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Lily's List

Page 5

by N. J. Walters

  “Baked chicken, coleslaw, potato salad and rolls.” He laid each item out on the counter.

  “Sounds delicious.” Her sudden laughter drew his gaze. She’d finally discovered that the roses were all individually wrapped and held together with an elastic band he’d found in the glove box of his truck.

  Their eyes met and he smiled at the humor lighting her face. He shrugged. “They didn’t have them in bouquets, just singles.”

  She pointed at the table, and it was only then that he noticed it had been set with fancy china and real cloth napkins. Sitting in splendor between the two place settings was a single rose in a bud vase. “It seems we had the same idea.”

  “Yeah, but you stopped at one,” he deadpanned. Lily laughed again and leaned down to smell the roses. She closed her eyes and the expression of ecstasy on her face had Carson shifting uncomfortably. She had the look of a woman in the throes of sexual passion.

  When she opened her eyes they were shining brightly and she sniffed once. “Thank you. I haven’t had flowers from a man for too many years to talk about.”

  He was suddenly extra glad that he’d bought them. “You deserve flowers.” His voice was deep and husky and he cleared it as he continued. “I bought dessert as well.” Reaching into the final bag, he pulled out fresh strawberries and whipped cream. The cream was the kind in the spray can, but it suited his purposes and it was on her list.

  Lily stared at the can and licked her lips. Carson had to look away. It was either that or tackle her to the kitchen floor and make love to her there. He carried the strawberries and cream to the refrigerator and took much longer than necessary to store them. The cool air helped dispel some of his arousal, but not much. He was still incredibly turned on.

  He heard Lily bustling around behind him—the swish of fabric, the sound of her shoes on the floor. Who would have thought that the sound of shoes would be erotic? But it was.

  All Carson could think about was slipping those shoes off her feet and peeling off her pantyhose or stockings, or whatever it was she was wearing beneath her dress. That sent his brain off on another tangent altogether. What was Lily wearing under her dress?

  “Carson?” He had no idea how long he’d been standing in front of the open refrigerator, but obviously it had been way too long.

  He shut the door and headed to the table, where Lily had laid out their supper. “Sorry about that. I got lost in thought.”

  “No harm done.”

  He held her chair and then took his own seat, grateful that the table helped hide his arousal. No sense in making her more nervous than she already was. Both he and Lily served themselves and began to eat. It had been a busy day and he was hungry. By the time he’d eaten about half of what was on his plate, Carson finally started to relax and was able to focus on the woman sitting across from him. She seemed . . . not tense, but uncomfortable. The quiet between them was unsettling rather than soothing.

  Lily had opened a bottle of white wine but hadn’t poured any. He picked up the bottle. “Would you like some?” When she nodded, he poured some into her glass before half filling his own. Setting the bottle aside, he picked up his glass. “Thank you for sharing this meal with me.”

  She laid her fork aside and wiped her mouth with her napkin before picking up her glass. “It’s my pleasure.” Their glasses clinked and they both drank.

  Just like that, the tension in the room eased and he asked Lily about her day. Before long they were chatting about work, the community and friends they had in common. Lily was intelligent and insightful. That was part of the reason he’d always been drawn to her. She was animated as she talked, waving her fork in the air to make a point, laughing over an anecdote he told about one of the jobs he’d done this week, and smiling as she listened to him talk.

  Lily was a great listener. Since the first day he’d met her, he found himself telling her things he normally wouldn’t share with other people. There was a solid core of honesty in her, as well as a calmness that soothed him.

  Even aroused as he was, there was something about Lily that made him feel as if everything was right in the world. She completed him in ways he hadn’t even thought about until he’d met her. At first, he’d tried to stay away. Deep inside, he’d known she could be extremely important to him, could tie his insides up in knots. But he hadn’t been able to stay away for very long. Time and again, he was drawn to her. She, however, hadn’t been anywhere near ready for a relationship.

  He’d bided his time, taking any opportunity that arose to put him in Lily’s company. The years that he’d known her had only solidified his belief that she was the woman for him. Now all he had to do was convince her.

  Stumbling onto her secret writing career and the list had been a stroke of luck. It had given him a way to approach Lily that she would understand and hopefully accept. Once he had her, he was going to find a way to keep her. Permanently.

  They both finished eating and pushed their plates away. “That was wonderful,” Lily sighed as she leaned back in her chair. “I haven’t cooked much since Ethan left. I mostly have a sandwich or something quick. This is quite a treat.”

  “My pleasure.” If he had it his way, Lily wouldn’t have to worry about eating alone again anytime soon.

  Rising from the table, he took her plate and his and carried them to the counter. On his way back, he detoured by the refrigerator and removed only the can of whipped cream. He set the can on the table between them, right next to the vase of roses.

  “Now we talk.”

  Chapter Five

  All during the meal, Lily’s thoughts had been drawn to the whipped cream waiting in the refrigerator and the roses sitting on the table. Her body had all but melted when he’d produced both items from his grocery bags. Her panties were damp and her body so sensitized that every single thing felt like sensory overload. A simple meal of chicken and potato salad had never tasted so good. The fragrant perfume from the roses had never smelled so rich and exotic. Her hearing and vision seemed sharper. She was very aware of the man seated across from her.

  Now the time had come to talk. The meal was done and decisions had to be made.

  Carson set the can of whipped cream on the table next to the roses. His intentions were clear, but she knew it was her choice to make.

  She licked her lips and tried to order her scattered thoughts. “I . . .” she began, breaking off when she didn’t quite know what to say. She shook her head and managed to get a grip on her nerves. “I want to explore things with you.” She couldn’t believe she was going to do this. Three days ago she couldn’t have imagined having to make such a decision. It all seemed slightly surreal.

  “The list?” Carson placed his hands on the table and leaned forward, his gaze narrowed, expression intent.

  She nodded decisively. “The list. I’m not quite sure how far I want to take things. Not yet.” God, could she sound any more juvenile? It was hard to think with Carson hovering over her.

  “I’ve told you before, Lily.” He shifted closer, so close that their noses were almost touching. She could see his incredible pale blue eyes fringed with thick brown lashes. His nostrils flared, his lips parted. “Whatever you want, however you want it. It’s all up to you.”

  Her throat felt dry and parched, but she couldn’t even try to swallow. His words mesmerized her even as his gaze held her pinned in her chair. This situation was crazy, but she didn’t care.

  “Let’s go to your bedroom.” His lips brushed hers.

  Her heart was pounding and her palms sweaty, but she was determined. She wanted this, wanted to explore different aspects of her sexuality. And she wanted to do it with Carson. They were both consenting adults. There was nothing wrong with what they were about to do. Still, her nerves fluttered and her pulse raced.

  Pushing away from the table, she stood and gathered her vase of roses. Then she held out her hand. Carson plucked the can of whipped cream off the table with his free hand as he wrapped his fingers around h
ers. His hand was strong and warm and he twined his fingers through hers so that their palms were touching. Lily had forgotten how lovely it could be to hold hands with a man. It was intimate and quiet as she led him up the stairs of her small home.

  She was extra glad she’d taken the time to change the sheets and put fresh candles in the pretty glass holders on her dresser. She hadn’t been sure what would happen tonight—if anything—but it seemed better to be prepared for any eventuality.

  The room felt inviting and cozy. Lily went straight to the nightstand by her bed and placed the vase on it. The aromatic scent of the roses filled the air around her as she turned on the small brass lamp that sat on the nightstand.

  Carson’s arms came around her as he set the can of whipped cream on the table beside the flowers. Closing her eyes, she leaned back into his embrace and rested her head on his shoulder. He was strong and warm and she found herself relaxing, yet conversely getting more aroused. She loved the feel of his hard, muscled body pressed against hers.

  He wrapped his arms around her midsection and slowly rocked them back and forth. The action soothed her and she found the last of her nervousness dropping away. Whatever came, she was ready for it—more than ready. In fact, she found herself anticipating it.

  She had no idea how long their association would last—she couldn’t quite bring herself to call it a relationship—but that no longer mattered. She trusted Carson, and she didn’t trust many men. There was certainly no doubt that she wanted him. Her body hadn’t felt so alive in years.

  She was a divorced woman with a grown child and he was a man in his early thirties who’d never been married. But it no longer mattered that he was younger than she and at a much different place in his life. At this time and in this place, being together felt right.

  “You okay?”

  The deep rumble of his voice vibrated through his chest and into her. She savored the intimate sensation. The hard ridge of his erection pressed against her behind, a blatant reminder of why they were here. “Yes. I am.”

  “Good.” Releasing her, he turned her so that she was facing him. “Why don’t you sit on the edge of the bed?”

  She sat, willing to follow his lead, at least for now. She was more than a bit curious to see what he would do.

  Carson went to the dresser and lit the two candles, using the matches she’d left there for that purpose. The light flickered and then settled into a steady flame, casting a soft glow on the room. Returning to her, he flicked off the bedside lamp before going down on one knee in front of her. He lifted her right foot, slid off her sensible beige flat and set it aside. Wrapping his fingers around her foot, he began to massage it, the heat from his hand seeping into her sole.

  She braced her hands on the edge of the mattress to keep from melting back onto the bed. “That feels wonderful.” She groaned as his fingers found a particularly tight spot in her arch. He used just enough pressure—not hard enough to hurt or light enough to tickle.

  “Glad you’re enjoying it.” He left off his massage on her right foot and proceeded to remove her left shoe. “I’m just getting started.”

  Lily thought she’d died and gone to heaven by the time he released her left foot. She was wonderfully relaxed and mellow. That mood fled when he slid his hand under the skirt of her dress. She stiffened and he stopped with his hands just above her knees.

  “I want to remove your pantyhose.” She was very aware of the heat of his hands against her skin. The silk of her stockings were no protection against it. He was only inches away from touching her in her most intimate spot. Her sex throbbed in anticipation.

  “Thigh-highs, not pantyhose.” Why she felt the need to tell him that she wasn’t sure. He’d discover it soon enough if he kept going.

  Carson lowered his head, resting his forehead against her knee. “I’ve been wondering that for the past hour.”

  “Really?” Lily sank her fingers into his thick hair, loving the sensual slide of it against her skin. She tugged at the leather thong keeping it captive, pulling it free. His hair fell around his broad shoulders. He looked like a young god come to life, like a hero from a novel. And at least for tonight, he was hers. She tossed the thong onto the nightstand.

  Carson sat back and shot her a wicked grin. “Oh, yeah. Hose or stockings? It made things a might uncomfortable for me over dinner.”

  When she offered no objection, he continued to push his hands higher until they touched the band of her stocking. Ever so slowly, he began to roll her right stocking down her leg.

  The slide of the silk against her leg and the brush of his callused fingers sent shivers coursing through her body. Her nipples were puckered so tight and her breasts ached so badly that she wanted to cup them in her hands to try to ease them. Her feminine muscles pulsed in a primal rhythm, demanding she do something to end their torment. She bit her bottom lip to keep from crying out as he slipped the stocking off her foot and tossed it aside.

  Then he did the same with the other one.

  Lily had never realized that the simple act of removing one’s clothing could be such a sensual experience. With Carson it was foreplay. She was still decently covered in her dress, yet she felt as though he’d stripped her bare.

  When her stockings were gone, he ran his fingers up and down her bare legs from her ankles to her thighs. The heat of his hands soaked into her skin as he moved agonizingly close to her sex but never quite touched it.

  “What about your dress?”

  Once again, he reminded her that she was in charge. The thought of his hands roaming over her stomach and breasts sent a fresh trickle of cream seeping from her core. “Yes.” She reached for the buttons in the front, but he stayed her hands.

  “Let me.” There was anticipation in his eyes, and heat. So much so that Lily’s insides began to quiver.

  She let her hands drop back to her sides and allowed him to do what he would. The backs of his hands brushed against her swollen nipples as he reached for the buttons. Whether it was by accident or on purpose, she couldn’t be sure, but it sent bolts of heat flashing through her.

  By the time he had the buttons undone, her breathing was ragged. Her body was wound so incredibly tight that it wouldn’t take much to make her come undone. Carson slid his hands under the fabric and slowly slid it down her arms. The material pooled at her waist, leaving her clad in only her white cotton bra.

  “Beautiful.” She’d long since passed the stage in her life when she was concerned about her less-than-ample breasts. Still, it was gratifying that Carson seemed so enthralled with them.

  He traced the edge of her bra with his fingertips and her breasts swelled. They ached for his touch. She also wanted to touch him in return. She’d seen his upper body unclothed but she’d never stroked his bare skin. “Take off your shirt.” Her voice no longer sounded like it belonged to her. It was husky and deep, seductive.

  Carson reared back, yanked his shirt over his head and tossed it aside. Lily reached out and sank her fingers into his firm, muscular shoulders before letting them skim down his chest. His torso was all sculpted power and sinew, a testament to his years of hard physical labor. The muscles rippled beneath her palm as she stroked him.

  Carson shifted closer, making a place for himself between her spread thighs. He cupped her breasts in his hands, and Lily’s toes curled when he traced her nipples through the thin fabric of her bra.

  “I want to stroke your body from head to toe with rose petals.” He lifted his hands from her body and slowly stood, letting her hands slide down his torso. “Let’s get this dress off and settle you on the bed.”

  Lily stood, allowing her dress to slide down her hips and pool around her ankles. Clad only in her bra and panties, she should have felt self-conscious, but didn’t. Carson watched her intently, his gaze following her every move. Lily felt voluptuous and ripe, which was strange considering she was slender and not well-endowed. It had to do with the way he looked at her, his eyes almost feverish with need

  She scooted to the center of the bed and reclined against her pillows. The air was warm and brushed against her skin like a caress. The comforter beneath her was soft and inviting.

  Carson bent down and tugged at the laces of his boots. Lily watched the ripple and play of the muscles in his back and shoulders as he removed his footwear and socks. Clad only in faded blue jeans, he sat on the edge of the bed next to her.

  “What about your jeans?” It certainly couldn’t be comfortable for him with his erection pressing hard against the zipper.

  “Later,” he promised as he plucked a rose from the vase. “Close your eyes.”

  “What?” His request startled her. She knew her uncertainty had to show.

  “Close your eyes,” he repeated. “It will heighten all your senses.”

  She thought about it while he patiently waited for her decision. She’d wanted to do a scene with a blindfold and this was pretty much the same thing. She gazed at him, soaking in every hard inch of him before letting her lids close. Darkness surrounded her.

  Immediately, she heard the rustle of fabric and felt the bed dip as Carson shifted closer to her. The heavy perfume of the rose filled her nostrils as she felt the slightest brush of softness against her lips. They parted in reflex.

  Her eyelids fluttered.

  “Keep them closed.” She could feel the warmth of his breath against her cheek and then the slightest touch of his lips. Her legs moved restlessly against the comforter as heat suffused her.

  He stroked the rose down her cheek and across her jaw. She found herself tilting her head back in anticipation as he let it flow down the curve of her neck and across her collarbone. Her eyes opened slightly. He seemed intent on her every reaction.

  “You can’t keep them closed, can you?”


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