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Tap Dance Kidnap

Page 5

by S M Mala

  He opened the door and watched her jump.

  ‘Forgot my taps,’ he said.

  She put her head down before walking past him out of the door.

  Something didn’t add up when it came to Sasha but he was going to keep a wide berth.

  Even he could spot an unhinged person from a mile off. He’d seen enough of them in rehab. It occurred to him that she might be a junkie based on her behaviour but decided not to waste his time wondering.

  He grabbed the shoes and put them into his rucksack before running back down the stairs.

  Justin was talking to Sasha then noticed his brother smile and look over at him.

  ‘How’s he doing?’ he asked Sasha and noticed she shrugged a response. ‘Are you still going to attend?’

  ‘Is he really your brother?’ he heard her grumble.

  ‘Certainly is.’

  She then walked out of the building.

  ‘She doesn’t say two words when we’re doing a lesson,’ said Kit, walking up to Justin. ‘But she talks to you.’

  ‘I don’t know what she’s doing in there.’

  ‘I know. She’s shit!’

  ‘She’s not shit!’ Justin frowned then shook his head.

  ‘You can see potential?’ laughed Kit. ‘She can pirouette, that’s about it.’

  ‘How do you know?’

  ‘Just saw her do it. Do you think she’s a junkie?’ he asked, stepping closer and looking up into his older brother’s large blue eyes.

  ‘A junkie? How funny!’ laughed Justin, watching some other women walk in for an adult ballet exercise class. Kit noticed some fit girls wait in reception. ‘Run along! You don’t want to miss coffee with the group. You know you can’t fornicate with your pupils, don’t you?’ Kit glanced at his brother as Justin grimaced. ‘You know what I mean. Keep it all strictly professional. I know Vanessa has her eye on you.’

  ‘Of course,’ Kit replied and rushed into the early winter breeze to join them for coffee.

  When he got to the coffee shop, they had congregated in their usual place. Everyone was in the same position except for Sasha, who was sat by the window doing something on her phone.

  He eyed her suspiciously and received the same look.

  ‘Got to go,’ she said, standing up quickly. ‘I’ve got an appointment.’

  ‘What with? Ballet Rambert?’ Glenda said, chuckling. ‘Where are you going?’

  ‘Out,’ she shrugged, looking down at her feet.

  ‘You can stay for a coffee, can’t you?’ Estella asked gently. ‘Why the rush?’

  ‘Appointment, like I said,’ Sasha replied, walking away.

  Just as she was about to open the door, Kit noticed she looked at him quickly before walking down the road.

  ‘I think she’s weird,’ he said, not realising it was loud enough for people to hear.

  ‘She’s not weird,’ sighed Estella, putting sugar into her drink. ‘She’s just not herself.’

  ‘What’s wrong with her?’

  ‘The girl has troubles,’ she whispered as the others looked at Estella. ‘It makes her lose focus.’

  Taking a sharp intake of breath, he tried not to frown but decided not to ask any more, especially when he noticed Ingrid smiling at him.

  His mission, as Captain had advised, was to focus on the target.

  Her beautiful green eyes sparkling in his direction.

  ‘So it’s Angela or Ingrid?’

  … asked Captain when they were sat at a table in a pub off the Goldhawk Road, early Saturday evening. ‘No one else?’

  ‘Everyone is over sixty and there’s Stuart. Alexander is an actress but she’s much older than she says. Bernadette is in her twenties and then there’s Sasha. She’s just a fruitcake to be honest,’ Kit replied, drinking his bottle of beer. ‘Both the women fit the bill but it doesn’t make sense. I can’t see what the issue is about their safety. I’ve met them for lunch a few times and they seem fine.’

  ‘Captain, don’t you think this puts Kit in an awkward position?’ asked Ryan, sipping a diet coke. ‘I mean if we’re going to keep one of them safe for a few weeks then surely their partners must know they’ve been meeting him. Won’t it make it difficult if this man suddenly gets wind and blows up?’

  ‘This is what we’ve been instructed to do,’ Captain replied, nodding and drinking his gin and tonic.

  Kit wasn’t quite sure but Captain looked a little different. Something about his face. He couldn’t figure it out. It looked paler than before and much smoother. It was like he’d had a close shave and you could hardly see his hair follicles.

  Again, he was caught by Ryan who faintly smiled.

  ‘And we have to make sure the target is not alarmed or upset. The last thing the client wants is to see her distressed. That’s why it’s really important she gets to know you Kit, trusts you.’

  ‘She’ll be kidnapped, of course she’s going to get upset!’ sighed Kit, grimacing. ‘Whether she trusts me after she finds out I was in on it, is another thing all together.’ The thought flashed through his head of getting slapped by Ingrid then Angela. ‘Do we tell her why we’re doing this?’

  ‘Not at all,’ said Captain, shaking his head slowly from side to side. ‘We tell her someone wants to make sure she’s safe for a short time and that’s all she needs to know.’

  ‘I’d think there was more to it, if I was her,’ said Ryan. ‘Surely we need to explain that this isn’t to harm her in any way.’

  ‘We just have to stick to what we’ve been told.’

  All three looked at each other. It was obvious that the other two weren’t convinced on what to say to the target.

  ‘What do you two do for a living?’ asked Kit, sitting back in his seat. ‘You know about me but I don’t know too much about you two, other than you’re ex marines.’

  ‘I’m a youth worker,’ replied Ryan, smiling brightly at him. ‘What else do you need to know?’

  ‘Are you married? With someone?’

  ‘That’s classified,’ he laughed and shook his head from side to side. ‘But in answer to your question, I split my time in between working and projects like this. Plus looking after my grandfather who is in his eighties. It’s just him and me, you see. My parents died and he brought me up.’

  ‘That’s shit, sorry,’ said Kit, feeling embarrassed as Ryan smiled. ‘He must be some man.’

  ‘He was some man but he’s got dementia so even if he remembers me once a month, it’s better than nothing.’

  ‘I have two grown up sons and am divorced,’ said Captain, sitting up straight. ‘They went into the armed forces and have married. I’m a grandfather.’ He didn’t look too happy about it. ‘I separated from their mother when we realised what we wanted was very different. We’re all on friendly terms, as well as you can be, when a marriage breaks down.’

  ‘I suppose you know all about me?’ he said, seeing them glance at each other, then towards him. ‘And you’re both doing this for the money to support your loved ones?’

  ‘And other things,’ Captain said, sipping his drink. ‘Are you happy with the amount?’

  ‘Amount of what?’


  ‘I didn’t open the envelope,’ he honestly replied. Ryan started to smile. ‘I put it in my wallet.’

  ‘Don’t you think you should know what you’re going to get for all this effort?’

  Kit pulled out his wallet and took out the small folded envelope then glanced at them.

  ‘Are we getting the same?’ he asked as Captain nodded.

  Tearing it open there was a piece of thick cartridge paper. Written on it was ‘150’.

  ‘A hundred and fifty notes!’ laughed out Kit. ‘That’s less than my lunch takings? Bloody Peter Tooley!’

  ‘Thousand,’ mumbled Ryan, leaning closer.


  ‘One hundred and fifty thousand for all of this,’ he repeated clearly. ‘Whoever she is, the client obviously has an interest in
the target’s welfare. Considering this isn’t totally illegal then there must be something they want to know about her that’s worth a lot of money.’

  ‘Jesus!’ Kit said, putting his hand to his forehead. ‘Whatever it is, it better be good!’

  ‘Toe, heel, toe, heel,’

  … said Kit, watching them stumble while trying to make them dance across the class lengthwise in line. ‘Keep in time.’

  He stood watching them stomp across the floor, some of them doing it well, others just making a clatter with their feet.

  ‘Listen to the beat of the music and your feet,’ he sighed and noticed Stuart just wanted to use his arms as Vanessa and Estella laughed. ‘You need to loosen your body.’

  ‘My body is stiff as a board,’ sighed Glenda, trying her hardest to keep in time with the others. ‘And when I’m dead it’ll get stiffer.’

  The words ‘stiffer’ instantly made him think about his inability to get stiff when it mattered. He pushed it out of his mind.

  His star pupils, Bernadette, Ingrid and Angela, were doing it correctly. Then he saw Sasha, still with her hood up but this time wearing a black top. Her hands were placed deeply in her pockets as she just dragged her feet.

  Remembering to stay calm and not look totally devastated by their performance, he smiled brightly.

  ‘You’re all doing really well!’ he said, forcing every ounce of enthusiasm.

  ‘You’re a liar,’ sighed Stuart, now just doing heel toe and forgetting about what he had been instructed to do. ‘But we’re having fun and that’s what it’s all about.’

  ‘You mean he’s laughing at our expense,’ smiled Estella who he noticed was watching Sasha. ‘Some more than others.’

  He let out a loud sigh when he watched Sasha stumbling around.

  After a few weeks he was convinced her medication was more narcotic than sedative.

  Angela quickly walked past him and he felt her breast brush against his arm.

  Kit immediately froze and so did his smile. She didn’t seem to notice. He was planning to meet her at a secret rendezvous after class.

  Then he noticed Sasha had seen what he did and narrowed her eyes before looking back down at her feet. She then walked out of the class and looked like she was going towards the toilet.

  ‘Oh, do you mind Kit?’ asked Vanessa. ‘I need to go to the ladies. All this jiggling about plays havoc with my bladder.’

  He nodded and focussed on the class, concentrating hard.

  Five minutes later, neither lady had returned from their break. He popped out to see where they went before going to the next stage of the lesson.

  Popping his head over the side, he noticed Sasha was holding a piece of cotton wool against her arm while Vanessa rummaged in her bag.

  ‘You didn’t have to stick me so hard,’ he heard Sasha mumble.

  ‘Stop being a baby and make sure you check everything,’ the older woman said. ‘It’s getting better, that’s all you need to know.’

  It suddenly occurred to him that Vanessa might be a dealer and Sasha her customer. He then shook that thought out of his head before shouting,

  ‘Are you two coming back in?’

  They both looked up, Sasha rolling down her sleeve and Vanessa smiling guiltily.

  ‘On our way!’ said Vanessa, walking up the stairs.

  Kit waited for them to walk past and watched Sasha bend her head down, avoiding eye contact as per usual.

  ‘You’ve been working hard on teaching us tap,’ began Bernadette, pushing her glasses up as they returned to class. ‘But when are you going to invite us to your bar for free drinks?’

  ‘I’m not loaded so I’ll have to charge,’ he replied, seeing her cheeky grin. ‘Who knows? I may have a Christmas party and you can all come.’

  ‘Really?’ said Alexandra, who looked happy for the first time in a week. ‘I’m in need of cheering up.’

  Her short run on tour had ended badly. She managed to push another cast member off the stage when in mid performance. Unfortunately, they ended her contract early.

  ‘It might be a good place to have our Christmas get together,’ said Glenda, now furiously flexing her ankles to make an out of time clatter with her taps. ‘Do you do good food?’

  ‘Listen, darling,’ said Estella, shaking her head. ‘As long as they serve a good French sauvignon blanc, not that New Zealand stuff, then we’ll all be happy.’

  ‘And snowballs! I love a good snowball,’ said Vanessa, trying to friskily grab hold of Stuart who immediately pushed her off. ‘I remember when all you ate was sausage and mash before you became all lardy dah, dear sister of mine!’

  ‘I married well,’ grinned Glenda, sticking her nose up in the air.

  ‘All three times?’ Estella cheekily asked.

  ‘Every single one!’ the woman laughed out then discreetly looked at Sasha. ‘Some nicer than the others.’

  For the first time Sasha half smiled back at the lady.

  She was actually very pretty, when she wasn’t scowling. Then he noticed Ingrid discreetly grin at him.

  ‘For the last five minutes, just do what your feet wants to,’ he sighed, trying not to smile back at the auburn haired beauty.

  Just as he was about to turn around he saw Sasha looking at him, shaking her head from side to side when she glanced at the younger women. He instinctively looked away. When he glanced back up, he noticed her back as she walked out of the class without saying a word.

  ‘What is it with her?’ he grumbled as Stuart glanced over his shoulder. ‘Has she got some sort of mental problem?’

  ‘You could say that,’ the older man sighed. ‘It’s not her fault, you know. This is some sort of therapy for her, dance. I don’t think it’s helping.’

  ‘Are you talking about Sasha?’ asked Vanessa, stomping slowly towards them, banging her loose taps hard against the floor. ‘She does enjoy it. This is the first time I’ve seen her join in.’

  ‘Join in?’ Kit repeated, knowing she’d not made much of an effort.

  ‘Usually she just stands in the corner and shuffles from one foot to another. In the past few weeks, she’s been part of the group. That means she must like you.’

  He wasn’t convinced when he noticed Estella frowning at all three of them.

  ‘Talk about something else, not her!’ she said sharply. ‘She’d hate the fact you were gossiping, you know that, don’t you?’

  ‘It’s because we care,’ replied Vanessa, her smile fading. ‘And we want her to get better.’

  ‘What’s wrong with her?’ Kit asked, noticing the older women glance at each other.

  ‘She’s got a screw loose,’ Stuart replied quietly.

  ‘That’s not true!’ snapped Glenda. ‘The poor child has to find her feet.’

  ‘With her tap dancing, I doubt it,’ whispered Kit under his breath, the comment caught by Estella.

  ‘The past few years she’s had a tough time,’ Estella said, momentarily looking upset. ‘And she will find a way forward, it’s just she’s not willing to try just yet.’

  ‘But why come here when she just stands around and looks at everyone else?’ asked Kit, shaking his head. ‘Look, it doesn’t matter. If she likes it then that’s good.’

  ‘Sasha comes here because she knows we care about her,’ Vanessa said, looking straight at Kit. Again he thought she might be feeding the younger woman drugs. ‘Sometimes it’s good to know that people love you, even when you think they don’t.’

  ‘This isn’t an affair,’

  … Ingrid suddenly said, looking agitated as her salad turned up. ‘I told him we were friends but he gets so tetchy.’

  ‘We are friends,’ he said, feeling a sweat build up on his brow. ‘Is your fiancé a jealous sort of man?’

  For the first time, Kit realised he might be beaten to a pulp if the other men found out about him trying to pump their women for information.

  ‘But I really like you,’ she sighed, flicking her hair and looking flirta
tiously at him. ‘It’s good to have a male friend.’

  ‘And I am both that, male and a friend,’ replied Kit, wanting to reinforce it.

  He was starting to feel a little scared.

  They were sat in a café bar on King Street, where there were a string of other restaurants. His plan for Ingrid was to find out more about the man in her life.

  ‘I hope he’s doesn’t box,’ he laughed nervously, putting ketchup on the side of his plate before picking up his burger. ‘I’d have no chance in hell.’

  ‘You look fit enough to match him,’ she laughed, admiring his upper torso. ‘And he’s a banker. Works long hours and likes to party when he’s off duty.’

  ‘And you met him when you were his PA?’

  ‘I went to work at his firm as the promotion work dried up. Happens when you’re not a fresh faced twenty something. I realised I had to brush up on my Executive Assistant skills.’

  ‘But you’re happy with him?’ he asked slyly, taking a bite of the bun.

  ‘We’re getting married, what more can I say?’ Ingrid put a sliver of salad in her mouth. ‘But that doesn’t mean I can’t have fun.’


  ‘Before I tie the knot.’

  Kit let out a small laugh then noticed something across the road.

  Sasha was walking into a Vietnamese café on her own.

  ‘And that’s if you’re up for it?’ he heard Ingrid say and realised she was leaning closer.

  ‘Pardon?’ Kit shook himself out from staring. ‘Sorry, I thought I recognised someone.’

  ‘Me and you? Having some fun?’ Ingrid stroked his hand.

  ‘Sure,’ he nodded, deep down hoping it wouldn’t happen.

  Lunch was pleasant as was Ingrid.

  He wasn’t completely bowled over by her personality.

  Looks, most definitely.

  She wasn’t boring but they didn’t have much in common and he found her a little shallow.

  After bidding her farewell, she had a facial booked, he sat in the café and sipped coffee.

  He saw Sasha come out still shrouded in her hood. She walked all the way down the road, went into a coffee shop, walk out again with a coffee cup and emptied half the contents into the gutter. Slowly, she sipped her drink.


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