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Sex, Lies, and Beauty Aides

Page 18

by Deb Julienne

  Kat laughed heartily and clapped her hands. “I’ve never been so proud of you. What do you plan to do? I want to help.”

  “I’m going to work on Monday after Christmas and put in my resignation. If he’s as scared as you say he won’t be able to stop himself from asking what he can do to convince me to stay. And that’s when I’ll lay down the law.”


  Monday morning, Sabrina slid her resignation letter under Trent’s office door. She sat in her cubicle with two half-filled boxes on the floor as if she were packing up her desk. She dillydallied and grabbed a cup of coffee waiting for the brothers to arrive and start their day.

  Impeccably dressed, she was the height of confidence in her new Ralph Lauren blue label Audie sleeveless dress. The black dress with its light-as-air layers gave an ultra-feminine appeal. The color fit the mood she wanted to present. It was the sexiest dress she owned. She also wore her black Christian Louboutin sling-back pumps with the red trim and four inch heels. There was definitely power in the ensemble. She was thankful to Kat for the fabulously generous Christmas present.

  Travis came in first. She’d never mix them up again. Their differences were obvious as night and day, good and evil, dumb and dumber. And they were both going down. Hard.

  Five minutes later, Travis leaned out the door. “Sabrina, I need to speak with you in my office.”



  Show time.

  She walked into his office head held high, shoulders back, and ready to make him squirm.

  “Take a seat, Sabrina.”

  “No thank you. I’ll stand.” She crossed her arms and enhanced her cleavage, feeling the momentary need for a bit more confidence.

  Travis arched a brow. He rose from his desk and closed the door. The lock clicked.

  That wasn’t part of her plan.

  “Please, have a seat. This won’t take long.” His tone was somber, his face grim.

  She sat on the edge of her chair, ready to make a swift getaway if it came down to it.

  “I want to thank you for all you’ve done for the sake of the magazine. You’ve been a model employee. I’ll be happy to write you a letter of recommendation.”

  Oh crap, this isn’t going the way she planned. She hoped it didn’t show in her expression. She swallowed and tried to keep a bland expression on her face.

  “I understand your position and I’m sorry to see you go.” His gaze was powerful, his voice deep and strong.

  Now what? Damn. She stood.


  “Yes?” Dear Lord. Don’t let the panic show.

  “I’m joking.” He smiled a genuine smile, a devilishly handsome grin so like Trent’s. “You’re not going anywhere. Kat told me you planned to make Trent suffer. I wish I could see it. You’ll have to tell me about it the next time I see you, which I predict will be at your wedding.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “I’m trying to say welcome to the family.” He stood up then rapidly approached her, arms open ready to fold her into them.

  “What makes you think I’m easy?” With a cool stare, she raised her chin. He took a step back.

  “You can act as cocky as you want, but I know my brother. He’s never behaved like this before. He’s madly, crazy in love with you. He can’t figure out what to do next. Do us both a favor and make him pay, dearly.”

  “Oh really. What about you? You’re not exactly Mr. Innocent.”

  “Oh believe me, I’m well aware that I’m sorry won’t do in this instance. The fact is I’ll probably spend the rest of my life trying to make it up to you. I called you in here to help you. I’ve got dirt on Trent even Kat’s not privileged to.” He pressed a chaste kiss to her cheek. “Consider this conversation my engagement present.”

  She hoped he had something good she could use against him.

  “Trent considers himself a man of the world, but he embarrasses easily in front of the opposite sex. He likes to be in charge so when someone else takes control—well he loses it, can’t think straight to save his soul. And another thing, he’s smart, you’ll have to outthink him.

  Sabrina remained silent but skeptical, wondering how any of it would help.

  When Travis finished he leaned against the desk, casually crossed his legs and took her hands in his. “I think I’m jealous of my little brother.”

  “Oh God, really?”

  “I know, don’t say it. He bitches at me for saying stuff like that all the time. How else can I get on his nerves? The only pleasure I have is he thinks I’m serious. The truth is I feel inferior to him in many ways. His devil may care attitude serves to keep him grounded. You can keep that to yourself.” He winked and walked her to the door.

  “I don’t get it, why is it so hard for you two to get along?

  “Blame it on the folks, pitting us against each other, labeling me the smart one and him the happy one.”

  “That’s ridiculous, you’re both smart and handsome.”

  “Thank you. Will you do me a favor? Commit everything you do to memory. I want the play-by-play first chance you get.” He handed her a business card. “If you ever need anything please don’t hesitate to call or email. I’ll be there in an instant.”

  “Thank you, Travis.” Sabrina tapped the card against her cheek and grinned. She started to leave, halted and spun back around. “Wait one blasted minute.” She slammed the door and turned on him. “I won’t be screwed again. I want explanations and I want them now. Why the sudden change in behavior? And quit making this about Trent. This all started because of you. I think it’s time you do some fence mending—and no barbed wire, please. I paid dearly for your little scam. I deserve the truth.”

  Travis stepped back then walked in circles swearing. He paced the length of his office. He turned toward her twice, opened him mouth then shut it and continued wearing a path in the rug.

  Sabrina took great pleasure in being able to make Travis uncomfortable and not just for her sake.

  Finally, he faced her, ran his finger inside his collar and tucked both hands into his pockets. “Do you know what it feels like to let people down? To feel the unnerving fingers of disgrace?”

  “Yes. Personally, I’ve never had a moment of real regret in my life until I was arrested and worried how my family would feel when they learned of it. Professionally, I do fear it every single day. It’s what pushes me with my experiments.”

  “Do they fail?”

  “All too often. Believe me, you have no idea.”

  “What happens when they fail?”

  “I look and feel like a fool, just ask Kat and Trent. They’ve seen the results firsthand. Some funny, some not so funny. Some downright humiliating.”

  He gave her a quizzical look but didn’t ask. “I see it from my parents towards Trent all the time. I don’t know how he stands it.”

  “If you think it doesn’t bother him, you’re mistaken. It’s taken a horrible toll on him. I think he uses that playboy image to cover the pain he feels.”


  “No maybe about it. He damn near ruined the best thing that ever happened to me in order to keep your secret.”

  Travis had the good grace to blush. “Of the two of us, he’s the grounded one. His happy-go-lucky attitude knocks those blows aside as if they were nothing. I’m not like him, I wish I was, but I’m not. So much so I’m to the point that I tried to be everything to everybody. You’ve seen what that did to me. I’m not an alcoholic, but I came damn close. I won’t ever allow that to happen again.”

  “I’m glad to hear something good came of it for you. But that still doesn’t excuse what you two did.”

  “I know. I apologize from the bottom of my heart.”

  “You owe Trent a great deal. If it wasn’t for him, I don’t know if I’d still have my job. I didn’t tell him, but I contemplated quitting because I didn’t know if I could do what was asked of me. Instead, he helped me realize that no matter how out of my comfort
zone I was, I could find a way to do the job and be proud of myself.”

  “Trent? I’m all ears.”

  She gave Travis the condensed version of all he’d missed. She made Travis admit his part in the scheme and forced him to take responsibility for hurting Trent all the way. Only then did she feel vindicated.

  “I never meant for anyone to suffer for my mistakes. Trent will be here at nine, so we’d better wrap this up.”

  She promised to keep his secret and left his office.

  Trent came in at nine on the dot. He stopped at the cubicles entry, looking in Sabrina’s direction. After he spied the boxes on the floor, his head hung, shoulders drooped as he trudged to the editor’s office.

  Hiding in the kitchenette watching the scenario play out, she almost felt bad for him.

  As soon as the door shut, Travis loudly chewed Trent out for causing the loss of a valued employee. Good thing he wasn’t as bad as Trent believed. Sibling rivalry had a place in every family she guessed, some more than others.

  At promptly ten a.m., Travis and Trent stepped into the bullpen. Travis asked for everyone’s attention. He stood before the team majestic, regal, and every bit as arrogant as Trent had first portrayed him. The tailored suit he wore was pristine. Not a hair out of place. Almost noble. “I’d like to take this time to say how proud I am of all of you. You’ve taken all the ideas, suggestions, and concepts we have for the magazine and ran with them. Our first issue is going to be dynamite. That said, I want you to know I will be stepping down as Editor in Chief and will turn the magazine over to my brother. I have every confidence you’ll give him your full support. I have no doubt with your talents the magazine will thrive and be able to stand on its own. At this time I’d like to introduce my brother, Trent, and no you’re not seeing double, we’re identical twins.”

  Trent stepped forward. He was a wreck. Jacket off, sleeves rolled up, pants wrinkled, hair ruffled, yet he managed a weak smile.

  He took her breath away.

  “Thank you, Travis. What my brother isn’t telling you is he has more immediate duties back in Boston. The family can’t do without him. I’ll let you get back to work and throughout the day, we’ll call you to the office one-by-one and ask for your final updates to the February issue. We put it to bed at the end of the week.”

  Sabrina studied the faces of each person on their way to Trent’s office. Each came out with satisfied smiles.

  So far, so good.

  She was to be last. Travis purposely set it up that way.

  They’d planned to stagger the meetings with Sabrina’s at the end of the day. By then most of, if not all the staff would be gone. She’d altered her plans for Trent. She was inspired to allow Travis to see first-hand what she’d planned for Trent. Even now she admitted Travis would be a fun ally to have on her side throughout the rest of her life whether Trent was in it or not.

  Both Kat and Travis had told her that Trent was in love with her. Frankly she wasn’t sure if she truly believed it. He’d been respectful, kind, warm and considerate. He’d never laid a hand on her. She hadn’t even had to slap his hand away like the kids in the park. Darn-it-all.

  What did that say for her ability to incite his passion?

  Sure, he liked her plenty, perhaps even thought highly of her. However, beyond that, she didn’t have a clue. And even though she’d love to have Travis for a brother-in-law and to be related to Kat by marriage, she still wasn’t convinced Trent loved her like they’d said. Part of her plan was to make him prove it, beyond a shadow of a doubt. On this she wouldn’t bend.

  When the time finally came, Travis walked past her desk and whispered, “You’re up next, kid. Get your dancing shoes on. He’s a mess.” He enjoyed Trent’s misery entirely too much. Travis, it seemed, was in dire need of a lesson as well.

  Step one. Throw him off his game. Check.

  “Thanks. I’ll be right there.” Sabrina disappeared into the ladies room to freshen her make-up, and used a fragrance sample Angel had given her. Angel swore on this one’s ability make him horny as a devil that hadn’t had sex in a decade. That’s exactly what she wanted. Drive him crazy and knock him to his knees.

  She planned to chronicle Trent’s demise and use it in her final article for the Valentine’s issue. They’d told her to write Fourteen Ways to Better Sex and Finding her G-spot. Well, instead they’d get Fourteen Ways to Make Him Suffer on the Road to Finding a Relationship and a Sex Life. She’d worry about the title later. She needed to get the facts first.

  They deserved everything she wanted to unleash on them and more. In fact, maybe it was time to have a bit of fun and teach them both a lesson they’d never forget.

  Travis and Trent kept poking their heads out the door waiting for her to make her appearance.

  Oh the meeting would happen all right, but not until she was good and ready.

  Sam in advertising was the last person in the office. It was past six and long past time for everyone to leave. She waited until Sam left and closed the doors between the bullpen and the lobby.

  Both men hunched over the desk looking at some sort of documentation.

  She entered the office and slammed the door. She wanted to get the lunatic twins attention and throw them off kilter.

  They jerked upright and banged their heads against each other then turned her way, each rubbing the side of his head.

  Inside she was laughing her fool head off. On the outside she glared at them, arms crossed, tapped one foot, trying to look as if she wanted to scalp them. Maybe she’d toss that option in the equation and scare the bejesus out of them.

  “Gentlemen.” She nodded to each. “Now that I have your attention I’m here to tell you when I leave today it will be for the last time. I’m done,” she said with an adventurous toss of her head and fling of her hands in the air.

  The brothers shared a look of fear.

  “I’ve devoted the past several years to this magazine and nowhere in the job description did it call for me to be arrested and body searched.”

  The blood drained from Trent’s face and his jaw dropped.

  Travis started to smirk then his face grew solemn the second her words sunk in.

  “And thanks to the two of you that’s exactly what happened. It’s something I will not soon forget. I expect two month’s severance pay and a glowing letter of recommendation. Have I made myself clear?”

  “Sabrina.” His clothes unkempt as if he’d slept in them for a week, Trent looked terrible. Bewildered. Ashamed. He’d been going steadily downhill all day as if dreading this meeting.

  She almost felt sorry for him. Almost being the definitive word. He wasn’t off the hook, not yet. Not by a long shot. “I hope you’re proud of yourselves. First for using each other.” She ticked her fingers off while emphasizing using. “Second for using me, third for using the magazine, and last, but not least, for using your family.”

  Heaping on the guilt made her feel Wonder Woman strong, standing up for herself. Yes, they deserved it. Kat was right, getting mad did feel good. Getting even definitely felt better. “I’ve said all I came in here to say. If you’ll excuse me I need to finish packing before I leave.” She turned and made it all of two steps.

  “Sabrina, please don’t go.”

  She spun around. “Why? Give me one good reason to stay.” She’d imagined a wide variety of possibilities.

  “I love you.”

  “What? That’s it? You think saying you love me will magically fix everything?” Inside she jumped for joy. Not only had he said it aloud, he’d also said it in front of the one person with the potential to irritate and torment him for the rest of his life.

  It still wasn’t enough.

  “No, I don’t, but I had to tell you before you walked out of my life completely. I don’t want you to go. I need you to stay and help me run the magazine.” There was no color in his face. Sad and resigned. Not an ounce of hope filtering through.

  “I don’t want to run the magaz
ine. The only thing I ever wanted was to help people. Show people we listen to them and make the world better one beauty aid at a time. That was my joy, my passion. Thanks to the two of you, it’s gone.” Every fiber of her being wanted to throw her arms around his neck, kiss him and tell him she loved him too. Tell him everything was fine. That she’d forgive him and they’d move on. She owed it to herself to see it through to the end. She turned to leave again.


  She stopped but didn’t face him. She hugged herself needing to stand strong.

  His trousers swished as he approached. His breath warmed her neck, his chest radiated heat through his shirt searing her arm.

  Unable to look at him, she closed her eyes. He’d have that puppy dog expression she’d never been able to resist.

  “Sabrina. I’m an ass. I hurt you. God knows I don’t deserve you. Please reconsider your resignation. I’ll do anything. Please. Give me another chance.”

  “I believe you’re sorry. You should be. What you did was wrong. You both were wrong.” She leaned around Trent and glared at Travis. “I loved my job. It was my life. You’ve changed how I look at it now. I’m not sure I can stay because of it.”

  “Is this because of the articles we asked you to do?”

  “No, it’s not. I planned to do the articles as you requested. I just didn’t count on getting arrested and locked up.” Sure it was dirty pool. But it was time to up the consequences of their actions, which almost had her doing time.

  “I wish I had been easier and more honest with you. I put you in an impossible spot.”

  Heat rose in her face as she remembered she’d admitted to Trent, not Travis, she had no experience.

  “Thanks for reminding me. Yet another reason I need to leave,” she said with all the indignation she could muster.

  “Trent, will you shut up and offer her a raise,” Travis said.

  “I don’t think you could offer me enough money to keep me. Especially if you’ll remember it was you who told me so when you first took over it wouldn’t happen.”

  “I’m doubling your wages and it’s coming from my salary.”


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