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The Diamond of the Rockies [03] The Tender Vine

Page 40

by Kristen Heitzmann

  Papa DiGratia released his arms. He began gathering up his books, Gray’s Anatomy and other heavy tomes Quillan had no better use for than to work his muscles. He started for the door, then stopped, looked over his shoulder. “You don’t need to learn Italian. You already speak the language of Carina’s heart.”


  What jaunts the path of life does make, what least the heart foresees Beware oh careless traveler of life’s tempestuous seas, Lest path should turn and waves rise up, and you be blown upon life’s breeze.


  AT THE SOUND OF raucous male voices, Carina headed for Quillan’s porch. He had to be there, but she could not see him with all her brothers crowded in. Joseph was nearest her, and she tapped his arm. “What is it? What’s going on?”

  “Nothing to worry you.” He held his position.

  “Uno . . . due . . .”

  She tried to press past him and see what they were counting, but Tony’s back prevented her. She nudged his shoulder. “What are you doing?”

  Tony half turned. “Don’t push. There’s no room.”

  Angelo’s voice rose up. “You can’t do better than that? Carina could swing as well.” Laughter from them all.

  She could not hear Quillan’s answer over her brothers’ laughter. What were they up to? She pushed Tony again. “Let me in. What’s going on?”

  Tony spoke over his shoulder. “We’re just helping.”

  Helping? She rose to tiptoes and caught a glimpse of Vittorio waving Angelo back.

  “Give him a moment.” He held an arm up toward Lorenzo, as well.

  “Tired, eh?” Angelo swung playfully, and Quillan, sitting on a stool in the middle of the room, blocked it. Her brother swung again with his left arm and caught Quillan in the shoulder. Quillan grabbed his wrist and jerked his arm down, but Angelo twisted free, grinning. “Tre for you.”

  Carina frowned. There was a time Quillan could have taken Angelo to the floor with no effort at all. Lorenzo feinted toward him, and again Quillan blocked the blow. Two on one, it wasn’t fair.

  “Stop it.” Carina pushed between Tony and Joseph and into the space around Quillan, where Angelo and Lorenzo both danced in and out aiming slaps and pokes. “What do you think you’re doing?” She glared at Vittorio, who certainly should have known better after all the time he’d spent nursing Quillan.

  He gave her a level glance. “Don’t get your hackles up. We’re training his reflexes. Building his nerves back.”

  Angelo swung his palm and smacked Quillan’s right arm. Quillan’s eyes stormed, but he warned Carina off with a glance. She put her hands to her hips and glared at Vittorio. “How is this helping?”

  “He needs to use his arms.” Vittorio crossed his own over his chest.

  “He does use them. He lifts the pail.”

  “This is different. Instant motion forces the mind to talk to the arm, and the arm to respond.”

  Lorenzo moved swiftly and poked Quillan’s chest. He darted again, but Quillan smacked him away. At the same time, he blocked Angelo’s swing.

  Tony caught her arm. “Stop interfering. They’re not hurting him.”

  Angelo flicked the back of Quillan’s head, grunting when Quillan elbowed his chest hard. “Quattro. That was four.” But even as he spoke, he swung again. “Against my twenty.”

  Quillan caught Angelo’s shirt and pulled him close. “You keep score now; I’ll settle it later.”

  “Is that a threat?”

  Quillan cocked his head. “A reminder. Once my arms are back . . .”

  Lorenzo slapped from the left and caught Quillan above the elbow. Quillan twisted and landed a jab in Lorenzo’s belly. Lorenzo staggered into the bookcase and caught his breath with a gasp. Tony and Joseph cheered. “Cinque! Five hits.”

  “You see?” Angelo turned on her. “He doesn’t need you. Go stitch some lace.”

  Carina raised her chin. “I will not.” She pressed in toward Quillan’s side. “Go aw—” But before she could finish, Angelo bent and caught her up over his shoulder. She pounded his back, but her brothers parted for his exit far more easily than they had for her entrance.

  He deposited her in the hall, caught her jaw with his palm, and grinned. “Stay out of it, Carina.” Then he kissed her cheek and went back into the porch room.

  Fists at her sides, she started to force her way back in, though she knew they’d be more difficult yet.

  “Carina.” Tia Marta spoke from the end of the hall. “Come dye this thread with me.”

  Carina turned. “Do you know what they’re doing?”

  Her aunt nodded. “They’re welcoming your husband to the family.”

  “Welcoming!” Carina planted her hands on her hips.

  “You know how it is, Carina. Have you been away so long?” Marta clicked her tongue. “It is a passage. They would not bother if he didn’t matter. And it will help him heal.”

  “Not if he’s bruised all over again.”

  Tia Marta took her arm and led her away from the porch where a fresh wave of cheering rose up, no telling for whom. “They won’t hurt him. Your papa told them not to.”

  “Papa knows what they’re doing?”

  Tia Marta wrapped her in one plump arm. “Shall we make it red to embroider roses or blue for grapes?” Tia always dyed her own threads from quercitron bark, madder root, indigo, or a dozen other plant parts she had collected from different parts of the world.

  But Carina did not care at the moment. She stomped her foot and stalled. “What are they trying to prove? That they can overpower an injured man?”

  Marta caught her shoulders and stared into her face. “They’re not proving anything. They’re letting your Quillan prove himself.”

  Carina shook her head. “He doesn’t need to prove himself. He—”

  Tia Marta put fingers to Carina’s mouth. “You show your youth, Carina. Every man needs to prove himself. And you were not helping.”

  “Beh.” Carina flicked her fingers beneath her chin. “Quillan’s not like them.”

  Tia Marta laughed. “You’ll see. He’ll sleep peacefully tonight, and tomorrow things will be different.”


  “He will have the fight inside.” Tia Marta tapped her temple.

  “The fight?”

  “To get strong again and show your brothers.”

  Carina let her breath out in a huff, then realized it wasn’t far from what she’d heard Quillan say himself, warning Angelo not to push him too far. Was it possible they did him a service? He’d been discouraged since the cast came off his leg. He had yet to walk on it, and the weakened condition of his arms worried him, she knew.

  She glanced back in the direction of the porch. She could hardly hear them now, and she had to admit that their behavior hadn’t been malicious. Taunting and jeering wouldn’t hurt Quillan; he was stronger than that. And they were slapping and poking only. But how would Quillan take their affronts to his person? The storm had been there in his eyes, but it was frequently there. Maybe, as Tia Marta said, he would sleep tonight, knowing he had to get strong.

  She shook her head. She did not understand her brothers, nor even Quillan sometimes. Men were different, and maybe she should listen to a wiser woman than herself. But as soon as they were finished dying the woolen thread a deep indigo blue, she left Tia Marta and hurried back to Quillan. Hearing voices still, she stopped outside the door. She could only see Tony, seated on an overturned pail.

  “Did the horse get up again?”

  Quillan’s voice held emotion. “Died on the spot. Had to be cut loose and rolled over the side. I told that driver if he ever strained a beast on that pass again he’d be the one rolled over the side.”

  “Did you ever lose a horse yourself?”

  A pause. “A few. Two in a flood, and one to avalanche.”

  “Avalanche.” Tony spread his hands. “Snow?”

  Would Quillan talk about Jack? Carina leaned into the wall beside
the door.


  Tony shook his head. “That would be something to see.”

  “I don’t think Jack felt that way. He died beneath his twin. I was trapped and couldn’t get to them.”

  Carina turned her back to the wall, fingers resting on her lips. Tony was not just being civil. He and Quillan were really talking. She didn’t know where the others were, but for now they had finished their sport.

  “You were trapped by the avalanche?”

  “Buried in a mine. I would have burrowed out if it were only me, searched for my horses at once. But I had Carina and another to think of.”

  Carina sagged. Would he have burrowed into twenty feet of chunks and powder to save his team? He could not have made it but would have died trying. Thankfully he had her and Father Antoine to think of.

  “How did you get out?”

  “Built a tower. Father Charboneau down on all fours, I stood on his back, and Carina stood on my shoulders.”

  Tony laughed. “She has always been a tiger. Piccola tigre. She is small but tenacious.” Then he paused. “Wasn’t she afraid of the height?”

  Carina peeked around to see Tony leaning forward earnestly. “She has been afraid of heights ever since she fell from the roof.”

  “Doesn’t stop her,” Quillan said. “She crawled down a deadly slope to retrieve her things, even though the sight over the edge would send a grown man shaking.”

  “What things?” Tony spread his hands.

  “Things I’d toppled over the side with her wagon.”

  Tony sat silent, not comprehending. “You sent her wagon over the side of the pass? Like the horse?”

  “Biggest mistake of my life.” Carina could hear Quillan’s rogue smile. And that was enough eavesdropping.

  She stalked into the room. “He wanted the road cleared for his own mighty wagon, and my little broken one was in the way.”

  “Talk about hell to pay.” Quillan reached out and circled Carina’s waist, pulling her close.

  Tony laughed. “You don’t have to tell me. I grew up with her.” He rubbed his shin.

  Quillan laughed. “More than one man’s experienced that, but not I. Yet.”

  Carina sent him a blazing glare. “I wouldn’t dream of kicking my husband. Only my brothers.” She swung a playful kick Tony’s way.

  “And irksome reporters.” Quillan’s grin broadened.

  Now she wished she hadn’t walked in. But Quillan tugged her down to sit beside him on the couch, arm still around her waist. His strength seemed improved already. Even if the others had bullied, their intentions had been good. And Tony had stayed to talk with Quillan. Carina’s heart warmed. Surely he would see their efforts and want to stay.

  Tony crossed his wrists over one knee. “So how in the world did you break her?”

  Quillan’s arm tightened. “Oh, no trouble there. She prefers rogue pirates to natty scoundrels.”

  “He saved me from an unsavory cad.”

  “Tell me.”

  Sitting beside him, Carina learned more about Quillan’s dealings with Mr. Beck than she had known. She interjected some details Quillan had not heard, as well. Together, their story amazed Tony, whose admiration for Quillan was evident.

  “I knew you hadn’t married him to spite Flavio.”

  Carina thought back to those tumultuous days in Crystal, Berkley Beck’s advances, and Quillan’s insults. She could hardly believe herself that things had happened as they had. Quillan must have sensed her thoughts, for his hand on her side spread protectively.

  She settled against him, smiling at Tony. “So you see why all of you and Papa could not keep us apart.”

  “I saw that from the start.” Tony spread his hands. “But there was Flavio.”

  “That’s settled now.” Quillan’s voice was even.

  “A man of war and a man of peace.” Tony turned to her. “You’ve chosen well, baby sister.”

  That, she knew already.

  Quillan’s leg shook as he lowered the pail to the floor, this time controlling its descent. He grunted his relief of the burning in his thigh.

  Vittorio nodded. “Buono.” He slipped the pail handle off Quillan’s ankle. “Now stand.”

  With one hand on Vittorio’s shoulder, Quillan pulled himself up.

  The leg was holding better each time he tried, though not without support. So much damage took time. But he was determined. Just as his arms were gaining muscle and dexterity—he’d walloped the breath from Angelo that afternoon—so the leg would get strong again, as well.

  “And step.”

  Such a little thing, to lift and place the foot. Yet he had to focus like a baby toddling its first awkward steps. Carina came in, arms crossed over a packet held to her chest. Her eyes shone with encouragement. Quillan stepped.

  “All right.” Vittorio eased him back down on the couch. “More tomorrow.” “Naturally.”

  “Missing even one day would set you back.”

  Quillan had grown accustomed to Vittorio’s dry manner. Where Angelo was fiery and blusterous, Lorenzo smoldered, and Joseph jeered, Vittorio was quiet and reserved. Of them all, he preferred Tony’s quick laugh and earnest bearing. But in some ways he seemed to have earned their respect, even Vittorio, who like Papa DiGratia, showed little emotion beyond a warming of the eyes and occasional smile.

  Vittorio put on his vest and turned to his sister. “He’s all yours.”

  She turned with a warm smile. “I know.”

  Quillan’s heart jumped. As soon as Vittorio was past the threshold, Quillan held out his arms.

  She came to him, bent, and kissed his neck. “You stand so well now!”

  “You don’t do so bad yourself.” He pulled her down beside him. “What’s this?”

  She held out the thick envelope. “It came for you.”

  He took it and read: “ ‘Quillan Shepard, care of Angelo DiGratia.’ ” No return address, but it had been stamped in Denver. Did all the world know he was in the doctor’s care? He frowned.

  “Well, open it, Quillan! I’m dying of curiosity.”

  Quillan turned it over and studied it, musing. “I’d like to see it in private, if you don’t mind.”

  Her mouth dropped open in just the pout he’d expected. “In private? We have no secrets. I read you every one of my letters, even—”

  “Alex’s?” He chucked her chin, and she thumped him in the chest.

  “Yes, even Alex’s.”

  He clicked his tongue. “Well, I’m not sure your emotional nature can withstand this, my dear.”

  “Oh!” She swiped for the letter, but he jerked it out of her reach. She threw her hands into her lap. “You are a rogue to tease when you know I—”

  His mouth crooked up. “You what, Carina?”

  “Open the letter, or I’ll bring you no supper.”

  He raised his brows. “And what is Mamma making tonight?”

  “Whatever it is, you’ll wish you had it.” She jerked her chin pointedly. “Now open the letter.”

  Quillan looked down at it. He’d been joking when he suggested reading it privately. But it did unsettle him. Why no return address? Tucking Carina’s head to the side of his jaw, he tore the envelope open and pulled out the papers.

  The first was a copy of the train robbery article Pierce had written about him. Maybe it was another attempt by the unwavering rogue to get hold of his poems. But the second was another page from a Wyoming newspaper. That was something different. Quillan looked at the lead article.

  Robber cut down by clerk’s foresight. Quillan read on. Notorious bank and train robber Shane Dennison was shot dead Wednesday at the Fort Laramie bank. Quillan stared at the page. The Fort Laramie bank. He recalled the way his hands had trembled when Dennison had thrown him the bags and told him to run. Was the man insane to try that bank again? He pictured Shane’s cocky face. “No one gets the better of me, Quillan. You stick around long enough, you’ll see.” Had that one failure nigg
led inside until he had to tempt fate once more?

  Bank clerk Simon Blessing claims he saw the notorious outlaw in a poker game at the saloon. “I recognized the mole under his lip from the new posters.” Certain there could be trouble, he alerted bank owner Thaddeus Marsh. Law officers were ready when Dennison made his move on the bank.Dennison was shot trying to exit the window. Two partners were captured and await trial.

  Still leaving his men to take the fall. But this time, Shane hadn’t made his escape. He’d found a bullet instead. Quillan read on. “He looked just like his face on the posters,” Blessing said. “There was no doubt in my mind it was Dennison.”

  And it was Quillan’s sketch they’d used for the new posters. He’d drawn the mole that clerk recognized. Quillan stared at the page. Carina leaned close. “They got Shane Dennison?”

  “Shot him.” Quillan swallowed. It was a strange feeling to know he’d helped to bring the man down. Though he’d been willing to shoot during the robbery to protect those aboard the train, he felt only numb now. Dennison deserved the retribution of the law. But he had been the first friend Quillan had, even if he had been a false one.

  He looked back at the other papers in his lap. The next was a cashier’s check for two hundred dollars. He pushed it aside to read the letter beneath.

  My esteemed sir. Quillan had to grin. It would appear my earlier judgments were in error. Earlier judgments? Whose letter was this? He glanced to the bottom of the sheet and froze. William Wallace DeMornay III.

  Quillan’s breath escaped in a rush. William DeMornay?

  “What is it?” Carina took the letter and read, “ ‘My esteemed sir. It would appear my earlier judgments were in error. You must forgive my skepticism. Men of my position are often targets of unscrupulousness. As an officer of the Union Pacific Railroad, I am honored to present you this portion of the reward for the capture of the notorious Mr. Shane Dennison, the amount being one third divided between yourself, Mr.


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