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Body Shots

Page 16

by Anne Rainey

  “I think that one looks as nice as the last thirty you tried. You’re much too worried about this dinner.”

  Crystal snorted and whirled around to glare at him. “Your mother saw me in your T-shirt and nothing else, Trent. They all three saw me kiss the daylights out of you. It was one heck of a first impression!”

  Trent’s eyes turned a deeper shade of blue as they roamed over her body from head to toe. “I liked you in my T-shirt, baby, and I truly enjoyed the kiss.”

  Crystal wasn’t touching that with a ten-foot pole. She whipped back around and looked once more into the mirror. “This will just have to do. I don’t really have anything much better without looking overdressed. My wardrobe needs some work, I’m afraid.”

  Trent crossed the minefield that used to be her bedroom, and pulled her back against the hard length of him. “My mother will see you as a beautiful woman who has managed to enrapture her son. Stop worrying, Crystal. You don’t need to make yourself into anything you’re not, simply to please my family.”

  Was she so transparent? How was it possible a man she’d only just met could see her so clearly? The entire time she’d been married to Richard he’d never been able to figure her out.

  Still, she wasn’t quite ready to be so easily read, so she lied. “It’s not that. Your mother is clearly more refined than I am, and I don’t want her to think I’m some floozy who would go to bed with any Tom, Dick, or Harry.”

  In the mirror, she watched with fascination as Trent’s sexy mouth tilted sideways. “I’m quite glad you’re no . . . floozy. As I remember it, you were rather willful. Not to worry, though. I’m quite confident I will soon make you more . . . biddable.”

  Crystal wanted to smack him, and if he wasn’t currently palming her breast through her silk blouse, she would have. As it was, she was forced to make a small verbal protest.

  “Look, you domineering control freak, your accent makes it sound like you said ‘beddable,’ and whether you said ‘biddable’ or ‘beddable,’ neither is going to happen if you don’t quit with the attitude.”

  “Domineering control freak?” he asked, his mouth kicking up at one corner, making him look entirely too devilish.

  “Yes. You’re most certainly that.”

  “I see.” Still standing behind her, his gaze wandered the length of her in the mirror, and Crystal’s flesh tingled to life. “In that case, I’d have you. Now.”

  Have her? He wanted to make love? “We can’t, Trent, we’ll be late,” she protested, only half-caring.

  “Do as you’re told, Crystal, and turn around.”

  In a flash, her body went up in flames at the sudden command in his voice. Geez, she loved hearing that tone from him, so aggressive and so male. It was hot.

  She hesitated a moment too long, and apparently Trent decided to punish her for her lack of speed with a swat to her bottom. Instinct had her crying out, surprised by the act. “Trent!”

  Without even an ounce of remorse, he crossed his arms over his impressive chest and stared at her. “I’m a domineering control freak, remember? Turn around.”

  This time she didn’t dither. Crystal turned until she was no longer facing the mirror. Now she was looking directly into the bluest eyes of the most gorgeous man she’d ever seen.

  “That’s better. I like when you do as you’re told. Now, off with the blouse and bra. I want to see the soft pink of your succulent nipples.”

  Again, Crystal was surprising herself by doing Trent’s bidding. She stripped out of the clothing and stood in front of him with only her slacks on.

  She saw Trent’s right hand move, and then the left, until he was cupping and massaging both of her breasts. He flicked his thumbs over the hardened buds, and then pulled them upward for a long, lazy lick.

  His tongue swept back and forth over one tight nipple, while his fingers played with the other. As he pulled back, she watched through half-opened eyes as his tongue moved downward to her belly button. He growled something unintelligible, then his tongue darted out and licked. Crystal pushed against him, on fire already.

  Oh God, she was suddenly aching with need. Her entire body yearned. “That feels so good, Trent.”

  “I will give you more, much more, but first I want you on your knees.”

  Her body quivered, then quivered even more at the idea of purposely disobeying him. Would he smack her bottom again? Only one way to find out.

  “I think I’d rather stand, thanks anyway,” she replied, intentionally sounding haughty to wind him up.

  “You’re too willful, Crystal Shaw. You need to learn obedience,” he whispered, the words a sensual promise to her overactive sex drive.

  Trent moved away from her then and looked around the room. His gaze stopped on something, she couldn’t tell what, as the room was in total chaos. But when he walked toward her bed and picked up a long black silk scarf, her pussy dampened with the idea of being blindfolded again. She hadn’t realized she could enjoy such a thing, but she had. A lot.

  When he came back to her, she was taken by surprise as Trent moved behind her and clasped one wrist in his calloused hand. He wrapped the black silk around it, then grabbed the other and did the same. Her hands were securely tied behind her back, and Crystal was now completely at his mercy.

  “Mm, I like you this way. You’re mine now, to do with as I please. If you’re a very good girl, I will let you come. If you’re naughty, I won’t. Would you like me to tongue-fuck your sweet cunt, Crystal? Would that please you?”

  His guttural voice was the single most stimulating thing she had ever heard. There was, of course, only one answer to give.


  “Ah, so compliant all of a sudden.”

  She didn’t speak. She couldn’t. Her blood was liquid fire coursing through her veins.

  “I like it when you do as I say. I will reward you for it in a while, but for now, get down on your knees. I have a need to see you that way.”

  This time Crystal started to lower herself, but Trent had to help her, and she felt awkward with her hands tied. She couldn’t look at him; she was too embarrassed and excited and so many other things all at once.

  He cupped her chin in his hand and lifted her face upward. Her eyes connected with his, and she saw the wild frenzy of sexual hunger there. He was as turned on by what they were doing as she was. It was enough to have her loosening up, if just a little.

  “Do you know what you look like in this position, Crystal?”

  She shook her head, still staring into his eyes.

  “You look like my sex slave. A concubine.”

  “No.” Her independent streak reared its feminist head at the notion.

  “Yes. And you’re mine to use,” Trent growled.

  “To use?”

  He touched her breast, then flicked her nipple as if the action was boring him. “Will you let me?” he asked, his eyes staring at her naked torso.

  “I don’t know if I can.”

  “Stop thinking so hard. Let me take you somewhere you’ve never been. I want to be the first man to draw pleasure from the very depths of your soul. Let me.”

  She was beyond telling him no. The moment she’d let him tie her hands behind her back she had been his to use. Who was she kidding?

  “Okay. Yes.”

  Not a single sound came from Trent at her acceptance of the game he was playing. He didn’t even appear to be breathing hard. He seemed totally at ease. As he moved his finger away from her breast and began unbuttoning his black slacks, she nearly whimpered. Crystal licked her lips, anticipating what was about to come. She wanted him in her mouth, the taste of his sticky fluid on her tongue.

  Slowly, as if he had all the time in the world, Trent unzipped and freed his cock, and finally Crystal could see him in all his magnificence. He was hard and pulsing with life, the bulbous head darkly engorged. Jesus, he looked delicious. It was crazy how eager she was.

  His cock held firmly in his hand, Trent stepped forward, b
ent slightly at the knees, and demanded, “Open those sexy lips, baby.”

  Crystal tilted her head upward and opened, but just as she would have sucked him in, he stopped her with a hand to the back of her head, pulling at a fistful of her hair just hard enough to bring the slightest sting to her scalp.


  “Not your mouth, just your tongue. Lick my cock. I want it nice and wet for what I’m about to do to you.”

  Crystal didn’t know what he could possibly do that they hadn’t already done, but if he wanted to be licked, then she was just the woman for the job.

  Opening wide and slipping her tongue out, Crystal let her eyes close and tasted the sensitive tip of him. She took the small bead of moisture that had appeared there into her mouth, then she let her tongue roam freely over and down, slowly moving to the underside, and then finally to his balls. She swiped her tongue back and forth, craving their unique flavor and wishing she could take them both into her mouth and suck. But, knowing her orders, she held back and moved her wet tongue over the rest of him instead, giving his cock the thorough licking he demanded.

  She felt his hand pulling once more at her hair, and Crystal eased away, leaning back on her heels and opening her eyes. But what she saw was the most feral look on a man’s face she’d ever seen. He looked ready to explode. To throw her on the bed a few feet away and fuck her brains out. Had she pushed him too far?

  “At times, you tempt me beyond reason,” he growled, then he dipped down, put an arm beneath her, and swung her into his arms. He carried her to the bed, but he didn’t throw her down, as she’d feared. Instead, he placed her, ever so gently, in the center of it. She adjusted her hands slightly, trying for a more comfortable position, but when he began stripping off his clothes, Crystal went still.

  He could always make her go pliant and mute with the mere sight of his body. He was just too good-looking for her peace of mind. His wild mane of black hair tossed all over his head and just the slightest hint of stubble on his chin, lent to the notion of how incredibly rugged and masculine he was. Trent put one knee on the bed and turned to the task of unfastening her slacks and ridding her of the rest of her clothing. Soon, nothing stood between them and sexual heaven.

  He pushed her legs wide, and before she could protest, he descended between them and licked her. She arched up and tried to get him closer, to get his tongue inside her as he’d said he would earlier, but he seemed in no hurry.

  “Trent, quit playing and get to it!”

  He chuckled and murmured, “You’re in no position to be giving me orders, slave.”

  She glared down at him and muttered, “Don’t make me regret letting you tie me down, damn it.”

  “Once I’m done with you, you will crave being tied down. Your mouth will water and your pussy will drip with need any time I mention this black silk scarf,” Trent whispered, the heat of his breath stroking her clit, causing her femininity to throb to life.

  “So confident of yourself, are you?” She had to struggle to say the words coherently.

  “No. So confident of you. You’re a woman with great passion deep in your soul, and I intend to suck you dry.”

  Now, that sounded promising. “Then quit talking and get to work. You’ve barely scratched the surface,” she dared.

  “Ah, just what I love, a challenge.” Then his tongue delved deep and she whimpered.

  He was right about one thing; she would crave him after this. There was no denying it.

  Trent was exactly where he wanted to be: between the widespread thighs of the woman he loved. He had realized it when he watched her get down on her knees in front of him. Her supplicant position had pulled feelings out of him that he’d never felt before. He had fallen in love with a woman who saw him as a moment of fun and excitement.

  He had always thought himself free of entanglements of the heart. His father had warned him once that, when a Dailey man falls in love, it was for life. There would be no going back. Somehow, he was going to have to convince Crystal Shaw, independent go-getter, that they were meant to be together.

  It had been fate when she walked into his nightclub. He did not laugh at such things as fate and destiny. Nor did he balk at the idea of a challenge, and making Crystal see that there was more to their relationship than sex would indeed be a challenge.

  As he tasted and teased her, feeling the quiver of Crystal’s supple body, he knew that if any other man besides Mac ever touched her in such a way, he’d see red. She was theirs. Her desire was for them to play with and nurture to life, no other.

  He lifted up and stared up the length of her nude body. Her eyes were closed, her hands behind her back, securely tied, and best of all, she was already in the beginnings of a climax. She looked magnificent and so damn hot he felt singed.

  Trent used his thumbs to part her delicate folds, exposing her swollen clit as he did, and then he dipped his head once more and sucked the tiny bit of flesh into his mouth, flicking back and forth with his tongue.

  Crystal came undone, screaming his name and arching high off the bed, but he held her firm as he swallowed every last drop of her tangy flow.

  This time when he lifted his head, she was staring at him through half-raised lashes, the sexy hint of a smile on her face. Trent spoke, uncaring how his words affected her.

  “I’m a selfish bastard, Crystal. If it were within my power, I’d make the world fall away and keep you here forever.” His throat felt like raw barbed wire had scored his throat.

  She only stared at him. Unmoving. Her eyes seemed to look straight into his very soul. No woman had ever been able to do that to him. Trent didn’t want to think too hard on such serious issues, however.

  To take his mind off the out-of-control freight train of his thoughts, he slipped his hands beneath her hips, cupped her ass cheeks in his palms, and squeezed. She clenched up on him, drawing a grin from him.

  “Before Mac and I came along, had you ever had a man’s cock in your tight little ass, Crystal?”

  Her face turned red. I think not, Trent thought with masculine delight.

  “Good, I’m glad we’re the only ones to touch you so intimately.”

  That pushed her out of her delirium, and she began to shift and wiggle atop the bed, as if by doing so she could free herself. He knew better; the knot he had tied was secure.

  “Trent, this is all becoming too much,” she said, her voice unsteady.”

  “Shh, you trust me with your body, Crystal, I know you do. I won’t hurt you. I will never do anything you don’t wish. Just relax and let me show you how good you can feel, if only you will give yourself over to me.”

  A long time passed with Crystal tense and afraid. Finally, she relented, but under one condition.

  “Fine, but I want a safe word.”

  That had his brow arching. “And how are you familiar with safe words?” It was a term used for couples who enjoyed bondage, dominance, and submissive-type sex. The idea that she might have done this with someone other than him and Mac, bothered Trent entirely too much. He had no right to inquire of her past relationships. He had a rather checkered past himself, and he would not relish an inquiry by her. Still, he was just chauvinistic enough to wish that he had been the only man to try such things with her.

  But her next words had him sighing a little too vigorously in relief.

  “I read about them in a romance book. The heroine was experimenting and wanted to be a slave to a master. They used a safe word, which meant that if she spoke it, the lovemaking stopped instantly,” she explained, and then calmly demanded, “So, I want a safe word.”

  “You read some very interesting books, Crystal,” he murmured, amused and turned on at the same time. “What word would you like to be your safe word, baby?” His dick swelled painfully as they talked and images bombarded his head, making him want to flip her over to her stomach and slide into her tight, puckered opening.


  Surely, Trent had not heard her correc


  She laughed, her body relaxing visibly as she grew increasingly more comfortable with their conversation. “It was the first thing that came to mind, don’t ask me why.”

  At that point, she could have said just about anything; it would not have mattered in the slightest.

  “Bambi it is,” Trent whispered, then he locked his gaze with hers, slowly lowered his head, and kissed her gently between the legs. She moaned beautifully for him. Trent lifted off of her completely, knowing that she stared at his every movement, her anxious expression cutting through his haze of lust the way nothing else could.

  Tenderly, Trent slipped his hands beneath her and turned her over to her belly, careful to keep her as comfortable as possible. He arranged her legs wider and made sure her wrists weren’t bound too tight. He looked at her, lying in the center of the rumpled bed, the low light of the bedside lamp turning her skin golden. She was all spread out for his pleasure, her luscious body and plump bottom mere inches away from his eager fingers and cock, and he nearly whimpered like a whipped pup.

  “You’re a feast for my starving libido, Crystal.”

  She turned her head to speak, and Trent helped her by moving her long dark hair away from her face.

  “You’ve been with other women, Trent,” she said, her voice small and unsure. “Probably a lot of them were more exciting, prettier, and definitely with a bigger sense of adventure than me.”

  “I won’t deny that I’ve been with other women, but none could compare to you,” he told her as candidly as he knew how. “All I want is you. All I need is this.” And then he touched her, right where he’d wanted to touch her since they’d begun this wild back-and-forth dance.

  The sleek skin of her ass was softer than any silk he’d ever touched. So round and firm and kissable.

  So far away from his mouth.

  On his knees between her legs, Trent leaned down and licked one smooth cheek from the crook of her leg to the small of her back. The startled sound that came from Crystal was not so much from fear, but from sexual hunger. He recognized her sounds already, her needy little whimpers and anxious groans. He wanted to make her scream with a satisfaction that only he could give her.


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