The Return of the Manhattan

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The Return of the Manhattan Page 23

by Lee Ecker

  “Why don’t you use your power to wipe out Ashton and the president for us?”

  “We’d like to, and we considered that, but it might cause a lot of panic, and the resulting disruption would not be in our best interests. We want to insure our power structure in the future, not change history drastically. We like things the way they were before Ashton interfered. If we can gain a little advantage, why not?”

  “All right, how do we proceed?”

  “We are limited in what we can ship. We might be able to get a few guns or simple devices through the time warp, but the real value is in providing basic technical knowledge. That way, you can take credit for developing the weapon systems yourselves. We can only stay a few days before our time is up, but we’d like you to spend that time aboard the Manhattan where we will discuss strategy and give you all the technical information you can use. We haven’t planned much beyond that, but it would be conceivable for us to make another trip back to your time if that option becomes desirable.”

  “Sounds like a trap to me.” James only felt secure in the familiar surroundings of the EMI complex.

  “I can’t do any more to convince you, but I’m sure my boss can. If he doesn’t, then you were just along for the ride. If we are setting a trap for you, then it certainly won’t hurt to see it. If we wanted you dead, we wouldn’t bother. Please come with me, unless you’re afraid to go aboard!”

  That was all the challenge Clifford needed as he replied, “All right, when do we go?”


  Major Bob Sparks in civilian clothes was sitting on the steps of the Lear 35 at Washington National Airport waiting. He had been alternately pacing the ramp, sitting on the steps and looking the aircraft over for almost two hours before Karl Hampton arrived, and got out of a limousine that stopped near the left wingtip. He walked toward Bob challenging, “We need you to get us back on the Manhattan as soon as possible.”

  “Yes, Sir. As soon as you’re aboard.”

  Karl motioned to the others who all wore dark glasses with their collars pulled up high to prevent anyone from recognizing them, even though Bob had no desire to learn their identities. They took off heading in a westerly direction, climbing to forty-five hundred feet.

  The aircraft flew on a few more minutes until the stillness of the night was broken by the voice Clifford recognized from earlier in the day, and all aboard realized it didn’t come through the radio speakers, “Welcome to the Manhattan! You can lower the landing gear, and cut the engines. We have you on the beam.”

  Bob did as requested, and they touched down smoothly, while the huge doors were already closing behind them. A distinguished looking man met them at the steps of the Lear, “Welcome aboard, I’m Bruce Thorpe, I trust your short trip was pleasant.”

  “Thanks, commander.” Karl introduced those present.

  “Come let me give you a tour of the Manhattan before we get down to business.”

  After a leisurely tour of the ship, Bruce led the party into the conference room where he could brief them on the various systems using the large video screen on the opposite side of the room. He asked Karl to stay with them in the hope they had developed some sort of rapport, and pave the way to gain their confidence.

  Bruce began, “We’ve got approximately three days before we need to return to make our window. You’ve seen the ship, have you any doubt about who we are?”

  James began, “Somehow, this seems too good to be true. I’m just not convinced.”

  Bruce laughed sinisterly, “I don’t like to do things like this, but you don’t give me much choice. Mike, do you know where your daughter is?”

  “Certainly. She died in a brutal attack shortly after her ordeal on the missing C9.”

  “And I suppose you know who hired those who did the deed?”


  “We know! Clifford hired the thugs, and James paid for it from EMI funds. Those records were in your safe in 2615. Here’s a copy of the memo.”

  Mike took it, examining it closely, recognizing the stationery they used, and noting the age of the paper. He looked accusingly at them and began to yell, “You killed my daughter, you rotten good-for-nothing—”

  Bruce interrupted, “Wait a minute, you knew it all along, so don’t play the distressed father for us. You may find it distasteful at the moment, but it served your purpose. We know all the details concerning the Iran oil and arms deals, the electronic snooping at the White House and more. I could go on all night revealing the details that you think are secret. Karl, why don’t you tell them about EMI, and ArkTex of the future?”

  That was all he needed, and Karl began to talk about how EMI and ArkTex were interrelated talking for over an hour giving details that only members of EMI knew. He spoke of the secret codes that were used, praising them highly, and the three of them realized that they were the same as they had been using for years.

  James finally admitted, “You certainly know about our organization.”

  Bruce was beginning to feel confident for the first time, “We certainly know enough to put you behind bars if we wanted.” He went on to enumerate the various crimes that were committed by them during the last few years. “I may have added a few that history has blamed on you, but I think my sources are pretty accurate. I certainly hope all of that hasn’t been for naught. You have made arrangements to stay on board three days, haven’t you?”

  “No,” Mike said, “I’ve been away from Tactical Air Command headquarters too much already during the past few months.”

  Bruce glared, “What about that interceptor investigation, can’t you think of a reason for that to take you away?”

  “I suppose so.”

  “All right, we’ll take you to the comm center and show you how to use the equipment. You can call anyone you see fit, and then relax for the evening. I want you to enjoy the comforts of the ship before we get down to business tomorrow.”

  The three of them were wined and dined throughout the evening, and basically, but not completely, given the run of the ship. They wandered about discussing the twenty-seventh century culture with several of the crew members, as well as several ingenious devices which were demonstrated as possible weapons for their use in the twentieth century.

  Sleep came easily for them, unaware of the drug they were given, and they slept soundly before beginning the next day’s business in the conference room, starting where they left off the previous evening.

  Clifford was totally convinced, “What do you want from us? We wasted a beautiful opportunity to take care of Dugan in Dallas, trying to get Anderson and Ashton.”

  Bruce handed them the newspaper clippings concerning Dr. Ashton and Colonel Anderson’s death as well as President Dugan’s accident. “You didn’t do too bad. It happened until someone from the future changed all that! How do you suppose they knew your assassins were on that hospital rooftop?”

  “I saw that site several years ago and was waiting for the ideal time. I really had Dugan in mind when I saw it, though. It’s too bad, but there will be lots more opportunities,” James added.

  “Not if Ashton keeps feeding Dugan information that will help him get to your organization first,” Bruce cautioned.

  Mike broke in, “They never discovered how or why Air Force One crashed, did they? We can get Dugan the next time he flies on Air Force One. We put an oil additive in the engines that gets extremely abrasive when hot. A little of that in each engine, and a little flight over water, and that will be it.” Mike was bragging now, “The beauty of it is; it can’t be detected unless the oil is hot. They won’t find the cause the second time around either.”

  Bruce acted innocent. “That’s incredible, how will you get it in the engines?”

  “Easy; ArkTex has the contract for supplying oil and other fuels for the 89th Military Airlift Wing.”

  “Is that what happened t
o Dugan’s helicopter?”

  Clifford laughed, “Naw, that was just a little plastic explosive! It didn’t take very much, not enough to leave a trace. We’ve got an inside track with the maintenance at Andrews. It was just too bad he wasn’t on board.”

  Bruce couldn’t believe his ears, but continued, “We were never able to piece together exactly how you got control of ArkTex from the records you left—how’d you do that?”

  James volunteered, “Mike’s daughter would have had controlling interest, but we made sure she didn’t live to collect on it.”

  They continued to discuss options on how to successfully terminate Dr. Ashton and Colonel Anderson, and finally decided to plant a bomb in their offices at Wright-Patterson, and place the blame on various oil producers. James Little offered, “The president is going to meet with Middle East heads of state in Athens in a couple of weeks, and it would be an excellent time for that oil additive on a long trip over the Atlantic.”

  Bruce pushed a button under the table, and watched the expressions on the three men as the glass screen opened and the three conspirators stood looking at their judge and jury. Mike grabbed the laser from Karl, killing him, and turned on Bruce.


  Dr. David Ashton smiled grimly as he watched Mike Higgins repeatedly pull the trigger in vain as the laser ray couldn’t penetrate the force field barrier protecting him as he impersonated Bruce Thorpe. He reached out his hand, “Please, it’s over, hand me the weapon.”

  General Higgins looked at the men and women standing behind the glass, and began to comply, until he recognized his daughter, Dana, with tears streaming down her face, watching his every move. He reversed the gun, and once more pulled the trigger. Dana screamed, but it was too late, her father crumpled before her eyes.

  Laura comforted her as best she could while Arthur Olson read the rights to Vice President James Little and Clifford Burns. The remains of General Higgins and Karl Hampton were covered and carried out while the others prepared to return to Washington.

  Brad went to the communications room and connected himself directly to the president. “Mr. President, it looks like it’s over. We have Little and Burns in custody, and General Higgins killed himself.”

  “Good, I’m glad that’s over, now I can get back to business as usual, and get on with my life.”

  “Well, not so fast. We got the head, but there is a lot of their organization still at large. Until we can develop a test for the presence of that additive, you are at extreme risk. I thought our plan worked better than expected, except for Higgins’ suicide. We hypnotized Karl Hampton, the spy we caught on board and convinced him we were backing EMI and ArkTex from the twenty-seventh century, and he gave them all the truth they needed. He brought them aboard the Manhattan, and they plotted to assassinate you and kill us, with the chief justice, attorney general, and several congressmen watching. That’s about the whole story, Sir.”


  A month later, Brad walked into the SMA office a little later than usual, and couldn’t help frowning, seeing Dana, knowing he couldn’t talk her into looking after her own business interests. She wanted nothing to do with ArkTex, although she had the controlling interest. Charles Bains had been guiding her in finding the right person to manage her interests, and provide her with frequent updates until such time as she was ready to take over, if she ever had the desire to do so. She was having too much fun; she was excited about the projects the Solar Magnetics Administration was involved in, and she wanted to be a part of it. Her inheritance made her one of the most fabulously wealthy women in the United States, with no need to work, but it didn’t change her outlook.

  “Morning, Sunshine!” Brad removed the frown almost as quickly as it had formed.

  “Hi Brad, isn’t Laura with you?” She had a worried look on her face.

  “No, hasn’t she been here?”

  “I haven’t seen her since she left here with you last evening. She always lets me know when she isn’t coming home.”

  “She left to go home before nine last night. Are you sure she didn’t come in?” Brad was beginning to feel a knot of fear well up in the pit of his stomach.

  “Yes, I’m sure. Do you think something happened to her?”

  “Stay by the phone! If she calls, let me know as soon as you hear. I don’t know what happened, but we have too many enemies, particularly with many of EMI’s hired killers on the loose.” As he walked into his office, he yelled back, “Get me Olson!”

  Arthur answered immediately, “Morning Brad, Dana sounded scared this morning, what’s wrong?”

  “Arthur, I’m—I may be crying wolf, but Laura is missing. I don’t know—”

  “Brad, don’t give up on her before you give her a chance! She’s intelligent enough to take care of herself. Don’t panic, we’ll find her. Give me the particulars.”

  “There’s not much to go on. She left to go to her apartment where she is staying with Dana before nine last night, and according to Dana, she never arrived.”

  “What about her bodyguards?”

  “I don’t know, nobody has seen them today, and they didn’t report anything abnormal last night.”

  “Have you found her car?”

  “No, just what I told you. I thought I’d better get your advice before we did anything.”

  “Okay, I’ll take it from here. Just be where I can reach you. We have some good men in Dayton, and I’ll get them on it. When those Secret Service agents show up, I’d like to talk with them!”

  “Okay, Arthur, I’ll be here.”

  He pushed the intercom, “Dana, get me the president!”

  A few minutes later the president came on the line, “Morning, Brad, what’s the matter? My secretary said Dana was unusually upset. What’s going on?”

  “I hope nothing, Sir, but Laura is missing. We suspect she has been kidnapped.”

  “Oh no… What can I do?”

  “The FBI is already on the case, and we don’t know anything. I wanted to clue you in before the news hits the street.”

  “Thanks for calling; I’ll do what I can.” The president did call Art Dawson to make sure the case had the FBI’s top priority, which it had already been given.

  Brad wanted to make one more call—this time to the Manhattan, but Laura had the communications gear. He would have to wait until either Laura called, or her father called him.

  Each passing moment seemed like an hour, but they received no calls from Laura, or her abductors. Finally, Olson called back; they found her car in a parking lot near the apartment with the left front window broken. The lifeless bodies of her secret service agents were found nearby.

  Brad tried to catch up on paperwork he had been putting aside for the past couple of weeks, but his heart wasn’t in it. Dana buzzed him on the intercom, “Alex Newsome is on the line; would you like to talk to him?”

  “Thanks, I’ll take it.” He picked up the receiver, and gave Alex his usual cheery, “Morning, Alex, how’s everything in the sunny south?”

  “Great! We have your bird certified. It came through with flying colors. Whoever designed the additional systems to match the aircraft did an excellent job.”

  “Laura did the lion’s share of it.”

  “Great, she must be as intelligent as she is beautiful. When do you want it delivered? I don’t have any excuse to keep it longer, but I’ll fly it to you, if you like.”

  “Thanks. I’m sorry I don’t sound too enthused about the aircraft right now, but you can bring it to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, and we’ll exchange whenever you get a chance.”

  Alex was perplexed, “What’s wrong? Are you hiding something?”

  “Keep it under your hat, but Laura has been kidnapped.”

  “Sorry to hear that. I shouldn’t have bothered you.”

  “No, that’s okay, she may tur
n up soon, and we’ll have worried for nothing. Anyway, bring the airplane at your convenience. If we want it before then, I’ll come and get it.”

  “That would take away my opportunity to fly it once more. I’ll deliver it tomorrow morning.”

  “Fine. How about calling first? We may be tied up; on the other hand, we may need the bird. See you in the morning.”

  The FBI agent chief of the Dayton district brought all the articles found in Laura’s car into the office just after noon, gave Brad an update and tried to discover any leads Brad might be able to give.

  Laura’s briefcase was with her belongings, which enabled Brad to call David who answered immediately, “Hi Laura how’s my beautiful daughter?”

  “It’s Brad, has Laura been in touch with you today? Do you know where she is?”

  “No, I haven’t talked with her in the last couple of days. What’s wrong?”

  “She’s missing, probably kidnapped. You were our last hope; is there any way you can locate her?”

  “It sounds like you have her computer, so I’d say no. We could have traced her communications equipment if it was turned on, but we can’t make contact unless we know where to look.”

  “Have you any suggestions?”

  “No, not offhand. Do you have any suspects other than EMI?”

  “No. The FBI is on the case, and trying to track it down, but no trace.”

  “Brad, don’t give up! We’ll monitor any communications to and from EMI. Call us if you discover any additional clues.”



  They had been waiting over twenty-four hours when a plain white envelope bearing a single line address of the Solar Magnetics Administration postmarked in Dayton arrived with the morning mail run. Brad forced himself to be patient as the FBI agents carefully opened it, reading the short note inside:

  Colonel Anderson! Dr. Laura Ashton will die!!! Her head will be mailed to you in a plain brown wrapper unless Clifford Burns and James Little are released within 48 hours. The time clock starts now! There will be no negotiations concerning their release; it must be unconditional. If there are any tricks, SHE IS DEAD!!!


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