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Knights of Enmity: The Barons Have Fallen (Descending Fires Book 1)

Page 23

by Sedrie Danielle

  Cesare glared at Cornelius who smiled back. Cornelius moved his gaze to the right of Cesare at Caden who had a look of disdain on his face. He quickly turned his head and shrugged, paying neither Knight any attention.

  “Has Gabriel been unleashed?” Matilda Barron shouted from the front row. Rufus shook his head.

  “No Madam Crone, he is still confined. But as you know, Gabriel is not the only thing bound in the Oubliettes. Something or someone is missing, and we aren't quite sure what it is just yet. Several Unnamed have been seen both here in the Hollow and the Upper Earth. We believe Lazarus remains sleep, but we will go make sure. My Knights and I will go with the Rubedos of Ordo Magnum Opus to re-seal the breach before anything has the chance to escape. I called this meeting to give each of you a warning that something is a-miss. Be aware of changes, no matter how subtle, and protect yourselves as the coming age approaches. It is the rule of Mars, and although many of you were not here when last it reigned alongside the blood moon, terrible times hailed from it. That being said, I am mandating that each order patrol their designated Obelisks of the Grigori. There is at least one obelisk set at the headquarters of each of the Council of Nine members; apart from the Parthenon. Ariel will search them out now that he understands their significance. And if we are to uphold our oaths, we must protect them. I also suggest that we enlist those lesser orders who would willingly assist. The Armored Fleet and the Iron Fists would more than likely abide as they are always looking for a good fight. The Sons of Lupercus may assist seeing as though they want entry into the Council. I will leave their recruitment up to you Madam Crone. Stay strong, and be well,” Rufus said ending his speech.

  Quintus leaned over to Dante. “You smell like hot wings Mr. Dante,” he said in a whisper.

  “Indeed. The Blue Palace has the best,” he said smiling.

  “Well hot damn. It truly is the end of the fucking world,” Quintus said, referring to a Dactyl visiting the Blue Palace.

  As the orders began to leave to their respective temples, Matilda climbed the stairs, holding up her long brown gown as not to trip. The wide brim of her conical hat could be used as a parachute if she ever needed one, or so Rufus would always joke.

  He swallowed as he anticipated the coming irritation from the Crone but turned and smiled nonetheless.

  “Rex, you speak about this so calmly. Are we at war sir? Will you give me a straight answer?” she asked in a stern, heavy accent; common to Lincolnshire, England.

  “Madam Crone. Don’t give me shit today! We are always at war. Some days are just quieter than others. But today, I'm simply warning you that something else may be going on. Until I can peel back the layers of the onion, be calm and don't let your cauldron bubble over darling,” Rufus replied, staring at her with his large, dark eyes.

  She folded her arms as though she were disappointed with his answer. Rufus placed his hands on her shoulders and laughed, causing Matilda's already wrinkled face to tighten as though sucking a lemon.

  “Madam Crone. If my Knights and I need your Reapers, we shall let you know. Be easy, and tell your covens to stay on guard. Alright?” he said winking. She stuck her nose up and turned away from as though displeased. Rufus laughed silently as she stomped away.

  His twelve Knights met him at the bottom of the stairs; dressed not in their battle uniforms, but stood shirtless with their black capes and laurels. Each of them, skilled warriors trained in the mastery of Magia Chaotica, always had the look of war in their eyes.

  “Alright kids, I'm only going to need five. I'm taking Adonis, Quintus, Cesare, Lance and Messalla. Caden and Colton, you two are on watch in the Grand Rotunda; D'Artagnan and Jin-Lu, go topside to the Blue Palace. Hammer, man the Ludus and put the boys on lock down; I don’t need any rogue whites, blues or reds. Claudius, I'm sure you have some word search puzzles that need solving,” Rufus said laughing.

  Cesare glared at Messalla who was looking the other way and rolled his eyes. Rufus knew of the tension between the two, and always made it a point to put them on missions together. He wanted a solid Order, but such dissension was sure to create fissures in the brotherhood. Rufus pulled on Cesare's long, curly hair which fell way past his chest causing him to frown.

  “This shit needs to stop Borgia. As Magia Princeps, you need to be the example for the other men. I don’t like him either, but don’t you see me smiling?” Rufus said to him in a tone that only he could hear.

  Cesare scoffed but chose not to challenge him. He turned around and his bare torso met the soft touch of a woman who squeezed him tight. She giggled as she looked up to him.

  “I know you don't like him love, but you have to let it go,” she said motioning for him to kiss her.

  “It’s not just that Mila, but it seems like every time something goes down, the damn Alchemists are always involved,” he said leaning over, giving her what she wanted.

  Although kissing her was a stretch, he liked being a whole foot and inch taller than her; standing at six foot four. Mila, dressed in the sheer blue gown of her order, smiled at him.

  “Why are you wearing a battle gown?”

  “Bibi and I have an incubus problem to deal with,” she answered. Cesare gave her a look of disbelief as lately she had been going on her own rogue missions.

  “I’m serious babe. It’s a favor for Mr. Dante,” she said. Cesare gave her a look of shock.

  “Shh. Don’t say anything. I’ll tell you about it later. Be quick. Leave some energy for me later. I wouldn't want you to miss out on Titty Fuck Thursday,” she said winking as she walked away.

  Cesare's mind was blown as he watched the chocolate goddess prance away. He had completely forgotten about his mission as he fell into the trance that was Mila's hips. Adonis came snapping his fingers in his face, Cesare grabbed his fist and squeezed.

  “Snap out of it man. That piece of ass will be at the house waiting for you.”

  “Oh yeah? Well wipe the fucking lipstick off your own lips before you come shoving your dick in my business,” Cesare said laughing as Adonis wiped his red stained lips; courtesy of his own wife Bibi.

  “I'm still prettier than you,” Adonis added, throwing back his long, amber hair with an attitude.

  The Knights noticed that Rufus had already made his way to the portal which stood between Joachim and Boaz, and he looked back with his arms folded like an angry mom.

  “What is our motto Knights?” he shouted. “What thou doest, do quickly!” he added, answering his own question as he activated the portal to lead them to the Oubliette of Pergamos.

  The Rubedos led the way; Cornelius shooting a glare to Johnny Dee as he changed the course of the portal to Smyrna while inside. The Knights walked in after them, keeping their eyes forward as not to be distracted by the sights all about them.

  “So, Oubliette Pergamos. Where is this exactly? Upper Earth or The Hollow?” Adonis asked as he was getting a bit shook up by the unfamiliar territory they walked through.

  All senses were heightened except for smell. Words echoed back and forth as their skin heated up by the vibration of the tunnel. The walls seemed to move and groan as if they were in a living thing and the air tasted like metal.

  “Oubliette Pergamos is located in Pergamos. This is one of seven schools fashioned by the ancient ones to help the enlightened reach the state of god hood through the second death. The Gentlemen of the Haze found them, abandoned, during their science experiments. So, as the war with angels persisted, they became prisons for those we could not kill. Those like Gabriel. These prisons are in regions between worlds and can only be accessed through passing the pillars,” Rufus said as they came upon the exit.

  “And the guardians, is it true that they were once Knights? Like us?” Adonis continued to ask. Rufus turned to him and smiled.

  “They are still Knights. Lord Vietes guards the Oubliette of Pergamos. He used to kick my ass something terrible back in the day,” he said as they came upon a desert with a deep, purple sky.

bsp; 18

  Deucalion’s Fountain

  There were no structures, yet an eerie breeze blew past the Knights which teased Cesare’s hair. The four Alchemists dressed in red battle robes bearing the seals of Ordo Magnum Opus, stood patiently as the Black Knights approached. Gabriel’s energy could still be felt inside of his confounds, but he was not the only resident of the Oubliette; nor the most powerful.

  “Rex, how the hell did they beat us here?” Adonis asked. Rufus lowered his eyes as he knew how and why, but kept quiet. The Knights gave the Alchemists hateful looks as Cornelius joined his Order.

  “Welcome Knights,” Cornelius Agrippa said turning towards them. His face was emotionless and stern; his long, silky black hair lay without a strand out of place.

  Cesare led the three Knights behind him. His first thought was to ignore acknowledging Cornelius, especially after their last little tiff, but remembered Rufus’s words.

  He nodded and quickly looked away from him. Standing an inch taller than Cornelius, he noticed the faces about him; Alchemists who had no fear. He liked that, as he and his order were fearless against present and unseen danger.

  Cesare ran his fingers along the hole; looking into the abyss which was the unholy prison. Cesare realized that the prison was lined by layers of magic; each from the nine orders of the Council.

  Hmm, something’s up, he said to himself as he turned to Cornelius. There was always a mistrust between Ordo Magnum Opus and the Order of Magia Chaotica, and both sides kept that fact fresh in their minds.

  “So, where is this great Oubliette?” Adonis asked looking around.

  “Great Knight, the Oubliette of Smyrna is all about you,” Cornelius said with a slight snicker.

  Quintus squinted his eyes and bit his lip as a smart comment was about to reel its sarcastic head.

  “Smyrna? Solon said Pergamos. There is quite a difference,” Rufus said suspiciously.

  “I'm sure it was a mistake on his part. Smyrna is the Oubliette where the breach was made,” Cornelius said.

  “Solon is not one to make mistakes. Where is he?” Rufus asked raising an eyebrow.

  “Solon is indisposed. We are the highest of our order and well prepared to close the rift in the seal.”

  “That isn’t what I asked,” Rufus said glaring. Cornelius gave him a smug look.

  “As I said Rex, Solon is indisposed at the moment, but we shall see it done,” Cornelius assured.

  “So let me get this straight, something breaks out of the most powerfully secured prison in the history of ages and the head of your order, whose job it is to make sure that doesn’t happen, decides that it’s not important enough to come see about it?” Quintus asked folding his arms.

  Despite standing only three foot eight, Quintus had the biggest brain and opinion of the Knights. He earned his place amongst the ranks of the Magia but was often looked down upon from those in other Orders. Cornelius acted as though he didn’t hear Quintus and turned his back to him.

  “Hey! I'm fucking talking to you!” Quintus shouted.

  “My, my. Such a temper. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk,” Cornelius said taunting him with a sad face.

  Cesare folded his arms; attempting to control his own outburst which was at the tip of his tongue. Messalla felt somewhat ashamed as he belonged to both sides, but the Alchemists were showing themselves to be full of anything other than brotherly love this night.

  Over the past hundred and forty years the Council of Nine existed peacefully under the rule of Solon the Great who presided as the council's magistrate. As the most powerful Alchemist in the world, he had earned the respect from magicians and non-humans alike. His quiet, calm reserve and indifferent attitude towards petty disputes made him the perfect fit for the role, but tensions were still thick between the Alchemists and Black Knights.

  Cornelius, however, had not garnered the respect of his husband, nor was he gaining favor with the Knights this moment. Rufus was highly annoyed and simply didn’t have time for another petty quarrel. With the wave of his hand, time slowed to an almost stopping point. His intuition screamed at him and he could no longer ignore it. Rufus stretched the rift and climbed inside to see the tear for himself; hoping to get answers.


  Meanwhile, Bibi and Mila escorted Dante back to the Parthenon. In the middle courtyard stood a large, marble statue of their founder Deucalion, holding a book and wearing the same floppy cap Dante had on.

  “Is this the wishing well?” Bibi shouted in awe.

  “It has been called that, yes. Deucalion’s Fountain is how we Dactyls know of it; both a blessing and a curse. Legend says that Deucalion and his wife sat beneath the stars on the day he had predicted his death. On his dying breath he asked her to make a wish. She wished that for once his vision was wrong, that his life be extended past his predicted time of death so that they may spend more time together. At that very moment, a star fell from the sky. They held each other’s hands as Deucalion closed his eyes anticipating his last breath. Moments later, Deucalion opened his eyes to see that her wish had been granted. They embraced each other and laughed. “Let’s go home” she said, and at the moment he went to take a step, he fell dead. In this very spot. When his body hit the ground a small fountain began to sprout and here, the water continues to spring from the ground. So you see dear goddess, it grants wishes, but one must be specific in their asking,” Dante said.

  Bibi’s eyes widened as she reached in her corset for a coin, but had none.

  “I need a coin,” she said.

  “Beebs are you serious?” Mila asked. Dante laughed, but reached in the pocket of his jeans for a large, shiny gold coin. Bibi grabbed it and silently thought of her wish.

  “I wish that my husband Adonis would stop drinking alcohol!” she shouted, throwing the coin in the fountain. Dante and Mila stood silent as she turned around all smiles.

  “I am curious to see how this will turn out,” Dante said.

  “Beebs, Mr. Dante said you have to be specific. You didn’t specify when you wanted him to stop drinking or what type of alcohol. You may not get your wish until he’s 80!” Mila said. Bibi frowned as she knew that may indeed be the case.

  “Well then, shall we return to the matter at hand?” he asked.

  “Please, lead the way,” Mila said, shaking her head at Bibi.

  Dante led them to the room where Callan could be heard on the other side of the door. He stepped back as Mila entered. Inside, they found Callan laying naked on the bed ejaculating. Bibi looked around and there was semen splattered all over the walls and floors, which she stepped in.

  “Gross! What the hell kind of incubus is this?!” she shouted, causing him to stop.

  He began to shake his head back and forth and as he stood up, Mila noticed that it looked like his penis was sewed on.

  “Callan, I'm Mila and this is Bibi. It looks like you have found yourself in a state of possession,” she said, walking up to him. Callan threw a knife at Mila which grazed her inner palm as she tried to catch it.

  “This is ours. All ours!” he shouted, as Bibi took out her trident and began shooting him with the Healing Factor.

  “Goddess, give light to the darkness in this man and return to him his reason. I command that all spirits and powers residing be cast out into the Nethers from whence you came!” she commanded.

  “No! He and all within belongs to us!” he shouted. Bibi kept hold of her attack even as he screamed.

  The sewed on penis shriveled and dissolved. His aura turned from black to a dim blue as something looked to be clawing at his back. They watched as several spirits and a large incubus within him emerged from his flesh; flying out the window.

  “There. Incubus gone!” she said happily.

  Callan was weak, his eyes red and drool fell from his mouth. Dante turned up his nose at the sight of him. Callan finally regained some of his senses and looked up at them, sobbing. Neither of the ladies wished to touch him, nor did Dante.

  He scrambled arou
nd his room for a small cat-o-nine whip and began flogging himself to give penance.

  “You're welcome?” Bibi said, and he turned towards her.

  “The day I wish to be helped by a whore, is the day I wish for death to come upon me!” he shouted.

  “Whore? You little shit!” Bibi shouted but Mila shook her head.

  “We did what we could, but his issues are deeper. If you don’t feel safe here, tell Rex,” Mila said.

  “I am somewhat relieved. You see, Rex and I thought they were Unnamed. The incubi problem makes sense as to how they came in the Parthenon,” Dante said.

  “And they can come back Mr. Dante. As long as he's here, they can come back. And if there's someone else feeling as he feels, they can attack them too,” Bibi said.

  “I know. I have arranged for him to visit Temple Salamanca. We Dactyls are not fit for such things. Which leads me to the other issue,” he said.


  Dante led the ladies back to the Owl Tower and pointed at the parchment which looked as though fire had never touched it. It lay upon a stack of charred wood which had recently been fired with the animated seal of Ordo Magnum Opus.

  Mila picked it up, inspecting the seal of Ordo Magnum Opus, but couldn’t see any words. Within her hands she felt a dark energy, one which frightened her. As she rolled it up, the blood upon her hand soaked into the parchment and black ink began running up the side of her arm.


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