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Russian Beast: Underground Fighters #2

Page 11

by Aislinn Kearns

  But Alexei couldn’t entirely blame Spider for his near-miss. His head wasn’t in the fight. It was still back with Evie, in her apartment. Her bed. They’d barely left it for two days as they explored each other, and she slowly learned to trust him.

  His chest puffed out in pride at the thought. He’d made her feel safe enough, protected enough, that she could let loose with him. Earlier this afternoon, she’d even let him be on top.

  Spider kicked Alexei’s knee and he went down hard, cursing himself for his inattention. He forced his mind off Evie and onto the fight before him. It was clear McCready wasn’t done punishing him yet for taking Evie to the gym. Spider was giving it his all and clearly wanted to do some damage.

  Alexei rolled out of the way as Spider tried to take advantage of his position, but he didn’t quite make it back onto his feet before Spider delivered a punishing kick to his ribs.

  Alexei growled and lashed out with a punch that caught Spider in the nuts and the other man howled in pain and stumbled backwards. Alexei gained his feet as Spider panted on the other side of the cage, glaring at Alexei.

  Alexei chanced a glance at McCready, standing at his usual spot at the back of the crowd. He was surrounded by people, including his personal fighters; Wyatt, who didn’t seem completely ensconced as a member of his private army; and a number of the champagne girls in gold hot pants.

  But he was aloof, above it all, glaring at Alexei.

  For the first time, Alexei acknowledged his time here might be numbered. If McCready was still holding a grudge after Alexei was sure they’d worked it out in the ring last time, then maybe this was a permanent state of being. And as confident as Alexei was in the cage, he knew he wouldn’t last long if he had McCready and his crew gunning for him.

  Panic clutched at him. He had no idea what he’d do if he got kicked out of these fights, or had to leave. He had no other skills, nowhere to go. He couldn’t get another job, because he didn’t have a green card. The unique position of McCready’s fights—the fact that this was Alexei’s area of expertise and the man didn’t ask questions about residency—would be difficult, if not impossible, to find again.

  Surely he wouldn’t have to go back to Russia? He had to find a way to stay here in America. He couldn’t go where his father might find him.

  He turned back to Spider. He’d just have to prove himself, prove he was valuable to McCready.

  The panic turned into fear, which combined with the adrenaline surging through his veins. The potent mix turned into something akin to rage. A blind, mindless urge to hurt and do violence, all directed at Spider.

  He stormed forward as Spider straightened, trepidation on his face. Alexei slammed his fist into Spider’s solar plexus, knocking the man back. He head butted him for good measure, and Spider stared up at him with dazed eyes.

  “Fight back,” he growled.

  Spider weakly put up his hands, landing a punch not at his usual strength.

  “Fight back,” Alexei hissed, shoving the other man into the cage. It rattled but didn’t tip, McCready having learned his lesson from when Diego and Spider had fought last.

  Spider shook his head to clear it, then bared his teeth in a savage grin. Triumph raced through Alexei. Finally.

  Spider charged, Alexei spun out of the way. When Spider whirled back around to face him, Alexei backhanded the guy across the cheek. Spider moved with the movement so it didn’t hit as hard, then aimed a kick at Alexei’s stomach.

  Alexei barely felt it.

  He strode forward and planted his hands on one side of Spider. Before the other man realised what he was doing, Alexei lifted him above his head in a dead weight. Spider was short, but he was broad and heavily muscled, and Alexei’s arms shook from the burden. When he couldn’t stand it a second longer, he dropped Spider straight onto the ground. The man hit with an audible thump, then groaned in pain.

  The crowd beyond the cage were silent, eerie spectators. But Alexei could feel their eyes fixated on him, riveted, waiting to see what he’d do next.

  Some of the anger that had driven him melted from his body as he looked down at Spider, hunched on the floor. He looked over at McCready again, but the man’s expression was inscrutable. Had Alexei proved his worth as a fighter, a spectacle? Or had he just angered him further by beating one of his favourite fighters?

  Alexei didn’t know. And that frightened him more than anything else. If he lost his job—as brutal as it may be at times—what would happen to him? Worse, what would happen between him and Evie? He couldn’t continue to be with her. Not if he had no income, and lost his apartment. Not if he got deported back to Russia, or ended up living on the streets. It wouldn’t be fair to her.

  He clenched his jaw, ready to take whatever McCready would dish out. For now, he stepped out of the ring and headed out of the filthy warehouse they always fought in.

  He’d go home to Evie, lose himself in her, for as long as he could.

  For as long as they might last.

  The adrenaline from the fight still pumped through Alexei’s veins by the time he made it back to his apartment building. He almost let himself into his own apartment, not sure he should be trusted around Evie when he was in this mood.

  But he found himself knocking on her door before he knew it. He ran his hand through his hair while he waited, trying to tame it. He knew he’d look like a mess, he always did after he fought.

  Evie opened the door, wearing jeans, a tank top and a smile. Something deep in his chest kicked to life at the sight of her, looking so happy. He strode forward and snatched her up into his arms, kissing her with an intense passion.

  She responded, throwing her arms around his neck and opening her mouth to his kiss.

  He had just enough brain power to think Slava Bogu, Thank God, before he kicked the door shut and then pushed her against it. He hadn’t frightened her with his desperation. Instead, it was like she’d missed him, too, and had been waiting for him.

  He picked up her legs and wrapped them around his waist, feeling like they belonged there. He ground his already-hard cock into her and she gasped in his ear, head thudding back against the door.

  He placed hot, wet, open-mouthed kisses along her neck, down to her cleavage. She arched her spine to give him better access, and he took full advantage. He found her nipple and lightly closed his teeth over it through the thin fabric of her tank top. She groaned and flexed her hips so her clit rubbed against his cock through both their jeans.

  It wasn’t enough. He needed to be inside her.

  First, he stripped off her top since he didn’t have to let her down to do so, then his own. He unhooked her legs from around his waist and she let out a slight sound of disappointment. But he went straight for the buttons on her jeans, fingers clumsy in his desperation. She understood, knocking his hands aside to do it herself.

  He undid his own belt and buttons, shucking his jeans in record time. He pulled out a condom before he let them drop and rolled it onto his hard cock while she shimmied out of her panties.

  As soon as she was done he picked her up and pressed her against the door. She gasped, her cheeks flushed and her eyes dark as their gazes locked.

  He had just enough presence of mind to test her readiness with his fingers, and sent up a prayer to a God he no longer believed in when he found her wet and ready. He thrust into her, not gently, and groaned as her tight heat wrapped around him. She bit his shoulder as he moved, and the sensation sent a bolt of heat straight to his groin.

  He drew back and thrust again. The door rattled faintly behind her as he did so, and it reminded him of how they’d first met, how this had all began.

  Even if their time was short, he’d be grateful he had her. But he couldn’t believe that this was it, that soon she’d be out of his life. She was his. He loved her, whatever good that did her. And he wouldn’t let her go.

  He thrust into her again with a panicked desperation. He wanted to brand her, bind her to his side.

sp; She let out small sounds of pleasure with every thrust and the sounds were so sweet. He could happily hear them forever.

  “Harder,” she groaned.

  Alexei almost swallowed his tongue at the sensual note in her voice. He complied, slamming into her until she cried out with each pump of his hips.

  She came, but it wasn’t enough even as she clenched around him. He kept going until he was mindless with it, his senses overwhelmed with the sight and scent and taste of her.

  She was boneless for a long moment, but he held her upright, arms straining as he thrust into her. Soon enough she was primed again, rolling her hips with his movements.

  Sweat slicked between them, hot and sweet. Alexei palmed her breasts more roughly than he’d intended, but she was too lost in the pleasure to notice. He kissed her again, clumsily, as he pumped his hips.

  She came again on a hard cry and this time Alexei, too, fell over the edge. He let out a hoarse yell, pushing into her as far as he could.

  Evie slumped against him. Alexei carried her to the couch before collapsing onto it, still inside her. As he slowly softened, he contemplated her ceiling. Her skin was soft as he ran his hand over her back and considered the possibility that he might have to leave her.

  No. No matter what happened, he’d fight for her. He’d fight McCready and all his men, he’d fight the American government.

  As long as she wanted him, he was hers.

  Chapter 16

  Evie, for the first time in a long time, was happy.

  She’d finished her exams confident she’d done well, she was working hard and earning good tips because of the smile on her face, and she had Alexei. It was him that had caused the smiles of the last week.

  They’d spent a lot of that time in bed together. Evie was still exploring her own sexuality again, becoming comfortable with it all. She’d thought it would be too soon to jump into bed together, but now she couldn’t regret her decision.

  She was like a new person. A better, happier, more confident person. Alexei had given her that. Given her the freedom to be herself, to slowly figure out who that was.

  She almost felt like she could be normal now, not the damaged, broken woman she’d been a few months before. She was confident in herself and her relationship. She barely questioned things now that would have frightened her before, like knocks on the door and a man’s lips on hers.

  The bell on the door to the diner tinkled and the man in question entered. Evie’s heart flipped at the sight of Alexei, so tall and strong. He was even handsome to her now, where before he’d looked like a brute. She suspected it was his care and kindness shining through, like an aura that gave him a glossy sheen. One look at him and memories of their recent sexual encounters flooded her mind, her heart pounding in desire. It was like a Pavlovian response when she saw him—just the sight of his broad shoulders and hot eyes made her body ready itself for an orgasm.

  He came towards her and leaned over the counter.

  “Hi,” he said with a smile.

  Evie couldn’t help an answering grin and she leaned even closer. “Hi.”

  He glanced over his shoulder at the only customers in the diner, two middle aged guys sharing a table but not talking to each other. The two men weren’t paying any attention to them, so Alexei turned back to her and captured her mouth in a kiss.

  Evie sighed in pleasure and kissed him back. A pan banged in the kitchen and Evie jumped back guiltily. Bob raised his eyebrows at her through the gap in the wall, and she knew he’d done it on purpose. She couldn’t make herself feel bad about it, and Bob didn’t look truly annoyed.

  Evie turned back to Alexei to see he’d slid into one of the bar stools at the counter.

  “We should go out,” she said suddenly.

  Alexei blinked at her, then looked around the diner, then back at her, clearly communicating his confusion since they were, technically, out.

  “I mean a date,” she clarified, slightly annoyed he was still uncommunicative. She’d thought maybe his preference of using gestures instead of words came from a shyness, but now she realised it was just part of him.

  “A date,” he repeated in a flat voice.


  “Out in the real world?”

  Evie shifted, suddenly awkward. Her hands grew clammy with nerves and her chest tightened. His lack of enthusiasm caused her to question everything about their relationship. Was he only using her for sex? Did he not want to be seen in public with her?

  “Yeah, I thought dinner, a movie, drinks. Something.” Her voice came out slightly strangled. What would she do if he turned her down? She was already in love with him. It was too late for her. But would she be content with this relationship only being a physical one? Particularly when she was still healing, still so emotionally vulnerable? She didn’t know, and the thought of having to decide made her heart flutter in panic.

  Alexei nodded slowly, and Evie held herself still while she waited desperately for what he might say.

  He made a sound of frustration and looked away. “I can’t take you anywhere nice, like you deserve.”

  Evie almost laughed in relief, the tension draining from her shoulder. “I don’t need anywhere fancy,” she assured him. “I just want to eat food that’s not diner food that I don’t have to cook.”

  He exhaled at that, a slight smile tugging at his lips. “Okay,” he agreed. But there was something still bothering him, she could tell by the way he wouldn’t quite meet her eyes. She swallowed and leaned forward, taking his hand in hers.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked in a low voice, so Bob and the other customers wouldn’t hear her.

  Alexei’s jaw worked as he considered what to say. Evie waited, not filling the silence like she might want to, knowing it would only make him clam up.

  He glanced over her shoulder at Bob, who Evie knew well enough to know he was probably eavesdropping.

  “I might not fight anymore,” Alexei murmured so low she could barely hear it.

  “What?” she hissed. “Why?”

  Alexei shrugged.

  Evie narrowed her eyes. “Not because you took me to the gym.”

  He shrugged again.

  Tears sprang to Evie’s eyes. “Oh, Alexei. I’m so sorry.”

  He rubbed his thumb over the back of her hand. “It’s okay. I’ll figure it out.”

  “This is all my fault.”

  “No,” he told her, his firm word punctuated with a shake of his head. “I took you there. You would not have known it was even there if I hadn’t. My own fault.”

  “What will you do?” she asked. “If it happens?”

  He gave a wry smile. “I’ll find something.” But she could see he was not as cavalier about this as his words implied. Worry etched his brow, and the way he absently squeezed her hand a shade too tight conveyed a tension in him that he was trying not to show.

  “This McCready guy sounds like a real asshole, if you don’t mind me saying.”

  Alexei huffed a laugh. “He enjoys his power.” Then, in a clear effort to change the subject, he met her gaze. “Where and when would you like to go for our date?” He clearly relished saying the word date, like he was testing it. Clearly not something he did very often, which made Evie even more excited about it.

  “There’s a place about a ten minute walk from us I’ve always wanted to try. Italian food. Seems reasonably priced.”

  Alexei nodded. “Sounds good.”

  Evie grinned. Yeah, it did. It sounded just about perfect.

  Alexei didn’t want the evening to end. The restaurant Evie had chosen for the dinner had been a good choice—big portions of delicious food for an affordable price. The lighting had been low, and the atmosphere had been subtly romantic with the white tablecloths and soft music.

  Now, they were meandering home in the cool night air, hand-in-hand. As much as he wanted to take Evie home and get her out of the pretty blue dress she wore, he also enjoyed the sizzling sexual tension in the air b
etween them that drew out the anticipation of them getting naked.

  This was also, technically, his first ever date, not including dinner at her house. He didn’t take women out and seduce them. He sat in bars and waited for them to approach him. This was different, and new, making him feel like a different kind of man.

  The bright lights of a bar spilled out onto the street up ahead. Noise filtered down the street towards them, people well into their drinks and enjoying life because of it.

  “Let’s get a drink,” Alexei suggested.

  Evie glanced up at him in surprise, but then smiled and nodded.

  It wasn’t until he’d pushed open the door to the bar and stepped inside behind Evie that he suspected he’d made a mistake. The cliental were mostly men in groups, professional types with mid-range suits and arrogant expressions. Many of them had already had more than their fair share of alcohol that evening, judging by the slumped postures and the way they openly eyed Evie without any remorse.

  Unwilling to back down on his offer of a drink now he’d suggested it, at least not if he had to explain to Evie why, he ushered her towards the bar, past the watchful eyes that followed her. Alexei stuck as close to her as he could, glaring at anyone who caught his eye. Most of them quickly dropped their heads and turned away, but a few men didn’t seem to notice the open hostility radiating from Alexei.

  Evie was his.

  They made it to the bar without incident and ordered. Alexei leaned back against the wood to survey the surroundings as he waited for the bartender to pull his beer. It was a nice enough place—clean, the floors not sticking to the soles of his boots. Neon lights cast an eerie glow across the patrons. Alexei didn’t feel as out of place as he normally would have, since he’d dug out the same shirt he’d worn to Evie’s for dinner, this time washed and ironed, using her iron.


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