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Knights of Enmity: The Barons Have Fallen (Descending Fires Book 1)

Page 12

by Sedrie Danielle

  “Hello. I’m Calliope. You’re an Alchemist are you not? I can tell by your robes.”

  “I am. And I’m not really supposed to be here, so let that be our secret.”

  “I’m not supposed to be here either. I sneak out here by the fountain and read things I’m not supposed to,” she said, pulling a romance novel from her satchel. Cornelius giggled at the innocent young woman. He looked at the book entitled The River Runs Deep laughing as he had also read the book before.

  “Why are you here Cornelius?” she asked.

  “You know of me?”

  “I have seen you in dreams before. But you are crying every time I see you. Tell me, why do you weep?”

  “I weep because I love one who does not love me back.”

  “He can’t love you because he doesn’t have a soul, but even with it, love is the furthest thing from his mind.”

  “What do you mean, no soul?”

  “I don’t know how it left, I just don’t ever see his. But you are beautiful Cornelius. And until you can see that beauty yourself, you will never rise to the crimson throne.”

  Cornelius pondered on her words, knowing they were true; more so than Dante’s.

  “And what of you, do you not desire love?”

  “Of course. But the Seers here are nothing like the men of my books. None of them are very attractive and they have all taken the path of the eunuch. The inside reach won’t get very far with a flat top,” she said.

  Cornelius burst out in laughter knowing it was true, remembering Callan’s eunuch state. “Silly me. Solon can’t do anything with a fucking eunuch. I have let jealousy get the best of me,” he said to himself, stacking up a pile of rocks.

  Calliope watched him curiously as he transmutated the rocks into twelve of his favorite romance novels. She gasped excitedly, bending down to embrace her new books.

  “Why thank you! This is greatly appreciated.”

  “Likewise, I have enjoyed our brief conversation. Farewell my lady, and don’t rub too hard tonight,” he said, opening a portal back to Castle Panchrest.


  The Western world finally caught up with the sunrise of Romania, and the Black Knights lay in their beds resting, before the events of the day. Messalla was the newest Black Knight and only so because Mila knighted him against the advice of Rufus.

  He received a text and smiled as he read the names of his brothers in Ordo Magnum Opus finally on the journey to receiving their red coats. He was a Rubedo level five and close apprentice to Solon.

  The road of the Alchemist was for the chosen, but Solon increased their numbers to nearly 100 over the past several years. Only at the Rubedo levels are Alchemists allowed to take mates, sometimes up to three which was against Magia tradition. Knowing that there was a polygamist in the midst salted Rufus's cookies as he was an old school warrior and magician.

  Mila knew of the importance of Messalla's choices and dismissed Rufus's personal contentions and knighted him as she also serves as Magia Regina; a title all Grand Dakinis hold.

  He sat the phone down as his eyes squinted at the brightest sunlight he had ever seen. His wives Vanessa and Petra snuggled on either side of him. He smiled as both women slept soundly and crawled out of bed as not to disturb them; heading for the bathroom.

  He sighed as he released his morning pee and remembered to let the seat down for his ladies. As he washed his hands and face, he stared at his body. His flawless abs and biceps; a gift from his work as a Black Knight, over shadowed by the Alchemical sigils that covered him from his neck to his feet.

  For his order, each tattoo represents a triumph and mastery of which Messalla had many. His black hair was short and spiked no thanks to a pound of mousse he used every day. The thick black brows, long lashes along with his brownish green eyes made him a real catch.

  He put his hand over his chest, covering a tattoo of the Puerto Rican flag; a reminder of his past etched close to his heart. It ached, so he rubbed the pain away. “Octavio Dominguez you were. Never to be again,” he said, in his strong Spanish accent.

  He began brewing coffee when he heard the ladies stirring. He smiled. Life was happy with them, yet there was something that kept him from true contentment.

  Vanessa came down first wearing a gown that stopped at the base of her ass. She was a beautiful light brown woman with a short black bob haircut. She needed no makeup as her natural beauty was unmatched.

  Her hips and thighs were thick, breasts were small, but Messalla didn’t care because he loved her. She was a priestess loyal to the Order of Red Axes and received their blessing to become an Alchemist's wife.

  “Buenos dias mi amor,” she said, kissing him on the lips and forehead.

  “Good morning sweet,” he replied softly. She grabbed some mugs and creamer for the coffee.

  “How many scoops did you put? 7 or 8?”

  “Nine. It’s well needed this morning,” he said.

  “Aye aye aye! Baby, you kill me with your diesel fuel coffee!” she shouted. He forced out a laugh but his mind ventured off to something he saw last night; a hooded man standing in a pasture of lambs.

  “Baby? What’s the matter?” Vanessa asked him, all jokes aside.

  “Nothing sweet. I just need coffee and meditation. There is a lot going on. Some of my friends are being initiated into the Rubedo level. They are fighting their way through the Chamber of Reflection as we speak. The Prophet will soon call the sheeple to the Obelisk and it shall be a mess. Rufus will probably call a Round Table. My mind is everywhere,” he said.

  “Yeah. Uncle Babalo has called for all priests and workers to meet with their covens. I have to leave shortly. You sure you gonna be ok baby?” she asked.

  He walked up to her and grabbed her by her gown, pulling her close. He kissed her and quickly bent her over the cabinet. He lifted her gown revealing her round ass. He pulled down his boxers and slid inside of her.

  Vanessa was always wet, which he counted on. She didn’t get any play time last night and he knew she wanted it. He grabbed her throat from behind and began thrusting into her. She screamed as he went faster and harder; her juices making the wet, squishy sounds that turned him on.

  Petra came down the stairs with disheveled hair and a bath robe that wasn’t tied, wearing only red panties. She grabbed a cup of coffee and kissed Messalla good morning as though he weren’t balls deep inside Vanessa. She walked away but not before she slapped Vanessa on the ass.

  The couple moaned for the next thirty minutes only to be interrupted by a text which read: MEET IN 1 HOUR. The two continued their deeds in the shower while Petra sat and watched Criminal Minds.

  Petra was a beautiful woman too. Very pale skin and fiery red hair which she dyed purple. She had a mole on her right cheek and plump pink lips which were complimented by her stunning blue eyes. Her frame was small. Not so curvy but accented by her new pair of double d's; a courtesy of her husband.

  Vanessa ran downstairs for a to-go cup of coffee; kissing Petra on the cheek.

  “Listen, if I’m not back before tomorrow, take care of him. He’s a little off today.”

  “Didn’t sound like it to me,” Petra said laughing. Vanessa pinched her nipple and ran off as she was to meet at her coven; headed by Akin, son of Babalo. Messalla came down the cater-cornered stairs stomping in his boots. He was in his training uniform which Mila designed, like she did for the other Knights.

  Long ago, each Magia had the unfortunate disadvantage of wearing the same uniform. It had been 50 years since the last Magia Regina designed a new uniform and therefore a certain touch was lacking. Mila understood that each Knight had a different skill and talent. To wear the same uniform was a disadvantage to all.

  Adonis had wings and could fly therefore his uniform had an opening in the back to fit his wings. Lance had the gift of speed, so his uniform is more form fitting with a holster for his guns. Jin-Lu hated form fitting uniforms and preferred a traditional zhidou.

  Messalla was
a first class Alchemist and possessed an unmatched knowledge of chemical properties. His uniform was fitted with a long black coat as he was not limited to hand to hand combat.

  He looked at himself in the mirror near the closet door and made sure all was in order. Petra looked across the room and he stared at her. The look on his face was one of a man who was giving up on life and it scared her.

  She dropped her cigarette and ran over to him.

  “Sala what’s wrong? You feel incredibly sad. Did I do something wrong?” she asked, giving him the puppy dog look. He kissed her and held her close.

  “No love. You did nothing wrong. I’m just lost in my own thoughts. It shall pass,” he responded.

  “Tell me what it is,” she begged, looking teary eyed.

  “I have left money on the dresser. Make sure you buy a stunning gown for the Black & Blue Ball. I will be wearing a Magia suit. I have to go,” he said as he opened the portal to the temple. He walked through the portal, closing it behind him.

  Petra stood with her hand against the wall with tears falling down her face. Her mind was confused and wasn’t sure what was going on with her husband whom she loved.


  Mila peeked at Cesare's phone as he began to get dressed. She instantly fell into laughter as she looked at a photo of a man beaten and curled up on a wet street. “Where the fuck is he?” she asked shaking her head.

  “He's in The Man's territory. So now I have to stop and get some cash, to give him as an offering, so he will release Vinny's dumb ass,” he replied. Cesare's brows curled as he was clearly annoyed by the interruption.

  “Big brother to the rescue. Again.”

  “Always. Some days I just want to stay at home with you and do nothing. But if it’s not one thing it’s another. I feel like my family is falling apart,” he said.

  “You still have me babe,” she said grabbing him and pulling him close to her naked body.

  “That's not what I meant. But Lance is depressed. I’m afraid he'll start using again. Vinny has been gangbanging hard, and now he's finding himself in the snares of magicians. He thinks he's just stealing from some thugs, but he could quite honestly start a war. Then, Noa has moved back home with mom. I don’t know why, but I think it has something to do with Andre, Devin's father and they’re keeping that shit on hush. Mom is mad at me because I burned down her house and shit. And on top of that, some old stuff is resurfacing, including Luis which I haven’t had the chance to talk to you about. It’s just too much babe,” he said, squeezing her tight.

  “I know. But don't try to do it on your own. I'm your help meet. Give some of your burden to me if you need to. Remember the Ball is tonight, hopefully that will ease some of the tension,” she said.

  He kissed her and squeezed her plump ass cheeks; his way of saying thank you. Cesare walked down the hall hoping to find Lance but ran into Atlas and Hercules; two of the Iron Fists.

  “Ah! If it isn’t our favorite Knight!” Hercules said, picking him up and squeezing him like a long lost friend.

  Hercules was a huge man; like those of his order. Each could easily win a Mr. Olympia competition as they paraded their flawless physiques around like trophies. Hercules had large blue eyes and a dusty blonde beard to match the fuzz on top of his head.

  Atlas was the color of a Hershey bar; often heard before he was seen. They both wore ball caps turned backwards with loose fitting tanks to show off their impeccable upper body builds. Cesare hit Hercules on the head as he put him down.

  “What?! No love today bro?” Hercules asked.

  “I've told you about that picking me up shit!” Cesare shouted, as the hearty heroes laughed.

  “Well, you can try to kick my ass, or you can try and beat me in a race,” Hercules said. Now Cesare was interested.

  “With what? That beat up ass Mustang?” Cesare asked waiting. Hercules led him outside to meet his new car: A Dodge Charger.

  “I call her Baby. Because when I press the gas she screams “Oh baby please hurt me!” he said laughing with Atlas.

  “That piece of junk is gonna be crying like a baby when Black Stallion whoops that ass again,” Cesare said pointing at his black Challenger.

  “Then let's roll!” he said hopping in the car. The engines revved and some of the Palace guests came outside to watch the commotion.

  Car races were a typical event at the Blue Palace which often ended in the evasion of sheeple police. Lance and Mila looked on as Miss Chrissy stood between the cars in a pair of jean shorts and tight tank with a bandanna in her hand.

  “Alright boys. Hit it!” she said as they took off. Hercules and Cesare were neck and neck as they sped down the highway. Each having to avoid sheeple drivers who looked on in amazement.

  Cesare and Hercules drove at speeds nearing 100 miles per hour catching the attention of police who began to chase them down. Both men laughed at each other as they drove side by side; changing their original intention towards the cops.

  After twenty minutes there were at least a dozen squad cars and a helicopter overhead which didn’t slow the pace of the two magicians.

  Hercules pulled out a gun and Cesare reached in the glove compartment for his. They began shooting at the police while trying to dodge cars. Once police had a clear shot, they blew out the tires out of Hercules' Charger causing him to spin off the road. Cesare looked back and veered his car to the side. He got out to run to Hercules' aid, and they began to shoot at him which started pissing him off.

  Hercules was laughing, picking his car up and throwing it at the helicopter. As the helicopter began to plummet, he jumped up and grabbed the tail; smashing it into a cop car. Hercules took a bullet to his meaty arm, and both legs; falling back towards the concrete hitting his head.

  “Holy shit that hurts!” he shouted in anger, but was somewhat delirious. Cesare laughed at him and created a wall of fire between them and the cops.

  “Come on bro. I can't pick your big ass up!” he said, dragging him away from the fire. Hercules eventually got up but the cops were still shooting at them. Hercules grabbed his car and began flinging it around like a bat; swatting at cops.

  “Man, Adonis would have loved to see this,” Cesare said to himself, as the big brute rid them of the shooting cops.

  “Let’s go before more come,” Cesare ordered, as he burned the Charger into bits of ash; leaving nothing to help identify Hercules with. They ran to the Challenger and sped off in the other direction towards the Blue Palace.

  One man stood watch as they drove down the road, walking through the fire as if it didn’t burn. He looked back at his fellow cops; some dead, some badly injured and winked at the two renegades.

  Cesare and Hercules pulled up to a crowd waiting for the verdict. Mila folded her arms with a smile knowing they got into trouble. Hercules got out limping.

  “Where's Baby?!” Atlas asked, looking at the bleeding Hercules.

  “Oh Baby is dead my friend,” he said patting him on the back. Cesare laughed.

  “Hey umm. You might want to lay low for a while. You kind of stand out,” Cesare said.

  “But we killed all of them.”

  “Well, just in case,” Cesare added.

  “Killed all of them?” Mila asked raising a brow.

  “Babe. It wasn't me. I swear,” he said holding his hands up in defense.

  “And Vinny?” she asked, eyebrows still raised. Cesare snapped his fingers and pointed at her as though he suddenly remembered.

  “What would I do without you my love?” he asked smiling.

  “Uh-huh. And I know you burnt people because you smell like smoke,” she said fussing as they walked to find Lance.

  Cesare went towards the dance floor where Lance and Chrissy were chatting it up and laughing.

  “So what's been up with you? You know, I remember the first time I met you. You were so charismatic, you always smiled, sex oozed out of your pores. Now every time I see you, your light is dim and there isn't a smile on your face,�
� Chrissy said.

  “Life happens. I'm missing something. Love. But I know, you understand better than anyone what it’s like, to see love happen for everyone but yourself. I guess the thrill of chasing ass is gone. I need something else; something deeper. Sleeping alone is painful,” Lance said taking a puff.

  “I know that feeling too well. But in my circumstance, it'll probably never happen,” she said nearly in tears. She smiled through them as Lance took her hand.

  “You are a beautiful woman and a powerful witch. I'm sure your Knight in shining armor will show up soon enough. Hell, it might happen tonight at the Ball! We just have to believe it. Make it manifest. These ups and downs are the downside to our magic. We access the deepest depths of the soul, but that makes us --”

  “More emotional than most men. And that’s not a bad thing. To understand the soul, is to tap into emotion and use it. But lately dear Knight, you seem to have lost your control. I know this because you smoke a pack or two a day. I didn't even know you smoked until recently,” she said.

  Lance looked off into space thinking back on that faithless night he truly did lose control. That night back in the alley.

  “Oh, you made it back,” he said to Cesare, quickly changing the conversation. Hercules was moaning and groaning as two Contessas helped him to the infirmary.

  “Don't touch that! It hurts!” he shouted.

  “I have to. You have a bullet in your meat,” Valina said shaking her head.

  “You're too big to be whining like this!” she added causing the onlookers to laugh.

  “Anyways. Lance, we got a situation. A family situation,” he said, giving him that let’s go look. Lance took another sip of coffee.

  “Let me guess, our baby brother. Vincenzo.”

  “Of course,” Cesare answered, showing him the photo of Vinny.

  “I take it this two grand in my pocket is now an offering to The Man,” Lance said, standing up and putting on his jacket.

  “Well don't look so sad about it. Everything will turn around. Things that happen, happen just as they should,” Chrissy blowing him a kiss goodbye. Lance tried to hide his emotion, but could never keep things from Cesare.


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