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The Iron Traitor (The Iron Fey)

Page 30

by Julie Kagawa

  I spun on him. Fury blazed up, searing away the numbness. “Where do you think you’re going?” I challenged, narrowing my eyes.

  He blinked. “To see Kenzie.”

  I sneered. “Forget it. You’re not going anywhere near her, ever again.” Another nurse passed us, and I averted my gaze until she turned a corner, before glaring at the prince again. “Get lost, Keirran. Go home.”

  “Ethan, please. I...” Keirran closed his eyes. “I failed Annwyl,” he whispered, his voice breaking. “I’ve made a mess out of everything. Let me make sure Kenzie is all right, and I’ll go. I’ll get out of your life forever. You’ll never see me again.”

  Annwyl. Damn. I’d forgotten about her in all the chaos and panic over Kenzie. With no way home now, the Summer faery would Fade to nothing. As would Keirran, once the amulet drained everything he was. No wonder he looked so haunted. He’d gambled everything to get Annwyl home, knowing the consequences would be terrible, knowing they couldn’t be together even if he saved her life. And now things were even worse. The courts could go to war, the Frozen Wood was lost, and there was probably some punishment waiting for him for attacking the Queen of the Summer Court. Not to mention Meghan and Ash were going to be furious. And even after all that, after everything we’d fought for, Annwyl was still dying. We were back to square one.

  I sighed as some of my anger flickered and went out. I was still pissed, but Keirran looked about ready to fall apart. I noticed my swords then, tucked under his arm, and scowled in confusion before understanding dawned. He’d grabbed them from me before I entered the hospital. If I had walked through those doors armed, I’d probably be sitting in a jail cell right now. He, at least, had had the presence of mind to glamour them, and himself, invisible.

  But that still didn’t excuse what he’d done.

  “Dammit, Keirran,” I muttered, scrubbing a hand over my face. But at that moment, a chill crept up my back, and I looked up, staring past him down the hall.

  A shadow hung from the ceiling at the end of the corridor, huge yellow eyes glowing in its featureless face. I tensed and almost grabbed my blades from Keirran’s hand, though the second I did they would become visible and then I’d be in trouble. The Forgotten didn’t attack, however. Like the other times, it watched us a moment, then slowly eased forward, a shadowy blob against the tiles.

  “Iron Prince,” it whispered when it was a few yards away, and Keirran stiffened. “We have waited long enough. The Lady wishes to speak to you now.”

  Keirran took one step toward it, and I grabbed his arm. “Keirran!” I hissed, not knowing why I was stopping him. “Don’t be stupid.”

  “I’m not,” he said in a low voice, turning back to me. “Not this time. I have to go to her soon, or the Forgotten will hound me forever. I’m only going to see what she has to say. I’m not going to agree to any more terms or promise her anything. But I have to do this, Ethan.” His eyes went dark, and he swallowed hard. “One last thing before I go home...and face my parents.”

  Reluctantly, I let him go, and he turned back to the Forgotten. “Where is she?” he asked. “The Lady?”

  “The faery ring,” the Forgotten whispered. “Where the other mortal in your party gained the Sight.”

  “Ireland,” I muttered, frowning. Of course, it would have to be halfway around the world. Not far by trod or Between jumping, I supposed, but plenty far enough.

  “Tell her I’ll be there soon,” Keirran said, and the Forgotten nodded. Melting against the ceiling, it slithered away like a shadow, turned the corner and was gone.

  “I’m not going to Ireland,” I told him flatly. “Not with Kenzie in the hospital. I’m not leaving her.”

  “I know,” he answered. “I don’t expect you to. This is my mess, and I have to do this alone. But I want to see Kenzie before I leave. Say goodbye. She...probably won’t see me again.”

  And neither will I. Pushing that thought away, I went in search of Mackenzie’s room, with Keirran trailing invisibly behind.

  I had another weird sense of déjà vu as I entered the quiet hospital room, the soft beep of machines the only sound that greeted me. Kenzie lay on a bed in the corner with one arm draped over her stomach, breathing peacefully. Much like last time. I wondered if it was always going to be like this: spending more and more time in the hospital, watching my girlfriend suffer from sickness and exhaustion and magical injuries no normal person would have to deal with. I wondered if my heart would be able to take it.

  Razor perched on an overhead shelf like a spindly gargoyle, silent and grim. He eyed me warily as we came in, then turned his attention to Kenzie once more. I hoped the gremlin’s presence hadn’t shorted out any of the machines, but oddly enough, I was glad that he’d been there, watching her. It seemed Kenzie had picked up a tiny faery champion.

  “Hey.” Moving to her side, I took her hand. Her eyes were open and alert, though her skin was very pale. Leaning down, I traced her cheek with my other hand, and she smiled, briefly closing her eyes against my touch.

  “Hey, tough guy.” Her gaze met mine, weary and a little sad. “Here we are again.”

  “Are you feeling any better?” I didn’t know how one would feel after being struck by a glamour-produced lightning bolt, but I could hazard it wasn’t great. Kenzie shrugged.

  “Sore, mostly. And drained. The doctors say I have some minor burns, but nothing too serious. They told me I was extremely lucky—most people hit by lightning don’t get off that easy.” She gave a faint, rueful grin. “I didn’t tell them most people don’t get hit by angry faery queens, either.”

  “Mackenzie.” Keirran was suddenly at her side opposite me, his eyes bright and anguished in the shadows of the room. “I have no right to ask for your forgiveness,” he said, “but I want you to know that I’m truly sorry, for everything. I know that’s small consolation now.” She took a breath to answer, but he held up a hand. “Your family will be here soon,” he continued, to my surprise as well, and his gaze flicked to mine. “I didn’t lie about that. Once your parents were contacted by the hospital, the glamour shrouding their minds vanished. They remember everything, up until the night we walked out of their hotel room. I heard the nurses talking to your father on the phone. He’s on his way now.”

  “Oh,” Kenzie breathed. “Great. So that means I’m going to have to explain where I was and why I ran out like that.”

  “Well, that’s easy,” I muttered, ignoring the sudden dread, the creeping suspicion that Kenzie’s father was going to be furious with me. “You can just tell them I kidnapped you again.”

  Keirran leaned down, placing a hand over Kenzie’s arm, squeezing gently. “Thank you,” he murmured quite solemnly. “Both of you. For sticking it out with me. It was have friends for a change. Even if it was for just a little while. I won’t trouble you again.”

  “Where are you going?” Kenzie said, frowning.

  “I have to meet the Lady,” Keirran answered in a flat voice. “She’s called for me, and I promised I would go to her. After that—” his eyes darkened “—I have to return home and face my parents. They’ve probably heard the news from the Summer Court by now.”

  “What about Annwyl?” Kenzie whispered.

  A shudder went through Keirran, and he dropped his head with a short, breathless sob. “I don’t know,” he said, one hand covering his face. “I failed her,” he whispered. “I don’t know what will happen now, what more I can do.”

  He turned away, hunching his shoulders, and Kenzie’s hand came to rest over mine, bringing my attention back to her. “Go with him,” she told me.

  I recoiled. “What? No!” I leaned down, knowing Keirran could hear me and not caring a bit. “Forget it. He already made his choice, and look where it got us. But that’s beside the point. I’m not leaving you, Mackenzie.”

  “I’ll be fine.” Her cool fingers brushed the side of my face. “My family is coming. I won’t be alone. But, Ethan, you’re all he has left, and you’re f
amily. You can’t send him to face the Lady by himself.”

  “Dammit, Kenzie.” I bent down, pressing my forehead to hers. “No. I don’t want to do this. You’re more important to me now.”

  “Nothing will happen to me here,” Kenzie whispered back, slipping her fingers into my hair, easing me closer. “Ethan, please. I’m worried for him. I know he’s made some stupid mistakes, but he’s still our friend, right? What if something happens? What if the Lady betrays him, just like Titania did?” Her voice lowered, meant only for me. “He’s probably desperate now that Annwyl can’t go home. You have to make sure he doesn’t do something really crazy.”

  Keirran straightened, taking a short breath to compose himself. “I should go,” he said. Glancing at Razor, he raised his hand, beckoning him forward, but the gremlin flattened his ears and stayed put. Keirran blinked, then lowered his arm. “You’re staying?” he asked in a curiously choked voice. The gremlin garbled something back, and the prince smiled sadly. “I see. Well, it’s your choice, Razor.”

  Kenzie looked at me, eyes wide and pleading, and I whispered a curse.

  “Keirran, wait.” I rose, wishing I could drive my fist through the wall, wishing I didn’t have to make these kinds of choices. “I’m coming with you.”

  “Ethan, you don’t—”

  “Shut up.” I glared at him. “Don’t make me regret this even more. I know I don’t have to come along. You’re family, and you’ll need someone watching your back.”

  A pair of doctors stopped outside the door, gazing into the room at us. Or, more specifically, at me. Their eyes were hard and wary as they whispered to one another, pointed a finger in my direction and walked away down the hall. I wondered if Kenzie’s father had mentioned me and had the sneaking suspicion that they were heading off to find a security guard—or call the police.

  “You two better go,” Kenzie said as the doctors left. “Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine. Keirran, try not to go attacking any more faery queens, okay?”

  Keirran bowed to her. “Goodbye, Mackenzie. I’m very glad to have known you.” His gaze went to the gremlin, perched above her bed, and a sad smile crossed his face. “Take care of Razor for me. It seems he’s chosen himself a new Master.”

  Razor blinked at Keirran from atop the shelf, huge eyes gleaming, but he didn’t say anything.

  I bent down, smoothed Kenzie’s hair from her face and kissed her. She wrapped her arms around my neck, holding me like she couldn’t bear to let go, and for a moment, I let myself forget everything.

  Pulling back, I met those deep brown eyes gazing up at me and stroked her cheek. “I love you,” I whispered, my voice just a murmur between us. No fear, no hesitation; it was just pulled out of me, unable to stay hidden any longer. Her eyes widened, and I kissed her parted lips once more before straightening. “I’ll be back soon,” I promised, wanting to do nothing more than sit back down and hold her until the cops showed up to drag me away. “This won’t take long.”

  “Ethan.” Kenzie grabbed my wrist as I turned away. Her eyes were bright as I looked back. “I love you, too, tough guy,” she whispered, turning my heart inside out. “Be careful. And come back to me.”

  Footsteps sounded outside in the hall. I glanced up to see the same two doctors enter the room, a uniformed policeman close behind. My stomach dropped, but Keirran, it seemed, was expecting them. He waved a hand at me, I felt a pulse of magic hit my skin, and the world went hazy for a split second. The cop and the doctors blinked and looked around the room in bewilderment, and I realized Keirran had thrown an invisibility spell over me. He jerked his head at the door, slipping around the flabbergasted adults, and left the room. I followed, being careful not to brush against them, until I reached the frame and looked back.

  Kenzie’s knowing smile met mine across the room. She nodded and winked, then turned her attention to the doctor that approached, demanding to know where I had gone. She gave a very clueless shrug, and I forced myself to turn away, joining Keirran in the hall.

  “Hurry,” he said, sounding breathless and winded. “The spell won’t last long, and I don’t have much strength left. Let’s get this over with so we can both go home.”



  Another trip into the Between. It took a bit longer this time, passing through a landscape of mist and fog, beneath the ruins of an ancient tower, frozen in time.

  When Keirran parted the Veil again, we stood at the top of a hill, looking down on the rolling moors, with no artificial lights to be seen. Overhead, the moon was as full and bright as it had been on our last trip here, when Kenzie had made the bargain with Leanansidhe to get the Sight. I desperately hoped she was all right, and wished, yet again, that she’d never made that bargain. That I could have somehow talked her out of wanting to see the fey for the rest of her life. Look where she’d ended up because of it.

  “Come on,” Keirran said and started down the slope, walking toward a familiar cluster of trees in the distance. The cold moor wind howled through the grass and between the rocks, yanking at my clothes and hair. Keirran had given me back my swords, which were strapped to my waist again, and Guro’s amulet lay heavy around my neck, clinking against the iron cross. I found myself thinking that I should’ve left it with Kenzie; maybe if she’d been wearing it in the Summer Court, the lightning bolt would’ve missed her.

  Could’ve, would’ve, should’ve. I couldn’t do anything about it now. As Kenzie had said, what was done was done, and we couldn’t beat ourselves up for the past.

  Easier said than done, at least for me.

  There was no faery music when we approached the grove this time. No Summer fey dancing under the light of the full moon. However, the faery ring, the enormous circle of toadstools in the center of the glen, was far from empty. Forgotten surrounded it now, dark and blurred, nearly invisible in the shadows except for their glowing yellow eyes. They parted for us without a sound, bowing their wispy heads as Keirran and I stepped through their ranks and walked toward the figure in the center of the ring.

  “Prince Keirran.” The Lady’s low, throaty voice sounded faintly horrified as we stepped before her, hordes of Forgotten watching from the edge of the ring. The faery’s shifting eyes barely glanced at me, going wide at the sight of the Iron Prince. “What has happened to you? You feel...empty. Fading. Like my own people.”

  “Do you remember Annwyl?” Keirran asked, his voice cold. “Do you remember what your people did to her? She started to Fade, and I couldn’t allow that to happen.”

  “What have you done?” the Lady whispered. Keirran gave a grim smile.

  “Annwyl wears an amulet now that ties us together, and my glamour sustains her, though it won’t for much longer.” He narrowed his gaze at the Forgotten Queen. “I find it ironic that I’m going to die, killed by the Forgotten, when all I wanted was to save your people.”

  “No,” the Lady said, one hand going to her chest. “Prince Keirran, there was another way. I made a bargain with Mr. Dust to provide us with the glamour we needed to survive. You could have done the same.”

  “That wasn’t an option,” I snapped.

  “Really, Ethan Chase?” the Lady said, turning on me. I stepped back; she looked seriously pissed. “And this is better?” She gestured to Keirran, who didn’t move. “You would let him die, corrupt his soul, to save a few mortal children?”

  “Corrupt his...what?” My stomach went cold. The Forgotten Queen gave me a disgusted look.

  “You do not know, do you? The magic on the other end of...whatever he is attached to is not only draining his glamour, his strength and his memories. It is taking his very essence, what makes him who he is. He is mostly human. It is taking his soul.” She turned to Keirran as I stood there, reeling. “That is what is keeping your girl alive, Prince Keirran. She has a piece of your soul imprisoned in that amulet, and as long as she lives, you will never get it back.”

  Guro, I thought, feeling like I’d been pu
nched. What the hell? Did you know? Is that what you were trying to tell me?

  I looked at Keirran, wondering what he thought of this, but the Iron Prince only shrugged. “It doesn’t matter anymore,” he muttered, his voice resigned. “Annwyl can’t go home. We’ll both die soon enough. If the amulet is taking my soul, she’s welcome to it.”

  “No, Prince Keirran,” the Lady almost whispered. “There is yet another way.”

  He looked at her. Wary, I stepped closer, eyeing the Forgotten on all sides, not trusting them or their queen. The Lady ignored me, gliding closer to Keirran, until she stood just a few feet from us. Keirran’s face was blank; he’d slipped into the cold stranger persona, not giving me or the Lady anything, even as she reached out to him.

  “The exiles and the Forgotten are very similar, Iron Prince,” the Forgotten Queen said, gesturing around at the horde of dark, shadowy fey. “The courts have been cruel to us both, dooming the exiles to Fade into oblivion, expecting the Forgotten to do the same. We are both only trying to survive a world without magic. But it is not the Faery realms that are responsible for our disappearance. It is man.

  “Mankind has forgotten us,” the Lady went on as Keirran continued to regard her without expression. “Many years ago, when I was young, the fey were feared and respected by mortals. They worshipped us, prayed to us, made sacrifices in our name. Not one human doubted the existence of the Good Neighbors, and those that did were quickly reminded what would happen if they forgot.

  “But now—” the Lady made a hopeless, weary gesture “—we are all but gone from their minds. Our stories have been sanitized and made into children’s tales. The Nevernever still exists on the dreams and fears of mortals, but even it grows smaller with each passing year. For those cut off from the dreamworld, we cannot help but Fade into nothing.”

  “I know that.” Keirran’s voice was hard and expressionless. “Everyone in Faery knows that. There’s nothing we can do about mankind’s disbelief.”

  The Lady smiled then, and it sent a chill crawling down my back.


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