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My Dark Knight (gay biker romance) (Kings of Hell MC Book 2)

Page 16

by K. A. Merikan

  Elliot rubbed his forehead but then leaned in to steal another kiss, and Knight couldn’t say no to that. It was as if the floodgates had been opened and there was now no way to close them.

  “Lesson learned. If I get blinded again, I’ll try to think of you instead, and how I don’t want you to get your brains bashed in when you come to save me.”

  Knight looked away, embarrassed for no reason, and fished out his cell phone. “Shit. We need to deal with this mess. Someone’s gonna find him, even if it doesn’t happen tomorrow,” he said and quickly chose Gray’s number. When it came to waste disposal, he was the best man to approach. As expected, Gray was not participating in the orgy, so he picked up the call without delay.

  Knight briefly described the situation in a code they used and then took Elliot to the pink Corvette, which they parked by the main road so that it could be easily found. Knight did everything on autopilot, still in pain and shocked by how events had unfolded. He hadn’t left the clubhouse expecting this.

  They sat in silence, and with the car turned off, the freezing cold seemed to be slipping inside at an alarming rate. In the light coming from the cabin, fresh snowflakes settled on the windshield.

  “I’d give you my jacket, but it wouldn’t fit,” Elliot said in the end with a small smile, despite vapor coming out of his mouth.

  Knight smirked and pushed back his hair, wiping his lips with a wet tissue to get rid of the red stain that made him look as if he’d eaten someone’s organs raw. “That’s okay. I never get ill.” It wasn’t entirely true, but he’d rather be ill himself for two days than see Elliot in bed for a week straight. The guy had been malnourished for a long time, so his immune system probably wasn’t in best shape.

  Elliot stared out into the forest with a small nod. The weak glow of the moon reflected off the damp asphalt ahead, reminding them that they weren’t entirely disconnected from civilization, even if it felt so far away now. “Have you ever killed anyone before?” It was only a whisper, as if Elliot was afraid to ask the question out loud.

  Knight exhaled and glanced at him. Inside the steel frame of the car, on the pale leather seats that complemented the pink coating outside, the conversation felt so intimate, and he looked over at Elliot, playing with the car key.

  Knight wasn’t a born killer. After so many years in the club, he’d got used to blood, guts, and violence, but that didn’t mean he ever became fine with death. And yet, Elliot had already seen him kill, just like he’d seen Martin kill his own father. Back then, he’d kept his mouth shut about it.

  It felt wrong to lie.

  “I have.”

  “Did you like it?”

  Knight swallowed and looked straight at Elliot, whose eyes drilled into him with dark fascination.

  “No. Why would I like it?”

  “It’s a show of force, isn’t it?” And despite the morbid topic, Elliot only seemed more innocent as he leaned in, wide-eyed and biting his lip. He squeezed his hands into fists. “I often fantasize about hurting people. But I can never go through with it. I actually think what I did today, with the screwdriver, was the most violent thing I’ve ever done.”

  Knight licked his lips, struck by that pathetic admission that at the same time was so sad. “Why would you want to hurt others?”

  Elliot let out a shivery exhale that made Knight wish he had a blanket to put around his shoulders. “Because some people are so cruel, or just plain nasty, and sometimes I wish I could show them that they can’t say shit to me. That I deserve respect.”

  Knight briefly closed his eyes and took a deep breath of relief. So Elliot wasn’t murderously crazy. That was good to know. “That’s right. Everyone deserves respect. That’s why you shouldn’t date guys like Martin. Maybe let’s start with that?”

  Elliot nodded with a small smile. “Thank you for stalking me.”

  Knight ruffled Elliot’s hair, feeling all and any anger melt away as he leaned closer. “Beast was right. I’m a hopeless white knight.”

  Elliot entwined their fingers. “Watch out or I’ll start getting in trouble just so you can save me.”

  Knight swallowed hard, drawn in as if Elliot put a leash around his neck. “All you need to do is stop wearing that ridiculous face paint.”

  “If I don’t wear it, will you kiss me?” Elliot whispered, and his dark eyes seemed to be swallowing Knight with their intensity.

  Knight’s lips tingled, and his throat ached as if he’d suddenly gotten thirsty and Elliot’s mouth could provide the only relief. “I’ve never kissed guys before,” he whispered, already knowing that he wouldn’t stop. A man like him would never deny himself the pleasure he craved.

  Elliot squeezed his hand and wanted to say something, but a car approaching pulled Knight out of his thoughts. The atmosphere that had him long for Elliot’s touch was gone, and he opened the door. “Wait in the car. I’ll deal with this,” he said and stepped outside.

  As the large black van approached, Knight raised his hand in greeting.

  Chapter 13

  Music thudded inside Knight’s chest and made his ears ring, but he couldn’t focus on having fun even as he picked up a fresh beer and let the cool liquid soothe him. The red glow used to create an intimate atmosphere at the orgy covered every surface, but instead of making him horny for the twisting bodies, it reminded him of the blood he’d shed earlier tonight. But now he was back home, set to make sure he was seen by everyone. Just in case. So that he’d have an alibi.

  Rev, Gray’s dad remained at Martin’s house to get rid of the evidence, as it was his specialty, while Jake was called over to dispose of the body in one of the places Gray kept prepared for a quick burial. Knight knew it was a necessity in their situation, but it still creeped him out. Regardless of all of Gray’s dedication to the club and all its members, he could be cold and emotionless as a lizard.

  Without his Count makeup, Elliot didn’t stand out much, though he did wear clothes, unlike most other people gathered for the party, already in the zone and going through the condom boxes. There was something so odd and striking about him that just a glance into the innocent dark eyes was like playing with fire. It was as if black clouds of discord followed him around. The bold half-moon tattooed on his face didn’t go with his reserved body language, but then there was nothing shy about the way he was staring at Knight from across the room.

  He watched Knight as if he was the one ready to sink in his teeth and eat Knight alive. As if none of the naked bodies in the room mattered. Those big dark eyes had an intensity Knight had never seen in a man before, and yes, they were slightly on the insane side when they glistened with adoration for Fane, but when they focused on Knight… he could drown in that gaze. Whenever Elliot came, his long, dark eyelashes fluttered, his full lips parted, and he was there with Knight, in the moment, and so devoted it tickled every inch of Knight’s ego.

  Something brushed against Knight’s leg, and he looked down, the connection that had his throat clenching broken. Two naked women lay on a bed of furs, one kissing the other’s breast and too busy to notice Knight, but her lover was looking straight at him, and it was her fingertips that teased his skin through the denim.

  A shudder went through Knight’s body, and he swallowed more beer, tempted to join in and let go of his worries between those two warm bodies, but he was still not over what had happened, and his head kept telling him Elliot could be in danger, as if he hadn’t gotten rid of the predator just hours ago.

  When he looked up again, Elliot’s gaze was still stuck to him.

  Knight had experienced some great kisses in his life, but the one he’d shared with Elliot in the cabin seemed etched onto his lips. He’d known he was breaking his own rule, and still, when Elliot approached him, all shaken and sobbing, Knight just gave in.

  His attention became scattered when a figure moving through the crowd quickly and with a purpose drew his attention. Laurent was not a fan of orgies, and the few times he did come, it was always wi
th Beast. Knight suspected Laurent only appeared on such occasions to make sure no one would molest his man. But this time he was alone.

  Fully dressed in a sea of naked people, he caught Knight’s gaze and it was obvious that he was in fact walking Knight’s way. His face was dark in the red glow and that made Knight smirk. There had to be a good reason for Laurent to drag his genteel soul through all this debauchery.

  When he finally reached Knight, he was exasperated. “Knight, can we speak man to man?”

  Knight snorted, unable to keep a straight face when he heard such formal language in a room full of bouncing bodies that smelled of sperm and sweat. “Err, sure? Here?”

  “No! Goodness no!” Laurent rubbed his forehead and pointed to the nearest door.

  Knight gestured at it. “After you.”

  Laurent led the way, and Knight wondered whether he wore his cut to scare off people who could potentially approach him. The patches at the back read ‘Property of Beast’, so no one sane would as much as touch Laurent’s hair. Then again, Laurent wore the vest all the time anyway.

  They entered a corridor where the music wasn’t as loud, but that didn’t seem to be enough for Laurent, and he turned into the billiard room where they found two guys making out in the corner.

  Laurent cleared his throat, but when that didn’t work, he approached the two hangarounds and patted one on the shoulder. “Excuse me? You need to leave. This area is not available for guests.”

  The man turned around with a groan, clearly intending to tell off the intruder, but once his eyes settled on Knight, any and all ideas of protest were over.

  Laurent closed the door behind the couple, and the tension in his movements made Knight wonder whether the devil was making some impossible new demands, or if somehow Laurent had found out about tonight’s murder and had issues with it. Beast wouldn’t have told him about that though… would he?

  “What’s up? You’re acting weird,” Knight said, drinking more of his beer.

  Laurent leaned against the door and exhaled, looking so appropriate against the wooden panels that remembered the mid-1800s. “Because this is a very delicate matter, and I need to be sure it will stay between us, lest it brings shame on me. You need to promise me absolute discretion.”

  The tone with which Laurent spoke had Knight worried, but despite his interest in history, hearing such language in this setting really didn’t help him keep a straight face. “Just tell me what happened. We’re family.”

  Laurent took a deep breath and hugged himself. “I’ve found out I can’t afford to get married.”

  Knight frowned, and the damp bottle almost slipped through his fingers. “What? What are you talking about?”

  Laurent started pacing in front of him, so nervous some of his usually perfect hair was out of place. “I had believed I earn a reasonable amount of money, and I have been researching the modern rituals to make sure I get things right, but just today Nao showed me that diamonds have plummeted in value in the past few years and are not considered a worthy jewel for an engagement ring anymore. Rubies on the other hand are what is pretty much expected if the man is serious in his intentions. But they are so scarce one would have to sell their own mother to purchase an appropriate ring.” Laurent clenched his fist with a scowl, but Knight’s brain was still frying with this onslaught of useless information.

  “I just don’t know what to do anymore.” Laurent turned to face Knight, and the look of pure despair on his face shut down all of Knight’s jokes.

  Laurent was completely serious about this.

  “You mean... you and Beast want to marry?”

  Laurent’s shoulders slumped. “Well, I should hope so. But how would I dare even ask for his hand in marriage without any proof of my means? I know he is wealthy in his own right, and it would not matter to him, but I cannot be a beggar in this case. I need to show that I am a man who stands on his own as well. I want to show him that I will treat my fiancé to the things he deserves more than anyone.”

  Knight cleared his throat, wondering if Beast was aware of Laurent planning this. Those two have known one another for less than a year, and on top of that, while Knight was totally fine with men getting married to each other, he kind of never expected any of his friends to do it.

  “Aren’t you a bit young for this?”

  Laurent’s eyebrows arched up. “Excuse me? I’ve turned twenty years of age just last month, it’s about time to think about these matters. And in complete confidentiality, Beast isn’t getting any younger.”

  “Wow, I’ll be sure to not repeat that to him. Poor old man Beast,” Knight said, amused. Laurent’s perspective on the world was a perpetually turning wheel of hilarity.

  Laurent whined like a kicked puppy and rubbed his face. “That is not what I meant. It’s just that at this time in our lives it’s really about time to consider starting a family.”

  Knight didn’t know what to say to that. A family? Twenty-year-old Laurent wanted babies? “Oh... I mean, have you talked to him about this?”

  Laurent punched the wall with a hiss. “How can we speak about such things when I can’t even afford an engagement ring that is worthy of representing my love for Beast?”

  “Look, I don’t think Beast cares for such things. He loves you, and he doesn’t need jewelry as proof.”

  “That doesn’t sound fair toward him. We live in a time when two men can marry, and I want to do things right. Which brings me to the conclusion of this whole godawful business. Would it be too much to ask of you, Knight, for you to lend me some money? It would need to stay between us. I am actively seeking more employment opportunities, but it’s not easy for me. I cannot wait two or three years with this.”

  Knight would have liked to joke, to advise him that he should first make sure Beast was interested in formalizing their relationship, but when he looked at the lost, restless look in Laurent’s eyes he simply couldn’t do that to him.

  “If it’s something you want, I can get you the cash. But I’m not gonna be lending to you. You’re my relative, and Beast is like a brother to me.”

  Laurent covered his lips and Knight couldn’t help but think that his big eyes were so reminiscent of Elliot’s. “I would still be forever in your debt, but I’d understand if it was something your honor wouldn’t allow you to do.”

  Knight smiled. As silly as this whole marriage idea had seemed at first, he was happy for them as well. He never thought Laurent would be the one to come up with the idea, though. Yet another reminder that his brain was fucking with him sometimes and enforcing stereotypes, even though he dedicated his life to living outside of social norms. “I’ll get you your ruby. Happy?”

  Laurent nodded frantically. “You will never know how much this means to me. Thank you so, so much.” Laurent grabbed Knight’s hand and shook it with a wide smile.

  Knight grinned and gave Laurent a manly hug for good measure. It suddenly struck him that it felt good to see such enthusiasm for another person. Laurent had only been with Beast for so short a time and yet he knew already he wanted to share everything with him. And even though they hadn’t explicitly talked about it, Knight knew that so did Beast. It made him think back to the relationships he’d been through, and while he didn’t consider himself in any way deprived in terms of love, none of them felt worth fighting for when things started going sour. All the girls were pretty, and he adored them, he adored spoiling them and showering them with gifts, but none of the women he used to love had understood him. And he didn’t understand them either. Their separate worlds joined only in time for relationship-related stuff, and never once had he truly missed any of them when he was away.

  Was there something wrong with him, or was it that he simply hadn’t found the right woman yet? He enjoyed his freedom, but one could have a lover and still fuck around. He was not opposed to relationships as a concept. They just never felt intense enough to get more invested.

  The beeping of his phone pulled Knight out of the
embrace, and it was as if Beast knew what moment to choose. His text message only read, [My apartment. Now.]

  Knight groaned. He kind of wanted to ask Elliot how he was doing after witnessing the slaughter at Martin’s house, but he supposed it could wait. “Your fiancé wants to talk to me.”

  Laurent grinned and let him go. If only Knight could see the look on Beast’s face when the proposal happened. Beast would have died of embarrassment, and Knight would die to see that.

  Without further ado, he made his way through the winding corridors, all the way to the place Beast shared with Laurent. He didn’t bother knocking and used the code to open the door. A storm was coming his way, and he wanted to be through with it as soon as possible.

  “It was an accident,” he said as he walked in.

  Beast turned to him with a twitch to the side of his face. “How do you murder a man with a hammer by accident?”

  Knight spread his arms, not happy to see that Gray would be witness to this conversation. “I didn’t go into his house with the intention of killing him. It was self-defense. What did you want me to do? Propose to him?” His lips twitched and it was a struggle to stay serious when he looked into Beast’s reddened face.

  “What were you even doing there?” Beast curled and uncurled his fists as if they itched for violence. “Wait, let me guess, this was some kind of jealousy fit?”

  Knight frowned, baffled. “What are you on about? Jake told me Elliot was leaving the clubhouse, and I thought I’d see that he didn’t drunk-drive. And then it turned out this shithead lured him in. I needed to intervene!”

  Beast started pacing in front of Knight, oddly reminiscent of the way Laurent had, just minutes ago. “That boy is bad news. Was he witness to it all?”

  Gray nodded, and Knight tried his best not to look his way. Of course he already told Beast everything. Like a good boy. “Don’t say that. He needs a chance. He has no one in the world.”


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