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The Author's Friends

Page 11

by Shelly Douglas

  Debbie listened intently as Lilly leaned in and babbled excitedly about her plan to reunite with Michael. Finally, the two clinked glassed to seal their new partnership, each of them now committed to altering Michael’s impending union. They exited the restaurant together arm in arm, both sporting large grins, confident in their newfound purpose. With Debbie’s support, Lilly was quite sure that Michael would soon be hers again.


  “What are you going to title your new novella, Kitten?” Richard stirred the pasta sauce and took a quick taste.

  “I have a few possibilities, but can’t seem to make a decision. Dinner smells wonderful. Is it almost ready?”

  “Do you need some help?”

  “Washing my hands or titling my book?” Dana grinned at Richard as she received a loving smack on her bottom walking towards the sink.

  “Come on. You always keep me in the dark where your novels are concerned, and I want to help. Did the ménage come to you in a dream, like the last one did?” The corners of Richard’s lips turned up in a devious smile as he passed her a towel.

  “No, in fact, I’m a little worried that my women readers might not be turned on by that kind of scene.”

  “Don’t you think any of your fans are men? I hear Michael has read a few of your books lately.”

  “What about you?”

  His eyes sparkled as she threw him the bait. “Obviously, I’ve been known to sneak a peek at your work once in a while.” He smiled and grabbed her by the waist.

  “I’m sure the spankings are so much more satisfying for you in real life.” She laughed and broke his hold to set the table.

  “So do you think your publisher will be pleased with this manuscript?”

  She sat at the table and looked up at the ceiling. “Well, my lead characters are likable, there are plenty of spankings, the sex is hot and I’m almost finished with a happy-ever-after ending. What’s not to like?”

  “I know this is kind of an unorthodox idea in the genre you write, but what if Kristin’s ex-husband came looking for her at the end of the story, and she reunited with him?”

  “Well, if she did, that would make her an unlikable character and not leave Brad with a very happy ending, would it?” Dana paused while Richard put a full bowl of steaming pasta and a salad on the table. “Why would you even think of such a thing?”

  He shook his head slowly. “The friendship between Lilly and Debbie makes me nervous.”

  “Michael is worried they’re going to make trouble for Carla, isn’t he?”

  “We both think Lilly is lonely. She came back to town for a reason.”

  “What can I do to help?”

  “I think it’s probably best if you stay out of it, Kitten. Let Michael take care of this.”

  She sighed and crossed her arms. “Carla is our best friend and you don’t want me to get involved? Sometimes, I just don’t understand you.”

  Richard bent down on one knee and lightly touched her cheek. “Oh, I think you understand perfectly, and you are going to have a very sore behind if you even try to contact Lilly or Debbie.”

  “I don’t know either one of them, and I can’t believe you would think I could be so brazen…”

  Richard kissed her lips gently and placed his finger over them. “Before you say another word … Sarah already told Michael you asked for their phone numbers. Now be a good girl and eat your pasta before it gets cold. I’m afraid if you keep talking, you might have to eat it standing up.”


  “Dr. Cohen, Debbie is on line one,” Sarah yelled into Michael’s office as she leaned backward in her chair.

  Michael shook his head, mumbled something about an intercom and picked up the phone. “Good morning, my dear sister. I’d ask what’s new, but I probably already know.” He sighed and reached for a file folder.

  “You wear that calm demeanor like a suit of armor, don’t you little brother?”

  “It’s been so long since we’ve had lunch together. Would you like to meet? I’d love to talk in person …”

  “Sure, I can make that work, but please tell me you aren’t going to invite Carla.” Debbie looked outside her office window; it was raining pretty heavily.

  “No, Debbie. I prefer Carla digest her meals, and lunch with you could prevent that from happening,” he said facetiously. “But I would like you to ask someone else to join us.”

  “Who would that be?” she asked innocently, as if she didn’t know.

  “See if Lilly is available. I think the three of us need to chat.”

  “I’ll call her, but maybe you two should have lunch alone. Three can be such a crowd.” She smiled knowing Lilly would be pleased at her quick reaction.

  “I definitely want you there, Debbie. By the way, was there a reason you didn’t tell me that Lilly’s husband died?”

  “After the divorce, you seemed so bitter every time her name was mentioned. I thought it was best not to share.”

  “How does one o’clock at Cibo’s sound to you?” He looked at his watch making the decision to change the conversation. She agreed and they both hung up the phone. Michael sat back at his desk, satisfied that he was in control.

  Unfortunately, Debbie did the exact same thing.

  An hour later, Carla received an update from her fiancé. She wasn’t at all pleased. “Michael, why can’t I come to lunch? You’re not allowing me the opportunity to defend myself.”

  “Relax, my love. I will be your protector and your shield.”

  “These are aggressive, jealous women. This isn’t the kind of argument you’re used to. And by the way, why in hell’s name would you invite them both? Are you sadist or a masochist?”

  “Watch the language, Peanut. I know you’re upset, but please calm down. I have this situation under control. Don’t you trust me?”

  “Of course I trust you, but they’re taking me to the edge.”

  “It’s their ultimate plan to unravel you. They win if you fall apart.”

  “Forgive me, Michael. You’re an intelligent man, but I don’t think you know what you’re up against …”

  “Carla, you are not to show up at the restaurant under any circumstances. I’m not kidding. I will be very angry if you disobey me. I want to talk with them alone and put an end to any absurd thoughts they may have. Do you understand, or do I have to spell it out further?”

  There was no response.

  “You will want to eat your dinner in a vertical position tonight. Is that clear enough?”

  “Yes, sir.”


  Dana was seriously motivated to finish her latest book. Richard had been nibbling around the storyline asking questions. The last scene she’d written really captivated his focus. Dana wondered if a threesome was a fantasy of his, but decided to save that question for later.

  Brad and Kristin’s relationship was evolving quickly. About a year had passed, and though they were happy, neither seemed to be in a hurry to talk about marriage. They’d been living together for about six months, were satisfied in every way and didn’t see any reason to change their current status.

  It was an ordinary day. Brad came home from work and looked through the mail on the kitchen counter. Beside it was a small manila envelope with a note attached that read, “Take a shower and put on the robe that I laid out for you. I’ll be home soon. Love, Kristin.” He opened the envelope and found a black mask inside.

  Brad literally salivated at the thought of what might be in store for them. Following her instructions, he immediately went upstairs, took a shower, donned the terry cloth robe and waited for her on the bed. The sound of the front door opening and closing was music to his ears. She was finally home and quickly entered the bedroom wearing a tight fitting, full-length black spandex outfit that perfectly outlined her exquisite body. It finally occurred to him that he wasn’t going to be the one in charge of this scene!

  “Put on the mask please. We have an adventure to take together,
” Kristin said tracing the full length of Brad’s hard cock with her finger. Firmly, she took hold of his hands and secured them with handcuffs. Attaching a black studded leather collar around his neck, she proceeded to lead him down two flights of stairs with a short matching leash.

  When they entered the finished part of their basement, Kristin directed Brad to kneel down on the carpeted floor and tied his ankles together with rope so that he was totally immobile. Instantly, he heard the release of a zipper and Kristin’s hand gently nudged his head forward. As she guided his face into her mound, he welcomed the smell of her sweet arousal and slowly inched his tongue out circling and gently licking her warm and very wet clit. Kristin caught a quick view of Brad’s swollen cock peeking out of his robe and smiled at the thought of him being her slave for the night. As he tongued her vagina over and over with forceful thrusts, she shuddered on the verge of climaxing and then suddenly pulled away. Her presence was gone, the basement door closed and he was bound, alone and in the dark.

  About five minutes later he heard the phone ring upstairs. Kristin answered and explained to the person that Brad would call back later; he was all tied up. The door reopened and the room filled with her fresh-showered scent as she walked behind him, released his ankles from the rope and helped him to stand on wobbly legs. He could feel the air move around him as she circled a few times and wondered what she was going to do next. Untying the front of his robe, she allowed it to fall open in the front gently cupping her hands around his sac. Brad savored the warmth of her mouth around his throbbing cock. At first she teased his taut, soft skin by flicking her tongue around the tip; he wanted to lovingly hold her head but, unfortunately, was still unable. Hoping to arouse him further, she collected a few drops of pre-cum on her fingers and lubricated the rim of his back hole. Slowly tracing the smooth edge, she swirled and teased until Brad’s cock was about to explode. Kristin, obviously, had an agenda as he felt her slippery finger enter him from behind. Widening his stance, and backing into her digit, she took him to the knuckle and began pumping in and out. Finally, he felt a hard lubricated tip. Brad bent forward and moaned as an anal dilator was slowly being inserted into his anus.

  “You need to be a good boy, Brad, or I will go to the next size. I have a variety of styles to choose from,” she warned. This was a totally new experience for him. He’d never been taken from behind before and decided it was not the time to test her.

  Kristin gently edged her plug in further, until it was carefully and fully seated. At the same time, Brad struggled against his restraints and worried that his knees were about to buckle beneath him. The sensation of her warm mouth soon returned to his cock, and the pleasure derived from her phallus was now too much for him to take. He let loose a torrent stream of cum that Kristin was only too eager to swallow. Once finished, he fell to his knees in thanks and satisfaction.

  Kristin slowly lifted off his blindfold. She looked into his eyes, cupped her hands around his face and kissed him sharing what was left from his orgasm. “Brad, I hope you enjoyed our little scene today,” she said with a sweet smile.

  “Babe, it was one of the most exciting sexual encounters I’ve experienced in my life. What in the hell prompted you to prepare all of this?”

  “I know you’re a Dominant that always desired a submissive, but I wanted to see if we’re in agreement that those roles aren’t exclusive to one gender. If we’re going to spend the rest of our lives together, it probably would be a good idea to be honest with each other.”

  “You want to switch the dominance, sometimes?”

  “I do,” she whispered.

  Brad quickly collected his thoughts. “You know I enjoy variety as much as you do. But just so we’re clear, when it comes to a ménage, my preference is another woman as the third participant. Perhaps we could try a Domme next time to help me work you over?” An evil smile appeared briefly as he pondered that idea.

  “That would be fine with me.”

  He paused again. “Wait a minute. Are you asking me to marry you?”

  She nodded.

  “I love you, Kristin. Of course I’ll marry you.”

  “I love you too, Brad.” She gently nibbled his earlobe.

  He took a deep cleansing breath and nuzzled her cheek. “Please tell me you remember where the key to the handcuffs are, sweetie.”

  Dana had done it. It was the off-the-wall happy ending that she’d been looking for. Sitting back in her chair, she had a satisfied, exultant look that quickly morphed into a pensive one. What would Michael Cohen’s professional opinion be of someone writing that scene, or better yet, what will Richard think when he reads it?


  Michael walked into the restaurant and looked around to see if Lilly and Debbie were already seated. He hesitated for a moment before approaching the booth where Lilly was waiting for him alone.

  “Is Debbie on her way?” He sat down across from her and folded his hands.

  “Michael, I have a small confession. Debbie won’t be coming. I wanted to talk with you privately and didn’t think you would show up under those circumstances. I hope you won’t be mad at your sister, she was only helping out an old friend.”

  “I wanted the three of us to meet together so that we could discuss this situation in a civil manner. But I see you two are already busy being deceitful …”

  “Michael, please just listen to what I have to say.” Lilly reached across the table to grab his hand, but he pulled back instantly.

  “Can’t we just have a quick lunch and discuss how the Pirates are doing this season? The conversation would be much more constructive.” Michael looked around to see if he recognized anyone in the restaurant.

  “I know we didn’t part on very good terms. But in my defense, you have to admit that some of your lifestyle choices were difficult to live with at times.”

  He shrugged and began to speak, but Lilly raised her hand signaling him to stop. “I’ve had a lot of time to reflect on our marriage and my life with Steven. Truthfully, if he hadn’t passed … I probably would have eventually left him. It took me years to realize that I missed your structure. Michael, I want you to be my ‘Sir’ again.” She grabbed his hand, and this time Michael was distracted by a tap on his shoulder. Carla stood directly behind him, and his face went ashen.

  “Hello Michael.” She nodded at Lilly.

  “Carla, would you like to join us?” He motioned to an empty chair.

  “I thought you were meeting Debbie and Lilly here for lunch. But I see that one person is missing.” Carla turned and walked out the front door.

  Michael was stunned. After a moment or two he settled down and looked at Lilly for a reaction.

  “If this was your intention today, it isn’t going to work. I’m in love with Carla and we are going to spend the rest of our lives together. I can’t believe that you and Debbie conspired to put me in a spot like this.’”

  “How would I know Carla would show up today?” Lilly asked with a devilish grin. “Michael, there’s so much history between us. Don’t you ever think about what we had?”

  “Sometimes, but then I wake up and thank God it was only a nightmare,” he said.

  “I came back to prove that we belong together. You’re making a big mistake thinking that Carla is the one for you. She is not your beshert. Do you remember what that means?”

  “Beshert is another word for soul mate. Now if this Yiddish quiz is over, I want you to pay attention. We are not going to rekindle our relationship and this subject is now officially closed.”

  Michael rose, put some cash on the table for the wait staff and quickly walked out of the restaurant.


  Dana opened her front door to find Carla with tears in her eyes.

  “Why aren’t you at work? Is everything all right?”

  “Michael was supposed to be having lunch with Debbie and Lilly today. But when I got there, he and Lilly were alone.”

  “Jesus, come in and we�
��ll talk. Floyd, get out of the way and let Carla through,” Dana yelled. “Sit down and tell me what happened; can I get you anything?”

  Carla shook her head no.

  “Michael asked me not to go to the restaurant, and I shouldn’t have gone. When I showed up, Lilly was holding his hand.”

  “I don’t trust Debbie or Lilly. But there has to be an explanation for what you saw. I know Michael would never do anything to hurt you. He loves you.”

  “What kind of explanation could there possibly be? Why in the hell wasn’t Debbie there?”

  Dana put her arm around Carla’s shoulder when the phone rang. She answered but didn’t speak.

  “Carla, where are you? We need to talk right now. I’ll be waiting for you at home.”

  “It’s Michael. I have to leave.” They hugged and Dana walked her outside.


  Michael was patiently waiting on the bed dressed in a white button down shirt and gray pants as Carla entered their room. “Take off your clothes and then we’ll chat.”

  An angry chill raced through her body as she pointed at him. “I can’t believe you were holding hands with that bony bitch.”

  “It might be a good idea to eliminate the name calling. Don’t you think your bottom is in enough trouble?”

  “I’m in trouble because …?” She angled her head, pretending to be mystified by the question.

  “Because I told you not to come to the restaurant today, and you disobeyed me. Aside from being the masochist in this relationship, what would your motivation be?”

  “I don’t trust those women, Michael. Debbie doesn’t like me and is probably plotting your reunion with Lilly. I walked into the restaurant and saw you holding your ex-wife’s hand, so why am I in trouble?” She turned her back on him as her eyes filled with tears.

  “We both know things aren’t always what they seem. Please take off your clothes, Carla.” Michael tried to calm her down as he put his arms around her, gently kissed her neck and moved to sit with his back against the headboard.


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