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Wolf Whisperer

Page 7

by Charlene Hartnady

  Chapter Nine

  Three weeks later…

  Jackie changed the station on her car radio and yet another cheesy love song blared through her speakers, so she changed it again. Finally, she found a channel with a hard rock song.

  A sweet, sweet memory her ass. The sweet part was true. It was the memory part that was the problem. A memory was something that you could bury. Store away inside the recesses of your mind. It was not something that lived and breathed inside of you.

  With each passing day, it felt more and more like she had made a mistake. The more she tried to forget Tyler, the more she thought about him.

  She was a miserable mess. For once in her life, her jeans were a bit loose because she had pretty much lost her appetite. Unfortunately her eyes were red rimmed with dark smudges underneath them too because she struggled to sleep at night as well. If she did manage to drop off, she would relive their night together and wake up drenched in sweat and on the edge of an orgasm that left her aching. Jackie had always been comfortable in her own company, yet she suddenly felt alone.

  Even her job didn’t give her the same kind of joy it once had. It felt like she was just going through the motions. Tyler had made her feel alive. Had made her feel things that were just not possible after one night together, yet she felt them anyway.

  She agonized over whether or not he had found someone the day he left. Someone to take her place and head back to his shifter village with. To ultimately mate with and have a family with. Jealousy burned in her gut for this unknown woman. Then anger followed close behind. She was pissed at Tyler for moving on so quickly and then pissed at herself for not taking him up on his offer.

  Three months.

  It wasn’t such a long time. She would have been free to leave at any time if it hadn’t worked out. Jackie was somehow sure that Tyler was right. That his wolf instincts had been spot on. There was some sort of connection between them. It hadn’t just been really great sex. She wanted to get to know him. To explore it further. On a really stupid whim, she’d even discussed a three month sabbatical with her boss, saying that she was thinking of seeing a bit of the world while she was still young.

  Martha had urged her to do it. She’d assured Jackie that she would cope just fine in her absence. She would look into the possibility of hiring a temp until Jackie returned. Then she’d gone on to tell Jackie what a great employee she was and that although she would rather not lose her completely, that she would understand if she decided to move on at some point.

  It only made Jackie feel worse. There was no way for her to reach Tyler. Even if she could somehow find him, there was a distinct possibility that he had moved on. Maybe he had lost interest. No, she had her chance and she blew it. Big time. She felt her eyes burn. Crying was not allowed, so she swallowed down the lump in her throat.

  A sickening ballad began to blare, so she switched the radio off. Only taking her eyes off of the road for a split second to do so. When she looked back up, a big dark shape filled the road ahead of her. She pushed down on her brake hard, a gasp was torn from her throat.

  The creature leapt into the air at the last minute, somehow avoiding being slammed by her car which had only recently come out of the repair shop. Twice in a matter of weeks. What were the odds?

  Jackie was panting hard. Her hands hurt they clutched the steering wheel so hard. Her hairs prickled and her gaze was drawn to the right.

  The wolf was right at her door, it snarled baring its sharp teeth. Jackie sucked in a breath as she caught sight of him. His golden eyes locked with hers. So familiar that her heart clenched painfully inside her chest. Wait a minute…he was covered in…what the hell!

  The wolf began to shiver. Cracking and snapping noises filled the air as its fur began to recede. Its snout shortened and its back straightened until a man was left in its place.

  “Tyler.” She finally managed to choke out. Not really believing what she was seeing.

  He smiled, opening his arms. “Merry Christmas!”

  “I could’ve killed you!” She yelled.

  He shook his head. “No chance. I wasn’t paying attention last time. I was expecting you today. You were supposed to have seen me long before you did though.” He threw her a half smile. “Still a terrible driver I see.”

  “I am not.” She huffed. “You shouldn’t have crossed the road in front of me like that.” He was probably on his way to see his girlfriend.

  Damn, but the thought hurt more than it should.

  She snapped her mouth shut, suddenly realizing that it had been hanging open. Jackie opened her door. “Why are you dressed like that? Where are you headed?” She felt herself frown as she stepped out of the car. Maybe she shouldn’t have asked him. Chances were that she would hate his answer.

  She couldn’t help it when her eyes moved down the length of him. It was his own damned fault for standing there naked. Strong wide shoulders, seriously ripped abs. She swallowed hard as she took in his hard, very erect cock. There were at least ten or twenty sprigs of mistletoe all over his body. Including down…well, down there on and around his erection.

  Her eyes moved back to meet his. His brows were arched and he had a look of humor.

  The mistletoe was kind of their thing and it angered her that he was using it for some other woman. “I’m sorry that I nearly knocked you down again. I won’t keep you.” She bent down, intent on getting back into the vehicle.

  “Still thinking of me as one of those guys and not giving yourself any credit I see. I’m here for you, Jackie. You drive this route on most days and always at the same time. I planned this.” He sighed and his shoulders sagged. “Doing all of this was probably stupid.” He pointed at himself and then picked off one of the sprigs of mistletoe. “I just thought you might like it, that it might help win you over.”

  “Win me over.” She repeated, sounding like an idiot.

  Tyler nodded, taking a step towards her. “I can’t get you out of my mind.” His words echoed hers. “I meant it when I said that there is something great between us.”

  “I thought you went into Sweetwater to find a mate.” Did she really say that? Surely not. Jackie chewed the inside of her cheek to try and shut herself up.

  Tyler clenched his jaw and gave a shake of the head. “I was just hurt. I went and fetched my pack mates and we headed home. I haven’t so much as looked at another female and I won’t, I can’t. You are the one, Jackie.”

  It suddenly felt hard to breathe.

  “I can see that you are nervous about my admission. That the thought of us together after one night is freaking you out.”

  “I’m not—” Jackie said, but Tyler cut her off.

  “No, wait. Before you turn me down flat.” He took ahold of her hand and looked her deep in the eyes. “I’m hoping you’ll agree to date me. I don’t care that it is not permitted. I believe that we belong together. I just need a chance to prove it to you. You said before that you would be open to dating me.” He paused, looking somewhere over her shoulder for a few beats before locking eyes with her again. His throat worked and his jaw was tense. “It would mean the world if you would go out with me, Jackie?”

  “A date huh?” Jackie had to smile. “And here I was thinking that you were wanting a kiss under the mistletoe.”

  Tyler blushed. He honest to god blushed. She was damned if it wasn’t the cutest thing she had ever seen. “Forget about the mistletoe. It was stupid.” He plucked another sprig off of his body.

  “No, wait.” Jackie grabbed his hand. “This is the best Christmas present anyone has ever given me. Even if it is a bit belated.” She bit down on her bottom lip for a few seconds. “I can’t wait to kiss you under the mistletoe and I would love to go out on a date with you and in that order. I made a mistake and only realized it after you left. I’ve missed you.”

  “Does that mean that you’ll go out with me?” He growled, the gravelly sound affecting her in really wicked places. “I’ve missed you too…so damned much.�

  Jackie nodded.

  “And you want to kiss me?” He looked down at himself. “All over?”

  She nodded again.

  He growled deeply. “Only if I can kiss you first.”


  “Deal.” He pulled her into his arms. She squealed when the mistletoe pricked her, but soon groaned as his mouth closed over hers.

  Chapter Ten

  Almost a year later…

  There was a flash of golden fur as Princess wandered off ahead of them. Tyler knew that she wouldn’t stray too far. The cuddly furball was the spitting image of her mother, Queen, so it was only fitting that they named her accordingly.

  Tyler groaned under his breath, white smoke plumed. He had, had just about enough of this. He was quietly dying inside. Dying. His eyes tracked his mate as she walked just ahead of him. She was covered in several layers of warm clothing but he knew exactly what she was hiding underneath it all. It made him want to rip them off one layer at a time. Her scent made him want to drool. Who was he kidding? He swiped a hand across his mouth. He was drooling. Big fucking time. Berries with a dash of vanilla only overly ripe, juicy…damn near intoxicating since it was the start of her heat.

  His dick was so hard that it throbbed. His hands itched. The den was still at least ten minutes away. Too far. It was going to take too long. He needed his mate and he needed her right fucking now. Snow crunched beneath his boots but the weather was mild.

  Jackie didn’t notice him sneak up behind her and she squealed as his arms closed around her, lifting her off of her feet. He ground his cock against her ass. The one dreams were made of and cupped her tits through her thick coat. So damned soft, his chest rumbled.

  “You’re driving me nuts.” He growled as he scooped her up.

  “What are you doing? The den is that way.” She pointed in the opposite direction to where he was taking her.

  “I saw a soft patch of grass under a canopy of trees.” Tyler buried his head in her neck, his nostrils flared. He nipped at her sensitive flesh, loving how her heart rate picked up and her breath quickened.

  “And why on earth are we going over there?” Her voice sounded gruff and her eyes narrowed. “You had better not be planning to take me there so that you can throw me on the dirt and ravage me like an animal in the freezing cold.”


  Had he misjudged her need for him? Should he have waited until they were safely at the den? Jackie was going to be so surprised when she saw that the den was not a hole in the side of the mountain like she expected but rather a well-appointed cabin with views clear across the valley. He had snuck over to the den yesterday to decorate it with Christmas apparel including a tree, fairy lights and of course, tons of mistletoe.

  Her eyes narrowed further and he stopped the thought in its tracks, carefully putting her back down. “Yep,” he swallowed hard. “I will keep you warm with my body because that’s exactly what I had planned, but if—”

  “Awesome!” She made a growling noise, her eyes bright. Her glasses long gone since she strengthened after mating him. She would also live much longer. See better, hear better…there were major perks to mating with a non-human. Her thick and heady scent caught him deep in the snout. “Great minds think alike. I’m going crazy with need.” Her eyes dipped to his mouth.

  He grinned when she jumped back into his arms. Then groaned as she rubbed her core against him. “I love you so damned much.” He palmed her ass. “I’m so fucking glad that you’re such a bad driver and that you were stuck working on Christmas Eve.”

  Jackie stretched up and bit his lip. It stung, but in a good way. His dick twitched between them. “I love you too.” She sighed, her beautiful eyes on him. “I’m infinitely glad that you’re so short sighted and that you were on your way to the Christmas Festival.”

  Tyler walked over to the grassy patch and carefully positioned his female on her back. Then he unzipped her jacket, trying hard not to ruin her clothes. He couldn’t wait to spend forever with her. To raise a family with her. Though right now, he just needed to be inside of her.

  “We’re going to make such gorgeous babies.” He growled as he looked deep into her eyes. “You’re going to be an awesome mom.”

  “I’m excited.” Her eyes shone.

  “Me too.” He nipped at her lower lip. “At least you’re not going to make me pull out this time.”

  “Remember that?” She shook her head as she laughed.

  “Pure torture.” He captured her breasts in his hands and squeezed.

  “Actually, it was kind of hot watching you come all over me.”

  He growled. “Don’t even think about it.”

  Her laugh turned into a moan as he bunched her shirt under her chin and sucked on her nipple.

  The end.

  About the Author

  Thanks so much for reading my novella. I had such fun writing this lighthearted story.

  If you want to be kept updated on new releases please sign up to my Latest Release Newsletter to ensure that you don’t miss out I promise not to spam you or divulge your email address to a third party. I send my mailing list an exclusive sneak peek prior to release. I would love to hear from you so please feel free to drop me a line

  I live on an acre in the country with my gorgeous husband and three sons and an array of pets including a ball python.

  In my spare time you can usually find me typing frantically on the computer completely lost in worlds of my making. I believe that it is the small things that truly matter like that feeling you get when you start a new book or a particularly beautiful sunset.

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  If you enjoyed this book please review it so that others can find it. Even if just a line or two, every review is greatly appreciated.

  Books by this author:

  The Chosen Series:

  Reading Order (All of the individual parts are available in Kindle Unlimited at this time):

  1# Chosen by the Vampire Kings

  Complete Edition: Part 1-6

  Part1: Mate's Lore

  Part 2: Torn Desires

  Part 3: Love & War

  Part 4: Wild Heat

  Part 5: Red Lust

  Part 6: New Moon

  2# Stolen by the Alpha Wolf

  Complete Edition: Part 1-3

  Part 1: Accidental Theft

  Part 2: Deliberate Theft

  Part 3: Determined Theft

  3# Unlikely Mates

  Part 1: His First

  Part 2: His Last

  Part 3: Their Everything

  4# Awakened by the Vampire Prince

  Complete Edition: Part 1-3

  Part 1: Rosebud

  Part 2: Flower

  Part3: Thorn

  5#Mated to the Vampire Kings (Short Novel)

  All of the individual parts are available in Kindle Unlimited at this time

  The Program Series (Vampire Novels):

  Book 1: A Mate for York

  Book 2: A Mate for Gideon

  Book 3: A Mate for Lazarus

  Book 4: A Mate for Griffin

  Demon Chaser Series: (No cliffhangers)

  Book 1 Omega

  Book 2 Alpha

  Book 3 Hybrid

  Book 4 Skin

  Demon Chaser Boxed Set Book 1-3

  All of these books are available in Kindle Unlimited at this time


  The Program Series: Book 1

  A Mate for York

  Chapter 1

  Cassidy’s hands were clammy and shaking. She had just retyped the same thing three times. At this rate, she would have to work even later than normal to get her work done. She sighed heavily.

  Pull yourself together.

  With shaking hands, she grabbed her purse from the floor next to her, she reached inside and pulled out the folded up newspaper article.

  Have you ever wanted to date a vampire?

nbsp; Human women required. Must be enthusiastic about interactions with vampires. Must be willing to undergo a stringent medical exam. Must be prepared to sign a contractual agreement which would include a non-disclosure clause. This will be a temporary position. Limited spaces available within the program. Successful candidates can earn up to $45,000 per day, over a three day period.

  All she needed was three days leave.

  Cassidy wasn’t sure whether her hands were shaking because she had to ask for the leave and her boss was a total douche bag or because the thought of vampires drinking her blood wasn’t exactly a welcome one.

  More than likely a combination of both.

  This was a major opportunity for her though. She had already been accepted into the trial phase of the program that the vampires were running. What was three days in her life? So there was a little risk involved. Okay, a lot of risk, but it would all be worth it in the end. She was drowning in debt. Stuck in a dead-end job. Stuck in this godforsaken town. This was her chance, her golden opportunity, and she planned on seizing it with both hands.

  To remind herself what she was working towards, or at least running away from, she let her eyes roam around her cluttered desk. There were several piles of documents needing to be filed. A stack of orders lay next to her cranky old laptop. Hopefully it wouldn’t freeze on her this time while she was uploading them into the system. It had been months since Sarah had left. There used to be two of them performing her job, and since her colleague was never replaced it was just her. She found more and more that she had to get to work way earlier and stay later and later just to get the job done.

  To add insult to injury, there were many days that her a-hole boss still had the audacity to come down on her for not meeting a deadline. He refused to listen to reason and would not accept being understaffed as an excuse. She’d never been one to shy away from hard work but the expectations were ridiculous. Her only saving grace was that she didn’t have much of a life.


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