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Tap Dance Kidnap

Page 28

by S M Mala

  ‘Don’t be-.’

  ‘Do you know the money they’re asking for regarding her whereabouts? She’s avoiding everyone and even I was asked to track her down by another party. I refused.’


  ‘It’s not my job to break confidences. If Cameron has threatened you then take heed he knows something was going on between you and her. You need to steer clear of the cross fire.’

  ‘But what about Sasha? She might end up getting hurt. You know it’s about the death of her kids?’

  Slowly, Captain handed the fine china to Kit, nodding his head up and down.

  ‘I heard. When things like that happen, without any heads up on who did it and why, people become suspicious of each other,’ he eventually replied. ‘What a horrible situation to be in, thinking someone was intent on murdering you and your family. The thing is, I believe she might be wrong on that account. Jeremy said Sasha and the kids going in the car was an afterthought. It was supposed to be just Henry and Paul Wilton.’

  Kit reached over and dropped two sugar lumps into his cup, watching them dissolve on his spoon.

  ‘Estella Kerr is her mother. The female god mother, so to speak,’ Kit eventually said and noticed the surprise on Captain’s face. ‘I only found out because Cameron came bursting in to see if she knew about Sasha.

  ‘Oh god, haven’t you heard of her?’

  ‘Why should I?’

  ‘You don’t mess with Ms Kerr. She’s a formidable woman.’

  ‘Didn’t seem so when she was upset about her run in with Cameron.’

  ‘I have kids and you have a daughter. Can you understand how she’d react knowing someone killed her grandchildren? I’m surprised things haven’t kicked off.’

  ‘If she’s all so powerful, how come she doesn’t know where her daughter is?’

  ‘Maybe Sasha is either running away from or protecting her? Don’t get more involved than you already are,’ Captain said quietly. ‘If you’re meant to be together then you will be but it’s going to take a long time.’

  ‘I can’t wait that long,’ he said, looking down at his tea. ‘I’ve wasted enough time trying to find someone and now that I have, I can’t and won’t lose another second.’

  ‘You’re going to put yourself and your family at risk if you pursue it.’

  ‘My heart’s telling me right now, I have no choice.’

  ‘Are you sure about locking up?’

  … Sean asked, putting the last of the empty glasses in the dish washer. ‘I can stick around if you like. Are you okay? You seem in better spirits than a few weeks back.’

  ‘I feel good,’ he honestly replied. ‘Had too many things on my mind.’

  ‘But there aren’t any problems I need to know about? It’s great we changed a few things in here. Business is good.’

  ‘And you got a pay rise for helping me out at the beginning of the year, so all is good,’ Kit replied. ‘Go home and enjoy the family.’

  ‘You sure?’

  ‘Perfectly sure.’

  He watched Sean grab his jacket and walk out, waving as he left.

  Kit turned to clean the remaining tables and checked the toilets so it wouldn’t be a shock for the cleaner the following morning. He heard the door shut and wondered if Sean had forgotten something.

  Just as he stepped out of the toilet, something was put over his head.

  ‘What the fuck!’ he shouted, feeling a strong pair of arms wrap around his body so he couldn’t move.

  It felt like a large hand went across his mouth.

  Kit thought he was about to faint.

  Then something pricked his arm.

  He was out cold.

  ‘Kit, are you okay?’

  … he heard her say. Sasha was looking at him, her face tear stained. She turned to speak to someone. The bright light of the room was painful on his eyes. ‘If you’ve hurt him I’ll-.’

  ‘What?’ came the reply.

  There were people nearby.

  Just as he was about to fling his arms around her, he realised they were tied behind his back.

  ‘He’s got nothing to do with anything!’ she shouted, turning to examine his face. Sasha then whispered, ‘Say nothing and please trust me.’

  ‘What’s going on?’ he asked, looking around and seeing two burly men then Cameron standing close by. ‘Sasha, are you okay?’

  ‘Why are you getting Kit involved?’ she shouted and walked towards Cameron. ‘And this is to show what? You’re a big man for tracking me down? I came to you, remember?’

  Looking around, they were in a large house which seemed in disrepair. The two men, who were overlooking the situation, stood motionless. Cameron started to move closer to Kit.

  ‘I’ve told you once, I told you a thousand times, he’s my tap dance teacher. What right have you and those two got to take him?’

  ‘That’s what I was going to ask him about you,’ smiled Cameron. His dark eyes were even more intense which matched the bags underneath. He looked rough but mostly wired due to drugs. ‘What gives him the right to take you with the help of two people who have fallen off the radar?’

  Sasha shook her head wearily then stared at Kit.

  ‘What’s this about?’ Kit asked quietly. ‘Why am I tied up?’

  ‘I want to make sure you keep your hands off Sasha,’ replied Cameron with a scowl. ‘I think you’ve had a bit of a problem in that area, haven’t you?’

  Walking up to Kit, Sasha stood next to him and he felt her hand discreetly stroke his arm.

  ‘I’m sorry Kit but some people have taken it on themselves to pry on something that has nothing to do with them.’ She let out a weary sigh turning around to look at Cameron. ‘Will you stop threatening people? That’s not how my mother operates.’

  ‘Your mother!’ bellowed Cameron, walking around them with a look of disgust. ‘Speak to her and tell her to stop her stupid vendetta against me. This little fling with the dancer was a pathetic way of you trying to make me jealous. But I forgive you.’

  ‘You what?’ she said, laughing out loudly. ‘You forgive me!’

  ‘Did he force you when you were held hostage? You can tell me and I can sort it out now.’

  ‘Sort it out how? Leave him alone and stop being pathetic. You wanted to see me, you used him as bait and it worked. Now let him go as I’m here. Why did you pick Paul’s grandmother’s house of all places?’ Sasha turned to look at Kit. ‘They gave you a sedative. You may feel a little light headed, okay?’

  ‘Sasha, are you alright?’ he gulped, scared of the situation.

  ‘I’m fine,’ she smiled and he was momentarily confused. ‘This is an odd way to meet but, hopefully, I can clear the air and move on with my life and you with yours.’

  ‘The last time we spoke I-.’

  ‘It’s okay.’ Her smile faded. ‘You don’t have to explain. I understand.’

  ‘I didn’t-.’

  ‘Seriously Kit, please let’s not talk about it. I knew the answer that’s why I went.’

  ‘How touching!’ sighed Cameron loudly. ‘I need you to understand I’m perfectly serious about hurting him and his family if you don’t co-operate.’ He walked up to the pair and Kit felt Sasha squeeze his arm before protectively standing in front. ‘Call your mother and tell her she needs her people to back off.’

  ‘You really upset her. Making accusations about her being involved in something she had nothing to do with. How could you?’

  Kit looked around the room. The two men glanced at each other then at Cameron. He realised they were the same men who came to see them at the house with Jeremy Wilton.

  Now he was confused.

  ‘I’m not speaking to my mother to ask her to be nice to you. Whatever trouble you’ve got yourself into, sort it out yourself,’ Sasha hissed.

  It was very sudden.

  Cameron grabbed Sasha by the arms and violently shook her.

  ‘You’re hurting me!’ she screamed, startled into tears. ‘
Let me go! Stop it!’

  ‘You’ve done this to me! Why can’t you just give me what I want?’

  ‘I don’t want to be with you!’

  Kit struggled in his chair, trying his hardest to break free, getting angry at what he was witnessing.

  It was only the quick intervention of one of the men, who managed to pull Cameron away, stopping him from hurting her. Sasha started to sob loudly, wrapping her arms across her body and shaking her head.

  ‘We could be happy!’ Cameron screamed angrily as the man held firmly onto him. ‘Will you fucking well get off me?’

  ‘Not until you calm down,’ he replied calmly.

  ‘You shouldn’t touch her, you know that,’ the other man said, pulling a phone out of his pocket. ‘That’s not recommended, Mr Lester.’

  Kit stared at her in horror, scared for Sasha and what the mad man was capable of doing.

  ‘Don’t you fucking well hurt her!’ shouted Kit then he felt a blow to his face.

  Cameron hit him.

  ‘Stop it!’ she yelled, charging up to Cameron. ‘You make me sick! You’re a deceitful bastard, do you know that? All the time you tried to feed me with lies about my mental state, getting people to say I couldn’t live on my own. Keeping me away from my mother and for what? You didn’t want me to figure it out but I did!’

  He tried to lunge at her again but one of the large men stopped him.

  ‘Don’t you dare cross me!’ Cameron shouted out to the man. ‘Do you know who I am?’

  ‘Ms Kerr’s daughter cannot be touched. You know that and so do I,’ the man replied in a softly spoke voice. ‘She’s here, so talk to her now and then we can go and return Mr Foley to his home.’

  ‘Did you fuck her?’ Cameron asked, leaning over Kit, whose face was thumping in pain.

  ‘That’s none of your business,’ Sasha said, through her tears. ‘What did you want to talk to me about?’

  ‘Why do you keep saying the crash wasn’t an accident? Everyone’s at each other’s throats, thinking you’re going to accuse them. Did Estella put you up to this?’

  Sasha straightened up and walked towards Kit, touching his face with the cool tips of her fingers. She blinked away her tears and caught his glance.

  ‘Don’t worry, you’ll come out of it okay. I’m really sorry you’re involved,’ she whispered. ‘I had no idea it would turn out like this.’

  ‘Run away as far as you can. He’s off his head on something and I’m scared for you,’ he said quietly, knowing Cameron was looking over.

  ‘Why do you two keep whispering?’ asked Cameron, sniffing hard. ‘Got secrets?’

  ‘Let Kit go and I’ll tell you what I know,’ she said, touching Kit’s mouth. He could see there was blood on her fingers. She wiped it on her top. ‘He’s got nothing to do with this other than…’ Sasha hesitated for a moment. ‘He made me feel safe which I thought would be impossible. And he was very kind to me.’

  He noticed the two burly men look at each other before stepping back. Cameron seemed like he was holding himself together though it was evident a rage was building.

  ‘He was being paid to be kind to you,’ he eventually replied. ‘It wasn’t real. It was a ploy to keep you under their thumb. Her thumb. She brain washed you against me, I know. Kit Foley is no better than a prostitute for being paid to keep you tucked up in bed.’

  ‘It doesn’t matter,’ Sasha said, looking away. ‘He had no choice. The safety of his child was being threatened. Don’t you think that’s disgusting?’

  She stood up straight and turned to face Cameron.

  ‘Even you threatened his family!’ she said.

  Kit could hear the anger in her voice.

  ‘You know what Sasha?’ he continued, walking closer to them. ‘You broke my heart when you married Paul, had your perfect life until you realised he wasn’t the one for you. One of the happiest moments in my life was when I found out you were divorcing. I thought you’d seen sense. I even supported you when you tried dating other men, though it turned my stomach. I thought you were testing my love to see how far you could push me.’

  ‘Stop it Cameron! I don’t love you,’ Sasha said, now sitting down on the floor next to Kit, glancing up at him. He then noticed Cameron’s angry expression. ‘And you were the one causing the rift between Paul and me. You’ve always plotted, haven’t you? And then you asked me to marry you and wonder why I refused?’

  ‘Why did you?’

  ‘Because I know you had something to do with the accident that killed my babies, that’s why!’

  ‘What did you say?’

  … Kit asked, looking down at her.

  ‘That’s a lie and you know it! Your mother’s enemies caused the crash, not me!’ Cameron bellowed. ‘Why can’t you see it?’

  ‘You apologised to me after my second suicide attempt. When I was in the hospital bed, you said it was your fault and how sorry you were,’ she said, taking a sharp intake of breath. ‘I lay there with my eyes closed listening, wondering what I could do. I was so weak and confused.’ Tears dripped from her eyes and Kit could see her utter devastation. ‘I can prove it now. I’ve spent the last three years of my life trying to fix it all together. Once I figured it out, it was easy to find out who you spoke to and what you did. Jeremy knew what I was up to but mum didn’t. If she did, you’d be dead right now.’

  ‘You really need to speak to a doctor,’ Cameron laughed out, shaking his head but it was obvious he was anxious. ‘Accusations like that are very costly. And now you’ve said it in front of Kit.’

  ‘Let him go,’ she said sharply, getting to her feet. ‘Because if you don’t then I’ll tell my mother and Jeremy Wilton you wiped out part of our family. And murdered my children!’

  ‘Sasha, have you been taking too much medication?’ he sighed before looking agitated. ‘You need to come back to mine so we can speak to a doctor. Maybe you need help.’

  ‘How do you expect me to be with you?’ she said. Kit noticed her hands were shaking. ‘You murdered Florence and Mylo!’

  ‘I didn’t murder anyone and you should watch what you say!’ he shouted out loudly.

  Then he pulled something out of his jacket pocket, making her stumble back in horror.

  Kit felt something cold against his temple.

  Cameron was holding a gun which made him freeze in terror.

  ‘Don’t do this,’ she said, her voice turning into a sob. ‘No more innocent blood. Just let him go!’

  ‘Why? So you can be together? Be happy with him? He’s an ex-junkie and who knows what. You’ve really lowered yourself with this one!’ Then he turned to Kit. ‘And you want to be with a woman who, for the most of four years, hasn’t known what the time of day is. Walking around in a haze, unable to function. It’s hard work and you won’t be able to cope.’

  ‘That’s not fair,’ Sasha said. ‘You got doctors to give me medication every time I got upset. My head was like a fog and I know you put things into my food and drink when we were together.’

  ‘Lies!’ laughed Cameron. ‘And she’s paranoid.’

  ‘I had my blood taken every week on the instruction of my mother. That’s how I found out,’ Sasha whispered as Cameron’s face darkened.

  ‘You want to be with someone like that, do you?’ he responded, staring at Kit. ‘An utter fruitcake, isn’t that how you described her when you first met? That’s what I was told.’

  ‘If she’s that bad,’ Kit said, defiantly looking up at him. ‘Why do you want to be with her?’

  ‘Because I’ve been in love from the moment I set eyes on her,’ he replied, glancing at Sasha as she frowned. ‘And she can’t see we’d be good together. She refuses to love me but you? That’s just baffling.’

  ‘I love him but he doesn’t love me,’ she said quietly, wiping her tears away then looking at Kit. ‘To hurt him would mean you’re ultimately hurting me. Please let him go. If you want to kill someone, then kill me.’ Kit felt like he was going to be sick whe
n he heard her words. ‘If that’s what you want, then do it now. It was the plan, wasn’t it? To kill Florence, Mylo and me.’

  She let out a sob and collapsed back down to the floor. Kit felt the cold metal being pushed against his temple. He wished his hands were untied so he could pummel the bastard to the ground and protect Sasha.

  But he couldn’t.

  ‘Mr Lester,’ said the burly man, who had held him back a few times. ‘You need to take the gun away and let this gentleman go.’

  ‘He kidnapped Sasha, held her in a house and forced himself on her. Rape they would call it in court. I’m only setting things right,’ Cameron said and Kit glanced up at him, the man’s face twisted in anger and pain.

  ‘I forced myself on him,’ Sasha said, holding her head up high. ‘I wanted him to stay with me, no-one else. If you care about me, you’ll let him go. He’s done nothing wrong other than try to be my friend and teach me to tap dance… badly.’ Then she half laughed. ‘But it was fun while it lasted.’

  ‘I thought you were taking classes but you were meeting your mother. You lied to me!’

  ‘And you have constantly lied to me! When I asked about looking into the accident all those years ago you told me to forget about it. Then when you did, you told me there was nothing to investigate. You were covering for yourself and I was too stupid to see it!’ Again she cried. ‘I need vengeance for my children, for Paul and Henry. You destroyed Paul until he couldn’t take it anymore.’

  Sasha was sobbing loudly and wiping her face to stop the tears from falling.

  Kit sat there in silence, his heart twisting seeing her in so much pain. Cameron rushed up to her and put the gun in her hand.

  ‘Kill me if you think that’s right,’ he said, bending down to look her in the eye. ‘Pull the trigger if it makes you feel happy.’

  There was shock and disbelief all over her face. She held the gun, her hand shaking.

  ‘Mrs Wilton, Sasha, put down the gun,’ one of the burly men said. ‘We can sort this out.’

  Cameron grabbed the hand with the gun and pointed it to his temple as her hand trembled.


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