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The Wrath of the Chosen

Page 19

by K. C. Hamby

  Her eyes grow wide and a suspicious grin spreads across her lips. A pit in my stomach forms. She’s up to something.

  “What’s the look for?” Her grin becomes sly and she raises her eyebrows.

  “Have you thought anymore about trying pizza?” She keeps the sly grin on her lips. My mind flashes back to the memory of us walking together and her being personally offended I’d never had pizza before. Wow, she has a good memory. Or she just really loves pizza that much.

  “What do I get if I agree to trying this pizza?” A flirty tone slips into my voice involuntarily. My wolf is smug and wanting to cause trouble. The mood in the room instantly changes as the fire between me and Nina ignites again and burns stronger. Desire floats to me in her scent and it takes sheer willpower to keep me in my seat. It’s like my tone carried gasoline and added significantly more flames.

  Nina has her mouth open, but no words come out. She’s probably taken aback by my flirting.

  Yeah, me too.

  “Oh, I can probably make it worth your while,” Nina fires back after composing herself, rising to the challenge of my question. I don’t have anything to say. My words catch in my throat and heat covers my skin, slowly setting me on fire. I avert my eyes and stare at my lap. A strange noise comes from Nina’s mouth. It sounds like a sharp mix between a gasp and a laugh. It reminds me of a walrus.

  “I’m sorry, but did I just make you of all people blush?” I reluctantly meet her eyes and she lets out a soft giggle.

  “What do you mean?” I intend to ask with a strong, challenging voice, but it comes out as a stuttered whisper. She has the good graces to hold back another giggle as the invisible flames lick all over my face.

  “I mean that you, Faligator, are a hard-ass.” She uses the strange nickname she has donned for me and rolls her eyes. The fire recedes from my face and burns in my chest with every beat of my confused heart.

  A hard-ass? I’ll show her.

  My wolf surges forward, giving me this strange warmth heating up my lips and the inside of my thighs. I gently push Luna from my lap and she bounds away. I cut my eyes up through my lashes at Nina and creep closer to her, wearing a smirk. Nina drops her humorous smile and her eyes become slightly scared and definitely confused. I push her on her back and crawl over her, letting my body brush lightly against hers until my face is hanging over her beautiful sapphire eyes. I dilate mine and her heartbeat quickens. Her breathing comes out in fast, shallow breaths. I’m surprised I can control myself right now because this weird sensation taking hold of my body definitely has some not-so-innocent ideas. I guess this is what happens when I’m challenged.

  My mouth is mere centimeters from her lips and I dip my head, breathing in Nina’s ear. I blow out a gentle breath and her chest hitches.“Yes,” I finally relent. “I will have pizza with you.” I pause to let it sink in. There is a sound of disbelief from Nina.

  And I tickle her.

  Nina instantly flips her shit and laughs out loud, wiggling uncontrollably. Her laugh is like a walrus having trouble breathing and I can’t help the laugh the blasts from my throat.

  “Fal! Please!” She takes a deep breath. “Stop it!” Tears stream down her face from laughing so hard.

  “Nope. Not until you take back what you said about me being a hard-ass!” I yell over her laughing while dodging her swinging arms. I hold her down harder and continue tickling her.

  “Never!” she exclaims through her giggles. Her legs are kicking everywhere and her foot smacks directly into my leg.

  Right where my knife is strapped.

  “Ow, what the hell?” I freeze. Nina pushes my chest to get me off her. “What was that?” Before I can stop her, or answer, or even move, she grabs the hem of my joggers and yanks them up, exposing the knife strapped to my calf. A gasp escapes her lips.

  “Oh,” she lets out breathlessly, moving her hands away from my leg.

  I don’t know what I need to say. My brain has decided to throw out any excuses I would normally be able to let flow from my lips as if they were my own breath. I imagine I look like a deer caught in the headlights when she meets my eyes.

  “Does this have something to do with your super secret job or are you here to kill me?” She nervously chuckles. I hesitate and let out a hard breath.

  “It’s for my job.” Nina nods and stays quiet. After a moment of silence, she hops off the couch and briskly walks into the kitchen area to grab her phone. I’m about to ask her what she’s doing and—before I have time to panic—she stares at me with her startling eyes.

  “Is pepperoni okay with you?”

  I nod with a forced smile. I watch her as she orders the pizza and the pit hardens in my stomach once more. I know I need to tell her what I am. I know I do. I know I’m being selfish by not telling her, but I’m not sure I can handle Nina telling me she never wants to see my face again.

  Actually, I know I won’t be able to. It’ll kill me. After being reunited with her, I’m more convinced she’s my Mate.

  Nina hangs up the phone and stares up at me with something I’ve never seen in her eyes before. She’s guarded. A strong scent of suspicion flows from her, mixing with the lavender and vanilla.

  “Nina, what’s wrong?” I stand and make my way around the couch, but I keep my distance. I shove my hands in my jogger pockets so I won’t be tempted to touch her. She has her arms crossed over her chest, closing off her body from me. I’m trying to convince myself it doesn’t sting.

  “I just…” She pauses. “I just realized I don’t know anything about you, Fal.” Her distant eyes meet mine and they plead with me. My heart plummets to the floor.

  I can’t tell her. Not yet. I need to talk to Ash. I need his advice about telling Nina about me; about us. I take small steps in her direction. I hold out my hands for her to take and—after a few seconds too long for my liking—she does. I duck my head to catch her eyes.

  “Nina, I promise I’ll tell you everything. I need to talk to my brother before I do, though. It’s a long story, but I’ll be going against a lot of things doing this and I need his advice.” She furrows her brow with thought. “Until then, I will tell you what I can, okay?” I plead with her with a squeeze of my fingers.

  She’s quiet for a while. When I think she may have lost her ability to speak, she sighs and nods her head. “Okay, Fal.” She hugs me tightly and nuzzles her head into my neck. My heart soars. I guess it decided to pick itself off the floor.

  I soak up Nina’s warm scent and sigh at the calm washing over me. She pulls back and plays with Mom’s necklace hanging securely around my neck.

  “This is pretty. Where did you get it? I didn’t picture you as a jewelry person,” she teases. I become somber.

  “It was my mom’s.”

  “What was she like?”

  I’m taken off guard by her question. It’s not one I’m used to. I guess she senses the sadness I’m trying hard to hide. People usually ask what happened to her. That, or the Lupi who do know what happened avoid the subject altogether.

  “I look a lot like Mom, actually.” Nina lifts her pouty lips into a smile and it gives me the courage to go on. “She wore her hair shorter, though. She thought it was easier to handle and used to ask me if I step on my hair when I walk.” I chuckle, remembering the fond memories of Mom. “She was fierce and feisty; definitely where I got my attitude from.” Nina snorts. “But she was mostly loving; something I didn’t quite pick up on. I miss her a lot more than I like to admit to myself.” My voice trails off. I don’t think I can continue without sobbing. The now familiar sting in my eyes warns me.

  “What about your dad?”

  Fire of rage burns over my skin and a small growl pushes through my gritted teeth. I sheepishly glance at Nina and her eyes are wide. “He left me and Ash as soon as Mom died. In fact, he left the day after she was put to rest. We haven’t heard from him since and I don’t give a damn if I ever hear from him again.” I can’t help the anger fueling me to answer. He’s no
thing but a piece of trash who never gave a fuck about us. He can rot in Tartarus.

  Nina pulls back and gazes those eyes at me. Concern and understanding wrinkle her freckled skin.

  “I completely get it. My mom left when I was little. My daddy raised me on his own. As far as I’m concerned, my mom was just something I hitched a ride on into this world.” She smirks and a hard laugh comes from deep in my belly. She’s funny.

  “Well, I think your dad did a pretty good job.” Nina blushes and I tap her nose.


  Knock knock knock.

  The rap at the door makes me flinch.

  Come on, Fal. Quit with the paranoia.

  My brain picks this moment to remember Damien and all the Poachers who could attack Nina if she opened the door. I blur in front of her quicker than a human would. She leers at me like I’ve lost it.

  I shrug and gaze through the peephole in the door. I breath of relief escapes me. Just the pizza.

  I move away from the door and coax Nina in front of me to open it. She pulls it open and I hear the poor pizza boy’s jaw hit the floor when he gets a look at her. His heartbeat quickens and I squeeze my lips together to hold back a laugh.

  Same, dude.

  “Uh. Yeah, hey. That’ll be $21.32,” he stammers. Nina gives him her best kind smile and I’m surprised the boy doesn’t pass out with how fast his heart is racing. His hormones coat his pizza-tinted chemical scent. I think it’s supposed to be a cologne, but there is too much of it for me to smell anything other than strong chemicals.

  “I paid over the phone.”

  “Oh. Uh, okay. Let me look here and see….” Papers rustle. “Oh, you’re right. I’m so sorry about that.” I can’t see him. I can only see her reaction and she smiles so wide my heart races.

  “You’re completely fine.” She reaches for what I guess is the pizza.

  “Uh, do you….I don’t know. This is probably a stupid question. But, do you have a boyfriend?” He stammers and I almost fall over with surprise. He’s got balls.

  I glimpse at Nina and it appears he caught her off guard as well. She’s not saying anything. She’s stammering nonsense, looking for words that won’t come to her. I let out a small chuckle and push my way to the door.

  “Hi.” His large, brown eyes flick up to me in surprise and then terror. Shit. “No, she doesn’t have a boyfriend.” I reach for the pizza and…soda? I didn’t agree to this. “She does have a girlfriend, though.” I smile at him as sweetly as I can, but I’m not practiced and—by the look on his face—I don’t succeed in making it not terrifying.

  “Oh! Uh, I’m sorry. I uh, I’ll go!” He turns so fast, it’s like I held my gun up to his head.

  “Wait!” I croak and grab the cash out of Nina’s hand meant for the tip. “Here’s your tip. Uh, thank you.” It comes out weird because being nice is a new thing and I’ve only done it with Nina and Nathan. Sometimes Ash gets a few semi-nice things, but not often.

  “Oh, wow. Thanks!” He rushes off and I close the door with a bump of my hip. Nina grabs the goods from my hands and puts them down on the counter.

  “I didn’t expect that at all,” she admits and her face becomes bright red. “Girlfriend, huh?” She smirks and fire races up my neck.

  “Uh, I mean…I had to say something,” I stammer. “I mean, if you uh…” I look everywhere in the apartment but at her. She laughs and walks up to me.

  “I’m just giving you a hard time.” She kisses me quickly on my lips and I’m left with the burn of wanting more as she sits down at the counter. “Now.” She turns back to me with a devilish smile. I join her and she slowly opens the lid of the pizza box, making an opera “ahhhhhhhhhh” sound that’s supposed to make it more dramatic.

  “Are you ready for this?” she whispers as we stare down at the cheesy, greasy circle that’s apparently the food of Nina’s dreams. I smirk and roll up my sleeves.

  “Oh yeah, I’m ready.”

  Chapter 21

  One liter of way-too-sweet soda and five pieces of pizza later, I lie back on the couch cushions and groan.

  “I thought I was obsessed with pizza. You ate more than I did.” Nina sits beside me and laughs at my utter uncomfortableness. I scoff and I’m pretty sure even it hurts my stomach.

  “Whatever. It was good. You were right.” I huff and she cheers a little more dramatically than the situation calls for, but I laugh all the same. Her face lights up and I reach my arms up over my head to stretch out this food coma.

  “Whoa. Your arms are buff.” She moves closer and puts her hand around my right bicep. She squeezes and I scrunch my eyebrows at her before peering down at my ‘buff’ arm.

  “I guess.” I’m used to everyone around me being muscular. I suppose I’ve never noticed how muscular we are in comparison to humans. “Is that bad?” Self-consciousness slips into my being.

  “No! Not at all,” she assures, letting go of my arm. “You’re lean and you being muscular is hot.”

  Her eyes widen. She blushes a deep red and ducks her head while a smirk perks up on my lips. I chuckle and rub my arm where her warm fingers circled seconds ago.

  “What’s that?” Her fingers touch my bicep again. I look to see what she’s talking about. Her fingers trail over my Alpha bands tattooed on my arm.

  “Uh, it’s my rank at work.”

  I told her I would tell her what I could.

  “This job keeps getting stranger. They tattoo your rank on your arm?” She scoffs. “Is it a high rank?”

  “Yes, one of the highest, actually.”

  I mean, I know I’m a more powerful Alpha than every single one I’ve met, so I’d wager it’s the highest. Nina’s face transforms into one of…pride? Huh. I glance down at my watch.

  Goddess, it’s late. I need to go. I stand and make my way to the door, slipping on my Northface hoodie. “I need to go. It’s late,” I whisper, pulling away emotionally so leaving doesn’t hurt so much. Nina stands and frantically runs in front of me, effectively blocking me from the door. Liquid desperation pools in her eyes and her scent is covered with salty sadness. It’s enough to wreck me.

  I place my hands on each side of her face and stare deep into those caverns of sapphire, commanding her understanding. “Nina, I’m not leaving for good. I’m not. I promise you.” A single tear slides from her eye, reminding me of the horrible nightmare I had of her so long ago. I cringe, my heart constricting. She begrudgingly shuffles away from the door and I hesitate when I grab the doorknob.

  “Fal?” I barely hear the whisper fall from her mouth. I glance back at her. Her eyes—red rimmed from holding back tears and pride—are beautiful. Her honey hair falls in her face, concealing some of her freckles from me.


  “Please stay with me.” She pleads with her soul. It caresses mine, begging me not to leave. I have an overwhelming need to give her everything she needs. My wolf is angry, wanting to console her Mate.

  Mate. So, I was right.

  “What do you mean, Nina? I told you I’m not leaving you.”

  I’m confused. I thought she understood. I don’t know how else to convey I won’t ever leave her again. She shakes her head at me.

  “No, don’t leave. Stay the night with me.” Her voice breaks.

  Oh. Oh.

  I’m defenseless. I want to stay. I need to stay. I can’t leave her, not when she needs me so much. I don’t think I’ll be able to handle being away from her, anyway. I let go of the doorknob and pull her to me in a hug.

  “Anything for you. I would do anything for you,” I admit and concede. I’m so vulnerable and I’ve never wanted to feel this way. It is dangerous and I have lost control. But with Nina, I don’t mind all too much.

  The biggest smile breaks across her face when I pull back to see her face. She plants a solid kiss on my lips and I sigh in contentment.

  Nina heads to the bathroom to get ready for bed and I clean up the pizza mess, groaning when I think of how much I ate. I
pull up my joggers to unlatch the knife from my calf and put it on the counter where I can easily grab it if it’s needed. I let my hair down from its braid and it falls around me in waves as Nina pads out of the bathroom and her face is clean of makeup and the day. I have to catch my breath. She looks so much better from when I first saw her. Her skin has more life and the bags under her eyes have faded. It has to be the Mate healing. My presence heals her as her presence heals me.

  She’s so beautiful without makeup. Of course, she’s impeccable no matter what she wears, but all her freckles are visible and popping all over her skin made pink from scrubbing off the makeup. The moisturizer mixes with her scent, calming me. She’s put her wavy hair in a top knot and..

  Goddess. She’s just so beautiful. I’m breathless.

  “What are you staring at?” She plants her hands on her hips and scolds me. I peer into her eyes with a steady, serious gaze.

  “You’re beautiful.” The conviction in my voice growls with how much I need her. She blushes a pretty red and mumbles some kind of thank you. I chuckle while she walks to her queen-size bed. “Oh, where are the blankets?”

  “What for?” She squints at me and tilts her head. It’s cute.

  “For…the couch?” Nina rolls her eyes and unmakes her bed.

  “You’re not sleeping on the couch.”

  “Nuh uh.” I shake my head. “I’m not letting you sleep on the couch.” Nina turns around to glare at me like I’ve grown three heads.

  “No, Fal. You can sleep in the bed. With me,” she explains, watching my face.

  Oh. I guess I hadn’t thought of that. Butterflies flutter in my stomach and my hands break out in a sweat. Nerves? I don’t get nervous like this, what the hell?

  Honestly, I just need to give up trying to understand what the hell is going on with my emotions.

  “I mean, if that’s okay with you,” Nina stammers. She took my silence as rejection.


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