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Hired Gun #4

Page 3

by A. J. Bennett

  Thankfully, she didn’t resist the kiss. Instead, she molded her body into his like they belonged together.

  “I need you, Kataya.” His voice was hoarse.

  She nodded her head in agreement. Effortlessly he picked her up, her legs wrapped around his waist and he carried her down the hallway to his bedroom.

  He laid her back on the bed and stroked her lightly through the cotton underwear. As soon as he touched her between her thighs, her knees dropped to the side. Quiet noises came from her throat. Thorne watched her, enthralled by her beauty.

  Gently he hooked his fingers in her underwear and pulled them down. He wanted to take his time with her. Enjoy every second of it. So very unlike him.

  Thorne swept a hand down over her hip. Her skin was so smooth and silky. She was impatient and lifted her hips, moaning and begging him to enter her.

  Not so fast, not this time. He wanted her to experience the depth of his feelings for her since he wasn’t very good at expressing himself with words.

  Once he’d removed the rest of her clothes, his forearms slid under her back, and with his hands gripping her shoulders he slowly drove himself into her inch by inch. Fuck, she felt so good. When he had finally buried himself completely, he withdrew ever so slowly, continuing to make slow, deep thrusts. It wasn’t long before she was crying out his name and digging her nails into his shoulders as she shuddered beneath him. All with simple, slow movements.

  Lifting his head, he eased himself onto his elbows; her face was flushed and her eyes were bright. For the first time, he knew without a doubt she was Laurie. It didn’t matter what her outer shell looked like, it was Laurie on the inside.

  His is what she was.

  Ever so slowly his lips trailed down her throat toward her breast. Her body arched as her legs wrapped around his waist, pulling him in deeper. His thrusts became quicker, deeper, filled with the primal need only she could bring out in him. Her breathing came out in short gasps almost putting him over the edge, but he restrained himself. He didn’t want this moment to end. If the world disappeared around them right now, he’d die a happy man.

  His tongue ran around her outer ear, and he whispered her name but it came out as a strangled cry.

  Groaning, he fought to regain control, but there was none left in him. Frantically their bodies came together. He felt possessed by her.

  Hours later their sweat-soaked bodies laid entwined together.

  Yes, she was his. Now he just had to convince her of that fact.

  They must have dozed off, because when Thorne awoke he was alone. A sudden pang of loneliness washed over him. “Kataya,” he yelled out, as he threw off the sheets and swung his long legs off the side of the bed before stumbling into the hallway in search of her.

  “Kitchen,” she replied.

  He could hear plates clinking together. Was she doing his dishes?

  “You could put some clothes on,” Nike said, as her eyes cast downward.

  “I thought I got rid of you.” Would he ever be rid of the goddess?

  “Sadly, no. But I’ve been having a little chat with the witch.”

  “Call her by her name,” Thorne said brusquely.

  When Kataya turned and met his eyes, a faint smile touched her lips.

  Thorne drew a relieved breath. Who knew what the two of them had been talking about.

  “You really should put on some clothes,” Kataya said, moistening her lips. “You’re rather distracting, and I can barely walk as it is.”

  Thorne grinned, and with a thought he was wearing long pajama pants and a T-shirt.

  Kataya bit the side of her mouth and smiled. “Not much better, but I guess it will have to do. Have a seat, we need to talk.”

  Thorne raised a brow at Nike as he pulled back the chair. Of course, she gave nothing away.

  “I read your thoughts while you slept. I know what you guys think Geoffrey is, but you’re wrong. He’s just a normal man. I’ve seen him have moments of weakness just like the rest of us. There is nothing evil about him and he doesn’t have some grand plan to destroy the world from the inside out. He really doesn’t. He wants to help the American people. Haven’t you been following his campaign? He’s got great ideas and America could really use a leader like him.”

  Thorne and Nike exchanged a glance.

  I think she’s been brainwashed. Nike’s words echoed in his head. It’s not even worth trying to persuade her. She won’t believe you.

  Thorne knew Nike was correct and it made him frustrated. Anything that he could come up with would sound outlandish, and she’d probably try to have him committed.

  Thorne leaned forward. “What if your husband was the real Thanatos?”

  Her eyes widened in disbelief. “He’s not. That’s insane.” She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, looking pensive for a moment. “And we’re not technically married. I mean, I guess we are, but the paperwork is under another name. Camille Anderson, not Kataya Clarke.”

  “Interesting,” Nike said, tapping her fingers on the table. “Why not marry you in your true form and name?”

  A flicker of doubt crossed her face. “He thought he would need an older woman to run for president. Someone that the people could relate to.”

  “Sounds to me like he might be embarrassed by you?” Nike stated gently.

  “No, that’s not it.” Yet the uncertainty was plainly written on her face. She’d probably thought the same thing many times herself.

  “So he lets you sleep around, and won’t acknowledge the real you. Sounds like true love to me,” Thorne said sardonically.

  “Have you ever thought that maybe he was only interested in you because of your ability to change forms? And your brains of course. You can’t just have a husk, you gotta have the full package to pull off his feat. Or maybe he’s just embarrassed because you’re some sort of freak.”

  Way to plant the seed, Nike.

  You’re welcome.

  Kataya couldn’t speak for a moment. She opened and closed her mouth but nothing came out. Thorne felt bad for her, but it was time she opened her eyes to what was going on around her. Even if she didn’t believe that her husband was Thanatos, she needed to see where she stood with him.

  “You guys don’t know what you’re talking about, and you don’t know Geoffrey like I do.”

  “Did he want you to kill me?” Thorne asked curiously.

  She laughed. “No. As you stated before, everyone knows you’re immortal.”

  “So you believe that I’m immortal, but you can’t fathom the idea that your husband could actually be Thanatos?”

  “Thanatos is a myth.”

  “Right … just like witches, vampires, and shape-shifters are myths. Wake up, Kataya,” Nike said impatiently.

  “Okay, let’s just pretend for one second that what you’re saying is true. Why are you telling me? Aren’t you worried I’ll run back to him and tell him what you’re thinking?”

  “That is definitely a possibility,” Thorne agreed, grimly. “After all, that was what you were tasked for.”

  Kataya pivoted on her heels and stalked out of the room.

  “On that note, I’m out of here. Good luck,” Nike said before disappearing.

  Groaning, Thorne followed after her. “Kataya, wait. I know this is a lot to take in.”

  Shooting a glare over her shoulder, she spat out, “You think?”

  Thorne raked his hands through his hair and cursed himself for falling asleep. Things were going so well before that. “Are you going to tell him?”

  She crossed her arms over her chest. “No.”

  “You’re not?”

  “Nope,” she said tightly.

  “Why not?”

  “Because what if you’re correct about all this gibberish about soul mates? Christ, I just need more time to think.”

  Thorne took two more steps forward until he was close enough to feel the rise and fall of her chest. “Will you stay here with me tonight?”

sp; Pissing him off, she took a step backwards. “I can’t. I really need to get going. I have to make an appearance at one of the rallies in a couple of hours.”

  This whole ordeal would be laughable if it weren’t so serious.

  “When can I see you again?” Thorne asked, hoping the desperation wasn’t evident in his voice. The thought of her going home and spending the night in that daemon’s bed … He needed to figure a way to be rid of Thanatos soon.

  “I’m not sure. I’m going to be very busy over the next few weeks, but I’ll try to slip away.”

  “I’m sure your husband will understand. After all, you’re doing his bidding,” Thorne added bitterly.

  Her shoulders sagged. “I need to go.”

  “At least think about what we talked about.”

  “I’ll be doing little else.” She stood up on her tiptoes and kissed him lightly on the lips. Unable to help himself, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into him. He didn’t want to let her go.

  When did he get so weak? It wasn’t good to have an Achilles heel.

  Chapter 5

  Feeling like a caged animal, Thorne restlessly stalked around his penthouse. He knew his emotions were getting the better of him, but he couldn’t turn them off for the life of him. The thought of Kataya going home to Thanatos was eating him alive. Dammit, there had to be something he could do.

  After another twenty minutes or so of spinning his wheels, he grabbed his phone to call Benny.

  He wasn’t waiting. Plus, he wanted to see where they lived and he needed to get a feel for the place anyway.

  “Ready to take a joy ride?”

  “Nike said you’d be calling soon.” Benny sighed. “Can you pick me up? I’ve got something I have to finish up.”

  Thorne could hear Nike’s deep breathing over the line.

  “Yeah, I’ll be there in thirty minutes, lover boy.”

  Benny’s phone fell to the floor, and all Thorne could hear was the sound of items crashing to the ground. Thorne clicked off the phone, went to slide it into his jeans, and realized he was still in his pajama bottoms. Not in the mood to even deal with changing, he used his power to switch out his clothing before he exited his apartment and into the garage.

  As he drove down the highway, memories of his dead wife swam through his head. She’d been his everything.

  Gods, the early days with Laurie had been so full of life and happiness. Somehow she’d made him believe there was good inside of him after a lifetime of hearing he was a lesser being from everyone in The Realm. Those years with her had been the best years of his very long life.

  Many years ago he’d given up the hope of any semblance of real happiness after she passed on. Sure he enjoyed his time with the crew from The Sicarii, but he’d pretty much just been going through the motions of making it through the day.

  When she’d died … for the first time in his life he’d understood what it felt to be profoundly human. Sure he’d known physical pain—even humiliation and rage—but her death had unleashed an emotional anguish that he wasn’t even aware he was capable of feeling. He could still picture himself opening the door to their home, holding a bottle of wine and Chinese take-out.

  At first he’d thought she was sleeping. Until he saw the note.

  The note she’d left him was short and to the point. I’m sorry, Thorne.

  Three fucking words was all she left him before she overdosed on heroine.

  As powerful as he was, he couldn’t bring her back from the dead. Oh, he had tried, but to no avail.

  Since her death he’d become even more careless, and his don’t give a fuck attitude personality was even more amplified.

  And now she was back.

  Someone blared their horn and Thorne glanced over to see some little prick flipping him off. He must have cut the imbecile off when he was lost in his thoughts. Any other day Thorne would have followed the jackass and scared him a little, but today he had more pressing matters to deal with … such as killing the husband of the woman he’d once loved. And hopefully could love again.

  His car rolled to a stop in front of Benny’s place.

  Send Benny out. Because Benny wasn’t from the same realm as him they weren’t able to speak through their minds, and he didn’t feel like dealing with his cell phone.

  I’m coming with you, Nike replied.

  Only when he felt his jaw aching did he realize it was clenched. Thorne drew a breath, trying to hold onto his patience. Haven’t you heard three’s a crowd?

  He groaned when both Nike and Benny walked out the front door, knowing there was no arguing with the goddess. What a pain in the ass she was turning out to be. He liked her better as a cat.

  “I’m sitting in the front seat,” Nike yelled out.

  Grinning, Benny opened the door and climbed into the backseat. Nike slammed the door shut with a thud.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me,” Thorne grumbled under his breath.

  Nike shot him a look. “You never know. I might come in handy.”

  Benny spouted directions and they took off down the road. Nike chattered away while Thorne ignored her. He had too many things on his mind. Like how he was going to be rid of the daemon.

  Suddenly, it hit him. “Do you think Kataya could do a spell to banish him?”

  Both Benny and Nike went silent. Finally Nike spoke, breaking the silence. “You know, that could actually work. Of course we’d have to get her to agree to it.”

  Good luck with that, Thorne thought with a pang.

  Benny leaned forward between the front seats. “She could lock him away on another dimension …”

  Nike turned in her seat. “All we have to do is convince her that he’s evil and plans to destroy the earth.”

  Oh is that all? Thorne gave her a cold look.

  It took them nearly an hour to roll up to Thanatos’s house. It was quite the spread, but that was as to be expected. There was a gate but no guards. Cameras were clearly posted.

  Without giving it much thought, Thorne pulled into the driveway. He scanned the area for signs of dangers, but the property was deceptively calm. One would never know the strongest daemon in history lived behind the gates.

  “What are you doing?” Benny asked, his voice alarmed.

  “Just making a house call. Relax.”

  After rolling down his window, he pushed the call button and an old, creaky voice came across the intercom. “Who may I say is calling?”

  “Tell Willis some of his old school friends would like to have a chat with him.”

  “A name please?”

  “Thorne Hollow.”

  “I’ll be right back,” the shaky voice said.

  “I thought we were just checking things out? We don’t even have any of our weapons on us,” Benny stated with a raised brow.

  “Oh, but we have the best weapon of all sitting right beside me.”

  Nike smiled wryly. “He’s got a point.”

  “Mr. Willis will see you now.”

  “I knew he would.” Thorne put the car in drive and rolled through the gate. The grounds were immaculate.

  The Porsche sat in the driveway, and Thorne’s heart lurched at the thought of seeing Kataya again.

  As they strolled up to the front door, an old man in a three piece suit stood there, holding it open. Thanatos had a butler, wasn’t that interesting. Perhaps he fashioned himself to be like the mythical Batman, just like Benny.

  The old goat lead them down a long hallway. Thorne couldn’t help but peek into the rooms as they passed. The rooms were large and airy, with light walls and shining wood floors. Quite tasteful. He wondered if it was Thanatos’s taste, Kataya’s, or the work of an interior designer.

  Benny was right, he did notice the oddest things. Who gave a fuck how the daemon decorated?

  Finally the butler stopped before a large, wooden double door. He rapped on it twice before pushing the door open and stepping back, allowing them to enter the room.

bsp; When Nike said thank you and touched the butler on the lapel of his jacket, the man bowed his head.

  Interesting. He didn’t seem to be affected by Nike the way most humans were. Was he just too damn old or was he not what he appeared to be? Thorne relayed the message to Nike through his mind and she gave an ever so slight nod in acknowledgment.

  A large desk took up the center of the room. Much to Thorne’s annoyance, it was empty and there was no one else in the room.

  “He’ll be in shortly. Please have a seat,” the butler stated before turning to leave.

  The three of them exchanged glances but didn’t speak in case the room was being monitored. Which wouldn’t surprise Thorne in the least.

  Three seats were set out in front of the desk. However, there was no way in hell they were going to put their back to the daemon, so they stood and waited.

  Time ticked by slowly, and the longer they had to wait the more annoyed Thorne became.

  Finally the door swung open and in walked Thanatos disguised as a human. “Sorry to keep you waiting. I was on the phone dealing with something that needed to be taken care of immediately.”

  “Enough with the bullshit. We know who you are, Thanatos,” Thorne said grimly.

  The man chuckled. “I’d heard you weren’t one to beat around the bush.”

  “Well you heard right. What the fuck are you doing? Did you really think you were going to be allowed to get away with this shit?”

  “Yes, Thorne. I plan on getting away with whatever I damn well please.” He turned and bowed his head slightly. “Nike, you look lovely as always, but I think you should tone it down a notch. You almost gave my poor butler a heart attack.”

  Nike moved closer toward Thanatos, who was still standing just inside the doorway. Her hand splayed out on Thanatos’s chest, causing him to visible still. Even the daemon was affected by the goddess. “Thanatos we used to have so much fun the two of us. Do you really want our worlds to end?”

  His face actually softened for a split second when he gazed down upon Nike. The look was quickly replaced with a hardened glare. “Apollo has to pay. And for that there will be mass casualties. It’s unavoidable.”

  Nike laughed bitterly. “You call destroying a planet along with our realm unavoidable? I think that’s a little more than mass casualties. All because of some petty revenge scheme? I had you pegged wrongly. You’re pathetic.”


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