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The Author's Friends

Page 6

by Shelly Douglas

  “Your family dynamics are very interesting. Can we assume that your career choice was no accident?” Jason smiled.

  “It’s pretty obvious, I guess. My hunger to observe and study personal interaction is endless.”

  “Was your dad violent?” Carla had worry in her eyes.

  “He had a volatile personality, which is fairly common for a Holocaust survivor. But not so much anymore. He’s softened with old age.”

  Jason leaned back in his chair and crossed his legs. “Do you ever worry about becoming violent, Michael?”

  “I think most of us have a dark side to our personality, where we can be selfish or maybe a little mean sometimes. I try to curb those inclinations whenever I can. No, I’m not a violent person and actually pride myself on being even-tempered.”

  “I’m curious as to your worry about faulty wiring.”

  “When I compared myself to Carla’s Leave it to Beaver upbringing, I worried that she wouldn’t understand where I came from. I have a tendency to be rather … quirky.”

  “I live with him, Jason.” Carla nodded. “He does like to control, but always with tenderness and great care. It’s good to finally know where you come from, Michael. Our past usually dictates who we are, and in your case, the need for love runs deep. You are a complex man, Michael Cohen, and I wouldn’t change a thing.”

  He squeezed her hand in affection.

  Jason smiled. “It sounds like you’re both coming into a comfortable space with each other.”

  “I would love to meet your wife, Jennifer, someday. I hear she’s a criminal attorney and probably takes on an abundance of stress at work, just like I do.”

  Jason’s eyes sparkled as he winked at Michael.

  “I’m disappointed that I didn’t guess that sooner.” Michael grinned shaking his head.

  “Oh for God’s sake,” Carla laughed. “Are there no vanilla people left in this town anymore?”


  Carla sat at her desk thinking about their appointment with Jason, when her cell phone rang.

  “Hello?” The caller ID was not one she recognized.

  “Carla, it’s your old friend, Rachel.”

  “Rachel Andrews? Wow! It’s been a long time.”

  Rachel was Carla’s classmate, and one of her only friends from Penn Law School. After graduation they’d kept in touch, but had chosen different career paths. Carla moved into the private sector while Rachel - the idealist of the two 0 had risen to become the Assistant DA in Philadelphia. Over her ten-year term, she’d received a tremendous amount of notoriety as a result of the cases she had prosecuted. This dogged success hadn’t gone unnoticed and caught the eye of the governor. Rachel enjoyed her work, yet always wanted more. After some preliminary meetings and serious vetting, the governor, who’d just been elected to a second term, offered Rachel the position of Chief of Staff. Now she was a powerful insider in Pennsylvania politics.

  After a few minutes of catching up, Rachel revealed her reason for the call. The governor had made the decision to create a new position within his staff to spearhead the fight on urban blight within the bigger cities across the state. He needed someone who was tough, smart and bullish about rejuvenating economic development. Rachel, during one of his staff meetings, brought up Carla’s name as a possible candidate. Her praise was convincing enough that the governor asked for a personal interview. Carla sat stunned on her end of the phone.

  “I’m certainly flattered that you thought of me, but you’re talking about a major life change. Rachel, I’m living with someone.” Carla sat back in the chair to catch her breath.

  “Carla, are you still there?”

  “Yes, I’m still here.”

  “This is just a preliminary meeting, but it wouldn’t hurt for you to come and hear what we have to say. Plus, you would get to sit down with the governor in private. Surely, you wouldn’t want to miss out on that experience! In the worst case scenario, we’ll get to catch up over dinner together, and you can fill me in on this man you seem to be in love with.”

  “I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to talk, and I would to love to see you,” Carla said with a bit of hesitancy.

  “Carla, you won’t regret this. Can you get over here the day after tomorrow?” Rachel asked eagerly.

  Carla moved her cursor over to the calendar checking her availability. She had appointments, but nothing that couldn’t be rescheduled.

  “I can be there the day after tomorrow, if that works. Remember, I’m not promising anything.”

  “Regardless of the outcome, it will be a trip you’ll never forget. I’ll have someone send you an itinerary tomorrow.”

  They said their goodbyes and Carla placed her head in her hands. What had she just agreed to? In a moment of panic, she picked up the phone to call Rachel and cancel. Taking a deep breath, she dialed a number.

  “Melissa, please cancel my appointments for Thursday…”

  Without hesitation, she made another quick call. “Dana can you meet me after work?”

  The message Carla left on her cell phone was answered quickly. “What’s going on that we have to get together tonight? I promised Richard a home-cooked meal this evening.”

  “I need some advice and would rather get it in person than over the phone. Can’t you please tell Richard that you need to reschedule this important dinner date with him? Besides, we all know that your cooking isn’t that great,” she joked.

  “Okay, this sounds serious, and he probably would prefer take-out.”

  A few hours later, Dana arrived at the Campbell Family Tavern. David, Carla’s brother, came out from behind the bar, gave her a hug and pointed to a booth back in the corner. Carla was already there sipping on a cold glass of chardonnay.

  “I’ll have one of those too, please,” Dana requested politely as she got comfortable across from Carla. “What’s so urgent that you had to pull me away from creating a culinary masterpiece?”

  “Dana, I’m not sure, but I may have really screwed up.”

  David positioned a glass of wine in front of Dana with a smile and returned to his post behind the bar.

  “I agreed to something today that could throw my life into total chaos. I did this without talking to Michael first, and I’m concerned he’s going to be upset when he finds out.”

  “Jesus, Carla. What in the hell did you agree to?”

  Dana drank her wine and listened patiently to the entire story, only interrupting occasionally for clarification. When Carla finished, she quietly motioned for David to bring them two more glasses of wine.

  “I don’t know what you’re so worked up about. Michael will be proud that you’re being considered for such a position. You haven’t agreed to anything, yet. So what’s the problem?”

  “I should have discussed it with him before I made a commitment to go on the interview. It’s almost like saying his opinion doesn’t matter.” Carla let out a long and heavy sigh as David set down two more glasses of wine.

  “Girls night out, I see. Have either of you looked at the menus?” David’s expression became tentative as they both shook their heads and smiled at him. He silently returned to the bar with their empty glasses.

  “I suppose I didn’t quite see it in those terms, Carla. Having men like ours can be tricky at times. But Michael seems as though he would be a little more flexible in his thinking.”

  “What you don’t understand is that he needs me. I just found out some intimate details about his past that I can’t reveal to you, just yet. But I don’t feel like this is the right time for me to move to Harrisburg.”

  “Carla what you’re considering is a fantastic opportunity. You may decide it isn’t for you, but don’t you owe it to yourself to find out? I’m still betting Michael will say the same thing when you tell him. You are going to tell him, aren’t you?”

  “I haven’t decided yet.”

  “I don’t know many things, Carla, but this I do: deception is a dangerous road to travel. If you want to contin
ue your relationship with Michael, whatever reaction you think he might have, you need to tell him.”

  “What I need is … another glass of wine!” Simultaneously, they raised their empty glasses toward David.

  David waved his hand in understanding, as he stood behind the bar with the cell phone pressed to his ear. “Hey Michael – how’s it going? Well, Carla and Dana are about to start on their third glass of chardonnay, and haven’t had a thing to eat. Of course, I’ll keep them here. They won’t be going anywhere …”

  “Oh for God’s sake, I can’t believe you called them,” Carla slurred to David as she moved over to make room for Michael.

  “Just to be clear, he called Michael who then called me,” Richard announced as he gently moved Dana over to the end of the booth.

  “Would any of you like something to eat?” David asked as he brought four glasses of water to the table.

  “No thanks, David. Richard and I already ate, and we need to get these two home. Sound good ladies?”

  Dana and Carla nodded, as they mumbled something to each other.

  “What do I owe for the drinks, pal?” Richard asked.

  David shook his head. “I’m just sorry I didn’t put in an order of appetizers for them. Honestly, they never even looked at the menus. Drinks are on the house, of course.”

  “Well, thanks David. Drink your water. Both of you both need to hydrate.” Michael raised a full glass and handed it to Dana.

  “Remember when I said Michael was flexible? Scratch that. I meant bossy,” Dana said as she peeled the paper off her straw.

  “Okay, I think our author has given us enough insight tonight,” Richard joked as he helped her out of the booth.

  Michael and Carla followed as everyone said their goodbyes to David.

  “You’re making Judas look pretty good tonight,” Carla shouted over her shoulder as she walked out the door holding onto Michael’s arm.


  “What were you thinking, Carla? Three glasses of wine after work, and you probably didn’t eat much for lunch, did you?”

  “Can I put on my pajamas, Michael? I’m so tired right now.”

  “Yes, but when you return my big girl has some explaining to do.” Michael turned her around and patted her bottom lovingly.

  When Carla entered the den, Michael was sitting on the couch waiting for her, his face expressionless.

  “I have so much going on in my head, Michael.” Carla made herself comfortable in his lap.

  “I figured as much. But why did you go to Dana before me? Is this about us? Was it about our meeting with Jason?”

  “No, this was about me. I just didn’t know how to tell you.”

  “So you went with liquid courage instead? Come on, Carla. I thought we shared everything with each other. By the way, the kitten pajamas are a nice touch.” He tapped her on the nose.

  “Just for the record, I didn’t drink quite enough for the courage part.”

  “Ve have vays to make you talk,” Michael joked in a bad German accent as he put his hand down the front of Carla’s pajamas.

  “Yes, but I’m sure your methods are much more enjoyable … ooh,” Carla exclaimed as Michael’s skilled fingers zeroed in on her clit.

  “Start talking … right now. And don’t even tink about an orgasm until you are finished with ze the story. Understand, young lady?” His German accent suddenly became heavier.

  “Uh huh ...”

  Carla’s pussy was warm, wet and tingly as Michael’s fingers firmly tapped and teased.

  “I’m waiting.” His eyes became expressive, as he put pressure on her swollen hot button looking for a reaction.

  “Ahh, okay.” Her body suddenly twitched in response. “An old friend of mine from Penn called who works for the governor. Well, actually she’s his chief of staff. Ooh that’s nice…”

  “Impressive,” Michael responded as his fingers worked their magic. “This story better be told quickly, because my lips will be going south soon to nibble and gnaw,” he warned.

  “It seems that the governor is looking to make a new appointment in his administration, and Rachel thinks I would be perfect for the job.” Carla spit the words out of her mouth in record time.

  Michael lowered Carla’s bottoms while positioning her legs around his neck, dipping her backwards onto the couch. As his head lowered toward her pussy, he spoke. “I’m sure there’s more, so please keep talking.”

  “They want me to come in and interview the day after tomorrow.” Her eyes squeezed shut as he collected stray juices with the width of his tongue.

  “The nibbling and gnawing will commence as promised ...” he mumbled in between tongue movements.

  “Ahh, Michael please, I’m almost there,” she begged.

  But he didn’t speak. As promised, he nibbled and carefully suckled, taking her as close to the edge as possible.

  “Michael, say something. Please don’t be angry that I didn’t come to you first. Ahh, please … I can’t wait any longer. Please …”

  “Think of something else, my love. Take your mind to another place. You can do it, if you try,” he said sneaking a peek at her face. It was contorted between pain and pleasure; one he adored that words just couldn’t describe.

  “Nooo…oh my God, Michael … I can’t do this … PLEASE!”



  And with those last words, he sucked harder and rubbed his lips over her soaked pussy as she whirled in a bright white spin, losing all control and loving every minute.

  “Absolutely delicious. There is no dessert more decadent than you. Although I do think you could have held on a little longer.” He licked his lips and laughed as her head fell back.

  “My heart is pumping out of my chest. I do hope you are certified in CPR.”

  “I’m always here for you, Carla,” he said, pulling up her pajama pants. “Go to the interview, my love, it is the chance of a lifetime. You will always be my Peanut and nothing will ever change that.” He gently kissed her forehead.

  Carla smiled and hugged him with tears in her eyes. “I know, Michael.”


  The disappointment on Richard’s face said it all.

  “Carla needed some quick friend time, and I had to answer the call. I’m not trying to blame anyone for what we did tonight. Things just got a little out of hand. It was a bad decision that won’t happen again, I promise.”

  “Darlin’, please don’t make promises you can’t keep.”

  Oh-oh, that heavy Southern drawl is never a good sign, she thought.

  “I’m going to go take Floyd for a walk. Why don’t you go upstairs and shower to clear your head. I’ll meet you in the bedroom and we’ll talk.” Richard gave her a gentle nudge to get moving.

  “I’ll bet that’ll be a real two-sided conversation,” Dana said in muted sarcasm.

  “I still have my hearing, so you might want to keep that in mind.” Richard leashed Floyd and walked out the front door smiling.

  Dana looked at herself in the mirror as she dried her hair. How do I get myself into these situations? In hopes of mounting a solid defense for the upcoming conversation, she tried to pull herself together and reviewed the evening. Taking her robe off the hook and sliding it over her shoulders, she walked into the bedroom. Richard was already perched on the side of the bed.

  He patted the mattress signaling for her to sit down beside him. Dana slowly crossed the room and made a last minute decision to go with contrite instead of defensive.

  “I’m really sorry.” Her head and body lowered at the same time.

  “I understand Carla needed your friendship tonight, but both of you acted irresponsibly. How exactly did you expect to get home? You have low blood sugar, for God’s sake. Were you ever intending to eat dinner?”

  “Are you going to spank me?” she asked quietly, playing with the hem of her short nightgown.

  “I have a differe
nt punishment in mind for you tonight.” Richard gently took her by the hand and positioned her over the side of the bed. “Lift up your nightgown and slide those panties down, please,” he said softly.

  The familiar snap of the plastic lube container prepared her for the scene without turning around. As Richard’s wet finger slowly rubbed and teased her smooth bottom hole, she whimpered and squirmed in a small show of defiance, earning a sharp swat of disapproval.

  “Be still, young lady.”

  Richard seductively moved his finger in and out, wiggling and playing more than he usually did to keep her mind occupied. Finally, he opened the drawer and pulled a surprise that he and Dana never used, but she always suspected he would want to try.

  “Is that what I think it is?”

  “It’s a little gift to wear in your beautiful bottom while you eat dinner. Now be a good girl and separate your cheeks for me.” Richard lubed the stainless steel butt plug and gently began to push it into her slick anus. “Come on baby doll. if you relax it will make the insertion easier.”

  “For me or you?” she snidely asked.

  “My God, you would think as a butt plug went into your ass, your mouth would automatically close,” he quipped, slowly edging the foreign object further into her backside.

  “Fine.” Inhaling and exhaling a dramatic deep breath, she relaxed as the cool, steel invader stretched and burned until her sphincter finally relaxed to accommodate it. “I can’t believe you actually bought this out. It isn’t even my birthday.”

  “Yep, you are one lucky girl,” His tone was light as he gave a tug on the plug.

  “The silicone variety comes in an abundance of colors. Maybe I could put it on my list for Santa next year. I hear it’s a great stocking stuffer.”

  “That mouth of yours really needs an edit mode, sugar pop. A spankin’ wasn’t my first choice for your punishment, but I hear it is a wonderful supplement to your little steel friend. By the way, these also make great stocking stuffers,” he drawled, spinning a new flat-backed hairbrush in his hand.


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