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Morgan, Nicole - Sweet Salvation [Sweet Awakenings 2] (Siren Publishing Allure)

Page 16

by Nicole Morgan

Rex stood there, stunned. He had just opened the door to find Shelby holding a dozen roses and Mitch leaning in to kiss her. His hands were on her face, the same face that he had cradled in his hands. His lips were touching hers, the same lips that he had ravished. Never in all his S.E.A.L. missions had he ever felt the level of murderous rage that was vibrating through his body right now. Mitch was going to feel that fury!

  Chapter Twelve

  Rex slammed the door behind him, startling Shelby and Mitch. Mitch looked at Rex, saw the murderous intent in his eyes, and knew that was his cue to either leave or die.

  Placing his hands up in a defensive gesture, Mitch spoke to Rex. “Look, man, it was just a good-bye kiss. I’m leaving.” He slowly edged around Rex to the door. He opened it and turned back to Shelby. “Good-bye, Shelby. Sorry it couldn’t have worked out.” He faced Rex. “You’re a lucky man, Metcalf. Don’t forget it.” He said nothing else and walked out the door, closing it behind him.

  Shelby did not like the look on Rex’s face at all. He looked furious. “Rex, I can explain. It wasn’t what it looked like.” She was silenced by Rex.

  “Did he buy you those? Forget it–don’t answer that. Of course he did. He’s smart enough to know how to treat you right. Damn it!” Rex turned away from her as he hit his fist against the wall.

  “Rex? What–you don’t really think that I–”

  “Do you like them? I can get you roses. I can get you twenty dozen if you want. Is that what you need?” he asked her.

  The hurt in Rex’s eyes was unbearable. “Rex, I don’t need or want roses. No, stop it, and listen to me. Let me explain. I understand that what you walked in on might be upsetting.”

  “Might be upsetting? That’s the understatement of the year,” Rex snapped.

  “Rex, please let me finish. He came here, I wasn’t expecting him. He hadn’t called to let me know he was coming. The very first thing I did was tell him about you and about us. I told him that I loved you. He, of course, was a little shocked and hurt. But he understood. He asked me for a good-bye kiss right before you walked in. Before I even had a chance to gracefully decline, he leaned over and kissed me. It was nothing, and it meant absolutely nothing. It was just a peck. Nothing more,” Shelby swore to him, hoping he would believe it.

  Rex said nothing. He walked over to her and ripped the roses from her hands. He strode to the kitchen and all but threw the roses into the trash can. He came back to stand in front of her. “Shelby, you have to understand.” He cursed himself, frustrated at his anger. “I won’t share you, ever. Do you understand that?”

  She was shocked by the question. How could he doubt how much he meant to her? But realization hit her, just as it had earlier when he left. This was all so new to them. They had just begun. There were bound to be speed bumps on the road ahead. “Rex, not only would you never ever have to share me, but I don’t want anyone else. I want you. Not Mitch, not anyone else. Just you.” She reached up and brought her hands around his neck. “I love you, Rex. I’ve never loved anyone, but I love you.”

  He stared at her for a moment, not saying anything. Suddenly, she found her mouth crushed by his. It wasn’t tender. It was a kiss of possession. He was staking his claim. She forgot about everything else but the two of them as their tongues tangled together. She was instantly aroused. She could feel the wetness gathering between her thighs. She was throbbing with an ache that could only be caused by him. He was also the only one who could make the ache go away. Breathless, they pulled back from each other.

  “When I came in and saw–oh, damn, Shelby. I thought I was going to die. After I killed him, of course.” He smirked at her, showing his adorable dimples.

  “Oh, of course. After all, you have to protect your property,” she said mockingly.

  He stopped smiling and stared at her intently. “You are, you know.”

  “I am what?” she asked him.

  “You are mine. I know it sounds incredibly sexist. But I meant it when I said it last night, Shelby. You belong to me, just as sure as I belong to you. And if you ever let anyone touch you like that again. Well, let’s just say the blood of the poor SOB will be on your hands. I could not possibly be held responsible for my actions if that were to happen.”

  She kissed him. “I’ll consider myself warned. Come on, let’s go get changed. We have less than an hour until we have to meet Jack and Tamara.”

  She started to walk down the hall when he pulled her hand back to him. “Rex, what is it? You look so serious. Please forget about Mitch, I told you–”

  She was interrupted by the sight of Rex dropping to both knees in front of her. He reached around her stomach and hugged her tightly. “Rex, what’s wrong?”

  “Did you mean it?” Rex asked her.

  “Mean what? Rex, what’s wrong? You’re scaring me,” she said with fear in her voice. She had never seen him look so vulnerable.

  He looked up at her. “Did you mean it when you said you would marry me?”

  Shelby placed her hands on the sides of his face. “Rex, of course I would marry you. Although, technically, you never officially asked me. You told me, but I don’t care about –” She shut her mouth at the sight of Rex pulling a burgundy velvet box from his pocket.

  Rex opened the box as he looked up at her. “Honey, I know it’s fast. I know it was just over twenty-four hours ago that we were only friends. But deep down, I think my heart always knew it was you. It just took a while for my mind to catch up. I love you, Shelby, with everything that I have and everything that I am. I love you. You’re the other half to my soul. Will you marry me?”

  Shelby began to cry as she gently touched the diamond ring. It was a pear-shaped diamond, surrounded by baguettes set atop a silver band encrusted with tiny diamonds. It looked like something that Cinderella would have worn. She couldn’t say anything because she was so overtaken with emotion. She just stared at him with tears spilling down her cheeks.

  Rex got up from the floor, wiped her tears, and took her face in his hands. “Honey, you can’t cry. I swear, I will put that in the marriage vows. Please, don’t cry.”

  “Rex, I’m sorry–I’m just. Oh, I don’t know what to say. It’s so beautiful.” Shelby was still staring at the ring in his hands.

  “I was kind of hoping you would say yes. Something like how I’m so great you couldn’t stand to be without me. Or you could always comment on my masculinity and how–ouch! What’d you hit me for?”

  She was smiling at him. “Rex, I want to marry you. I just don’t want you to rush yourself. I would hate it if you ever regretted–”

  “Shelby, say yes and shut up so I can make love to you before we go to dinner!”

  “Yes! Yes, I’ll marry you!”

  Rex took the ring from the box and placed it on her finger. He slowly and painstakingly started kissing her fingers one by one. Then he focused his attention on her hand, and then slowly worked his way up her arm. She looked at the clock above the television and knew they were going to be late.

  “Penny for your thoughts,” Rex whispered into her ear.

  She giggled. “We’re going to be late.”

  “Do you care?” he asked as he began nibbling on her ear.

  She was barely able to form the words as his mouth began devouring every inch of her. “Uh-uh. They can wait.”

  “Jack, relax. They’re only fifteen minutes late,” Tamara told her husband, as she rubbed her hand up his arm.

  “Fine, but five more minutes and we’re ordering. Well, look who we have here. So nice of you two to join us,” Jack said as Shelby and Rex walked up to the table.

  “Sorry we’re late. I was running behind. My fault,” Shelby said as she did her utmost to not only hide her ring but her blush as Rex winked at her.

  “No, it’s all right. Jack’s just cranky. You know how he gets when he’s hungry. I wouldn’t let him have a sandwich back at home and you would think he was going to die of starvation the way he has been carrying on.” Tamara rolle
d her eyes.

  Rex leaned in to kiss Tamara on the cheek as Jack did the same to Shelby. “So, any babies yet?” Rex asked.

  “No, but you know what they say. Practice makes perfect!” Jack replied as he brought his hand to rest on the nape of his wife’s neck.

  “Is that what they say?” Rex said as he eyed Shelby.

  If he kept looking at her like that, she wouldn’t be able to keep up the charade for long at all. “So, what’s new with you guys?” she asked Tamara and Jack.

  They were interrupted when the waiter brought over a round of waters along with the beers that Jack had already ordered for himself and Rex.

  “Sorry, Shelby, I wasn’t sure what you wanted,” Jack apologized.

  “No, it’s fine. I’ll have a margarita. Golden and frozen. Thank you.”

  Rex eyed his friend as he took a swig of his beer, wanting to find just the right moment to spill the beans. “So, no baby yet, huh? Are you sure you’re doing it right, man?” he teased his buddy.

  Acting casual, he slid his hand up Shelby’s thigh and under her dress. He dipped a finger in her pussy. He loved the sudden feel of moisture his touch gave her. In the corner of his eye, he caught her surprised flinch and sudden flush. Tamara obviously didn’t miss it either as she stared at her friend oddly.

  “Oh, I can’t stand it. No, Jack, don’t try and stop me either. What’s going on with you two? And don’t say nothing either because it’s definitely something,” Tamara demanded.

  Shelby turned to Rex. She had already told him she had every intention of letting him be the one to tell them. She wasn’t even sure if she could form the words. It was all so new and exciting she was sure she would stumble over everything she tried to say.

  Figuring now was as good a time as any, he answered her. “Oh, you’re probably talking about the kiss we shared last week. Yeah, well, Shelby and I talked about it.” Rex watched his friend take another pull on his beer as he continued. “We worked it all out. It pretty much comes down to the fact that we’re in love and we’re getting married.”

  Jack spit his beer out at Rex’s announcement, effectively spraying both Rex and Shelby with it in the process. “What?”

  Rex and Shelby reached for their napkins and began wiping the beer from themselves. “Jack, really, a simple ‘congratulations’ would have sufficed,” Shelby said. She was about to continue when she heard Tamara gasp from across the table. “Tamara, what’s wrong?”

  Rex knew what had shocked her. She was staring at the ring on Shelby’s hand. “Oh, you saw the ring, huh? How’d I do?”

  Tamara reached over and grabbed Shelby’s hand. “Oh, Shelby, it’s so beautiful.” She looked up at her and then at Rex. “You’re serious? You two are really getting married?”

  Before they had a chance to respond, they were interrupted by Jack’s laughter. “What’s so funny?” Rex asked him.

  Still laughing, Jack tried to formulate the words. “The Bristows are going to die when they hear this! They were right.” He kept laughing.

  “They already know. Where do you think I got the ring from?” Rex said.

  “I didn’t know you told them,” Shelby said, surprised at his willingness to eat crow.

  “Yeah, well, I would have told you when I got back, but I sort of got distracted.” Rex leaned over to kiss her neck.

  “Holy crap! You really mean it. You’re in love. I would love to give you all sorts of crap for all that you gave me. But, damn it, I’m really happy for you two.” Jack reached over and shook Rex’s hand.

  “Thanks, Jack. Oh, –” Shelby was practically toppled over by Tamara hugging her.

  “This calls for a celebration. Let’s order dinner, our treat,” Tamara insisted. “Right, Jack?”

  “Whatever you say, babe. I’m still in shock, though.”

  “Just don’t spit your damn beer on us again.” Rex mocked him, and they all laughed.

  He stood outside the restaurant and watched them through the window. He was confused. They were celebrating, and the blond was fawning all over Shelby.

  His hand clenched, and he reached for the knife sheathed in its leather casing. Why had he kissed her neck? Was he trying to seduce her? What kind of a man would try to take advantage of her? She was sweet and innocent. Not to mention she belonged to him. Though he knew he shouldn’t worry. There was no way that his sweet Shelby would let any man touch her. She was saving herself for the right man. For him.

  He took a deep breath of the humid night air. God, she was so beautiful. He could hardly contain the excitement he felt as he thought of what it would be like when he would finally take her. He was almost ready. Just that morning he had found a place. It was outside of town in a rural area. Far away from any nosy neighbors. It had a cellar that he could use to hold her in until she became comfortable with the idea of their love.

  He had been so excited after he found it this morning that he phoned her. He couldn’t help himself. He needed her to know that they would be together soon. It was unfortunate that she had been so upset when she had seen him in the courtyard. But he understood. He understood her better than anyone else ever could.

  He started to walk back to his car. She would be fine for tonight. He would see her again soon enough. Soon, they would be together completely. The way God intended them to be.

  After dinner, they said their good-byes in the parking lot. Tamara was still in shock from their news. She had always wanted Shelby to find happiness, but she had never imagined in a million years that it would be with Rex Metcalf. The consummate bachelor.

  “Call me tomorrow. We’ll get together for lunch and start going over wedding plans.” Tamara was practically glowing with excitement.

  “Sure–no, I can’t. I’ve got an appointment with my therapist tomorrow. How about Tuesday?” Shelby asked her.

  “Sure, fine, Tuesday. I’ll call you. Oh, I’m so happy for you two.” Tamara hugged them both good-bye as Jack had to literally drag her away.

  “Good night, guys. Congrats,” Jack said before he slid behind the wheel of his Escalade.

  Rex and Shelby waved good-bye. Walking back to Rex’s car, Shelby looked up at the stars and stopped for a moment. It was a clear night, and every star in the sky was visible.

  “Penny for your thoughts,” Rex whispered into her ear as he wrapped his arms around her waist and hugged her, bringing her body to lean back into his chest.

  She smiled, and with a sigh, she closed her eyes. “I couldn’t possibly put what I am feeling right now into words.” She turned to face him. “Rex, I’m going to stop going to therapy. No, wait, let me finish. I feel whole. I feel better. And as pitiful as it sounds, the only thing that ever made me feel better was you. I was forced to talk about things in therapy. But that never really helped. It was you, and you’re all I need.”

  “Honey, you know I love you, but don’t rush things. See what Samantha says tomorrow. If she still thinks you need to go then I think you should,” Rex told her with complete seriousness in his tone.

  She knew he was wrong. It all seemed so clear to her now. The therapy had done nothing for her. It was always Rex who made her feel safe and secure. But she also didn’t want him to worry. “Sure, Rex. I’ll wait and see what Samantha says first.”

  “Good, now let’s get out of here. We need to make some room in your closet. Then if you want, we can start looking at houses next week.” He opened the car door for her and waited as she got in.

  After he got in the driver’s seat, he reached over and took her hand. Staring at the ring on her finger, he linked their fingers together and kissed her palm. “You know, honey, I’ve been thinking.”

  “Oh? About what?” she asked as she lay her head back against the seat and gazed over at him.

  “I think, actually, my ego is a bit bruised by what I walked in on earlier. You may have to prove to me just how much you love me. I’m afraid you might just have to spend all night coming up with new ways to show me.” He winked at her.

  “Really, all night, huh? Well, I guess you would be worth the sacrifice. What’s one night of sleep when we have the rest of our lives together?”

  “That’s right, sweetheart. And don’t you forget it,” Rex said, making more of a promise than a statement.

  After driving away from the restaurant, Shelby couldn’t get an image out of her mind. The way Rex’s thigh muscles looked so strong under his trousers mixed with his forearm muscles flexing ever so slightly every time he shifted was causing her libido to put all sorts of naughty little fantasies in her head. Turning to him, she smiled and took off her seat belt.

  “Babe, what are you doing?” he asked her.

  Shelby didn’t answer him but gave him a mocking grin. Reaching over, she undid the zipper of his pants.

  “Shelby?” Rex stared at her.

  Again she said nothing. She reached her small hand inside the opening and pulled out his semi-hard shaft. The sight of it made her mouth water. Leaning over, she wrapped her lips around the head tightly, slowly sucking the head before going down on it further.

  “Oh, fuck, baby! Yes! God, that feels good!” Rex groaned his admiration.

  The first drop of pre-cum that spilled from Rex’s cock onto her tongue made her even hungrier for him. He was growing inside of her. His hardness was filling her mouth and throat. The knowledge that she was wreaking havoc on his control turned her on. Her clit was starting to throb as she took him faster and farther, her mouth slurping up his masculine taste.

  She felt his arm reach under her as he shifted the car. She wasn’t sure, but the way the car was moving it felt like he was pulling over.

  Rex put the car in park after pulling to the shoulder of an isolated side road. Gently, he tugged on the back of Shelby’s hair, forcing her gaze up to meet his.

  They stared at each other for a moment. Neither one of them speaking. Rex took his other hand and brushed a thumb across her cheek before whispering, “You like that, sweetheart?”

  With a loving smile, she nodded.

  “Then show me, honey. Show me how much you love to suck my cock.”


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