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Hired Gun #4

Page 5

by A. J. Bennett

  “Love?” Thanatos lifted his shoulder. “I guess as close as I can get to love anymore. She’s brought happiness into my life when all I expected was rage. But don’t think for a moment it has changed my mind.”

  “Does she know about your plan?”

  He laughed. “No, she believes I want to save humanity not destroy it.”

  Unless she was an academy award winning actress, she’d seemed quite shocked by the reality that Willis was actually Thanatos. “Where is she now?”

  If he’d hurt her, he was going to have to switch gears and at least inflict some pain since death was not an option.

  “I don’t know. She attended the interview with me yesterday, flawless as always, and then she was gone. I haven’t seen her since. She’s not replying to my calls, and as you know she’s not the easiest person to track. I believe I convinced her you’re lying about the destruction of the planet, but obviously she has to come to terms with my true origins … if she can. Not that it matters. It will all be over soon.”

  Well this changed things somewhat. Thorne had convinced himself that Kataya was part of the plan. He needed to find her and talk to her at least one more time.

  “I’ve got a few things to take care of. Can we meet again tonight? I think I might know a way that we can destroy The Realm without killing off Earth.”

  One of Thanatos’s brows raised. “Is that so?”

  “At this point it’s just a theory, but I think it could work. I just need to iron out some of the kinks.”

  “And why would I believe you would help me? What do you want in return? Kataya?”

  Thorne grunted. “No, she’s all yours. I just want to keep a promise I made to my mother on her death bed. After that I’ll probably travel to another dimension. I don’t think I can handle being here knowing the only woman I have ever loved was still alive. However, once The Realm was gone I wouldn’t be banished to Earth anymore.”

  “I suppose that’s true.” Thanatos stood up to his full height. “I look forward to our talk.”

  “Likewise,” Thorne said before he blinked out and returned to his apartment.

  Okay, the seed had been planted. Of course, Thorne knew it was impossible to destroy The Realm without taking Earth with it, but he needed to buy some time until he could figure out what his next move would be. At least for now Thanatos would be off his back.

  Chapter 8

  Where the hell is she? Thorne had gone everywhere he could think of to find Kataya with no luck. Which wasn’t many places seeing as he barely knew her in this form. She wasn’t answering her phone or responding to his texts. He was starting to get worried that perhaps Thanatos had lied and he’d done something to her. If that asshole killed her …

  Thorne’s chest heaved up and down as the rage coursed through him.

  She’s not dead. Athena’s voice rang through his head.

  Oh now you decide to talk to me. Thorne was not in the mood for anymore head games. Where is she?

  You’re playing a dangerous game with Thanatos.

  You’re playing a dangerous game with me! Where the fuck is Kataya?

  You’re a wild card, Thorne. But I have faith you are going to be able to pull this off. She’s at the restaurant you took her to.

  Really? Thorne was shocked. That would have been the last place he’d thought she’d go.

  What can I say? She’s complex, Athena said with a chuckle.

  Closing his eyes, Thorne willed himself to the back of the restaurant in the woods. Taking a deep breath he broke through the woods, and in long strides made his way to the front of the building. When he walked in the bell went off above his head and Kataya looked up from the same booth they had sat in. To say she looked startled was an understatement. Her face was pale and her mouth hung open. Quickly, she closed her mouth, regaining control, and a flush rose to her cheeks.

  The waitress asked if he needed a table, but Thorne ignored her and made a beeline for the booth.

  “How’d you know where I was? “

  “I didn’t. I just got a sudden hankering for a cheeseburger.”

  She looked at him skeptically. “Two hours from your home?”

  He shrugged and held his hand up to tell the waitress he was ready to order. He hadn’t realized how hungry he was until he smelled the greasy home cooking. He ordered a burger and fries, giving him time to gather his thoughts.

  “I take it you believe me now?”

  Kataya picked at her napkin, not making eye contact. “It’s a lot to take in.”

  “Yes, I’m sure it was quite the shock. Yet you took it better than most. Why is that, Kataya?”

  She laughed bitterly, and lowered her voice. “Look at me, Thorne. I’m not exactly your average citizen. And we both know that Apothica is filled with all sorts of misfits. So believing that Greek mythology could be real is not much of a stretch.”

  “Did he explain to you what I am?”

  “Kinda. Just that you’re from his realm and were kicked out—also that you weren’t full blooded, so people treated you like a leper.”

  “That about sums it up.”

  They were both silent as the waitress approached carrying his food. She refilled Kataya’s iced tea and then scurried away.

  “Do you still love him?” Picking up the burger, he took a bite.

  She nodded and looked away.

  While his meal was good, his appetite was suddenly lost.

  “I think we should go somewhere else and talk,” Kataya said, pushing her barely touched sandwich aside.

  “I don’t think there’s much more to talk about.” Thorne shoved a fry in his mouth and hoped his despair didn’t show on his face. He’d expected as much, but hearing it from her was like a knife being twisted in his gut.

  After they’d finished the rest of their meal in silence, Thorne threw some money on the table and strode out of the place.

  As soon as they stepped outside he turned toward her. “Why? I don’t understand why you would have come to me behind his back? It doesn’t make any sense.”

  Ignoring him she walked around the restaurant and sat down on a picnic table. “Sit down, you make me nervous standing over me like that.”

  Begrudgingly Thorne sat down beside her. It was cold, but she didn’t seem to care.

  Without looking at him she started to speak. “I’ve dreamt of you every night since the day I hit puberty. When I saw you in the flesh at Apothica, I just couldn’t help myself. It was foolish and wrong, but I don’t regret it. I couldn’t have stopped myself if I wanted to. It was like a compulsion.”

  Thorne sat up straighter. “You dreamt of me?”

  “I still do. When you started talking about soulmates, I wanted so badly to believe you. I mean, it was the only thing that made logical sense. Why else would I know you before we met?” She paused, and her face turned scarlet. “The dreams were quite erotic in nature, but there was also a deeper connection. Let’s just say you ruined me for normal relationships.”

  “Until Thanatos came along.” Thorne’s whole body went rigid with hatred.

  “No, it’s not like that with him.”

  “What do you mean? You said you loved him.”

  “I do. He’s the only one that treated me like I was special since … well, ever.” She paused and met his gaze. “Like you, I was the black sheep of the family. Yes, we were all strong witches, but I was stronger and the only one able to take on other forms. I was hated for something that I had no control over. When Geoffrey found me ... I don’t know, he just made me feel normal. And you have no idea how much that means.”

  “I think I have some idea.” As much as he hated to admit it.

  “Thorne, our relationship, it’s not romantic.”

  Not romantic? He didn’t want to get his hopes up, yet again. “But you’re married.”

  “Only by paper, and false papers at that. We are just working together to try to do some good in this fucked up world. He’s more like a father figure to m
e. He’s never touched me inappropriately. He still mourns the loss of his real family.”

  Jesus, she really believed Thanatos was good.

  Regardless, Thorne couldn’t help but be ecstatic that their relationship was not one of lovers. What did that mean for them? Did they have a chance? Not if the fucking world was going to be blown up.

  “Thanatos is not what he seems.”

  He felt her body stiffen beside him. “He told me you would try to turn me against him.” She pushed herself off the table and stood up. “Don’t waste your breath. My loyalty lies with Geoffrey.”

  Thorne nearly groaned. He had to backtrack and regain ground. There was no way in hell he was going to let this chance slip away.

  “Okay, let’s say you’re right and he’s a good guy who means well. Where does that leave us?”

  Her stance relaxed just a tiny bit. “I-I don’t know.”

  “Do you believe we are fated to be together?”

  Kataya wrung her hands. “I don’t know what to believe. But yes, we were meant to meet. That much is obvious. I should get back home. I’m sure Geoffrey is worried.”

  “He is.”

  “You saw him?”

  “Yes, I went to offer him something that would spare your life.”

  Kataya narrowed her eyes. “He would never hurt me.”

  “I’m afraid he would, child.”

  They both turned around to see Athena standing before them.

  “Anna?” Kataya reached forward and touched Athena’s arm, but quickly snapped her hand back as if she’d been burned.

  “Who’s Anna?” Thorne asked, confused.

  “My spirit guide, but I’ve never seen her in the flesh. Just while scrying.”

  “Oh what a tangled web we weave,” Thorne said sardonically.

  “Your guide also goes by the name Athena. Yes, the Athena. Who also happens to be my aunt.”

  Kataya sat back down, her legs too shaky to hold her up. “Is he speaking the truth?”

  “Yes, my dear. I am Athena, but I am also your guide by choice. And before you say it, I never lied about my name. All I gave you was A. You are the one that named me Anna.”

  Kataya covered her face with her hands. “I’ve been acting like a blubbering fool to you for my whole life. You must think I am so weak.”

  Athena smiled warmly. “Not at all, but your teen years were pretty trying.”

  “This is mortifying.”

  Thorne crossed his arms over his chest. As much as he hated to admit it, he was jealous that Athena had watched Kataya grow up. “We have more important things to worry about than your embarrassment.”

  “Thorne’s right, and he is your soulmate, your twin flame. I can’t say I envy you for that.”

  Thorne scoffed. And then something clicked. “Athena, if you’ve been with Kataya all along, then you have known about Thanatos this whole time.”

  “Yes. I have known, and had hoped Kataya would be enough to change his ways, but Thanatos is hell bent on going through with his plans. Which is why I had to interfere.”

  “Did you know about this all along from your vision?”

  “No, but it didn’t surprise me in the least. One of these days I’m going to find a way to get back at those little bitches, the Fates. They move things around like it’s a game for their entertainment.”

  Thorne figured now was not the best time to remind Athena that she was the one that probably got the ball rolling with the Fates when she interfered with Kataya’s bloodline.

  “I refuse to believe that Geoffrey wants to end humanity. You don’t know him the way I do.”

  “I’ve known Thanatos for eternity, trust me he is capable of worse. Much like the two of you, he is a victim of his circumstances. He did not wish for the hand that was dealt him, but he also didn’t choose the right path.” She paused. “He wasn’t always this way. As you know, his parents are Nyx and Erebos, and his twin is Hypnos. The twins were separated before they were of age. Thanatos got the bad end of the deal. He was taken by Erebos and left in pure darkness, alone for centuries. Eventually he escaped, and he was so powerful that no one could take him down, but he’d changed in that time. The darkness had won, that was until he met his wife. She refused to believe he was unredeemable. She’d known him as a child; they’d played together. It took centuries, but little by little she wore him down and he accepted her love. So as you can see, since Apollo took his family, Thanatos has nothing left to live for. That is until he met Kataya. I’ve watched them together. His feelings for her are real, but they are not strong enough to prevent him from taking revenge.”

  Thorne raked his hands through his hair, surprised to feel a sort of kinship with Thanatos. He’d though he’d had a bad life, but Thanatos’s was a thousand times worse. A part of him wanted to help him seek his revenge, bring the other gods to their knees.

  Thorne finally spoke. “I don’t understand what Apollo was thinking.”

  “It was truly a mistake. Bad timing, luck, whatever you want to call it. He was just experimenting and didn’t realize it would affect anyone on The Realm.”

  “Who the fuck plays around with plagues?” Thorne demanded.

  Athena sighed. “Thorne, as gods we have many responsibilities. Not all of them are pleasant. Where do you think the outbreaks throughout history have come from? Thin air?”

  “You mean, you purposely send down viruses?”

  “Yes, and also natural disasters. There has to be a balance. And once in a while the world needs to be shaken up. I’m sorry, but it’s just the way that it is. Humans only have a short period of time on Earth to learn many lessons, and suffering is usually part of the learning process. We don’t make the rules.”

  “If you don’t then who does?”

  “The Creator, of course.” She looked at him like he was an idiot.

  “And does the Creator want Earth to end?” Kataya asked.

  “No, my dear, but free will is a very powerful tool that was bestowed upon us. The Creator will not step in to stop it if Thanatos chooses to go through with his plan.”

  He rubbed his temples. This was all getting way over his head. He knew he couldn’t possible prevent natural disasters or plagues, but there had to be a way to prevent Earth and The Realm from disappearing. Granted, if they had enough notice they could just teleport to another dimension, but that would be a last resort.

  “I offered Thanatos a carrot. I told him I might have a way to destroy The Realm and still save Earth. Is there any way at all this is possible?”

  Athena and Kataya exchanged a glance. “No, I’m afraid not. There is no way to cut the tie that binds them, much like the tie that you and Kataya have.”

  “Are you saying if one of us dies the other one dies, too?” Kataya asked, her tone disbelieving.

  “No it isn’t quite like that, but it would feel as if part of you was gone. Thorne knows the feeling well.”

  Did he ever. It fucking sucked.

  “With the silver cord holding The Realm and Earth together, if one is gone the other is gone. There is no way to stop it. We’re not just talking two souls here, we’re talking billions. I guess you could think of it like the cord attached to the cord you two share, but every soul has the same cord. Earth is a miraculous place.”

  “So if we went to another dimension before everything exploded we’d still die?” Thorne asked, surprised.

  “Yes, I’m afraid so. There is no way out of this. Our lives are literally in Thanatos’s hands.”

  “I need to speak to him.” Kataya stood up abruptly.

  Athena pulled Kataya into a hug. “I think you should let Thorne have a chance first.”

  “But he cares about me. I know he does.”

  Athena smoothed back Kataya’s hair. “Yes, his feelings for you are real. However, my vision shows Thorne as the one that can save us. If he fails, then you must do your best. If it cannot be avoided, I want you to know that I have loved watching over you and seeing you grow i
nto such an amazing young woman. And if there is a way, we will meet again.”

  Before Kataya could respond Athena was gone.

  She wiped away a tear. “Why do they always do that?”

  Thorne pulled her into him and she wrapped her arms around his waist. “Beats the hell out of me.”

  “Do you think you can stop him?”

  “So you believe me now?”

  “How can I not? I just spoke to a goddess.”

  “You’ve done more than just speak to a goddess.” Thorne couldn’t help but grin.

  “What do you mean?”

  “The woman staying with me. Yeah, well that’s Nike.”

  Her arms dropped to her side and she pushed him back to look up at him. “Tell me you’re joking.”

  “Sorry, love, can’t do that.”

  Kataya covered her mouth. “Ohmygod.”

  Thorne grabbed her again and wrapped his arms tightly around her. “We’ve got more important things to worry about right now.” He closed his eyes and transported them back to his place. As much as he wanted to take her back to the bedroom and fuck the hell out of her he knew he had to talk to Thanatos first.

  “You stay here and I’ll be back soon.”

  She crossed her arms over her chest. “No. I’m going with you.”

  “You heard what Athena said.”

  He could tell by looking at her that there was no changing her mind.

  “I won’t interfere, but I want to be there. Just in case I can help in some way.”

  Sighing, Thorne wrapped his arms around her again and pulled them to Thanatos’s house.

  Kataya’s face looked a little green because she wasn’t used to the traveling through time and space. Hell, neither was he.

  Chapter. 9

  Thanatos, I have news.

  Where are you?

  At your house.

  Don’t you have any manners?

  Not really.

  I’ll be there in a few moments.

  “I think I need to sit down,” Kataya said, holding onto her stomach.

  “Have the butler get you some crackers and tea to help settle your stomach. It will pass quickly.”


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