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My Dark Knight (gay biker romance) (Kings of Hell MC Book 2)

Page 21

by K. A. Merikan

  A stay at Mr. Magpie’s was a glamorous affair, and while Knight never felt the need to live in excessive luxury, he did enjoy the lick of it he always got when visiting New York on club business. The city was beautiful in December, with colorful decorations and huge Christmas trees everywhere, and he used the opportunity to relax and study a new biography of Fane’s. Tiffany’s tempted shoppers with precious rubies, and Knight couldn’t help but smile as he stood in front of the store window and thought of the box holding the engagement ring Laurent had commissioned for Beast.

  Knowing that Christmas time could be an opportunity for Laurent to pop the question, Knight had volunteered to travel to New York in Beast’s place, simply because he was much better with people and would surely get along with Magpie. He’d regretted that decision a bit, because it was freezing cold up north of Toronto where he traveled first to pick up a delivery of jewels for Magpie. But on the other hand, he was happy to show Beast that he could be depended on, and was capable of handling their most important business partner.

  He did not appreciate Magpie himself all that much, as the man’s presence was much too flamboyant for his taste, but Knight had no issues with making use of the Magpie’s exclusive sauna, drinking ridiculously expensive liquor, or enjoying the view of Central Park offered by his 25th story apartment. A stay at Mr. Magpie’s was almost like a vacation. Except for when it wasn’t and bloody work needed to be done, but this time around Knight had spent his time there in complete peace.

  Still, it was good to be home. Elliot had enjoyed all the photos Knight sent him over the week, and at times Knight had even regretted that they couldn’t have seen the city together.

  The vast woodland surrounding the clubhouse gave him a sense of space. The snow here was fresh, untouched, and the trees decorated with white garlands that weighed down their branches. But in the semi-darkness of the late afternoon, he could already see lights ahead.

  Elliot claimed that he’d kept his promise and hadn’t visited Fane’s chamber of horrors downstairs. Judging by the number of text messages Elliot had been sending Knight, he was willing to believe that Elliot was being truthful, otherwise he’d be downstairs, photographing every corner, bone, and spider web instead of telling Knight how he couldn’t wait for Knight to come back so that they could go and explore more.

  They’d had a few days for that before Knight left, and they’ve found even more disturbing shit, like rusted knives, torture devices, and a little box of teeth. It seemed that the book that the dead woman held in her lap was a diary, but written in a language none of them knew. Since they wouldn’t just send it off to someone, the translation would have to wait until they were done gently scanning every single page at night, when no one else even approached the offices.

  Knight wished he could just focus on the discovery, but the world of the Kings of Hell didn’t get put on hold just because it turned out there were hidden rooms in the cellar, so there was only so much time they could spend down there without arousing suspicion. For now, Knight decided not to tell anyone, since he was certain the other guys would just carelessly storm through the precious evidence, unaware of how much damage they could be inflicting.

  He would tell Beast in due time. For now, it wasn’t necessary, because no one but him and Elliot ever went into the cellar. It wasn’t like the findings were in any way related to club business.

  As he approached the clubhouse from the magnificent front that had been long stripped of its original decoration, movement caught his attention and directed it to one of the windows of his own apartment. He slowed down, at first unnerved that someone had broken into his place, only to recognize Elliot’s long limbs and dark hair.

  He smiled and waved back just as Elliot lifted the bottom sash and looked out. “Hey! I’ll be right down,” he yelled.

  At the same time, Beast slowly strolled out the main door and leaned against the brick wall. Dressed in a winter jacket, a hat, and even gloves, he looked like he was about to leave the property.

  Knight chewed on his lip, somewhat cooled down by his friend’s untimely appearance. He called back, “Nah, have a few things to discuss with the guys. Just stay where you are.”

  Elliot nodded and closed the window so loudly Beast looked up, and his expression got a bit sterner.

  “What took so long, Knight? You sick of the Christmas atmosphere Nao’s been forcing on us? It’ll be over soon.”

  Knight stretched and dismounted his bike, eager to stand on solid ground for a change. “Nah. Can’t really speed in this weather. What about you? Are you planning to ban next year’s Christmas?” he teased.

  Beast rubbed his forehead and came closer, but waved at Knight to come with him, away from the windows where they could be overheard. Worry made Knight somber, and he followed his prez in silence, leaving behind the bike for now. They walked along the old walls, with snow creaking under their boots in the overall silence until Beast finally spoke.

  “What’s the point of celebrating Christmas at the devil’s home? Sounds like a pretty dumb idea to me. But Laurent loves all the sparkly shit, so I doubt I can ban it.”

  Knight frowned, slowing down for a moment before catching up with Beast in a few long strides. “He’s not the actual devil, you know.”

  Beast raised his eyebrows, or at least the skin where his eyebrows would have been if they hadn’t been scorched in a fire years ago. “Do we actually know that? We’re going in circles in the research.”

  “He said so himself.”

  Beast took a deep breath that exuded a cloud of steam into the air when he exhaled. “That’s true. What is he then? And if he’s not the devil, are there more creatures like him? I hate not knowing what I’m dealing with.”

  Knight crossed his arms on his chest and licked his lips, instantly regretting it when the moisture cooled on his skin. “I guess Laurent will eventually find some answers. He speaks what, three languages?”

  Beast stopped and looked around the snow-covered area once more. “He’s very persistent when he wants something,” he mumbled and started taking off his glove.

  Knight grinned and pulled his scarf tighter around his neck. “Well, he did manage to melt your resolve to never use your dick again, so I guess you’re right.”

  Beast shifted his weight from one foot to the other. “He gave me this.” Beast lifted his hand to show Knight a new addition to the collection of heavy signets.

  The moment Knight saw it, he realized exactly what Beast was trying to tell him in this convoluted way, but also had to bite his tongue since officially he knew nothing about Laurent’s intention of putting a ring on Beast.

  The signet was a thick dark platinum with the ruby set into what looked like a series of cracks or veins going through the metal.

  Knight fought so hard to pretend he had no clue about this whole thing, but it still amused him to no end that sweet, short, long-haired Laurent who sometimes spoke like a poet in his French accent was the one to propose to big, bold Beast. “Wow. A ruby? Wonder how he got money for this piece. Jordan wanted one too. Early Christmas gift?”

  Beast cleared his throat. “It’s an engagement ring. He claims he’s saved up, but I know how much money he has. He couldn’t have borrowed from a bank. And… what I mean is… I wanted you to know.” The hint of a smile on Beast’s lips became as clear as the snow around them.

  Finally. Finally Knight could stop pretending and watching his mouth. What a fucking relief. “Congratulations, brother! When’s the wedding?” He asked, pulling Beast into his arms. He wasn’t entirely successful in his deception, with Beast stiffening and leaning back to look at him.

  “Wha— you ass... you’ve known about this all along, haven’t you?”

  Knight put his hands up. “Why would you think that? I’m happy for you, that’s all.”

  Anger mingled with amusement on Beast’s severe face, and he gently pushed Knight’s chest. “I’ve known you for years. My boyfriend proposed to me, and you don’t t
hrow in one idiotic joke? You two have been conspiring against me.”

  Knight snorted. “Fine. Yes, I knew. And I won’t be joking, because it’s high time for you. Or else you’re gonna be an old bachelor, and nobody wants that.”

  “Oh, yeah? You’re gonna propose to Elliot next year?” Beast asked with a cocky grin.

  Knight’s brain hit reverse and for a moment he completely lost the plot. “What?”

  “‘Nobody wants an old bachelor’?” Beast groaned and waved his hand at Knight in annoyance. “It’s a joke. Though I can just about imagine a creepy-weird wedding for the two of you. He’d wear that dumbass wig.”

  Knight raised his voice without even thinking about it. “Don’t change the topic. What the hell are you implying? We’re just... partners in research, that’s all.”

  Beast did a double take at Knight. “What are you two researching? How many positions can guys fuck in until someone loses an eye?”

  Knight gritted his teeth, and he must have frozen to the ground in the bitter cold, because he couldn’t move. “What’s your problem? Getting married soon doesn’t mean you can get all judgmental on me!”

  Beast spread his arms. “Since when are you so touchy? Wait… you’ve never had a boyfriend before.”

  Knight pressed his hand against the cold brick wall of the facade, more irritated by the second. “I don’t have a boyfriend. What the actual fuck, Beast? Where is all this coming from?”

  “What do you mean you don’t have a boyfriend? You live with him, you fuck him and you don’t fuck anyone else. And for the record, I’ve never seen you kiss a guy before. Am I missing something? He even makes you fucking sandwiches.”

  Knight clenched his hands into fists, fighting the sense of his chest clenching around his lungs. “So what that I haven’t? I’m an outlaw, and I do whatever the hell I want with anyone I want. And he doesn’t live with me.”

  Beast rolled his eyes. “Oh right. He’s just got his own room but hasn’t been sleeping there for three weeks. Listen, it’s all fine by me, I’m not his keeper. What do I care? But if you two aren’t a thing, make sure he knows that, because he doesn’t seem to.”

  “What? Did he say something?” Knight snapped, stepping closer to Beast and almost breaking into his personal space. He could handle gunfire. He could handle the police. But this was getting him freaked out. He didn’t do boyfriends. In fact, he didn’t do relationships anymore. After Jordan, he was truly done with making his life difficult for no reason if he could get some tail either way.

  “Not to me, but Jake was teasing him the other day, and Elliot got all snappy, telling him to back off from you because you were taken. He got a smack for it, but he did say it.”

  Knight took several deep breaths and stared at the footprints in the snow. “Fuck. Fucking hell. And... what, Jake hit him? He’s my guest here,” he muttered, overflowing with mixed feelings.

  Beast shook his head. “The guy was asking for it. Always steps on everyone's toes. He's fine.”

  “He’s just a kid.” A twenty-five-year-old kid, but still much weaker than Jake.

  Beast put his glove back on, staring at Knight as if he could see something Knight couldn’t. “He’s not. He’s a grown-ass man. Older than Jake. And Jake might still be a prospect, but he can’t have guys like Elliot messing with him.”

  Knight pushed his hands down his pockets, more unnerved by the second. Beast was right. Of course he was. Elliot was only a guest here, and he shouldn’t allow himself to be insulting toward his hosts. Even women weren’t excluded from having to respect the bikers, but it still felt so wrong to hear of someone putting his hands on thin, underfed Elliot that he wanted to give Jake the toughest of jobs. Just because.

  “I’ll talk to him.” Knight turned his head toward the sound of panting and quick footsteps just in time to see Laurent approaching with a wide smile and red cheeks, looking like the prince of Winter with his long hair sticking out in waves from under a fur hat.

  “There you are! I’ve been trying to call you. Are we going?” Laurent said to Beast.

  Knight turned on his heel and smiled despite the sour feeling at the back of his throat. “Congratulations. I’ve heard the news.”

  Laurent’s smile got even wider. “You’ve told him?” He rushed over to Beast and hugged him tight. “I’m so happy Beast has accepted my offer. Kai Mercier. Doesn’t that sound lovely?”

  “Kai M—” Knight’s voice trailed off as he tried to meet Beast’s eyes but couldn’t with Beast looking away, as if the horizon offered all the pleasures of the world. “Ohh, that’s so adorable. Will the babies be little Merciers as well?”

  Laurent frowned. “Well, yes. Of course. And we haven’t discussed it yet, so it’s quite inappropriate of you to speculate.”

  Beast looked between them wide-eyed. “What babies?”

  Laurent pulled on his hand. “Let’s go.”

  “The babies you two are gonna have. My nephews and nieces, brother,” Knight said, satisfied by spoiling the moment for Beast as well. So he was a vengeful, bitter motherfucker. But who was Beast to speculate on his and Elliot’s… arrangement?

  Beast groaned as he walked off with Laurent, and their conversation was too hushed for Knight to hear, which only meant he was now left all alone with his thoughts. The vision of Jake threatening Elliot mixed with his own anger at hearing that Elliot had claimed they were a thing.

  And yet he couldn’t wait to see him. While also wanting to just get on his bike and never come back again.

  He stood in place, watching Beast and Laurent reach the garage and disappear inside. His mind was racing and left him in a strange place where he truly had no idea what to think. The icy wind blew Knight’s long hair into his face, and he took it as his cue to move. He ran up to the nearest door and unlocked it, sliding in just in time to avoid facing Beast’s judgmental stare again. The corridor greeted him with air so hot it stung his cool skin and made his cheeks burn, but as he pulled off his gloves and rubbed stiff hands over his chest, Beast’s words still wouldn’t leave Knight’s head.

  Were all his friends thinking that Elliot was Knight’s boyfriend, or were those just Beast’s speculations? He didn’t like being forced to deal with this kind of shit!

  Knight briefly slowed down, remembering that he left all his luggage—and the bike—outside, but since the snow wasn’t falling and there wasn’t much wind, he decided to deal with the shitstorm first and go about his usual business later.

  He walked to the front of the house, then past the gargoyle statue, then up the stairs, all the way to his apartment. And then he stalled, unsure what to do next. It was his apartment. Right there, behind his door was his space, and yet he’d given Elliot the access code so that he could have more comfort. And now he was hesitant to enter. His. Own. Damn. Space.

  He opened the door and stormed in.

  Elliot’s wide smile greeted him as soon as their eyes met. He rushed off the sofa to hug Knight. The room was so warm Knight was already sweating and all Elliot had on was a pair of jeans that seemed to be getting too tight on his slender legs and a T-shirt. His hair was damp, and as soon as he wrapped his arms around Knight’s waist, it became obvious he’d just showered and smelled so deliciously fuckable Knight had to remind himself of his purpose.

  “Are you hungry?” Elliot asked and kissed Knight’s jaw.

  Knight took a deep breath, struggling with his hands so close to Elliot’s sides he could easily grab and push him away. But he couldn’t just do that. “I—ah... I heard you fought with Jake.”

  Elliot groaned and pressed his face against Knight’s scarf. “He’s a dumbass. Doesn’t matter.”

  Knight looked around and spotted Elliot’s bag peeking from behind the screen that divided the living and bedroom areas. His heart thumped, and he felt hot and cold all at once. His hands hovered close to Elliot’s hips, but when the soft, damp hair tickled his neck, he hesitated again. He knew exactly what he’d feel if he put his ar
ms around Elliot. His body was long and flexible like a Siamese cat’s. It fit so well in Knight’s embrace that he was afraid that were he to put his hands on those narrow, delicious hips, any talking would be over. He needed to stop this.

  “That’s not what I heard.”

  The dark eyes met Knight’s in an instant. If Elliot really were a cat, his ears would have pricked up. “What did he say? Whatever it is, he’s probably lying.”

  Knight balled his fists. “He has as much right to suck my dick as you do.”

  Elliot’s brows going lower over his eyes told Knight all he needed to know. “Excuse me?” He stepped back, and his arms slipped away from Knight’s waist.

  Knight gasped and pushed past Elliot, running up the steps and bursting into the bathroom. His stomach sank at the sight of two toothbrushes in the cup by the sink. He stepped away, rubbing his face in annoyance. When did that even happen? Yeah, Elliot had been staying with him recently, but only because it was convenient. Or so he’d thought.

  “Your toothbrush...”

  Elliot leaned against the doorframe with a scowl and his hands in his pockets. “What about it?”

  Knight looked over his shoulder and swallowed, unsure how to break the topic. He liked Elliot despite his obsessive nature—and partially maybe because of it—and he didn’t want to be unnecessarily cruel, but this misunderstanding couldn’t go on. “What do you think this is?” he asked in the end.

  Elliot shrugged, obviously tense. “The bathroom? Is this a trick question? Are you fucking Jake?”

  This was incredible.

  “I don’t see how that’s any of your business. We’re not a fucking couple.”

  Knight could see Elliot’s hands tightening in his pockets. “What the fuck are we doing then? You invited me to live with you. You even let me stay when you were away. Knight… You know we just fit together.”

  Knight pushed his fingers into his hair. “I invited you here because I didn’t want you to freeze your ass off in that trailer. We’re fuckbuddies, not boyfriends. I don’t do boyfriends, and you told everyone behind my back that we’re an item. Who the fuck gave you the right to make those decisions for me?”


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