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Weapon of Desire

Page 23

by Brook, L M

  “Lara remembers Anna suffering years of abuse and humiliation but the final insult was when Philipp moved his pregnant mistress into a nearby house. Anna had started an affair with a British RAF officer, Mr Harry Milburn. He had been shot down months earlier and Anna secretly took it on herself to protect him using her French roots.” Daniel watches me fiddle nervously with my fingers but continues as though he needs me to feel every single crumb of pain that Lara and Anna had endured.

  “The day came when Anna decided to leave. She emptied out the safe and packed Freya off to France, then waited for Harry to return. Early evening they all travelled to the house where Philipp’s car stood outside. Lara waited in the car and heard a gun fire twice. Harry and Anna calmly walked back to the car cradling a baby. They drove to Philipp’s brother Albert where they asked Lara to hand the baby to the housemaid. Anna knew that Albert would not be there due to his two month posting in Russia. They then took Lara home to her parents where they quickly collected together belongings and then were smuggled out of the country and into France with enough money to start a new life. ”

  My heart is pounding “So Anna murdered Philipp and stole everything in the safe?”

  “Everything, Lara clearly remembers the vault key, money and jewels.” Daniel is resting back in his chair waiting for my response.

  I mimic Daniel sitting back in my seat taking another gulp of wine. I play over in my mind how Freya had nothing but scorn when she spoke of her father and Anthony must have known all about his grandfather’s violent past. The break-ins and attacks have all been attempts to locate the vault key.

  “So Freya must have the key. That is why they’re threatening Anthony.”

  “I suppose so, the Beust family denies its existence but wouldn’t you if it exposed your entire empire was built purely on stolen property? They have a lot to lose.”

  Simon walks towards us “Darcey, Anthony would like a word.”

  My expression says it all “Simon, please tell him I’ll call him back, thanks.”

  Daniel raises his eye brows and smiles. “Darcey one more thing before you are ordered to leave, German law states that if the vault is not opened for 70 years then the contents become the property of the bank. This then allows the group to challenge the bank for ownership.” Daniel tails off his story “The bank confirmed that the 70 year rule comes into play at the end of business on Friday.”

  “Then it is all over?” I innocently comment.

  “No, it means that they are going to try their upmost to get that key from Anthony so they can protect their reputation and wealth. Darcey you are in real danger, please take care of yourself.”

  I stand swigging the remainder of my glass and grin down at Daniel. “Thank you for this information, I’m glad I came. I’ll see you at the awards on Thursday.”

  Simon looks very uneasy as we travel back in the car, “Darcey I didn’t call Anthony if that’s what you’re thinking. You should know by now that he has his own security watching us.”

  Dialling Anthony from my mobile I smile at Simon seated in the front of the car. “Hi, did you need me urgently?”

  Anthony’s breathing is heavy and slow “Darcey why did you meet Daniel?”

  “I wanted to let him know about us.” My reason sounds pathetic and unconvincing.

  He is momentarily silent. “You could’ve done that over the phone or by email, why did you lie to me?”

  “I didn’t mean to lie to you….I..”

  Anthony cuts into my words abruptly “You promised me you wouldn’t meet him… lied to me, why?”

  “Because I knew you would act like this.” I begin to feel irritated with his attitude.

  “Is that any wonder? Perhaps you have forgotten that he nearly raped you last time. Or were you hoping he would stay with you tonight?” Anthony is so angry that he immediately ends the call.

  I’m in complete disarray and speechless to his reaction.

  “Are you ok Darcey?” Simon looks concerned watching me in the rear view mirror.

  “Yes I’m fine; please can you take me back to Dorton.”


  Last night seemed the longest night of my life. After leaving three messages on Anthony’s mobile asking him to call and then a long grovelling email, still no word from him. Part of me is angry that he is acting so childish and then I feel guilty for meeting Daniel to satisfy my own curiosity. I didn’t sleep too well, thinking about nothing but that fateful night when Anna shot Philipp and his mistress dead. She must have felt relieved and excited all at the same time knowing he couldn’t lay his hands on her ever again. I wonder if she looked him in the eyes as she pulled the trigger and felt an immense wave of satisfaction as they begged her not to kill them.

  Breakfast is a piece of toast with coffee as I check my emails again with still no response from Anthony. I nearly forget it’s that time of year again and I’ve not called Mum to check that she’s ok. Today is my father’s birthday. Dad died in combat when I was just six years old. Coincidentally my stepfather William died on this day five years ago. I always called him Dad as he was there for me during my troublesome years. I pick up my mobile and speed dial Mum.

  “Hi it’s Darcey” I listen for her voice. “Are you ok?”

  “Yes darling I’m fine.” She sounds upbeat as I recall previous years when she was drunk to drown out her sorrow.

  “I’m going to church around 3pm to light a candle for them both, would you like to join me?”

  “Darcey that would be lovely.”

  “Ok I’ll send Simon to collect you this afternoon. I’ll call Lesley to see if she wants to join us for dinner this evening?”

  Simon pulls into the car park as I stroll towards my office.

  “Hi Darcey, have you heard from Anthony?”

  “Hi Simon, no not a thing!” I notice a smirk appear on his face.

  “Don’t worry he’ll call you today, not that I should tell you but he called last night checking you had got back here ok and alone!” Simon sets his car alarm and walks towards me.

  I roll my eyes disapprovingly “Doesn’t he trust me at all? Anyway Simon can you collect Mum and bring her here to meet me at the Abbey for 3pm?”

  “Ok I’ll make sure security is aware.” Simon waves as he enters the staff restaurant for breakfast. “See you later.”

  Dorton base is unusually quiet and there seems to be no officers around or cars queuing at the check point. I spot my cherished Z4 parked nearby and feel saddened at not being able to drive through the country roads without a care in the world. A month ago I was obliviously happy with hopes of marrying Daniel and no idea that I would meet Anthony and my life would turn upside down.

  Reaching my office I check my emails again, nothing from Anthony. I text Lesley about dinner after church, she is pleased to hear from me after my disappearing act on Saturday. Lesley invites us to dinner and a sleep over at her house. I immediately accept, with grim recollection of the drab apartment at Dorton. Mum will be overjoyed at having dinner at Lesley’s house.

  I’m so busy with Dorton Stable’s proposals that I don’t realise the time is whizzing past. Anthony sneaks back into my thoughts and I instantly grab my mobile to call him. His phone goes straight to voicemail.

  Why is he being so pig-headed?

  “Hi Anthony, it’s me again! We need to talk… I understand you’re angry and I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you that is the last thing I want. This is why I didn’t tell you I was meeting Daniel. It was supposed to be a final goodbye, to let him know we are getting married….anyway this all seems so irrelevant and silly now…If you want to talk to me you know where I am.”

  I’m starting to lose patience with his silent treatment, if this is how it’s going to be when we get married then he can keep his bloody ring.

  Lunch is uneventful and returning to my office I realise a missed call and voicemail from Nick. My heart sinks, is Anthony using Nick to dump me, why can’t he speak to me
directly. The message is short saying he would try to call again later.

  The afternoon is equally dull and 3pm soon comes around with still no word from Anthony. Daniel’s story plays with my head, I start to wonder whether Anthony is also trying to deny any connection with the vault. He wouldn’t want any bad press for his parents and what if it all came out that Anna had murdered Philipp. I start to question his motives for protecting me and keeping me at Sebel House. Perhaps this is to control my actions, to keep the police away at least until Friday. I suddenly have a terrible thought; maybe he doesn’t love me at all and he is keeping me quiet to protect his family. My head is in a spin, what is happening to me. I feel as though I’m on a ride and I can’t get off.

  Mum meets me outside the Abbey with Simon. The clouds are grey and threatening as we enter the heavy, wooden church doors. Simon reverses backwards in his car and then pulls away.

  The atmosphere inside is peaceful and inviting. Reverend John Deacon lights candles while standing at the altar. “Hello Darcey, Rosemary, I thought I might see you today.”

  The candles glow in the fading daylight filling me with warmth.

  “Would you both like candles? I’m sure you would appreciate some time alone, I’ll be out for a short while so make yourselves at home.” Rev. Deacon hands us two candles and then turns to walk down the aisle towards the exit. The swish of his gown and tapping of his feet on the stone floor echoes throughout then I hear the slow squeaking of the heavy wooden doors as they shut behind him.

  Staring at our lit candles as the small flames flicker we kneel at the altar to bow our heads. Closing my eyes I replay fond memories of my fathers, thanking them for their love and guidance while they were alive and remembering how much I miss them right now.

  Unexpectedly we hear the church door creak open and then swing closed. Perhaps the Reverend has returned to collect something that he’s forgotten. Opening my eyes to peer sideways, I’m puzzled to see nobody there. I resume my silent prayer and close my eyes once again.

  “Hello Darcey.” A low voice speaks from behind us.

  Still kneeling I swivel around to see a man seated in a pew smiling as he watches us. He is the same man I shot outside the bar on Saturday. My heart beats faster as I slowly stand moving towards the pew where my handbag rests. He still remains seated but opens his jacket to reveal a gun in a holster.

  “What do you want?” I can see Mum frozen in her crouched position at the altar with glaring terrified eyes.

  “I want you to give Anthony a message.” He stands and strides slowly in my direction. “We don’t think that he fully appreciates the message we left in your apartment, so I’m here to ensure that he gets this one, loud and clear.”

  I bend to retrieve my handbag with my heart pounding. He instantly withdraws his gun and points it at my head. I hear Mum gasp in horror.

  “Move away from your bag.” He signals a direction with the gun. “Sit down!” He picks up the bag and removes my phone.

  I reluctantly do as he says, turning to face him as he sits beside me.

  “I want something from Anthony and I want him to bring it to me. He knows what it is. You see Darcey I could quite easily kill you right now especially after you shot me last time we met.” He pulls a knife from inside his jacket and waves it around menacingly. “I want you to call Anthony.” He hands me my phone.

  With shaking hands I make the call hoping he’ll answer, it again goes straight to voicemail and I’m too scared to speak.

  “So Darcey if I was to stab you, would you put up a fight?” He is so calm as though he is asking me something quite normal. I hear Mum scream out “No” as tears roll silently down my face. “Shut up and sit down or I’ll kill you both. Darcey I’m wondering whether you will have the guts to grab the knife with your bare hands before I stick the blade into your stomach.”

  Holding back a sob and still connected to Anthony’s voicemail, I place the phone down on the pew beside me. “You’re sick; I suppose you’re enjoying this.”

  I suddenly see the glint of the knife as his arm jerks forward.

  Instantaneously with both hands I grasp the knife’s serrated edge, shrieking in pain as I push the blade away from me. I can hear Mum’s helpless whimpers “please stop ….. please stop.” I scream out trying to fight his strength. His eyes smile down at me as tears tumble down my face. Pain sears through my hands as blood drips onto my skirt.

  His grip relaxes and releases the knife as I pull away shaking and crying hysterically. “Tell him that this is his final warning, next time we’ll kill you.”

  He grabs my phone from beside me and waves it in front of my face. “He knows how to contact me.”

  Standing he moves towards Mum who is kneeling on the floor in a distressed state. “Stay here for 15 minutes, defy me and I’ll be back next time to kill you both.”

  Without looking up I listen to his footsteps along the stone floor and then a loud bang as the door is pulled hard behind him. Mum is quickly to her feet unwrapping a scarf from around her neck. She wipes her nose and wet face against the back of her hand and then winds the scarf around my blood sodden hands.

  “Darcey, we need to call the police and get you to hospital.”

  “No Mum!” I’m light headed and can feel my hands throbbing. “No police…… call Lesley but nobody else.” I lie my head down on the pew, my vision is fuzzy and I know I’m going to black out.

  I can hear Mum scrabbling around in her jacket pocket and dialling her mobile. “Hi Lesley, can you come quickly to the Abbey?” there is a brief silence “Darcey needs to go to the hospital, can you take us?”

  Mum is back at my side but I can’t hear her and my sight is draining away…….

  “Hello Darcey.” The lady’s voice is unfamiliar as I slowly regain my vision. I’m tucked in a hospital bed dressed in a green gown with a young nurse leaning over me. I look around the room recognising both Mum and Lesley as they rise to their feet. “Darcey you lost a lot of blood so you may feel a little lightheaded. Are you in any pain?”

  I shake my head in response to the nurse’s question noticing the drip in my arm. Mum joins us standing opposite the nurse; I can feel her soft hand on my forearm. Lesley puts a comforting arm around her and smiles down at me.

  “You may experience some discomfort in your hands, you needed 40 stitches. When you’re fit enough to talk, the police would like to take a statement.” She looks down at me and then across to Mum. “Until then you need to rest, get some sleep.”

  Mum wipes a tear away from her eye. “Yes darling we’re going to leave you alone now. You’re safe here; I’ll stay with Lesley tonight and will be straight back first thing in the morning.” She puts her mobile on the bedside table “If you need me, call me at Lesley’s, ok?”

  I nod finding it impossible to muster the energy to speak. The room spins back into darkness as I drift into a relieved state of slumber.

  Voices outside the room wake me abruptly. “I need to see her.” I know the man’s voice but my brain will not provide a name.

  “Mr Hunt, I’m sorry but she’s too weak to see anyone tonight, you’ll have to come back tomorrow.”

  Anthony is persistent “I’d like to see her now.”

  “Mr Hunt, I’ve told you more than once and please don’t raise your voice with me.” The nurse is quickly losing her patience.

  “I’m sorry nurse,” there’s a second male voice which I quickly realise is Nick. “Please excuse Mr Hunt’s behaviour; he’s been here since early hours this morning with his mother who has suffered a heart attack and obviously is very distressed because his fiancé has been attacked.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that Mr Hunt but you need to go home and get some sleep. You’ll be no good to Ms Brooks or your mother if you’re exhausted.”

  Hearing Anthony’s voice sends a wave of emotion through me as warm trickles of tears wet my face. I’m so tired but feel the need to comfort him knowing he must be a complete wreck right no
w. On top of his mother’s suffering today he also had to endure that awful phone call from me and listen to that monster as he carved up my hands. The voices drift away as I fall back into a deep sleep.

  The morning brings a clearer day; I’m able to think in a coherent way and rationalise what’s happening and why. My thoughts turn towards that maniac in the church and his promise to return for me should Anthony not meet them. Nobody can protect me; Colonel Garner has already proved that. I was so frightened in the church and I don’t want to go through it ever again. All seems so obvious, if I’m hidden where no one would think to look then they can’t use me to threaten Anthony. I need to go into hiding without telling a soul. That way everyone is safer without me around.

  The doctor visits me with his clipboard and pen in hand. “Good morning Darcey, how are you feeling?”

  “Much better thank you.” I run over in my mind options of where I can stay for the next two days.

  “We gave you some blood so you should feel quite refreshed this morning apart from any pain you may feel in your hands.” He scribbles notes on the chart. “If you feel up to it you may go home today as long as there is someone to keep an eye on you. We will prescribe you something for the pain and antibiotics; you will also need to see a nurse at your local surgery to redress the bandages in a couple of days.”

  “Ok, that sounds good, how soon can I leave?” I tug myself upright in bed.

  “The police want to take a statement before you leave and I’ll send a nurse to remove the drip. Apart from that you are free to go.” He stops writing and smiles over the top of his glasses.

  “Thank you doctor, I’ll call someone to arrange for them to collect me.”

  My handbag is tucked on the bedside shelf. Stretching across I drop the contents onto my bed, Suki’s business card is laid on top. Perfect, nobody would guess that I’m with Suki. Grasping Mum’s mobile I dial her number.

  “Hi Suki, its Darcey.”

  “Morning Darcey, what a lovely surprise.” She sounds sleepy as I’ve woken her and it’s not even 8am.


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