadn’t Lucinda held onto it all these years since she married her Denton? Keely didn’t see what the rush was.

  “I can’t think of anyone, Lucinda.”

  “Can’t you?” The woman gave her a pointed look and smiled. “What about Jama?”

  A special sneak peakBook #2

  The Good Luck Series

  The Good Luck Spell

  Leanne Tyler

  Chapter One

  Hearing a knock at her open office door, Jama looked up, shoving the vacation pamphlets she’d been looking at underneath her work. “Lucinda, what brings you here?”

  “I hope I’m not interrupting.” The Cajun woman walked into the office and closed the door behind her. The jingle of her bangle bracelets chimed as she moved.

  “Of course not.”

  “Good.” Lucinda winked and smiled, making Jama feel the woman knew exactly what she’d been browsing.

  “Keely asked me to bring you a little present. With the wedding preparations and getting packed for their honeymoon trip, she didn’t have time to give it to you herself.”

  “A present?” Jama’s blonde brow rose. “There was no need.”

  “Yes, but you have agreed to watch Duke and she felt you deserved a little gift.”

  Jama laughed. Keely obviously didn’t know Darren thought he’d bribed her to watch the overweight bloodhound. She couldn’t refuse his offer to take over once he and Keely returned from their honeymoon so she could take a long overdue vacation.

  “I hope Duke can survive being in my care. Frankly, Lucinda, I know nothing about taking care of a dog, especially one requiring a special diet and exercise routine.”

  The woman nodded. “Ah, yes, Duke can be a handful. But Keely asked me to give you this business card too. She said if you had any questions or needed help with the dog, you shouldn’t hesitate to call Dr. Kyle Landers. He’s Duke’s vet and a very nice young man, if I do say so.”

  Jama stood and accepted the card. “Fantastic. I feel somewhat better knowing I’ll have someone I can turn to.”

  Lucinda nodded and motioned to the loveseat and small table. “Do you mind?”

  “Of course not. Have a seat. Can I get you anything to drink?” Jama laid the card on her desk and walked over to the loveseat.

  “No. I’m fine thank you.” Lucinda opened her large black bag and took out an ebony felt pouch and a small spray bottle then patted the cushion next to her. “Come join me.”

  Jama did as she was asked, watching the woman closely as she pumped the spray bottle, dispelling a fragrance of spice and musk into the air.

  “Now, about this gift from Keely.”

  Jama slowly nodded wondering why the woman had sprayed incense. “What is it?”

  “Something you will find pleasure in.” Lucinda’s matter-of-fact tone piqued her curiosity further. “I gave this to Keely last year. Come, give me your hand.”

  Reluctantly, Jama extended her hand, unsure what was going on.

  Lucinda chanted an incantation as she slowly parted the pouch’s drawstring closure. Then she poured the contents into Jama’s palm and closed her fingers around it.

  “This is an all-powerful gris-gris. If you wear it around your neck, the amulet will draw your true love to your heart.”

  “You’ve got to be kidding!”

  The rhythmic sound of Lucinda’s laughter filled the office. “You sound like my Keely did when I gave it to her. But it is true. You must believe me. How else do you think Darren and Keely worked things out? There were many obstacles, but without this little gem as a guide, I’m afraid Keely would’ve thrown in the towel too soon and given up on the happily-ever-after she’s now found.”

  Jama glanced toward her office doorway, glad to see it was closed. She didn’t want any of her associates walking by and overhearing this convoluted conversation.

  “Now, you may wonder how you will know when you have met your true love. It is easy. The gris-gris will open, spilling forth the blood-red stone in his presence once you have opened your heart to the possibilities.”

  Jama found herself slowly nodding, not believing what she heard. But if what Lucinda said was true … Things had worked for her brother and Keely. However, she hadn’t known the gris-gris played a part in it all.

  Slowly she opened her hand and inspected the amulet, noticing the silver filigree securely surrounding the red stone. “You say the stone spills forth? How?”

  “It’s the magic of the gris-gris. No one knows how this happens. Go ahead, put it on.”

  “And Keely thinks I need this?” Jama asked, looking at Lucinda.

  The woman nodded. “She did discuss it with Darren, and he was in full agreement you were the perfect choice to receive it.”

  Great! She’d have to remember to thank him when he returned.

  Jama shook her head. “I’m sorry, Lucinda, I can’t accept this. I’m not looking for a soul mate. I’ve got my hands full running Wright and Associates.”

  “Nonsense. Everyone deserves to find happiness in life and working without a little fun is not the way to achieve it. Don’t you want to have someone special in your life? Someone to come home to instead of an empty condo?” Lucinda eyed Jama. “Someone you can enjoy going on vacation with?”

  A chill ran over Jama at her words and she pursed her lips together, shaking her head. She’d only known Lucinda briefly, but she didn’t think it entitled the woman to lecture her on the pursuit of happiness. Her mother held that title. Come to think of it, her mother and Lucinda had gotten close during the wedding preparations. She could just imagine them discussing her lack of a social life.

  “My grandmother gave me the gris-gris when I was young. I admit I was skeptical, but I wore it. I met my Denton. We had a beautiful life together. You will have one too.”


  “No buts, Jama. Wear it. Take a chance. Who knows what might happen.”

  Jama fingered the silver charm, feeling warmth about it as if it were alive. Without thinking, she laid it in her lap; taking the necklace she wore off, she put the gris-gris on. “Okay. I’ll give it a try.”

  Lucinda smiled, standing to go. “Good. Remember, you must wear it every day. I’ve got a short concert tour in New England for the next two weeks. I’ll be back to check on you, but I have faith you’ll be fine.”

  Jama smiled. “Thanks…I think.”

  Lucinda winked at her and without another word left the office.

  Jama scooped up her discarded necklace before she slowly stood and went back to her desk. Picking up her purse, she dropped the chain into the coin pouch of her wallet before sitting back down at her desk. She picked up a storyboard she’d been reviewing earlier. However, her mind kept wondering to the gris-gris and whether it did have magical powers as the woman claimed. But she knew it would take more than a charm to change her way of thinking. After Ted Donaldson ripped her heart out and stole her blind, putting Wright and Associates in financial straits, she’d vowed never to let another man have control of her life.

  Picking up the handset, she punched in an extension. “Shelby, the Stanley account is a go. I’m sending the boards to production. Your team did well.”

  Ending the call, she gathered a few files and stuffed her briefcase, preparing to leave early. Jama couldn’t remember the last time this happened, but it would be a norm until the honeymooners returned. Duke was accustomed to being jogged bet
ween five and six and she couldn’t get him off routine. Darren had insisted she promise to adhere to the schedule.

  Noticing Dr. Kyle Landers’ business card, she picked it up and studied it for a moment.

  “I hope you’re really available if I do need help,” she told the card, tucking it in the side pocket of her handbag.

  On the way out, she laid the storyboards on her assistant’s desk. “Pamela, these are ready for production. Take care of it for me.”

  “Yes, Ms. Wright. Have a good evening.”

  Jama smiled. “You too.”

  About The Author

  Award winning author, Leanne Tyler lives in the South and her writing reflects her heritage. She writes Sweet and somewhat Sensual Southern romances whether historical or contemporary. Leanne’s debut release Victory’s Gate was the 2007 American Rose winner of the Through the Garden Gate contest and was released electronically by The Wild Rose Press in December 2007. Finally in December 2009 the Through the Garden Gate Anthology became available in print and includes the four winning entries.

  Stepping into the Contemporary circle, she debuted with her Class of ’85 Reunion story It’s Always Been You in August 2011. And her first full-length historical novel Season of Love (Nov. 2011) is a time-travel set in 1850 Charleston, SC. A recent release from Books to Go Now A Country Kitchen Christmas (Feb. 2012) is a light inspirational romance. Later this year, a short story entitled Ava will be released as part of the Love Letters Series. Another full-length historical novel Because of Rebecca is under contract.

  She invites readers to step into her world and enjoy the passion.

  You can find Leanne Tyler on the web at: or on Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads, LinkedIn, Pinterest and other social media sites.




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