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Tap Dance Kidnap

Page 25

by S M Mala

  ‘I don’t want to talk about it. All I care about, right now, is that Grace is safe and well and so are my family. He said Sasha’s unstable.’

  ‘Do you think so? Well, she might have been to fall for you and your tap dancing skills,’ he laughed, leaning back into the sofa. ‘I like Sasha. She gave us all the time of day when we should have been doing our best to protect her. Now no-one knows where she is and it’s pretty intriguing how she’s managing to keep a low profile.’

  ‘Someone’s helping her.’

  ‘But who?’

  Kit sat down, sipping his whiskey, knowing he had to go back down to the bar.

  ‘Listen to me,’ Captain said, using his soft Gillian voice which still sounded a little gruff. ‘Cameron is trying to scare you. There’s a lot of money to find her and we don’t know who’s putting up the fund.’

  ‘Would you turn on her for the cash?’ Kit asked sharply, now not trusting anyone.

  ‘Never in a million years,’ smiled Captain. ‘Would you?’

  ‘That’s a stupid thing to ask.’ There was a very uncomfortable feeling in Kit’s chest. ‘And if he lays a hand on Grace, I’ll kill him!’

  ‘Keep a level head and act normal. You’ve returned to your life and no-one is the wiser you were involved, are they?’

  ‘What have you been up to?’

  … Justin asked before the Friday lesson.

  ‘Not this again,’ huffed Kit, tidying up the room which had been full of three year old kids doing ballet half an hour beforehand. There was pink glitter dust all over the floor. ‘I have to sweep up.’

  ‘Leave it. The old dears will love it. Look at me.’ Kit took a deep breath and made eye contact with his brother. ‘Something’s going on.’

  ‘Everything is fine. The classes are going well.’

  ‘That’s not what mum says.’

  ‘Why can’t you ban her from coming?’

  ‘She’s our mother, I have no choice.’ Justin’s bright smile beaming at him. He then walked to the front, near the mirror, pirouetting constantly. ‘You see, I know when you’re up to something and you certainly haven’t been acting normally. I hear that Alexandra is going out with this Captain Gillian, the same person mum thought you were dating, so that’s interesting. And who is this man stroke woman to you? In all the years, I’ve never heard of him.’

  ‘Someone I met in the bar,’ he mumbled, trying to sweep around his brother who was just kicking the glitter all over the floor. ‘He came to my Christmas party and they hit it off.’

  ‘And did you hear that Sasha Wilton has gone missing?’

  Justin stopped abruptly in front of Kit.


  ‘And Cameron coming in to ask about her. That was a little odd, don’t you think?’

  ‘That was ages ago,’ shrugged Kit, sweeping faster. ‘This stuff is going to stick to the floor.’

  ‘I know you,’ he said quietly, stepping closer and standing on the broom head. ‘And I know you like Sasha.’

  ‘I don’t-.’

  ‘Yes you do. I saw the way you looked at her in the lessons. I can see you from the door and-.’

  ‘You were spying on me?’

  ‘I was checking if you were giving good lessons and, another thing. She disappeared and you just happen to be working here, mixing with people I’ve never heard of before. It seems a little odd.’

  ‘Move your foot, please,’ Kit said, trying to release the broom from his brother’s shoe.

  ‘And you were so happy for the weeks she was, allegedly, away for a fortnight and Gracie told me you said you’d met someone.’

  ‘What?’ Kit threw down the broom and glared at Justin. ‘Can’t anyone keep their mouth shut?’

  Justin picked up the broom and starting sweeping the glitter into one pile before grabbing the dustpan and brush. There was an uncomfortable silence as Kit didn’t want to lie to him but knew he couldn’t say anything either.

  That would compromise him and his family.

  ‘I like her,’ Kit replied, looking out into the bright March sunshine. ‘We got on. She didn’t say much at first and then I couldn’t stop her from talking.’ He let out a little laugh. ‘Hard feet.’


  ‘She said something about hard feet,’ he said, realising he said it out loudly. ‘Sasha’s funny like that.’

  ‘Oh my god!’ Justin said, dropping the dustpan and brush. ‘You’re in love with Sasha Wilton.’

  ‘No I’m not,’ he said defensively, walking immediately out of the studio and down the stairs.

  ‘Kit! Don’t you lie to me!’ Justin shouted, following him down. ‘I know you. I know that look.’

  ‘Will you just leave it!’ he hissed, seeing some of the young children turning up for a class.

  ‘This is for you,’ Aloyna said, handing Kit an envelope.

  ‘Thanks,’ he said, pushing it into the back of his jeans.

  ‘They said it was urgent,’ his sister in law continued, signing in a few people.

  ‘Who said?’

  ‘It was given to one of the mother’s coming in,’ she said, pursing her lips.

  Kit noticed Justin was glaring him with a smirk. He knew him well enough to know that he wasn’t going to let it drop. Taking the first opportunity he could, he went to the back door, open for the older ladies to come via the car park to class.

  Tearing open the envelope he recognised the compliment slip from Jeremy Wilton’s office and there was a key card.

  ‘2pm at the St Pancras Hotel today. Same room.’

  Kit realised he was getting called in for a grilling from Jeremy Wilton and probably about the meeting with Cameron. He knew Captain would have said something.

  ‘Shit,’ he grumbled. ‘This is all I need.’


  … he said, knocking on the door before opening it. ‘Is anyone there?’

  Walking in, he could hear the sound of a running tap coming from the bathroom.

  Kit had got there early, worried that Jeremy Wilton would be giving him the once over about Cameron.

  He’d been dreading it and even arranged for his mother to pick up Grace from school, realising he might be there longer than anticipated.

  And Justin was still giving him a hard time before he left, asking about Sasha again and again. The idea of even getting roughed up by Wilton’s men was more appealing than being cross examined by his brother.

  The bathroom door opened and he turned.

  ‘Kit!’ Sasha screamed, running up to him. ‘Oh my god, it’s you!’ He was speechless as she jumped into his arms, kissing his face. ‘I missed you so much!’

  Just before he got the chance to get his breath back from the shock of seeing her, Sasha covered his mouth with her lips, her tongue touching his.

  He was completely lost, kissing her back frantically.

  Quickly putting her down, he looked at her.

  She was radiant and smiling.

  It’s then he realised he was doing the same thing, all the time his heart thumped hard.

  ‘What are you doing here?’ he asked, grabbing her tightly, touching her soft cheeks. ‘You know people are looking for you.’

  ‘I didn’t think I’d see you again for ages.’ Then she burst into tears. ‘Kit, you don’t know how much I wanted to see you.’

  ‘How long are you here for?’

  ‘I have to catch a train at six.’ Sasha grabbed his face with her hands. ‘You look so beautiful. When did you get so gorgeous? And your head. Did they hurt you? Kit, I was so worried.’

  ‘Who took you?’

  ‘Some mental cases,’ she laughed, wiping her tears away. ‘They thought Cameron had rumbled where I was when he called in on you, so they wanted to keep us both safe.’

  The mention of his name made Kit frown but looking into her eyes, the memory soon faded.

  ‘Oh god Sasha,’ he said, absorbing her words of love. ‘You don’t know how much I’ve missed you.’
r />   ‘I want to love you. That’s all I’ve been thinking about. Let me do that.’

  Grabbing his hand, she led him to the bed.

  He was trying to take it all in. The beautiful woman with a bright smile who had remnants of tears running down her face.

  It was like a dream he didn’t want to ever end.

  But in his hearts of hearts, he knew it would.

  The warning of Cameron ringing in his ears.

  Sasha was removing his clothes, all the time covering his face in kisses. He wanted to taste her mouth, her skin, feel the body he craved for.

  ‘Now I hope you’ve not been waving your magic wand at women,’ she whispered, starting to laugh. ‘But if you have, I understand.’

  ‘To be honest, I’ve not been interested.’

  ‘I tired you out that much?’

  ‘I just want you.’

  It was the only admission he was willing to give. Sasha stopped and looked straight into his eyes.

  ‘I remember the last time we spoke, you didn’t want to hear my declaration. Nothing’s changed, so you know. I love you more now than then.’

  He closed his eyes and gulped, shaking his head from side to side, not knowing what to say.

  ‘No talking, just loving,’ he replied and removed all her clothes, laying her down on the bed.

  They stared at each other.

  She looked different but he couldn’t figure out in what way.

  The whole package was irresistible and he wanted it more than anything he could ever remember.

  Taking his hand, she placed it on her breast.

  ‘Can you feel my heart? That belongs to you. You’ve kept me going over these past weeks. All I focussed on was seeing you again. I’m so happy.’

  Kit stroked the soft mound of flesh, placing his mouth on her nipple, sucking gently. His head travelled to her mouth and the kiss was passionate. Her arms wrapped around his back, gently stroking the skin.

  Knowing it was going to be fast, he turned her on her back as she spread her legs. His hand massaged between her thighs, the soft mound getting wet by the second. He’d have licked her to an orgasm but he wanted to feel her, watch her come to his touch.

  With deft precision, he knew how to turn her own, a clockwork motion, slowly building up until he rubbed her up and down, at a faster pace. Watching her look at him, he went faster, pushing his tongue into her mouth, feeling the nub harden. The skin around it was getting thicker. He slipped his finger inside, making her jolt before getting the juices and rubbing her again, using two fingers to make it intense and quicken the reaction.

  ‘Oh,’ she said, her voice getting higher. ‘Oh Kit!’

  Then she buckled under his touch, her thighs taut and all the time her eyes were locked with his.

  Unable to slow down the motion, he pushed inside her wet, tight hole, feeling the intensity of heat. He closed his eyes and moved to a rhythm they both liked but he couldn’t control himself and neither could she.

  They furiously pumped their hips together, Sasha scratching the skin on his back. He sucked and squeezed her breasts harder, wanting to taste her skin, getting turned on by turning her on.

  ‘Oh god, yes, I love you!’ she said into his ear. ‘I love you Kit.’

  He closed his eyes and felt his balls tighten, the orgasm pummelling through his loins until he came, his body shaking, his cock deep in the only place he wanted it to be.

  Inside Sasha.

  ‘You look happy, that’s it,’

  … he said, stroking her face. ‘Why?’

  ‘I’m in bed with you and you’re seriously asking me that question?’ Sasha laughed, stroking his chest. ‘When I’m with you, I’m always happy. That’s mainly down to your tap dancing which amuses me.’ She rested her head on his tummy, looking up at him. ‘And you look thinner.’

  ‘Are you going to tell me what’s going on?’ Kit asked gently. ‘I need to know you’re okay.’

  She stared at him, looking as if she was trying to find the words to explain. Then she closed her eyes and all her happiness drained. It was when tear drops fell from the sides of her lids he realised all wasn’t well.

  ‘I found something out, like I said, and it really upset me,’ she whispered, opening her eyes, the tears spilling out. ‘The information affects people very close to me and I have to know the truth, once and for all. Everyone is pushing me because it’s filtering through to certain people who are getting paranoid that I might point the finger at them.’

  ‘I hate your riddles.’

  ‘If I tell you then you get involved and I have to protect you. Protect the people I love the most because that’s more important to me than anything else.’

  ‘I take it Cameron doesn’t know where you are?’

  ‘Cameron’s telling people I’m not stable.’

  ‘You think he’s got something to do with this secret of yours,’ he said, stroking her tears away.

  ‘I’m not sure who I can trust and who I can’t. All I know is that I trust you with all my heart.’

  ‘This is no way to live your life.’ He felt the need to guard Sasha from people trying to cause her harm. ‘You need a home and a steady base.’

  ‘Could I have that with you?’ she asked and he was stunned by the question. ‘One day?’

  Kit looked into her big brown eyes and didn’t know what to say.

  With Sasha it was for the moment, the day or maybe the next day. He wasn’t quite sure if there was a future because of the threat from Cameron.

  And relationships had never been his strength.

  Then he felt her lips on his, the kiss was tender. She pulled him on top of her, holding him tightly. It felt like she was absorbing him all in.

  ‘I want you,’ she whispered. ‘Make love to me?’

  Closing his eyes, he delved into her soft mouth, kissing her tenderly back, all the time stroking her skin, getting turned on.

  Squeezing her breasts, he moved his mouth to suck on them. They were a little larger than he remembered but still as captivating.

  ‘That’s lovely,’ she gasped, her fingers going through his hair. ‘I love it when you touch me.’

  Feeling her thighs part, her legs were wrapped around his back. Grabbing his dick, he pushed it into her, hearing the moan. Sasha’s hips were thrusting hard, making him shake with the shock of him delving in so quickly.

  Then she took his face in his hands, staring straight into his eyes. They moved very slowly, eyes and mouths locked together. Her fingers traced his back and massaged his backside before returning to his shoulders.

  ‘I want all of you,’ she said and raised her thighs higher. ‘Push in as far as you can.’

  Stroking her thighs, he raised her legs so her hips lifted up. Then he screwed her hard and deep, watching her smile at him until he came very quickly.

  ‘I love you so much,’ she gasped, grabbing his neck and kissing him.

  It lasted for ages until his hard on had gone and it slipped out.

  He knew she wanted him to tell her the same thing.

  But he was still holding back.

  ‘Let’s take a shower,’ he sighed, sitting up on his elbows. ‘I’ve built up a sweat and then we can order some food.’

  ‘I have to leave in a few hours.’ Sasha was still looking at him. ‘It’s okay Kit, I know you can’t promise me anything. I understand. I’m not your regular sort of girlfriend.’

  ‘Girlfriend?’ A smile broke across his face. ‘You’re the woman that fixed my broken dick, you’re more than that.’

  ‘A magician?’ she wearily smiled.

  ‘You don’t know how much you’ve helped me. I thought I’d never be able to make love to a woman again.’

  ‘I’d prefer it if you didn’t make love to any other woman than me but that’s probably unlikely.’

  Kit knew he had no intention of looking at anyone again, not while Sasha was around. Then a thought crossed his mind and his skin turned cold.

one’s going to hurt you, are they? Sasha you are safe, aren’t you?’

  ‘It’s my mind they want, not my body,’ she grinned. ‘That’s just for you.’

  They stood in the shower, soaping each other down and laughing. He managed to locate the radio in the plush suite and music was echoing in the shower unit.

  ‘Shame we couldn’t take a bath,’ she sighed, looking at the large tub on legs. ‘Maybe another time.’

  ‘When are you coming back?’

  Kit moved his hands over her body, feeling the curve of her breast, the weight in his hand. He looked down and his dick was certainly up for another session of love making.

  ‘I don’t know to be honest. If I get the truth then sooner than I think and …’ she hesitated. ‘I’m unravelling it.’

  ‘Please,’ he said, holding her face in her hands. ‘Can’t you tell me some of it? You said you can trust me but you don’t say what it is that’s making you live like this.’

  ‘My children might have been murdered because of who my mother is,’ she said, blinking back the water splashing into her face. ‘And it’s that’s the case, the intention was to kill everyone in that car, including me.’

  Stepping back, he wobbled and almost fell to the side but Sasha had put out her hand to stop him.

  The shock of hearing that someone intended to murder her but managed to succeed with her kids was over whelming. He leaned against the cold tiles and looked at her, shaking his head.

  ‘You’re not to say a thing. Already I’ve told you too much. I have to protect you and me. Lots of things have changed since you kidnapped me, too many to tell you,’ she said, her tone sharper than he’d heard it before. ‘You promise me? The thing with secrets, they’re best kept like that if you don’t tell anyone.’

  Turning to press his back against the tiles, he looked up at the shower head then back at her.

  ‘That’s why I’ve not been in touch,’ she continued. ‘Some people are trying to trace me to see if I’m fingering them for the blame. Thing is, until I’m sure, everyone I know is guilty, in some way or another.’

  ‘And when you find out the truth, what do you do then?’ he asked, taking a deep breath and stepping closer, wrapping his arms around her shoulders.


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