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Zombie Apocalypse_Alaska

Page 2

by D G Leigh

  Susan pushed his hand off, the SEAL surprised by her strength. Sat up. “Tell the pilots that's a gargantuan.” Her intel came screeching through the squads open comms. “They can shoot.” Susan thought she was be taken somewhere safe. “Why are you flying towards them? Turn around, turn around.” Became hysterical.

  Commander Biehn motioned for medtec Ward to administer a sedative. “Calm down. It's going to be alright.”

  Susan smacked the quick released button, her safety harness fell away. Weaselly drove through grabbing hands to reached Ferguson's flight stick before the Commander could firmly get hold of her tiny ankle to yanked her back. Susan yawed the helicopter hard right unbalancing everybody.

  “What the hell is going on?” Fardip demanded as the frantic child was drawn backwards kicking and scratching. “I signed up to get away from this type of shit! I ain't no babysitter.”

  “I'm not baby!” Susan felt the sharp prick of a needle. The fight drain from her body. “Gargantuans, gargantuans, gargantuans.” Whispered into a faint echo then passed out.

  “Jesus! How much did you give her Ward?”

  “Normal standard measure.” The row of disposable syringes sealed with the correct adult dosage for immediate use no messing around.

  “She'll wake up next century!” Biehn surprised at Ward.

  Gazing out of the flight deck. “Those can't be what they look like?” Fardip uttered.

  Everybody looked.

  --- Five ---

  Chaplin made a better than good living, his house reflected that fact. Walled and gated. Five bedrooms with a triple garage. A good defensible location for sure, until the food runs out. He could live off the land indefinitely. Been hunting since he was five. Everything he needed to survive already stowed. The only thing left to do was leave.

  His latest bimbo girlfriend strutted out of the house. Corrina wore high heels and a mini shirt. A pair of curling tongs dangled loose in her hands the flex trailing.

  Short on patients Alyx leant against his 4x4 Bronco. Loaded rifle slung over his shoulder. Quicker to shoot her now and get it over with. “You're suppose to be packing for a camping trip not your high school reunion. Just essentials, babe.”

  Started arguing again. “Do you want me to look ugly?” Corrina nagged. Continued loading the truck with junk.

  “I don't.” Alyx breathed out for the longest time. “Where we're going there ain't going to be no one.”

  “Still want to be glamorous for you sweetie.” Blew him a kiss. Went back inside for more unnecessary items. Her tight clothing only allowed short baby strides. High heel shoes stabbed the porch decking.

  “Give me strength!” Alyx wondered how long he could suffer stuck in a log cabin with Corrina? Sure she's great in bed but lacked conversation and cooking skills. Took a gander into one of her packed cases. Removed a face powder ball, booted it sky high.

  “Chaplin? Alyx Chaplin?” Soldiers took up positions. Already silently picked his locked gate.

  “The constitution still stands doesn't it?” Alyx puffed himself out. “Get the hell off my property.” Still acting and thinking in yesterday's world. Skilled troops is exactly what you want surrounding you right now.

  Major Fontaine had the ability to read people immediately. A person's stock. Those that just talk the talk. He'd seen women selflessly dash out into flying live rounds to rescue children caught in a crossfire and soldiers next to them huddled up in the fetal position whimpering. Alyx was all mouth. “You need to come with us. We've a chopper standing-by.”

  Had he won the lottery? Why did they want him? Didn't want to be seen the total asshole he really was. “Ain't going anywhere without my Corrina.”

  Fontaine knew it was all horseshit. “You and I both know only got room for one!” His sympathetic smile false.

  In total shook Corrina dropped her designer bags at the sight of armed men on the lawn. “What's happening babe?”

  “The Army needs me.” Threw her the Bronco keys. “Take care of yourself – babe!”

  Corrina's first thoughts were was Short Cuts still open and had she got time for a trim?

  --- Six ---

  Leslie tested the service hatch, unlocked. Either overlooked or no one had time to secure the ceiling access door? Lifted just enough to peer inside. Made sure that there wasn't anything nasty lurking on the other side.

  Appeared clear. The only shaft of light illuminating the circular equatorial room below came from the open hatch. The pair climbed down to a three story raised gangway around the circumference. An elevator at one end to ground level.

  “This is posh! Never had a lift in my house before.” Leslie unlaced his boot dropped it to the floor. Landed with a thump that vibrated within the bowl chamber. Moments past, nothing came to investigate. “I guess it's clear?” Placed his shoeless foot on the first run of the mezzanine framework. Neither of them hand weapons. “Wait here.” Gave Jo a confident smile. “Lifts have always given me the willies!”

  “That's what scares you?” Jo lovingly touched Leslie's hand as he took point into the unknown. “Be careful.” Already too far down to kiss.

  “I need my boot!” Came his explanation.

  --- Seven ---

  Oahu's coastline an impenetrable perimeter wall of kilometre tall trees. The kid wasn't making it up. The island swallowed beneath an interlocking crown of branches. Mt.Ka'ala summit the last remaining part of Oahu above the vegetation's death mask. Its famous white FAA tracking dome visually confirmed that this was indeed the same landmass. The chopper made a reconnaissance sweep. If they couldn't wheels down on the USS Endeavour this would be their only option as fuel reserves bled dry.

  The installation looked secured, no Zak inside. Volcanic steep slopes kept the numbers of zombies able to reach the high fencing down to single file, not enough weight to bash through. Only at the road was there a conjugated mass as more traipsed up. A steady flow in no particular rush. Cars and several trucks parked sideways bastioned the station's main gate. Trampled under countless Zaks a few infected lay slain, shot before their numbers escalated. Not enough ammo to kill them all. Save the last bullet for yourself.

  Trapped survivors heard the Blackhawk circling. Rush out from hiding inside.

  “We've got people on the ground.” Fardip reported.

  Soldiers, workers and civilians fifteen in total start waving their arms. Fresh activity excited Zak. Up until that moment the dead ignored the flying thing and the noise it made. Somehow understood that it's out of their reach but now with the possibility that their feast on the other side of the barrier could be airlifted to safety agitated the horde. Shaking and rattling on the fence increased.

  Fardip banked away. “I'm making it worse.” Not part of their brief, this wasn't a search and rescue mission. Where could he take them? Hadn't enough room onboard any how. Hurt to leave them stranded. Blanked out their despairing faces.

  Biehn allowed Jennings to go weapons-free. Opened fire with the helicopter's mounted .50 caliber. Thinned out the migrating herd. Some blown to bits but their head's intact lumbered towards the outpost dragging their entrails.

  “That's all we can do. The fence will hold.” Biehn didn't know if the gargantuans had stopped growing. “Ferguson take over. Fardip call us in.”

  “Aye, sir.” Ferguson an elite pilot took the controls.

  Fardip forgot about his thoughts that it would've been more humane to have killed the mountain top survivors rather than the couple of insignificant Zaks? “Endeavour this is Bathtub do you copy over?” Broke radio silence. Was there anybody left alive to receive his transmission?

  Background chatter in the ship's communications room manic. The fact that there were voices on the line was a miracle. Chain of command still stood but with no direct solution how to combat their current situation. Moored in Pearl Harbour the fleet sealed all outer hatches, shut the diseased world out. The operator couldn't believe his ears. “Sorry Bathtub you caught me off guard. Didn't expect to hear from
you guys.”

  “Well son you'll be seeing us real soon because we're on final.” The only approach vector left possible straight in over the Pacific. Branches stretched across Pearl's entrance, closing the vice. Ferguson manoeuvred the Blackhawk enough to fly in-between the expanding growth. Day became night beneath the light depriving foliage. Buried somewhere inside the red forest labyrinth the US Navy's Nimitz Class flagship Endeavour.

  “Roy, is that you?” Captain James Hershel came over the comms. Switched to a private channel.

  “Love what you've done with the place while I've been away!”

  Adhesive web netting moulded and bound itself to vessels encrusted on the water's surface. Algae clawed and sucked its feelers up Endeavour's fortified hull. Once an elegant and majestic ship now reduced to nothing more than a caught insect. Spiralling tendrils dangerously hung from the canopy, many making contact with the ground far below. Ferguson skilfully weaved his way towards the carrier's deck. No different than dodging rockets launched from Iraqi rooftops.

  “We're been compromised. Zak has a foothold. Admiral Finch is dead.” Hershel had to shoot his own infected men, left others to horrible fates or risk losing the Endeavour completely. “Managed to secured the tower and the flight deck but we've got no access to our jet fighters.”

  “We'll think of something.”

  “Understood. Be advised the trees have the means to shoot toxic darts. Land a blade's whisker parallel with the tower. If any of your team get hit execute with extreme prejudice. You won't have a second, don't hesitate. They're no longer the person they once were.”

  --- Eight ---

  It wasn't a steamy jungle but it was away from the city. Elements of the outdoors. Fontaine more at home here than with four walls and a roof over his head. His unit's helicopter sat on the narrow shingle riverbank close to the dense forest. Nowhere else to set down, the loading jetty looked too rickety to risk. Pilot Stacy and the rest of the Major's squad, Paxton, McCormick and Miscavige secured a perimeter whilst their leader and Alyx ventured into the logging HQ.

  Without conversation Fontaine strolled about inspecting the abandoned structures and rusting lumber vehicles. Alyx followed, quick stepping to kept up with the Major's gait.

  “Looks like all my jacks headed home after I radioed in warning them to get back to their families.”

  “You're a saint!” Fontaine smelt the air. “Yeah, looks that way.”

  “Well this is it!” Alyx clapped and rubbed his hands. “If you don't mind I'll be on my way.” His hunting rifle and supplies stowed on the helicopter.

  “Not yet. We haven't located Dr.King.”

  “The deal was I'll take you to my operation then I'm free to disappear deep in the woods. Wait for the cavalry to clean up your zombie problem. You wanted Ross. He's around here some place. Good luck with that!” Alyx gingerly went to retrieve his gear.

  “That wasn't our agreement. We give you a ride and ahead start to play Grizzly Adams but we're not at your camp! You're not fooling anybody. It's too tidy for hard working forest men. It might've been up and running once but the ground between cabins hasn't been walked on for weeks. It's a waypoint. Sure there's a smell of gas and leaked oil on the soil where your labourers park their trucks but this certainly isn't where the work is carried out. Now I'm happy to fly back and collect Corrina for you to f**k because it sure as hell ain't gonna be me you play with boy.”

  “Okay, hold on. Are you really looking for Ross?” While the rest of the world was out trying to save itself Alyx more concern about losing his financial assets.

  “We're not interested in your illegal timber business if that's what troubling you so? We just need to talk with him.”

  Alyx laughed nervously. “Must be tough questions if it takes a bunch of soldiers?”

  “It's for protection.”

  Now truly worried. “You think.....Zak.... is coming?” Alyx used the terminology as coined by GIs.

  “Zak will be everywhere.” The Major words sent a cold shiver through Alyx.

  “I'm handy with a rifle. I can fight with you guys. Safety in numbers. More eyes and all that.”

  “We're not staying. Dr.King will be coming with us on the chopper.”

  “I thought you just wanted to talk with him?”

  “We do, back at base.”

  Base, that meant divisions of troops. Tanks and artillery. “Can I hitch a ride?” Alyx confessed. “It's true I've been chopping down protected woodland. I can make as much out of one tree as I can seven of the others. It's quicker and cheaper to process.” Tried to defend his actions.

  “I'm afraid there's only one spare seat on our helicopter and we used that to bring you.” Fontaine considered. “Tell you what. If you stop jerking me around right now and start cooperating I'll leave you a M4 and a few hundred rounds.”

  “The real site is another hour.” Alyx didn't hesitate. Pointed east. “No areas large enough to land. Y'all hiking from here on in.”

  Fontaine wasn't done with Alyx yet. “Then it shouldn't take too much of your valuable time to guide us.” Patted him on the back. “After you.”

  --- Nine ---

  The auditorium lights switched on. “This place is huge.” Joyously Leslie came bounding in. “Look what I found!” Clutching a mini fire axe. “Finders keepers. I got you a present too.” Held a loft a pool cue.

  “A girl expects flowers.” Jo descended in the elevator. Gazed longingly at Leslie's formidable hatchet.

  “Don't be upset. I'm sure we can find you one as well.” She perked up. “I've checked behind every door and under the carpet we're safe. They can't get in. There's a basement stairway but it's locked.”

  “I'd always imagined heading to the mall during a zombie apocalypse. Nice clothes, jewellery, soft beds and skateboards but here I am boarded-up in a ball solely built to look at stuff millions of miles away!”

  “Are you kidding?” Leslie smiled excitedly. Pointed skyward. “Apart from giving you the stars. There's a fully stocked kitchen. Dorms and a rec-room. This and the other institutes are all powered by generators. We're going to be alright. I don't think the trees can grow at this height. Zak can't survive the cold either. Tonight I'll walk over to the other buildings and see what there is. First I need to go back outside and test my theory.”

  “Don't go.” Jo cuddled Leslie, anchoring him to the spot.

  “I have to make sure they're dead, or at least stay dead in the true manner of the word.”

  “I didn't mean that. I meant go to the other observatories.”

  “There could be trapped people like us.”

  “That's what I'm afraid of.”

  “Don't be silly.” Eased her back. “They might need our help.”

  “There hasn't been a day in the last week that somebody hasn't tried to kill or eat me. I don't what to meet anybody new. I want us to stay here on our own. Does that make sense?”

  “There's a phone system linking all the telescopes. I've already called each one.”

  “And?” Didn't want to here his answer.

  “No one picked up.”

  Jo expression turn to one of delight. “Am I a bad person?” Tears began to roll down her cheek. “I don't feel guilty. Not at all. Relieved in fact that we're alone.”

  From the very first moment he met Jo the pair had been fleeing for their lives. Lost companions on the way. “If it's safe, really safe. We're obligated to inform others. I'm not just talking about this island. There's a radio room with lots of high-tech equipment. Somehow tell the world.”

  “Please!” She begged. “Go outside tomorrow. Let's be selfish just for tonight. Pretend everything is normal. Have dinner and wine. Laugh and make love.” Jo levelled with Leslie. “If I don't I think I'm really going to go out of my mind.”

  --- Ten ---

  Biehn and half his team apprehensively entered Endeavour's tower stairwell. No welcoming committee had greeted them on the landing. Ward and Ferguson remained with Susan onboard th
e Blackhawk until given the all clear.

  First level landing barricaded. “Hold it right there.” Lieutenant Dorkins in charge of armed bridge staff. Guns pointed. Everything on a battleship is bolted down and fixed. They'd done well to find stuff to block the stairs. Had the upper hand. The SEALs at a tactical disadvantage something that's a rarity. Walls already showed damaged taken recently from small arms fire.

  Both sides weapons drawn. “What horse shit is this?” A stand-off. “We're on the same team? Where's Capitan Hershel?”

  “Sorry Commander Biehn. I've got my orders.” Turn his pistol slightly away. Balls of steel required to aim your gun at a Navy SEAL. “Any of your squad been bit?”


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