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[Queen of Orcs 01] - King's Property

Page 22

by Morgan Howell

  Dar finally spied Kovok-mah carrying a load of branches to the pile. She waited until he dropped them before she approached. To her relief, Kovok-mah appeared uninjured. When he saw her, he smiled sadly as he gestured toward the human camp. “Washavokis are happy,” he said in Orcish.

  “This mother is not happy.”

  “Because you are not cruel.”

  “Kovy!” said Twea. “I slept in a tree!”

  Kovok-mah smiled, this time without sadness. “Tree is good place for bird.”

  “But not for Little Bird,” said Twea. “It was hard and scratchy.”

  “For Little Bird, lap is better nest,” said Kovok-mah.

  “What will urkzimmuthi do now?” asked Dar.

  “We will rest,” said Kovok-mah.

  “May we rest with you awhile?” asked Dar. “I did not sleep last night.”

  “Dar was crying,” said Twea.

  “What is crying?” asked Kovok-mah.

  “Sound washavokis make when they are sad,” said Dar.

  “Hai,” said Kovok-mah. “I have heard you make this sound. Were you sad for dead washavokis?”

  “I had another vision,” said Dar. “Though I didn’t understand it, it made me cry.”

  Kovok-mah regarded Dar with an enigmatic expression, then raised his hand in front of his chest to make the sign of Muth la. Dar knew he wouldn’t comment on her vision, so she changed the subject. “What does ‘muth velavash’ mean?”

  “Mother who blesses,” said Kovok-mah. “All who you blessed still live.”

  “When I said ‘May Muth la protect you,’ it was a wish, not a blessing.”

  “Those were words for blessing,” said Kovok-mah. “Perhaps Muth la placed them in your chest.”


  Dar slept dreamlessly until she woke with a start. Kovok-mah slumbered, but Twea was gone. Dar quickly peered outside. The sun was low in the sky; she had overslept. Dar left the shelter and gazed about the Embrace. Twea was nowhere to be seen. Dar entered the shelter and shook Kovok-mah awake. “Where is Little Bird?”

  Kovok-mah blinked sleepily. “Little Bird?”

  “She’s gone. Do you know where she went?”


  “Perhaps she’s getting ready to serve.”

  “We will not eat this day, for slain join Muth la.”

  “Then I’d better find her,” said Dar. She left the shelter and headed for the other camp. On the way, she grabbed a few sticks of firewood. The noise coming from the camp had grown to a dull roar, and Dar arrived upon a chaotic scene. Everyone was celebrating, and no one she encountered seemed sober. After days of short rations, food and drink were everywhere.

  Dar made her way to the cooking pit. Her subterfuge with the firewood was unnecessary, for discipline seemed to have collapsed. No one was in charge. A small pig charred untended on a spit. A kettle smoked on the fire. The ground was littered with empty bottles, bread crusts, cheese rinds, and other half-eatentidbits. Yesterday the litter would have been considered a feast.

  Few women were about. Those Dar saw seemed as drunk as the soldiers. Some sported new clothes. One woman stumbled by in a lady’s brocade dress, her lip swollen and bloody. Another staggered about naked.

  Dar grabbed a bread crust from the dirt and ate it as she continued her search for Twea. Worried that the girl was in some soldier’s tent, she looked among them first. The flaps on many were either missing or open, so Dar could see the activities inside. Most of the participants were too intoxicated to care who saw them. When a tent’s flaps were closed, Dar parted them, peeked inside, and hurried on. As she moved from tent to tent, she grew more anxious. Drink had made the soldiers reckless as well as randy, and Dar feared that drunken men wouldn’t be deterred by Kovok-mah’s threat.

  Dar heard Twea’s laugh. She froze and listened. She heard the laugh again. This time, she traced to its source. It was a tent. Its flap was closed. Dar rushed over and threw it open.

  Twea sat on a bedroll beside a soldier, a large fleshy man whose jerkin was open to reveal a chest covered with curls of thick black hair. Twea held a bottle, and her face had a silly, vacant expression. The hem of her shift was pulled high up her thighs and the soldier was walking his fingers up her skinny legs, pretending they were a tiny man. Twea laughed at the game, but Dar knew where the fingers were headed. “Leave that girl alone!” she shouted. “An orc protects her.”

  “Dar!” said Twea in a slurred voice. She started to get up, but the man pressed his hand against her thigh, forcing her to remain put.

  The soldier regarded Dar. “I see no piss eye, and I don’t recall invitin’ ye.” He looked Dar over and smiled drunkenly. “But more’s merrier. I’m man enough for the both of ye.”

  Dar smiled and entered the tent. “All right,” she said, “but big girls first.” She stepped over Twea’s legs so she stood between her and the soldier. Then she knelt down, forcing the two apart. “Girls with tits are more fun. Don’t you agree?”

  The man flashed a stupid grin by way of reply. When he grabbed Dar’s breasts, she said, “Twea, get out.”

  As Twea started to rise, the soldier yelled. “Hey! I didn’t say…”

  The point of Dar’s dagger cut him short. Dar pressed it just hard enough against the base of his chin to dimple his flesh. Dar glanced toward Twea and saw that the girl was staring wide-eyed at the blade. “Move, Twea!” she shouted. “Close the flap and wait outside!”

  After Twea stumbled out, Dar pushed slightly harder on the dagger, drawing some blood. “The orc’s not here,” she whispered, “so I’ll tell you what he said. It was ‘hurt her and die.’”

  Terror turned the soldier sober. “I didn’t hurt her,” he said, his eyes pleading.

  “I’m going to ensure you never do,” replied Dar, readying to plunge the dagger in.

  The soldier whimpered and closed his eyes, and that pathetic gesture made Dar pause. She couldn’t bring herself to kill the man. She watched him tremble for a long moment, then withdrew the dagger. “The girl’s unharmed, so I’ll leave you be. Tomorrow, ask about. You’ll find I wasn’t bluffing about the orc.”

  Dar left the tent and looked sternly at Twea, who wavered on unsteady feet. Twea’s wide-eyed stare remained. “You kill him?”

  Dar sheathed her dagger. “No. What were you doing there?”

  “He was nice,” said Twea.

  “You’re drunk, and it’s made you stupid,” said Dar, grabbing Twea’s arm. “Come with me.”

  Dar marched the staggering girl through the camp and orchard to Kovok-mah’s shelter, then pushed her inside it. The orc was absent, and Dar assumed it had something to do with ceremonies for the slain. “You stay there,” said Dar. “You got into enough trouble tonight.”

  “Will you tell Kovy?”

  “He’ll smell the drink on your breath, but I’ll keep mum about the man. You’d better, too.”



  “I’m hungry.”

  Dar sighed. “Didn’t you eat?”

  “The man gave me some honeyed fruit. That’s all.”

  “I’ll get you some bread. It’ll soak up the wine. But you stay here. Understand?”

  Twea nodded, and Dar returned to camp to find some bread. The crusts and other scattered leavings had been further trampled, and she was hard-pressed to find anything suitable to eat. She was still searching when someone called her name. Dar turned and saw Sevren smiling at her. As far as she could tell, he was sober. “I’ve finally found you,” he said.

  “You have,” replied Dar.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Trying to find something for Twea to eat. We seemed to have missed the fun.”

  “You sound like you do na approve.”

  “Do you?”

  “Soldiering’s a hard life. Men grab what pleasure they can.”

  “Doesn’t this bother you?” asked Dar.

  “Aye, but I can na change others’ na
tures. Come, I’ll take you to the royal compound. You need na pick your dinner off the ground.”

  “Davot said people are flogged for taking the king’s food.”

  “Our king is generous tonight. There’s bread aplenty.”

  “So, he’s openhanded with others’ things. At least, those things that spoil.”

  “I see you understand Our Majesty,” said Sevren. “Come. The food will na taste the worse for coming from him.”

  Dar sighed. “A man once told me an empty belly’s a great cure for a conscience.”

  “He must have been a soldier.”

  Dar and Sevren walked to the royal compound, which seemed just as opulent as it had at base camp. An unhitched wagon was outside, and it held a considerable amount of bread. “You should have seen it when it first arrived,” said Sevren. “It was filled to overflowing with all manner of victuals.” He climbed onto the wagon’s bed and started sorting through the loaves. “It’s been picked over,” he said as he examined what was left. “Ah! They missed a prize.” He handed Dar a large loaf of soft, white bread that had fruit cooked in it. Dar’s mouth watered.

  “I should take this back to Twea,” she said.

  Sevren looked disappointed. “Before you do, I have something for you. I’ll get it.” Then he hurried off.

  Dar listened to the sounds of carouse as she waited for Sevren’s return. She recalled the cries she had heard the previous night and thought how the pleasure about her had been bought with others’ pain and loss. She was still thinking this when Sevren arrived with a bundle of light brown cloth. He handed it to her. Dar unfolded it. It was a shift that looked nearly new. It was a simple garment, but its fabric was finely woven and well sewn. Sevren smiled broadly and stated the obvious. “It’s for you.”

  Dar didn’t return his smile, and her voice was cool when she replied. “Where did you get this? What woman died so I might have it?”

  The smile vanished from Sevren’s face. “Guardsmen do na loot. I got this from a wagon. It’s part of my pay.”

  “A fine distinction,” said Dar. “How can I wear this and not think of another’s sorrow?”

  “You do na know her fate, and na do I,” said Sevren. “It may be a sad one. Yet, if you were to burn this dress, it would na mend her life.”

  Dar fingered the fabric. Nothing she had ever worn had been so soft. “I can’t take this.”

  “Then your pride will leave you naked.”

  “It’s not pride.”

  “Is it na pride to believe you can change the world? We are na kings and queens. We must live as best we can and do what good is in our power. Wear this dress, and by your deeds requite another’s misfortune.”

  Dar silently gazed at the garment in her hand, loath to let it go and feeling guilty that she wanted it. Her “good” shift, twice torn and twice mended, was becoming a rag. Her other shift already was.

  “All of us are naked when we journey westward,” said Sevren, sensing Dar’s turmoil. “When you stand before Karm, this dress will be forgotten.”

  “I fear I’ll make that journey soon,” said Dar.

  “’Tis my hope you’ll journey south, instead, and have a long life as a free woman.”

  Dar hesitated awhile longer, then sighed and said, “I’ll keep it.”

  “I’m glad,” said Sevren.

  “I must go. Twea’s hungry.”

  “I’ll walk with you,” said Sevren. “The men are wild with drink.”

  Dar didn’t protest, and Sevren accompanied her until they separated at the orcs’ encampment. Dar entered Muth la’s Embrace. The pyre at its center was ablaze. The slain orcs lay upon it. Dar had heard of men who burned their dead fully armed and decked out in war’s finery. The orcs, however, left this world naked and resting on the same reed shelters that had comforted them in life. The living orcs encircled the pyre, sitting motionless. As flames reached higher into the sky, they began their lament.

  The voices sang of neither valor nor glory. Instead, they addressed the slain with verses ending with the refrain:

  “Your scent lingers,

  And we think of you,

  Though you have wandered.

  From sight and touch.

  Into Our Mother’s arms.”

  Soon, the deep, mournful voices drowned out the sounds coming from the other camp.


  “Wake up, Twea,” said Dar.

  Twea moaned and rolled over in Kovok-mah’s lap. “My head hurts.”

  “That’s wine’s way with silly girls. Now get up! We have to work.”

  If the exchange roused Kovok-mah, he gave no sign of it. His eyes remained closed as Twea joined Dar outside the shelter. The promise of dawn lit the sky. Twea moaned again.

  “I hope your head aches all day,” said Dar, “to remind you of how stupid you were. That man was not nice. You’re lucky you didn’t find out how unnice he really was.”

  Despite her throbbing head, Twea managed a smile. “Well, someone was nice to you. Where’d you get that dress?”

  Dar’s face reddened. “Sevren gave it to me. And not for the reason you think.”

  Twea put on an innocent face. “What reason is that?”

  “He gave it to me because he likes me, the silly man.”

  “I’ll say he’s silly,” said Twea.

  Dar scowled. “Come on. Let’s not rile Neffa. Her head probably hurts as bad as yours.”

  When Twea and Dar arrived at the fire pit, no one was there. Dar found a ladle and poked it into a kettle of burned stew. Some of the stew was edible, though it had a scorched, bitter taste. Twea’s stomach was too queasy for her to eat. Neffa dragged in at dawn and glared at Dar with bloodshot eyes. “Why aren’t you making porridge? Do I have to tell you everything?”

  Dar didn’t point out that they hadn’t cooked porridge in the morning since beginning the march. Instead, she merely asked how much to make. “A full ration,” replied Neffa. “The men will be in foul temper. Hot food may help.”

  Dar went to the supply wagon and measured out a full ration of grain, then returned to the cooking pit, where Twea was starting a fire. Twea grinned and nudged Dar. “Neffa’s wearing new shoes,” she whispered.

  Dar looked and saw that Neffa’s ratty sandals had been replaced by new footwear. “Some soldier must have got very drunk last night,” she replied.

  Twea giggled.

  Other women arrived slowly, most of them hungover. Their misery didn’t prevent them from comparing the gifts each had received from soldiers. Some wore new clothing—dresses, cloaks, or shoes. Others had trinkets.

  “Have you seen Neena?” asked one woman.

  “Aye,” said another. “Murdant Kol gave her a fine new dress…”

  “I heard two,” said a third woman.

  “…and a pair of boots and jewels.”

  “They’re only glass beads,” said the third.

  “Well she puts on airs like they’re rubies.”

  “I wish I were the high murdant’s woman,” said the first with a sigh.

  With that wistful comment, all three women glanced at Dar. They noticed her new dress and began to whisper among themselves. It pleased Dar that they were unable to satisfy their curiosity.

  The soldiers staggered in even later than the women, and the murdants appeared last of all. When they did, discipline returned with a vengeance. In the course of the morning, several floggings were meted out. Before noon, everyone was hard at work. The soldiers were sent into the town to systematically pillage supplies. The women spent the day cooking and preserving food. When Dar and Twea took the orcs their meal, it included meat and roots for the first time in weeks. Dar was surprised to find that the only trace of the funeral pyre was a darkened patch of ground; all the ashes had disappeared. As she served the orcs their food, the soldiers torched the town.

  The following morning, the army resumed its march with clear heads and full bellies. Dar, Twea, and five other women were assigned to drive a
mixed herd of cows and sheep on the march. Each day, the herd grew smaller as it was devoured. The army took new ground as it advanced; yet that was all it took. The farms the soldiers overran were empty and whatever food or supplies they contained had been carried off or destroyed. The next town they reached was equally barren. By then, the sheep and cows were gone, as was most of the other food. The larders that were expected to replenish the army’s rations were bare. The soldiers burned them, but their ashes didn’t fill their growling stomachs.

  The army had been on the march for days when it torched the empty town. By then, even Dar understood their situation. From the conversations she overheard and her own observations, she surmised the defenders’ strategy. An invading army lived off plunder, and King Feistav had destroyed his own subjects’ goods lest they fall into King Kregant’s hands. The invaders were marching into a wasteland, and the farther they marched, the more desperate became their circumstances. Dar wasn’t privy to the meetings in the king’s tent, but she saw the scouts ride out into the countryside and she went on the forced marches when they brought news of an unspoiled prize.

  Every forced march ended in disappointment. Three more times they reached empty, smoldering towns. Rations were halved, then halved again. Each day’s march was an exhausting and fruitless ordeal. Kovok-mah became withdrawn. Dar was uncertain of the cause, though she suspected it was the weariness that afflicted everyone. Only Twea could raise his spirits, and only occasionally. Twea grew ever thinner. The soles of her feet cracked from days of walking and Dar often carried her, feeling both relieved and distressed that she was so light a burden.

  The king’s party always stayed safely at the rear. King Kregant kept his guardsmen close to his person, sending them out only to bear messages to his commanders. Dar saw Sevren occasionally upon such errands. He always waved, but never stopped. Dar suspected that he wasn’t allowed.


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