The Return of the Manhattan

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The Return of the Manhattan Page 24

by Lee Ecker

  No fingerprints or other clues could be found on the letter. The characters appeared to have been typed on an IBM Selectric III typewriter such as might be found in any government office. Arthur Olson arrived at Wright-Patterson earlier that morning to personally handle the investigation, and tried to make them see the brighter side, “The letter appears untraceable, but we have plenty of time to find her. We’ll start with the car and backtrack along the route she took; we’ll find something.”

  Brad surprisingly calm, replied, “Go ahead, I’m going to check out another theory of mine. I’ll be out of touch, leave a message with Dana and I’ll be checking with her often. If I find what I’m looking for, I’ll call you.”

  Brad took Laura’s briefcase and left to go to the flight line where Alex would be delivering the Marie to him within the hour. While he waited for Alex, he put through another call to the Manhattan, “Morning David, we received a note from the kidnappers this morning giving us forty-eight hours to release Clifford Burns and James Little or she will be killed.”

  “Well, Brad, that gives us a little time. Come on up and we’ll see if we can find a solution.”

  Alex was excited as he climbed out of the aircraft. “Brad, that’s one helleva airplane. We’ll sell a million of them, I’ll guarantee it!”

  “Well, you won’t sell any unless we can get you some more engines. Laura is the only one who can deliver on that.”

  “You mean to tell me she alone has the ability to manufacture those engines! I can’t believe one person alone knows the secret.”

  “She’s the brains behind it, and her loss would set the program back a long time. That’s one of the reasons why it’s vital to find her before it’s too late. Oh, your aircraft has full fuel tanks ready to go. I’ve got to be on my way. Thanks much for your cooperation.”

  Alex watched Brad take off, and begin his climb. He took his eye off him for a moment, but when he looked back the aircraft was gone. He turned away scowling, thinking he needed to get his eyes checked.

  Brad went right to David’s office to discuss the problem. “David, is there any way we can go back in time, and discover where she is?”

  “No need; we have her location. It took time, but the signal is coming in strong.”

  “Great, where is she?”

  “In a warehouse on a pier in Bayonne, New Jersey. It’s a military port used for shipping autos to overseas locations which I suspect is the port used by EMI for their illegal shipping.”

  “Is she okay?”

  “As near as we can tell, she’s fine. We will protect her with the force fields so you can direct the FBI in without worrying about endangering her. They should get quite a haul.”


  Inside the warehouse, nearly fifty men loyal to EMI waited, led by Samuel Burns. Samuel was Clifford’s younger brother, and acted as his field general performing much of the day-to-day undercover operation of EMI, and was their contact man with most of the terrorist organizations worldwide. He held Laura hostage, but Samuel and his men were there to prepare for a widespread terrorist campaign in the event the government would not accede to their demands. They had large quantities of plastic explosives, automatic weapons, and surface-to-air missiles, holding all of American hostage to their fear of terrorists. They believed one or two Boeing 747 jumbo jets downed while on final approach to JFK would spread terror into the heart of every American.

  Arthur Olson wasted little time setting up a siege surrounding the area. As soon as he was aware of their presence, Samuel left Laura, locked in a small closet area securely bound with her mouth taped shut. She was his ace in the hole, and he would not hesitate to use her as a hostage in making their escape. He had no inkling that he could not enter the room where she was locked, or that he had no control over her any longer.

  The nation woke the next morning with every network broadcasting the same story:

  “. . . . live from Bayonne, New Jersey. I’m standing in the street a block away from a military warehouse most recently used to ship private autos overseas for military personnel. An unknown number of men armed with automatic weapons are holed up inside, surrounded by the FBI and several police units from surrounding communities. The first action occurred late last night when two agents were killed attempting to surround the warehouse. They have one known hostage, kidnapped late Wednesday night in Dayton, Ohio. The kidnap victim is Dr. Laura Ashton, who is the head of the newly created Solar Magnetics Administration. We are told she is being held as a hostage in an attempt to free Vice President James Little and Clifford Burns. We need to confirm this story, but our latest information source indicates this warehouse was being used to ship illegal weapons to terrorist units around the world by the EMI Corporation, which has been controlled by those officials indicted last month. The FBI has been unable to establish communications with the kidnappers inside, and we have no word on how they intend to proceed. They have several military units standing by with helicopter gunships capable of striking through the roof of the warehouse. We will be standing by to report the news as it breaks.”

  Arthur used his bullhorn in an attempt to reach those inside the warehouse: “Attention! Attention inside the warehouse! We want to talk. Call 911 and we will discuss your demands. We are prepared to begin an assault on the building! You have ten minutes.” Even as he spoke, Army helicopters overhead were lowering SWAT teams, and military assault personnel onto the roof of the warehouse.

  Samuel Burns’ reaction to Arthur’s warning was predictable: he sent several men to the roof with orders to block that entrance. His orders were issued too late, but several of his men opened up with automatic weapons fire on the helicopter about to land with its full load of assault troops. Before the pilot could change course, a missile entered the right engine exhaust pipe; the helicopter disintegrated sending showers of burning debris, and bodies onto the street below. Vietnam veteran pilots in the backup helicopter gunship instinctively returned cannon and rocket fire, sending Samuel’s men scurrying below, leaving their weapons on the roof, which exploded, engulfing the rooftop in flames.

  Brad was on Laura’s communicator, “Dad, the roof is engulfed in flame; can you protect her from the heat and fire?”

  “Don’t worry, Brad, she is located in a small room in the middle of the building. We’ve prevented the terrorists from entering the room, and our force field will protect her from the fire!”

  “Thank God you’re here. I’d better get back with Arthur and see if I can help.”

  Arthur saw him coming, “I’m sorry, Brad, if she’s in that inferno—we should have waited them out a little longer.”

  “Don’t worry, as you said, she can take care of herself. Just get the situation under control.”

  Firefighters began arriving, coming as close as they dared, protecting nearby buildings as the flames engulfed weapons caches inside, exploding, blasting away much of one wall, exposing the interior of the building. The terrorists not killed in the blasts came pouring out trying to escape the flames, and attacked police and FBI personnel behind the barricades erected in the street. Most were killed by a lethal dose of cannon fire from the gunship hovering overhead, and the rest threw down their weapons and surrendered.

  Firefighters waited until the dangers of the exploding weapons subsided, and entered the burning warehouse in search of Laura. They found her exhausted but unharmed, huddled in the corner of the untouched closet used as her prison cell. They wrapped her in fire retardant blankets, fastened a portable oxygen mask to her face, and carried her through the burning debris as the firefighters kept a steady stream of flame retardant foam on them until they exited the burning warehouse. They left none too soon, as the entire warehouse became engulfed in flame and was completely destroyed.

  Laura was placed in a waiting ambulance where Brad assisted in removing the tape binding her arms and legs. She was unconscious, overcome with fatig
ue and exposure to the smoke and fumes. The paramedics administered oxygen, and Laura quickly responded to their treatment.

  Brad was unsure of her condition, but was certain that Dr. Baker aboard the Manhattan would be able to give her the best treatment, and insisted, “Take us to Teterboro Airport!”

  The paramedics resisted, “We can’t do that, Sir; we have our orders, and are taking her to New York General Hospital.”

  Brad didn’t hestitate, “Dad, take care of the paramedics for me, please.”

  “Sure, no problem.”

  The paramedics fell into a deep sleep of their own, and Brad ordered the driver, “Take us to Teterboro!”

  They spent a couple of days together aboard the Manhattan until Laura recovered, then she delivered Brad to Wright-Patterson and returned to the Manhattan by herself. She wanted to spend more time with her father but knew Brad needed to get back to work. She was sure her father was getting anxious although he had promised to be there for her wedding. She asked, “Dad, it’s going to be a couple of months before the wedding. Are you sure you can stay around that long?”

  “Don’t worry. I need to confess a few little white lies I’ve been telling. I told you we went back home. We didn’t. We have been here all along making sure everything went okay.”

  Laura was shocked, “I don’t believe it. You never lied to me before. I didn’t think you could!”

  “Well, it wasn’t easy. I had to turn my head away more than once. Please forgive me. You remember the instruction package you were given by the president?”

  “Sure, that was the beginning of this adventure for me.”

  “My instruction package was different. Besides having the plans for the time machine which Roger had already perfected, I was given a detailed account of the first voyages. We knew well in advance of the recorded event of your deaths in Dallas. We knew that Brad died in the Comm Center; we knew of your kidnapping ordeal, and had a locator planted in one of your teeth. That’s why we found you so quickly. The original Manhattan had to return to prevent those deaths. We didn’t, so rather than spend the years going and coming, we stayed. I couldn’t tell you because you might have reacted differently and who knows how successful the mission would have been. I knew you would marry Brad from the beginning, but I told you different. Will you forgive me?”

  “I shouldn’t, but I will.”

  “You should know that our return trip will be a matter of hours rather than years, so that should relieve your mind on that score.”

  “You bet it does. I won’t worry about your trip home anymore.”

  “I’ve got another job I need to do for President Albee. Some of that will be pushing the limit of the Manhattan, but we will have quite an adventure. We are going back to the first century where we can observe and record the events surrounding the life of Jesus.”

  “Wow, are you really going to jeopardize the primary mission for that?”

  David laughed, “Not in the least. Our part in the mission is complete. You have the ball now and, we don’t expect any more problems. Oh, you will have difficulties, but nothing you can’t take care of on your own. History has already recorded your success. If we are lost in time, it doesn’t matter. It will solve another problem and that is the difficult dilemma concerning the disposition of the Manhattan. We have been talking about what if someone gained control of the Manhattan and used it for personal use.”

  “Well, you could destroy it!”

  “Yes, that’s an option, but it may be needed again. President Albee will have to make those kinds of decisions. We don’t know all the answers, but you can be assured that your mission was and will be successful. I’m proud of all you have done and all you will accomplish.”

  “Thanks, Dad.” She hugged him, “How will I know how successful your new mission will be?”

  “We will leave within a couple of days, but I plan on returning for your wedding. If I’m not here, you will know we were unsuccessful. Don’t worry; I’m confident we’ll be back. We plan on being back within a few days of leaving although the journey may take 15 to 20 years. What will you do in the meantime?”

  “I’ve got to meet with a couple of manufacturers while Brad is in Washington testifying before Congress. We are hoping he will be through in Washington so we can meet with the automakers on August thirteenth in Detroit, so we’ll be busy but my heart will be with you.”


  After Laura launched, David ordered Roger to move the Manhattan in orbit over Israel and begin the countdown setting their arrival time as close to the year one as they could calculate. It didn’t take long as the countdown had been practiced many times during the last few weeks when they had waited to rescue Laura. The ship vibrated slightly and began its spiraling journey back to the meridian of time where they hoped they could be witnesses to the greatest miracles of all time when Jesus walked the earth.

  Roger Dorn resisted David’s pleas to submit to the deep sleep process. “I have no life except aboard this ship. No family left at home and my wife and I have no desire to go back to the University. I have completed my dream and when or if the Manhattan is destroyed, there will be nothing left for us. Nothing else matters and I think it is vital for human control at all times. I am probably the only one aboard this ship that can do anything in the event something does go wrong en route. I don’t expect any problems, but you know Murphy’s Law. Besides, Warren will tell you that the aging process has been slowed dramatically in the sterile environment aboard this ship, particularly if I use the Drug treatment Warren has developed to retard the aging process. Don’t worry, I won’t be alone, my wife will remain with me.”

  David could not persuade him to change his mind and finally gave up. “All right Roger, I can’t force you and if it makes you feel better. Go ahead. You are now in command of the ship until our arrival. Your sacrifice is noted and appreciated.”

  Roger worked hard during the first couple of years tweaking the performance of the time machine. He was finally satisfied with the results which nearly doubled the speed in which the Manhattan hurtled through time. It was quite transparent and there were no adverse effects. In the close orbit above the earth, there was little chance of hitting space debris or space junk as occurred after the advent of orbital flights of the space age begun in the latter half of the twentieth century.

  After six years with less than one year to go, Roger revived Warren first to be in charge of the revival process and then David who after a short period of adjustment with recuperative therapy took over again in command of the Manhattan. He felt refreshed and renewed, fully recovered from his long years of stress and strain that were a part of heading up the Manhattan Project. They had a couple of months before their arrival which David and most of the crew members used to exercise rigorously to restore their muscles and body tone.

  His moments of relaxation were spent in reading the bible and all historical data available from that period. He read the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John several times, and most of the crew members participated in discussions concerning the events of the time. Much of the rest of his time was spent with memories of Marie, Brenda, and Laura. It was difficult for him to separate them in his mind. Laura looked almost identical to what Marie looked like those many years ago, and Brenda somehow blended in, particularly in personality and actions. Each one had a special place in his heart, and he hoped it would not be long before he could once again be with Brenda. Laura was and would be okay with Brad and her life in the twentieth century, but the more he thought about her, the more he missed Brenda. Throughout their mission, he had been preoccupied, but now his mind was free and he hoped that Brenda would relent and become his wife when he returned.


  They recorded most of the important events in the life of Jesus along with the role of Roman occupation forces which would definitely be of interest to historians specializing in
the Roman Empire. As they placed their greatest emphasis on the events of the holy week, David could not watch as the urgings to interfere were strong, especially as Jesus was hung on the cross. He would watch the videos later when he couldn’t do anything but watch.

  Following Pentecost, when they were ready to travel back to the twentieth century, the council met to discuss the trip. Roger pointed out that there would be no need for deep sleep as the earlier voyages had proven that traveling forward was relatively fast, a matter of hours rather than years. Roger avowed, “I have one request.”

  Roger waited for a response, so David added, “Go ahead, I’m listening.”

  “After we stop for Laura’s wedding, I think we should stop en route and save the lives of Marie and Commander White before returning to our time.”

  “No way!” David was abrupt and without hesitation. “That is not going to happen. I will forget you ever mentioned it, but I don’t want to hear any more about it.”

  Roger grinned sheepishly, “Okay David, have it your way. I had to try so I hope you won’t hold it against me.”

  “Don’t worry about that, I’ve forgotten already. Let’s get ready to go back.”

  The initial hearings requiring Brad’s presence were completed, with trial dates set for late October, but probably delayed longer. The Attorney General was unwilling to drop any charges for plea bargaining and both James Little and Clifford Burns were held without bond. EMI was shut down, and investigations continued on several illegal arms deals dating back to the Iran-Contra scandals and earlier. A new board of directors was appointed to operate ArkTex, until Dana was ready to accept her responsibilities.


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