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Torn (Lords of the City #1)

Page 34

by Alice Ward

  She thinks I’m a gold digger.

  “I won’t have to move back to my place because I don’t intend to move out of it. With all due respect, Mrs. Montez, I understand you’re protective of Ethan. But I have no intentions of taking advantage of him. I own my condo outright, and I have my own money. I don’t need Ethan to take care of me.”

  She studied me for a few long moments then spoke again. “My son is quite taken with you. And he was crushed when you turned him away. Ethan could have any woman he wants. I suggest you keep that in mind.”

  With that, she spun on her thousand dollar high heels and stormed toward the elevator.

  I resisted the urge to flip a middle finger to her back.


  Ethan was released from the hospital the next day around the time I was corralling my students into the cafeteria line. I checked in with him every time I had a free moment and stared at my clock, counting the seconds until we’d be together again. When the final bell rang for the day, I herded the kids out of the room, locking the classroom behind us. I’d almost made it to the parking lot when Ben’s voice echoed down the hall.

  “Emily? Can I talk to you for a second?”

  I took a deep breath before turning to face him. Students and teachers lingered in the hall, so I put a broad smile on my face and tried to sound casual.

  “What can I help you with?”

  Ben stepped up and took me by the elbow. “Privately,” he whispered.

  I shook free of his grip but followed him into the empty break room.

  “What is it, Ben?” I snapped, my voice much harsher once we were in private.

  He exhaled loudly and leaned against the door. “I owe you an apology. I owe you more than that.”

  Oh my God… is he crying?

  Ben looked up at me with bloodshot eyes. “I made a terrible mistake, Em. I never should have gotten involved with Becky. That was the most selfish, destructive thing I’ve ever done. I knew how you felt about me, and where we were headed. And I panicked. Is there any way you could find it in your heart to forgive me?”

  “I’ve already forgiven you, Ben. Is that it? I have somewhere to be.”

  I tried to move past him, but he wouldn’t budge from the door. He gripped me by the forearms and stared at me with desperation in his eyes.

  “You don’t understand. I miss you. I’ll do anything it takes to get you back. Just tell me what to do.”

  I shook free of him and took a few steps back, my heart racing with rage. I wanted to scream at him, to tell him he had a lot of nerve and suggest where he could stick his apology. But the last thing I wanted to do was start a long, drawn out argument. I crossed my arms over my chest and stared at him defiantly.

  “I said I forgive you. I also told you I have somewhere to be. Get out of my way, Ben. Or the moment I get out of this room, I’m going straight to Principal Matthews.”

  He glared back at me but took two steps to the side. I opened the door, but he grabbed my arm again as I stepped into the hallway.

  “You want what I can give you, Em. I know you do. We love each other. And we’ll be together again.”

  Keep dreaming, douchebag.

  I glanced to my right and saw Linda coming down the hallway. “Let go of me, Ben,” I said firmly.

  He let go and followed me into the hall, startled to see Linda.

  “Is everything okay, Emily?” she asked, making her disdain for him clear by her tone.

  “Everything’s fine. I’m on my way out, you?”

  She nodded but kept her eyes on Ben. “I’ll walk you to your car.”

  She linked her arm through mine and we set off for the double glass doors.

  “What was that about?” she whispered.

  “Just Ben being his usual asshole self,” I replied with a low growl. “Apparently, he’s realized that leaving me was a terrible mistake. He actually asked what he had to do to win me back.”

  “I hope you told him to fuck off.”

  I shook my head as we stepped into the warm sunshine. “I told him I accepted his apology. I didn’t dignify the rest of it with a response.”

  “Good for you,” she said, turning toward my Prius. She walked me to the driver’s door and shaded her eyes with one hand.

  “I’m glad you told him off. But the look on his face when I walked up… it was like he was possessed.”

  “Ben’s an ass. But he’s harmless,” I insisted. “I’m sure he’ll have a new conquest lined up sooner rather than later and forget all about me.”

  “If you’re sure… but I definitely don’t think you should be alone with him again.”

  “I’m not afraid of Ben,” I assured her. “But I don’t plan on spending anymore one-on-one time with him.”

  “Okay. Well, tell Ethan he’s in our thoughts and call me if you need anything.”

  “I will. Thanks, Linda.”

  I climbed behind the wheel of my car and left the parking lot without a second thought of Ben.


  I found Ethan stretched out on a lawn chair, sunning by the pool. He wore a pair of long, loose athletic shorts, a backwards Stallions hat, and his arm sling. Even with the bruises, his firm, muscular chest sent shivers of desire through me.

  “Hey, baby,” he greeted me with a grin. “How was work?”

  “Torturous.” I bent down and kissed him before settling down in the opposite chair. “All I could think about was getting here to you. How are you feeling?”

  “As the doctors warned, the pain is definitely worse on the third day.” His beautiful face twisted into a grimace. “It feels like someone ripped my arm off and then reattached it wrong. I still can’t really take a deep breath.”

  “When did you last have your pain meds? And aren’t you supposed to have a nurse?”

  “Mindy, the nurse, left about an hour ago. I promised to be good and not move until you got here. And I haven’t had a pain pill since I left the hospital. They make me sleepy.”

  “You’re healing. You’re supposed to sleep.”

  “And I will,” he agreed. “But I didn’t want to be zonked out when you got here. Looking forward to spending alone time with you is what got me through the last few days.”

  I couldn’t help but smile back at him. “I’m flattered. But I hate that you’re hurting. What if I get you a pill and we cuddle up for a nap together?”

  “Is this an example of the compromises you were talking about?” he teased.

  “Yes,” I agreed. “And also, I’m exhausted. I haven’t slept very well since Sunday… since long before then, actually.”

  Ethan gave me an understanding nod. “I haven’t gotten a good night’s sleep since the last time you stayed over,” he confessed. He slowly rose to his feet and took my hand, leading me back into the house.

  We made our way to Ethan’s bedroom, where his prescriptions were laid out on his nightstand. He took a single pain killer, then I helped him between the sheets and propped my pillows up beside him on the headboard. I nestled in beside him, longing to be in his arms but knowing he was too hurt to hold me. I settled for resting my head on Ethan’s shoulder and slipping my hand into his.

  “What are the chances your mom set up a spy cam to make sure I’m not overly exerting you?” I teased.

  Ethan let out an exaggerated groan. “God, I wouldn’t put that past her. Why? Do you feel like exerting me?” he teased back.

  I turned and kissed him lightly on the cheek. “Like you wouldn’t believe. But we’re not taking that chance. I’ll control myself until the doctor says it’s safe. I’m just happy we’re in each other’s arms again, Ethan. I can be patient with the rest.”

  He moved a hand to my chin and pulled my lips to his. I kissed him softly, constantly aware of his breaths. I’d joked about his overprotective mother, but the last thing I wanted to do was cause him any more pain. His chest rose and fell a little too roughly, and I pulled away.

  “I’m okay,” he assured me.
  I shook my head. “You’ve already told me it’s painful to take a deep breath,” I reminded him.

  He groaned and kissed my forehead. “But the rest of it feels so good.”

  I rolled my eyes. “We have plenty of time for that, Ethan. And believe me, it’ll feel a lot better when I’m not worried about one of your lungs collapsing.”

  Ethan took my hand and guided it to his stiff, throbbing cock. “We could go really slow,” he whispered, stroking himself with my hand. “And if it gets to be too much for me, we can always stop.”

  I wanted Ethan as much as he wanted me. But I was terrified of hurting him. I shook my head but didn’t pull my hand away.

  “We can’t, Ethan. We just have to wait a few weeks.”

  “We’ve already waited weeks,” he reminded me, arching his hips into my hand. “I’ve spent weeks fantasizing about being with you again. I need to be with you, to feel that connection. Please, don’t make me wait. We don’t even have to move. This isn’t about an orgasm, Em. This is about me and you, connected the way we belong.”

  Well, how the hell am I supposed to argue with that?

  “When you put it that way…” I closed my hand around his cock and planted a soft, quick kiss on his lips. “The moment I feel like this is too much for you, we’re stopping,” I warned.

  “Deal… the condoms are in the top drawer.”

  I studied his face for a moment. “I’m on the pill,” I finally confessed. “I’ve been on the pill since I was sixteen. Unless there’s something I need to know, the condoms can stay in the drawer.”

  Ethan’s eyes burned hot with desire and he shook his head. “If there was something you needed to know, you would already know.”

  He grabbed the hem of my blouse and pulled it over my head, tossing it to the floor. I stripped out of the rest of my clothes and pulled Ethan’s shorts down his legs before crawling onto his lap. I stared into his eyes and issued a final warning.

  “This is not going to get… athletic,” I reminded him.

  He nodded and leaned back against the headboard. I lowered myself onto his cock, my wet, aching pussy finally satisfied. Ethan filled me completely as I leaned back, careful to keep all of my weight away from his broken bones.

  Ethan let out a light moan, but his breaths remained shallow and easy. “This is just what I needed.”

  He shifted his weight, bending his knees behind me. I leaned back against his thighs and circled my hips ever so slightly. Ethan looked at me with an adoring, satisfied smile.

  “Do you have any idea how beautiful you are?”

  I felt myself blush and dropped my eyes to the bed. He took my chin in one hand and lifted my face again. He studied me for a moment, our hips completely still.

  “I mean it, Emily. You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever known, inside and out. And when we’re together, like this, I feel like I’m finally where I belong.”

  I nodded back at him and brushed a single happy tear from my eye. “I feel the same way.”

  I leaned forward and kissed him again, grinding into his cock.

  “Slow down,” he warned with a whisper.

  I immediately pulled away, ready to climb off of him. But Ethan put a warm hand on my shoulder and gently pushed me back against his legs.

  “Just slow… not stop,” he moaned. He circled his hips and then went still again.

  “Open your eyes, Em,” he pleaded.

  I opened my eyes and held his gaze as he moved with soft, gentle thrusts. He moved his hands to my neck, massaging my shoulders before tracing long, teasing strokes down my sides. He moved from my hips to my collarbones, then to my breasts, all the while rocking ever so slightly within me. He slipped one thumb into my mouth, and I swirled my tongue around it and bore down on his cock.

  He dropped his wet thumb to my clit and slowly stroked me. He teased my breasts with his other hand and the slow burn inside me grew to a raging fire. We were barely moving, but I’d never felt so alive.

  “Are you going to come for me, baby?” he asked as he felt me tighten.

  “Yes,” I gasped back at him. “Yes…”

  He pinched my nipple and increased the pressure of his thumb. He moved his hips with two sharp, quick thrusts and my body exploded with pleasure. I collapsed back against Ethan’s legs and his thumb moved faster, spurring me to a new level of ecstasy. I writhed against him and felt his cock tremble and then erupt inside me. I heard Ethan struggle for breath and immediately went into panic mode.

  “Oh my God,” I breathed out, crawling to his side. “Are you okay? Did I hurt you? I’m so sorry.”

  I took Ethan by the shoulder, gently lifting him off of the pillows. He let out a soft laugh and collapsed back against the headboard.

  “I’m fine, Emily. I’m better than fine. That was incredible.”

  “You sounded like you were having an asthma attack or something?”

  “I got a little carried away at the end,” he agreed, looking guilty. “But it was more than worth it.”

  “Do you need another pill?” I asked, desperate to do anything to make him feel better.

  He shook his head. “I just need a minute to catch my breath. Come here… just be careful and avoid my right side.”

  He wrapped his left arm around me and I laid my head on his shoulder. After a few minutes, his breaths evened and he cleared his throat.

  “That was a nice surprise about the birth control. Why didn’t you mention it last time?”

  “I don’t know. I guess I didn’t completely trust you then. I feel the exact same way you do, Ethan. But you have to admit, this is all sort of surreal. I didn’t know emotions like this existed. Especially so fast.”

  “It’s completely surreal,” he agreed with a nod. “But you trust it… do you trust me now?” The hesitation in his voice tore at my heart. I sat up again and looked into his eyes.

  “Yes, Ethan. I still don’t understand this, but I trust it. And I trust you with everything.”

  Our next kiss was interrupted by Ethan’s growling stomach. I let out a soft chuckle and pulled away from him, reaching for my clothes.

  “What sounds good for dinner?” I asked my patient.

  “Let’s order a pizza and eat it in bed,” he suggested.

  I dropped my blouse and crawled back between the sheets beside him. “That’s the second best idea you’ve had today.”


  “It’s so good to see you, sweetheart. You look fantastic,” Uncle Walt said, wrapping me in a bear hug. He released me and pulled out my chair before returning to his seat. The hostess set a menu down in front of me and filled my water glass before leaving the table.

  “It’s great to see you too. How pissed are you?” I asked with a cringe.

  “Why would I be pissed?” he replied with a shrug. “I can’t say anything. I kept my relationship with Claudia from you for months. Though I’d like to think if I were in your position, I’d have said something instead of letting you find out about it in the news.”

  Two weeks had passed since Ethan’s injury. The previous weekend, the two of us had finally ventured out of his house. We were photographed at several home interior stores around the city and news of our relationship spread like wildfire.

  “I should have called you. I’m so sorry. Everything happened so fast. I wasn’t sure how to explain something I didn’t understand myself.”

  “I understand,” he assured me. “Though I have to admit, seeing those pictures kind of stung. I hope you know you can talk to me about anything, Emily.”

  Love for my surrogate dad filled me. “I’ve always known that.”

  A tall, blonde waitress came up to our table and greeted us with a wide smile. She looked from my uncle to me, and then to the empty chair beside me.

  “Good evening. My name is Erica and I’ll be taking care of you tonight. Are we expecting anyone else?” she asked hopefully.

  She recognizes me from the news. She’s hoping Ethan’s jo
ining us.

  “No, it’s just the two of us,” I replied with an amused grin.

  Her shoulders sank a bit, but she kept the smile plastered across her face. “Wonderful. Can I start you off with a glass of wine or an appetizer?”

  I shook my head. “I’ll have the grilled snapper and a glass of iced tea.”

  “I’ll have the same,” Walt added.

  “I’ll have your drinks right out,” she promised.

  Erica rushed away from the table and Walt’s lips turned up in a teasing smile. “Pretty soon, I won’t be able to take you anywhere.”

  “It’s ridiculous. And it’s definitely going to take some getting used to.”

  “So when will I get to meet this new man of yours?”

  “Whenever you’d like. In fact, he asked me to invite you and Claudia to the Stallions’ game on Thanksgiving. They play in the morning, and we thought we’d host dinner at his place after.”

  “That’s sort of short notice, but I believe we can make it,” he agreed. “Will Ethan get to play?”

  I nodded. “If all goes as planned, it’ll be his first game back.”

  Erica reappeared with our teas. “Are you sure I can’t get you something while you wait on your entrees?”

  “No, thank you,” I told her again.

  She nodded and moved on to a nearby table.

  Uncle Walt took a long drink of his tea and then met my eyes with a curious stare. “So, tell me how this happened. The last time we talked about your personal life, you’d just left that bastard, Ben.”

  I took another sip of tea, thinking of how best to share the story. “Ethan and I met at a diner a few weeks after school started. We were both eating alone at the counter. I had no idea who he was, which he still finds incredibly amusing. He asked me out then, but I was still with Ben. The next Saturday, I tagged along when Melissa interviewed the team. That’s when I realized who he was. He asked for my number again, and I gave it to him. We were just friends until I realized what an ass Ben really was. We didn’t officially start dating until after he was hurt.”

  “From what I’ve heard, you’re not so much dating as shacking up with the guy,” he countered with a hint of disapproval.


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