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Knights of Enmity: The Barons Have Fallen (Descending Fires Book 1)

Page 21

by Sedrie Danielle

  D'Artagnan and Cesare both laughed at the body builder as he attempted to dress in his 90's fight the power get up. “That is Perseus. He's one of the Iron Fists. And yes, he is indeed a magician,” Cesare answered.

  “And those guys with the afros?”

  “Yes. They are the Panthers. Very powerful magicians,” Cesare answered, giving the Panthers the hand sign.

  “So is that the magical what's up or something?” Vincenzo continued to ask.

  “Actually, yes. See the last three fingers represent three sixes. Because we are the children of the first magicians. You remember in school, what all matter is comprised of?”


  “And what is carbon's atomic number?”

  “Six. Carbon is made of six neutrons, six electrons and six protons,” Vincenzo said as his face started to become a bit red. It was all a lot to digest in one day, but it excited him for some reason.

  “666 is the number of man. The angels are six, six, and seven. The slight atomic difference makes an entirely different creature. We are the children of man and protect that,” Cesare continued to instruct.

  “So, you motherfuckers are what? The Illuminati?” Vincenzo asked. Cesare laughed.

  “That is the name of an old sheeple order started back in the 18th century. Sheeple call all of the thirty-three orders of man the Illuminati, but we prefer to be called the Hidden Ones. Sheeple are what we call the non-magical humans who have labeled us evil since the dawn of time. They hate us, fear us, because we live beyond their understanding. In all of their hatred, we still protect them from things they don’t even know exist,” Cesare continued to explain.

  “Wow. This is a lot.”

  “If a magician approaches you, and they aren’t sure of your magical status they may say to you: “Those who are hidden in the darkness.”

  “That is when you turn to them and say: “Are guided by de light of de fallen,” D’Artagnan finished as they reached their spot.

  “See, dis be a good spot,” D'Artagnan said finishing off his corn dog.

  Vincenzo stood quiet and suspicious as he felt the spotlight was on him.

  “So, why here?” Vincenzo asked.

  “Little brother ask good questions,” D'Artagnan said.

  “Well, it’s the Obelisk,” Cesare answered.

  “The Washington Monument you mean?”

  “No. These obelisks are placed all over the world. They are towers of power and mark the spots which the Grigori fell after the first Light War. There are hundreds of them bearing the names of those Grigori, but it is hidden to the eyes of the sheeple. This one was erected for Semyaza, the leader of the Grigorian Order. The one which the founders of our orders made the great pact with,” Cesare said as applause caused them to redirect their attention to the front.

  The Prophet stood before the great Obelisk of the West to the cheers of thousands of people waiting to hear the words which they thought were divine. Like a wall behind him stood the Mighty Mujāhidūn; each bearing the seal of the Order of the Star and Crescent. He approached the podium, his grimoire in one hand and glasses in the other feeding off the energy which the sheeple projected to him.

  The Prophet stood humbly as he attempted to quiet the crowd before him.

  “Thank you for the welcome, as I greet you in peace and love with the blessings of our father,” he said in a calm, comforting voice.

  The crowd immediately quieted down as they fell into the great orator's spell. As the Prophet began to speak, the two Knights stood watch on the third row; Vincenzo listening intently.

  “Yo Ray. What's he doing? Enchantment no?” D'Artagnan asked as he looked around at the crowd. His dreads were pulled back from his face, but his gold teeth glistened each time he opened his mouth.

  He met eyes with Akin and Otito from the Order of Red Axes; each of them bowing in acknowledgment. “De Red Axes here too,” he added trying to get Cesare's attention.

  “My people, when I first set out to gather you all here before the great Obelisk of the West, I had the idea of unity as the theme for my message. Within the last twenty-four hours I have changed that message as I cannot offer you a peace that does not exist,” the Prophet began to say.

  Rufus shot a weary look to Lance as they watched the Prophet on the teleprompter in front of them.

  “I, like many who stand hidden in the crowd, have been privy to secrets which the masses fear. Many of you have been brought up to be afraid of witchcraft, sorcery; you label it as evil and not of God. I am here to tell you that everything you have ever been taught about Angels and magic is partially right. Magic cannot be used to fight the will of the Creator. We live in the days of the Reckoning, but we have been blessed with a remedy,” he said to a crowd full of gasps.

  “What's he doing man?” D'Artagnan shouted holding his head. Vincenzo looked around as his world began to spin. The voices around him started buzzing in his ear, much like D'Artagnan described earlier.

  “For too long have you been led to believe that the Sons of God are benevolent and fair. I assure you my people, they are not, but we cannot stop them from doing that which they were created to do. Destroy. But if you follow me, I will show you the way to peace,” he said as angels began to descend to the platform. The Prophet laughed.

  “Behold, I give to you the Sons of Heaven!” the Prophet said reluctantly.

  “My, my. What a mouthful of disdain that is,” Ariel said winking.

  The sheeple began to gasp as they were amazed at the sight. The Prophet’s voice began to open the eyes of the sheeple in the crowd; allowing them to see the angels on the platform. A woman ran up to the bottom of the stairs and began to bow and throw them flowers. Ariel smiled, but the Hidden were not amused.

  The Prophet stared in shock as the sheeple began to pray to them.

  “Angels!?! Is he fucking mad?! Did he forget what happened with them not even twelve hours ago?!” Adonis shouted from the rooftop.

  “I don’t think he summoned them. We better head down there, Borgia will not hold back his blade. His rage alone could expose us,” Rufus replied.

  “As you will it,” Nicky said as he engulfed everyone in a heavy smoke. When the smoke dissipated, they were standing behind a partition just several feet away from The Prophet.

  Rufus laid his eyes on his two Knights in the crowd and motioned for Lance and Adonis to head their way. Matilda and Lorne followed Rufus's lead to the front, but were stopped in their tracks when the Mighty Mujāhidūn met them with the diamond scimitars to their throats.

  “We have come in peace. The Reapers and I have no quarrel here today,” Rufus said raising his hands.

  Matilda and Lorne looked stunned as their order typically didn’t engage in combat. As Rufus tried to talk the Mighty Mujāhidūn to release them, Lance and Adonis pushed through to their fellow Knights.

  “Don't do it. Don’t move unless Rex gives you the signal. If you show your powers, it will be on your head for exposing us, not the Prophet's,” Lance said trying to calm his brother down.

  The angels stood motionless, apart from Ariel who approached the podium, but suddenly a masked man came out of the crowd and began to shoot at the Prophet. The gunshots caused a stampede going in the direction away from the podium. Adonis began laughing hysterically as he looked around to see who tried to assassinate the Prophet. Vincenzo took to the ground, fearing for his life.

  The Mighty Mujāhidūn crossed their swords protecting the Prophet, blocking the bullets that came at him. The angels pulled out their blades and charged at the gunman. Cesare jumped several feet in the air and met the blade of an angel with his own. He took a blade and stabbed the angel through the chin, causing the light of his aura to crack and he fell dead.

  “Stop this now! You will frighten them!” the Prophet shouted, causing the chaos to calm. The Knights and Red Axes were ready for a battle, but uncertainty of the situation caused them to just watch.

  “This summit is to awaken. We are not
at war with you Ariel” the Prophet said.

  “Do you really think I would allow you to awaken an entire army of sheeple? I shall kill them all!” Ariel said laughing.

  The Prophet stared at him, but was not frightened. Ariel turned his attention to the Knights at the base of the stairs.

  “And who do you think you are? Killing my brethren without provocation?” he asked, turning towards the Knights.

  “Me? I am Cesare Borgia. Black Knight of the Order of Magia Chaotica. And I bear witness to you wretched creatures as the precipitators of war, famine, and pestilence all over the world, since its inception. You have brought our world to the light. Now millions watch us as we air out our dirty laundry,” Cesare said.

  “The prophecy will be fulfilled Knight. But before there can be peace, there will be a cleansing of the Earth of you wicked and wretched creatures. No Order has the power to stop it for it is God's will! The masses wish for relief from the trials of this world and they will follow me,” The Prophet shouted. Cesare scoffed as he took a look at his blade.

  “Look around Prophet. The sheeple pray to this piece of shit because that's what they believe in. That is what religion has taught them to revere. God is not here. Only me. And my will shall be done,” he said as he killed another angel.

  Ariel glared at Cesare, pointing towards the Obelisk ordering his angels to bring it down. They began banging on it, tipping it over onto the masses of humans. The Orders who were amongst the crowd attempted to save who they could, but most were lost.

  Thousands were instantly killed from the blast but Ariel then realized the Obelisk was more than what it seemed.

  “Oh, how clever,” Ariel said, walking down the stairs.

  “Our war is forever, humans. But this day, our battle is not with man. But the Grigori! We will destroy all who taught the likes of man the magic of the gods!” Ariel shouted, as he raised his hand towards the floating seal of Semyaza.

  He charged the sigil and it began to light. “Come forth you bastard! It is time for your sentencing!” he shouted as the seal began to crack.

  The Orders turned their eyes to the Obelisk in dismay. Rufus's eyes widened as he began to piece together Ariel's intentions. The remaining parts of the Obelisk began to tip over and fell into the water. A large man with long, stringy green hair emerged from the sigil. His clothing was battered and torn, his skin a dull grey, his eyes the same silvery shimmer which the Angels had. Upon his chest was a breastplate etched with the ancient script of the Grigori bearing his name, Shamshiel. Ariel's face grimaced as he looked upon him.

  “Where is Semyaza?! Is this not his place of hiding?” Ariel shouted.

  “Hello little brother. You called?” Shamshiel asked, as he jumped towards him. Each step he took caused the earth to shake; the waters trembled with his voice.

  “I called for Semyaza. Not you Shamshiel. Where is your master hidden? It is time that he faces judgment!” Ariel stormed.

  “Ah, yes. Semyaza. I do not believe he is here, but I will relay your message,” he said, in a low, thundering tone.

  “I, Ariel, he who covets the throne of the Demiurge, charge you Shamshiel with treason, with cohabitation with the daughters of man, and thievery. I sentence you to obliteration!” Ariel said, as his hordes descended upon the stairs.

  The Orders stared almost in disbelief, as none of them had seen a Grigori in the flesh. Shamshiel raised his hand and the light of the sun became blinding to the sheeple who tried to look upon him.

  In the distance, an army of eagles approached; each holding within their talons coyotes and stags. Rufus smiled and stood in front of Shamshiel, twirling his black blade.

  “Ariel. I hear you. But see, we the Council of Nine have sworn to protect the fallen 300 and we will do so with our lives,” Rufus said.

  Ariel sounded his battle horn as he jumped towards Shamshiel. The battle ensued, but the Prophet motioned for the Mighty Mujāhidūn to stand down as the Knights and other Orders engaged the angels.

  “But sir! We are the Mujāhidūn! Let us defend!” Damir shouted from his ranks. The Prophet turned to him and glared, setting him to silence.

  Red lightning bolts crashed against the stone steps; leaving scorch marks from the impact as the Red Axes summoned their power. Lorne and Matilda waved their wands trapping angels in vines.

  An angel grabbed Matilda and her familiar, a large savannah cat, appeared and began clawing at the angel. Lorne summoned his familiar; a large toad about the size of an Alaskan huskie, which he called Toadette.

  Toadette wrapped her tongue around a wingless angel and swallowed it whole.

  The six eagles landed, taking the form of six old men.

  “We the men of the Red Mountain have come to protect he who taught us the signs of the sun. Ariel, we banish thee from this place,” Elder Red Thorn said, as he and the others pulled their battle axes.

  “Even the Elders have taken up arms! Why then do we stand silent?!” Damir shouted.

  “If you speak out of line again, Damir, you will find yourself sorry you did so,” The Prophet said sternly.

  “Oh no! They are video taping us?!” Matilda shouted in horror. Lorne waved his wand creating a large wall of dirt between the magicians and the sheeple who were recording.

  Nicky wisped around the sheeple disabling their video feeds to try to conceal what was taking place. Solon and several of his Alchemists stood beyond the battle scene as they could see another horde of angels descending in the distance.

  “Master Solon, should we engage?” Orneaus asked as he stood ready to partake. Solon shook his head and turned his back to the battle. Solon fell to his knees as a pain shot through his body. He looked towards the crowd and with a startled look on his face, grabbed his heart.

  “No. Go with Cornelius and prepare. We will be done with the Magia once and for all,” Solon said.

  Rufus laid eyes on Solon but wanted to diffuse the battle. He slammed his fist upon the ground causing all to fly up from the blast.

  “I am Rufus Sosius the Elder. Magia Magnificent Rex of the Order of Magia Chaotica. No further harm will come to the angels if they leave now. Besides, you ain’t shit without the first horn. Are you? Now get the fuck out of here before you become an endangered species,” he shouted, as both sides watched the other's movement.

  Like small tornados, the angels ascended to the clouds. Shamshiel stood quiet as all looked upon him. An angel blade was stuck in his chest, and as he pulled it out there was no blood.

  “Shamshiel, your hidden place is discovered. We offer you refuge at the Red Mountain until we have found another resting place,” Elder Red Thorn said. Shamshiel bowed and took the form of a large, grey eagle; leading the way to the Red Mountain. The Feathers of Red Dawn took their leave as their main priority, Shamshiel, had been recovered.

  The Prophet forced his way through his foot soldiers and met the Knights and Red Axes at the base of the stairs. “None of you can stop the will of the Demiurge. It has been written, and what is written will be done!” the Prophet stormed.

  “The Demiurge also gave us free will, and with that will, we have been given the power to change our destinies. No, the Demiurge has not mandated anything. It is your own interpretation which has caused this to happen. Angels will be as they have always been: trouble. My Knights and I will slaughter every last one of them at the drop of a dime,” Rufus said sternly.

  The Prophet could see that the sheeple were walking back towards the podium as they were drawn to hear the message.

  “The people return, Rufus. They crave enlightenment. I will give it to them,” The Prophet said.

  “You would have the entire world know of us? I don’t understand!” Matilda shouted.

  “Nor is it for you to understand Madam Crone. Now leave the Order of the Star and Crescent to our business. Hurry before the wall crumbles,” The Prophet said turning and walking back to the podium.

  “Your plan will fail. The sheeple will not follow you. They will on
ly make real what they imagine. You have sentenced them to death,” Rufus said, motioning for his Knights to disperse.

  The Red Axes rode the lightening back to their temple, as all other orders left the Prophet to his business.

  “Come Madam Crone,” Lorne said as he handed her a broomstick. She was so frustrated that she wanted to cry, but mounted and headed off.

  The dirt wall began to crumble and Cesare grabbed Vincenzo who was caught on the other side of it. They made it back to the cars when Adonis noticed they had an extra.

  “Who the fuck are you?” he asked. Vincenzo looked at him like he wanted to bolt.

  “This is my brother, Vincenzo,” Cesare said.

  “Well welcome to Club Clusterfuck. I will be your host, Adonis Maragos and this is the court jester Quintus Nash,” he said pointing at the fake smiling dwarf.

  Rufus looked him in the eye but didn’t like what he saw.

  “Has he had a reading?” Rufus asked.

  “Mhm,” Lance said.

  “What did it reveal?” Rufus asked, waiting for an answer.

  “Rex, I would like a word,” Solon said, as he walked up to the Knights. Rufus was still waiting on an answer from the Borgias, but turned to acknowledge the Grand Alchemist.

  “Now that one of the Grigori is found, I’m sure the angels will stop at nothing to find the others. Protecting the other obelisks however is far from a priority at the moment. I was naive to believe that sheeple could pose a problem for us, which typically isn’t the case. But sheeple, by the millions could undo us,” Solon said.

  “Explain,” Rufus said sharply.

  “Listen,” Solon said as they could hear the crowd chanting.

  “In the name of God, by light of the first sun, we beseech you to bring us enlightenment, peace and justice as you bring the day upon the darkness-” the crowd chanted simultaneously.

  “Is that their -”

  “Motto. Yes. Not only is he awakening them, but he is recruiting them to the Order of the Star and Crescent. With a million minds focused on the same intent, they are in fact giving him the power to break the seven seals. As the keeper of the keys, I have been alerted that the Oubliette of Pergamos has already been breached,” Solon said blankly.


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