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Her Mistake

Page 17

by M. J. Perry

  “I’m so glad he didn’t hurt you or touch you. I worried that he’d done something, and you were hiding it but I see I was wrong, you really are ok, and so bloody lucky.”

  “Yeah, definitely lucky,” She agreed.

  “Shall I go and make us coffee before we hear the life and times of Adam Cross?” Jason asked speaking for the first time and Grace thought he was offering so he could have a minute to himself. He hadn’t let up his tight grip on her.

  “Grace you were so brave and really fucking lucky. Adam is a piece of work but you kept your head and managed to stall him a little. I’m thankful that you were unconscious for so long as well.” John told her.

  “I know I don’t want to think about what Jason would have walked into if I’d woken up earlier than I did.” Grace missed the look that passed between John and Peter because Jill hugged her again. She excused herself to go to the bathroom because she suddenly felt nauseous, the events of the past day catching up with her she guessed. She’d managed to distant herself from her emotions while she told them what had happened but now she knew she would finally have answers after wondering for over a year why Adam had started stalking her, wondering why he became fixated on her when she’d never had a personal conversation with him. The last year she’d felt confused, pissed off and scared and now she wasn’t sure how she should be feeling. Relief she thought but maybe it was too soon, it didn’t seem real that it was over. It would probably hit her once she had the truth. Closure was what she needed and she would hopefully get it.

  She used the facilities and washed her hands before taking a deep breath and leaving the silence of the bathroom. Jason was waiting outside for her when she opened the door.


  “Hey, are you feeling ok?”

  “I just needed a minute to myself.”

  “Do you feel up to finding out the rest? It’s been a big morning and I don’t want you over doing it.”

  “Thank you but I need to hear it, so do you.”

  Jason took in her determined face and nodded. “Ok. We’ll do it together then.” He held his hand out and she placed her smaller one in his.

  “Once we have answers, you can help me to smile again.”

  “You have a deal.”

  “I was counting on it. Let’s go get it over with.” Grace ordered. Jason looped his free hand in the waist band of her trousers before she could walk away and she turned back to face him. “I love you.” He said simply, and it took her breath away.

  “I love you too.” She smiled at him and knew her love was shining through. He always knew what she needed and right then she’d needed to hear those words, she hadn’t even realised she'd needed them until he gave them to her. He tugged her gently towards the kitchen and she felt like she was walking on air. When they entered the kitchen it almost felt like everything was normal, John, Peter and Jill were all talking quietly and Grace smiled when Jill caught her eye. She noticed how close Peter was to Jill and she wanted to jump up and down in glee but she held off.

  “Are you ready?” John asked her as he glanced up.

  She shook her head with a smile. “Coffee first.” She said and Jason chuckled behind her as Peter handed her a mug already poured for her.

  “Right, are you ready now?” John asked her after he saw her take a sip.

  “Go ahead.” She waved her hand. She didn’t sit down this time, but she still leant into Jason and his warm, hard chest. His arm went around her and pulled her close.

  “I’ll start by saying that Adam Cross is a whack job.”

  “We figured that one out for ourselves John.” Peter said.

  “I know but this is me reminding you so it’s in your minds when I tell you what he’s said.”

  “Ok.” Peter said in a voice that told him they really didn’t need the reminder.

  “On Adams first day of work at the library he met you and knew instantly that you were the one for him. He said you smiled at him and that was when he knew you would be his.”

  Grace processed those words and was speechless for all of two seconds. “That’s it? That’s the reason he stalked me because I smiled at him?” She screeched.

  “Babe, what did I say?” John asked. “Remember he’s a whack job.” He repeated when she didn’t answer.

  Grace tried to calm down, it helped that Jason was running his hand through her hair, the motion always relaxed her. Her body still vibrated with anger though. A bloody smile! That was all it took for him to do this to her. She wasn’t going to smile at anyone she didn’t know again she wasn’t risking it. So what if people thought she was a grumpy cow for it, she was not opening herself up to more psycho stalkers! She sighed because she smiled a lot and it’d be hard to stop.

  Her mug disappeared from her hand and she watched Jason bring her hand up to his mouth and suck the coffee she hadn’t realised she’d spilt off her fingers. The gesture was so out of place in this moment and she realised he’d done it to snap her out of her anger. She nearly gasped when she saw his desire for her in his warm eyes and she blushed before turning away. At that moment all she wanted to do was strip his clothes off and her own and jump his bones, she’d forgotten where they were.

  She looked at John and caught the flash of pain on his face he couldn’t hide. She was a bitch, she’d hurt him and she felt bad about it she really did and she was rubbing her relationship with Jason in his face. Clearing her throat in embarrassment she looked at the floor, and John took that as his cue to carry on his explanation.

  “From his first day he decided you would be his girlfriend, fiancée and then his wife. He started to take pictures of you but it wasn’t enough so when you brought your painting into the library he used the opportunity to plant his camera knowing that you wouldn’t notice it. He’d overheard you telling Jill that you were going to hang it in your bedroom and he thought it was fate.”

  Grace lost the colour in her face. She’d forgotten about the pictures. Where were they? Had anyone else seen them? She didn’t know if she wanted to know the answers to those questions. John saw her reaction and was quick to reassure her. “We have all the videos and pictures in evidence. Adam explained that we had them all and that he’d never shown another person and I’m inclined to believe him as he didn’t want to share you with anyone.”

  Relief was too tame a word for what she was feeling. “Thanks.”

  “Thank fuck because I was prepared to go and rip some heads off. It’s good to know I don’t have to.” Jason growled.

  “It’s good to know I won’t have to arrest you.” John told him and Jason grinned. “The cards and gifts were tokens of his love for you and the flowers you received every Saturday were to remind you of the day you met.”

  “That makes sense. Well kind of.” Grace rolled her eyes when Jill snorted. “You know what I mean.”

  “It makes sense for a crazy person.” Jill said causing Grace to grin.

  “What about his social media profile? Why did he do it?”

  “You why did he photo shop his face on the pictures?”

  Grace nodded

  “He wanted all his friends to know you were together, that you were his.” John explained.

  “I can’t get my head around it. I mean he made up a life with me while trying to ruin my real one. Why didn’t he just ask me out? I would have said no obviously but I never even knew he liked me, he never showed an interest at all.”

  “He stalked you because it was the only way to be close to you he needed the connection that he believed was there in your fake life together because in real life he knew you weren’t interested in him. He scared you away from your home by threatening the man you love and then he decided to find you and claim you as his.”

  “All this just seems ridiculous. I mean he’s been ruining my life and all because I smiled at him. It’s incredible that a person can be that crazy and not be locked up!”

  “You’re not the first Grace.” Peter said. He didn’t look like he wante
d to tell any more but still she asked the question.

  “I’m not the first?”

  “There was another woman before you.”

  “Who is she? How did she stop him?”

  “She wasn’t able to stop him. The police never found any evidence that it was Adam. She died.” Peter’s fists clenched as his sides no doubt thinking that it could have been her.

  “How did she die?”

  “She got hit by a car.” Graces leg’s gave out and Jason held her steady.

  “Did he do it?”

  “There was never any evidence. It was a stolen car, and no fingerprints were left behind. He sang like a bird last night though, he told us all about her. Her name was Nancy, and it didn’t take us long to pull her case. He was bragging about it being her punishment and we’ve charged him for that too.” John put in.

  “That poor girl.” Grace whispered. This proved how lucky she really was to have gotten away from him without harm when he’d already killed. “Will you find out where she is buried for me so I can take some flowers to her grave please?”

  John smiled at her. “Of course I will.”

  “Thank you. I’d like her to know Adam has been caught and he can’t hurt anyone else now.” Maybe it would bring her peace, even the dead needed peace didn’t they?

  “That’s very sweet Grace. Is there anything else you’d like to ask?”

  She shook her head; she had all the answers she needed.

  “Adam has confessed and providing that we don’t have a clueless judge, he will go down for this so you’re safe now.” John reached into his pocket. “I have this for you.” He handed her a card, and she took it from him. “She’s a good woman, very easy to talk to.”

  Grace looked at the card. K. Martin counselling.

  “You might be ok Grace, you might be able to put it all behind you and I hope you can but it’s possible that it could come back to haunt you, if not now maybe in a week or a month and I don’t want that to happen. Talking it out can help you to put it all in to perspective.”

  “I’ll think about it. Maybe you guys should too.”

  They all looked at her like she was talking gibberish except Jill who gave her a nod in understanding.

  “You are all carrying some kind of guilt over what happened, and it’s ridiculous. Jason feels he should have kept me safe, Peter thinks it’s his fault that Adam took me even though he’d been stunned and was unconscious and there was nothing he could have done.” She stopped to glare at Peter before she pointed at John. “And you, you feel you should have known that Adam was cuckoo even though you only saw him three times at the most. I don’t think you even exchanged one word. How could you possibly have known? Jill and I had no idea, and we worked with him for months.” She gave them all a stern look. “No more.” She commanded. “We will not let him do this to us. We are going to put it all behind us and move on, no more guilt or bad feelings.”

  “You’ve made your point Grace.” Jason told her.

  “Have I?” She asked. They all nodded. She wanted to believe she had and that they’d listen but she wasn’t sure.

  “Jill?” She said as she crossed to her and held her hand. “It wasn’t your fault. I know you feel it is because you hired him but you had no way of predicting how it would turn out.”

  Jill nodded at her before she turned to John. “Can I have a background check on all new staff from now on?”

  John studied Jill’s face and Grace noticed her blush. “Yes honey.” John finally answered.

  Peter gave John a furious look. Neither had made a move towards Jill so no one had any special rights to her but she really hoped Peter stepped up. She liked John but Peter would be perfect for Jill if he decided he wanted a serious relationship, anyway.

  “This is going to be interesting.” Jason whispered in her ear as he put his arm around her shoulder and kissed her neck.

  She smiled because he wasn’t wrong. She just hoped Jill wouldn’t get hurt.

  Three weeks later

  Jason pointed to the coffee that Grace had just poured. “I don’t think you should drink that.”


  Jason smiled at the frown on her face. “Caffeine isn’t good for the baby.”

  She swung round to stare at Jason in shock. “Baby?” She whispered.

  “You haven’t had a period since you moved back in here have you?” He already knew the answer.

  Grace shook her head. She hadn’t even realised.

  “You’ve always been like clockwork and I thought at first you were late because of all the stress you were under but it’s been three weeks and you still haven’t had a period.”

  Grace couldn’t pull her eyes away from Jason. Was he pleased? He looked ecstatic if she was honest. “We’ve been using condoms.” She said then shook her head.

  They’d used condoms most of the time but there were probably more occasions that they hadn’t. She hadn’t really thought of the consequences of their actions and that was stupid. She burst out crying and Jason was by her side in a second so he could scoop her up and sit her on the sideboard. He stood between her legs hugging her loosely. Grace didn’t even know why she was crying, she was happy wasn’t she? Of course she was it must be shock, how had Jason worked it out before she had? She should have known shouldn’t she? Did it make her a bad mother already?

  “Hush baby, don’t cry.” Jason whispered as he rubbed his hands up and down her back in comfort until she managed to calm herself down.

  “We’re having a baby.” She touched her stomach with a hand and Jason placed his on top of hers. “Yes, Gracie we're having a baby.” His voice was gruff and when she looked into his eyes, they were damp with unshed tears,

  “You’re going to be an amazing daddy.” She swore. She had no doubts that he would the best daddy a little girl or little boy could ever want.

  “I’ll try to be and I already know that you will be a fantastic mummy.”

  “You think?”

  “I know.” He sounded so sure. “Your mother isn’t great.” He stated and Grace winced. “Everything she put you through, all the bad things that have happened to you means we know what hurts a child and we will never do that to our own.”

  “Our child will always know we love them.” She said through fresh tears.

  “They will never know how it feels to have someone who is supposed to love them make them feel they’re to blame for things out of their control. They will always feel loved, always.” Jason said it like a vow and it was one they’d both would keep.

  She closed her eyes. She had not had a good childhood. The one person who is supposed to love you unconditionally never showed love, she never held Grace when she fell over or when she was ill. Grace had always felt like she was in the way and the closeness she craved from her mum never come. She wouldn’t repeat the mistakes because she knew what it felt like to pretty much be alone and she would make damn sure her child never knew it. Grace had once wondered if her mum ever felt guilt at how she acted with her but the weekly phone calls to her, Grace struggled to get through and the missed birthday cards showed her she didn’t. Jason used to try to talk Grace out of ringing her but she never missed a call. It didn’t matter how shit she felt after she hung up the phone, she was still her mother. Jason was right, she had shown them how not to be bad parents and they’d both be amazing, and with Uncle Peter and Auntie Jill to help them this baby would be loved so much.

  “I need to take a test.” Grace squealed. What if they were wrong?

  “There’s one in our bathroom.” She stared at him and he shrugged. “I brought it yesterday. Shall we go and do it?” He held his hand out to her, and she took it.


  Grace opened the bathroom door with a huge smile. “Two minutes and we will know.”

  Jason smiled and pulled her next to him on the bed. “I think we already know what the answer is.”

  “It’s always good to be sure though. What if it is just all the st
ress I’ve been under?”

  “We haven’t exactly been very careful Gracie.” Jason grinned. “What does it say?” He motioned to the white stick, and she picked it up and then closed her eyes before she saw the result. “You look.”

  “Open your eyes mummy to be.” Jason said with joy.

  “We’re pregnant! We’re really going to have a baby.”

  “We sure are.”

  “I need to ring Jill.” Grace got up to get her phone feeling excited to tell Jill their news. She’d ring Peter afterwards.

  “Do you think I could get a kiss off my pregnant wife to be first please?”

  “Yes.” Grace leant over to kiss him but stopped still when Jason’s words penetrated. “Wife to be?”

  Jason got down on one knee before her with a huge smile. “Grace Abbott. You are the most beautiful woman in the world and you make my life complete. Will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?”

  Grace couldn’t find any words to answer him-she’d dreamed of this moment forever, so instead she shoved her left hand at him and watched as he placed a sparkly diamond ring onto her finger. He looked up at her as he kissed her hand and the ring he’d just placed there. “It’s beautiful just like you.”

  “I love you.” Grace finally said as she kept her eyes on him.

  “I love you too. I finally have my ring on your finger; it’s only taken me a few years.”

  “It’s not because I’m pregnant then?”

  “You’ve always been the woman I was going to marry; you being pregnant just makes it more perfect.”

  Grace sighed in happiness. “Yes it is perfect isn’t it? I couldn’t wish for anything more.”

  She was going to marry her prince who worshipped her in a bossy way which if she was honest was definitely sexy and who showed her more happiness and love than she could ever ask for. She was lucky. Jason always said he was the lucky one, but she knew the truth.


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