Book Read Free

Turning Point

Page 5

by Georgia Hamilton

  “Good question Rayne, I have no idea, but you heard him, he’s adamant he doesn’t want this getting out. He wants us to make it go away. Short of bumping her off, its going to get complicated”

  “don’t tempt me Guy, it would only take a phone call”

  He shots me a no shit look, and I shrug. It might take more than one call, but I am sure I could arrange it for her to disappear. Shame I don’t have the balls to do it.

  “We need to get close to her Guy, what’s making her tick? There’s something behind this, something we’re not being told. I understand the whole European Cup this summer, the league being in their grasp, but realistically would this actually damage any of us so bad if the truth came out”

  Guy drops another eyeball killer on me and I shrivel into my chair.

  “Rayne, if Anfield Town doesn’t win the league and England don’t make at least the semi finals of the Euros, because their captain fantastic heads not in the game, all fingers will be pointed our way and believe you me, we can kiss everything goodbye. We’d be lepers and to be honest we’d probably have to leave the country.”

  Part of me thinks its an exaggeration but I know he’s telling the truth. Malachi says Johan has no idea this is even going on, that’s how far he’s prepared to shield him, to keep his captain in the right frame of mind.

  “I don’t know if I can work with only half the story Guy, you sit down with him, talk to him, see what he can give us to work with”

  “I think its best if you sit down with him, he trusts Leilani and in turn will trust you more than me. Its what you’re best at Rayne.”

  I give a little nod and walk Guy out.

  “I will get some draft papers sent over today to keep her quiet for a few days, that’s as much time as I can buy you Rayne. You need to get on this and quickly”

  “well you ask around, we need to know who’s with Johan and I will see what I can dig up on Cherri, she lives her life in the spotlight shouldn’t be too hard.”

  Guy mumbles his agreement and after a quick kiss on each cheek he’s off.

  Back at my desk, my head goes down and I call everyone I know. Its not until Paige knocks on my door to tell me she’s leaving that I realise its 17.00. I have an hour until Connor is going to be here.

  I text Leilani an update on my findings and let her know Guy has served Cherri’s legal team and we have 72 hours to come to an agreement. We banter back and forth for a minute until

  “ok, lets meet at Mango Lounge, grab a couple drinks and put our heads together”

  I can’t lie to her

  “no can do tonight baby girl... meeting Connor for dinner”

  Not more than 30 seconds later my phone rings (seriously can nobody just have a complete text conversation any more!!)

  I fill Leilani in, from him dropping the car off earlier, and the crazy “kiss” we had (I didn’t go into detail, she really doesn’t need to know more than that right now)

  “is it wrong that I am slightly turned on by his dominance, its subtly but oh so manly”

  I laugh because only Leilani...

  “Its wrong on every level Lei, now help, I have like 40 minutes, I am wearing my mums dress and have no idea where I am going. HELP”

  “calm down. Go next door to House of Fraser. Grab a dress. Wrap DVF ideally. Have you shaved?”

  I grimace.

  “Not since yesterday before the party”

  “not the end of the world I guess. Don’t try and shave in the ladies you’ll only make yourself bleed”

  Always practical. “Ok gotta go! Will text you after”


  I do as she says and run into House of Fraser, I grab the first thing I see. It’s a green dress, soft cotton fabric, it ties at the side and it’s in the sale. With less than 20 minutes until he arrives I quickly change in my office. Grabbing my comb, I desperately try it tame my mane, who am I kidding? There’s no taming this bad boy. I tip my head upside down, dry shampoo the roots, better off going for the wild look. I am a mass of curls that fall below my shoulders, my hair is as wide as it is long right now, it will have to do. I straight my dress, its too booby now I have it on, but there’s no hiding these bad boys. Still in the same damn shoes as last night, I send up a quick thank you that I went for these court shoes and not some hideously high strappy sandals yesterday. And why, dear god do I feel so nervous??

  My phone buzzes on my desk which makes me physically shriek, hand on my heart, I open the message “outside beautiful”


  Butterflies are go.

  With a shaky hand I reply that I am on my way and head out to the lift.

  Usually the descent takes a lifetime but today before I have time to give myself a complete once over I am at the lobby.

  I wave to the security guard and head into the road. It takes a moment before I see him, He’s got sunglasses on and is leaning against a gleaming BMW. An X6 I think.

  He’s changed out of what he had on earlier. He’s wearing dark trousers and a pale blue shirt. Sleeves rolled up to his elbows showing off his impressive forearms and I take him all the way in. I knew he was built, I worked that much out this morning when I was wrapped around his waist. Mentally face palming myself at the memory.

  For all my bravado, Connor makes me feel so vulnerable. Not one to brag but turning men down is favourite pastime, it’s another of my special skills.

  Men can be overly attentive, even more so if Leilani and I are together.

  It was flattering the first few times but now it’s boring. Don’t touch me unless you have my express permission to, I get called frosty, a bitch, the phrase you think you’re too nice has been used more than once. Don’t get me wrong I love an ego boost at the best of times but only on my terms. Connor is boosting my ego.

  Connor brings me back to the present. Meeting me halfway, he lifts his sunglasses off his face, resting them on his head. Honestly, he looks like he has just walked out of the latest Ralph Lauren advert, chiselled face, ridiculous dimples, green eyes and mega watt smile. He places a hand on my waist and leans down to give me a kiss he just catches the corner of my mouth, it’s intentional, I know he’s teasing me. Not sure if still have the capacity to breath, I inhale as deeply as I can to fill my lungs, it’s the only way to keep me alive as I may die swooning. I take in his intoxicating scent.

  “you smell edible”

  he laughs a deep throaty laugh and I realise I said it aloud.

  “If you keep that up Rayne we won’t make it to the restaurant”

  Giving me another squeeze, he curls his arm around my waist, leading me to the car. He opens my door and steps back for me to get in

  I slip into the car and instantly realise the mistake I made with this dress it falls open almost to the waist as I sit

  “Shit” I scramble to pull it back together before Connor gets in the car

  He settles into the driver’s seat as I gather my dignity. Watching his huge frame curve and bend makes me realise this car is made for him

  “I take it the car is a perk of the job”

  He flashes me a smile as he starts the engine, “one of many many perks beautiful” pulling out into the road I lean my head back against the butter soft leather.

  I get lost in my own thoughts for longer than I realise as we’ve been driving for at least 20 minutes before I notice exactly where we are.

  “What’s going on in that pretty head of yours Rayne, I can hear your brain churning”

  “just trying to relax and live in the moment, got a new client today with a tricky situation, somethings not adding up and it’s hard to know how to help when I get the feeling I am missing something…”

  “Will it help you relax talking about it?”

  I look over at him and those two dimples are winking at me, I want to dip my finger in them but refrain

  “Maybe but I can’t, high profile client, high profile problem”

  “So, what can I do to help you relax?”
/>   “That’s a loaded question if ever I heard one”

  He flashes me another smile and changes gear. “Not loaded, just a question out of curiosity, I want you relaxed, not tense. If you don’t relax I will think you don’t want to be here”

  “Trust me if I didn’t want to be here I wouldn’t be”

  As we cross bridge he rests his hand on my knee, glancing at me to see if its ok.

  “I thought you said no touching”

  “Its hard, I mean really hard not to be tactile with you especially in that dress. have I said you look amazing”?

  “nope, you haven’t said it but thank you.” He squeezes my knee and swiftly moves it to go back to the gearstick.

  I whimper internally.

  “so, come on Rayne, tell me, what do you do to relax?”

  “honestly? I listen to music “

  “Music huh?” He presses something on his steering wheel and the middle console comes to life, he flips into his SoundCloud and pulls up a playlist

  The sound H Town, Part Time Lover fill the car. I love this song. I wasn’t joking about music relaxing me and he got it spot on, I lean back in the soft chair, close my eyes and start to hum along.

  “I take it you approve he says over the roar of his engine”

  I peak an eye open and spy his dimples deep in his cheek, they look almost painful they’re so deep.

  Genuinely I cannot help but smile with him. Twisting my body to face him (whilst holding my dress together, obviously) I reply

  “you could be a one hit wonder, done well with this one but you could flop terribly on the next one”

  He gives me a full-on laugh, it sounds like it come from the pit of his stomach and I am breathless. He stops at the traffic lights and pulls my hand into his. Looking me straight in eyes, I want to whimper he looks so good. His eyes dart around my face for a second, like he is searching for something, looking for a clue or a sign, he squeezes my hand and lifts an eyebrow before saying

  “Beautiful, I hit it right more than once and there is nothing about me that would flop when you’re around”

  I try not to laugh, cockiness usually turns me off, but he is so damn smooth and genuine I fail to hold it in. He is infectious and I get the feeling I am in real trouble tonight.

  “Where are we going?” I must say something to deflect from the sudden ache I have in the pit of my stomach, I don’t do nervous, but this guy has gotten me twisted in knots

  He looks at me and taps my nose. “Patience beautiful... are you hungry?”

  “Starving, like it’s been a long day, lunch missed me, and I was planning on a late breakfast, but I had this random guy rock up at my office and demand my attention, so food has jumped on the No train and headed to straightoutofherevile.”

  “This random guy, what did he do demand your attention”

  I know he wants to push my buttons but I’m giddy and drunk on adrenaline

  “He plucked me like a soft skin fruit and squeezed the most incredible orgasm out of me” is what I want to say but I’m not that brave...

  “He was all broody and semi good looking, I felt sorry for him, so I gave him a minute of my time”

  I can’t keep a straight face and start to giggle, he joins me with a smirk before he swats my knee with is hand then squeezes it again, he rests it there as we head down a narrow road. I am desperate for him to inch higher up my leg but he’s holding still, almost too still. He wants me as badly as I want him, I can feel it.

  We pull into a side street somewhere near Vauxhall I think, it looks like a row of convenience

  stores with a café on the end. I am intrigued.

  We walk up to the “café” and I realise it’s Portuguese restaurant.

  “You know I’m Cuban not Brazilian, right?”

  He nudges me playfully and opens the door for me

  I walk in and stand to the side. It’s like another world inside. I’m transported to Peniche a favourite place of mine I Portugal, not the Algarve, it’s closer to Lisbon. I wonder if he knew of my love for Portugal?


  Connor greets an older lady mid to late 50’s she reminds me of my abuela, a little shorter than me, heavy set chocolate eyes and greying hair neatly framing her face. She’s wearing a black top and fitted trousers with an apron tied loosely around her middle, she’s shuffling along the bar in a bid to get to us

  “My son! Ahh my son” she reaches up and he hugs her hard.

  “Who is this beautiful woman you have with you”

  He holds his hand out for me and introduces us

  “Rayne this is Beatriz, she was my first foster mum and the only one I have ever kept in touch with, Beatriz this is Rayne”

  I hold my hand out for her, but she pulls me in for a hug. “It’s so lovely to meet a girl of Connors”

  I love how slightly embarrassed he is, makes me think he doesn’t bring girls here all the time. It hasn’t escaped me what he said about her being his first foster mum. I wonder how many he had. It’s the. I realise how very little I know about him and how I desperately want to find out more

  “it’s lovely to meet you too” she pulls me in for another quick hug then leads us through the café to the rear. It’s at least two shop fronts wide and a bit of a Tardis, that goes on and on. We zig zag through the endless wooden tables, all occupied by various groups, families with bowls of stews and bread, couples with wine and olives, groups of men sharing plates and drinking beers, all seem as though they’re at home.

  I love the atmosphere, its friendly and relaxed. There’s simple tables cloths spread in a variety of colours, Beatriz is leading us to the back there are two rows of 4 tables, each to seat couples, it looks deliberate, cosy and possibly romantic.

  I take my seat nearest the wall, so I can look out on the restaurant and Connor squeezes in across from me. I would laugh at his hulking frame tucked into the corner but he looks so happy and relaxed it warms me even more

  Interrupting my thoughts Beatriz hands, us menus and asks

  “Connor, I take it you want your favourite, it is on the specials today its like I knew you were coming”

  She winks at him and I smell a set up. He shakes his head laughing

  “If I didn’t already love you, you’d be half way to handing you my heart right now”

  She leans in and kisses his cheeks.

  “Rayne, would you like me to go through the menu and make some recommendations?”

  I consider paying a little game with them but decide against it

  “Can I have the Prato de pasteis de baclahau to start and then acorda de gambas”

  Beatriz smirks, “you know your Portuguese food Rayne?”

  “yes, I used to go to Lisbon a lot as a child, I learnt to surf in Peniche”

  “Ahhh, the silver coast, one of the most beautiful parts of my country, we used to travel there for the holidays. I always told Connor he would love it there”

  She wipes her hands on her apron as she grabs the menu’s “Rayne would you like wine?”

  “Yes. Lots. Please”

  Beatriz, signals to the bar and the man behind the bar holds up a green bottle, she nods and he whips it into a cooler, grabs two glasses and a bottle of water. It lands in front of me from nowhere and I sip the very cold, very dry, slightly sparkling vino Verde.

  “Obrigada” I raise my glass and nod at Bea

  She tips her head to me, smiling.

  “Let me get your orders in. Bread and Olives on the way”

  Leaving us alone, I follow her path to the kitchen, my heart warms at the site of her, she’s familiar, homely. I love that he’s brought me here. Tearing my gaze from the kitchen, I focus on Connor, he’s is studying me

  “Can I help you?”

  He’s leans back in his chair, arms folded, his masterpiece face tilted as he studies me. Where his shirt sleeves are rolled up to his elbows, I can see how fit he is. His forearms are the size of my thighs, ok maybe not that big but big
ger than my calves perhaps. His skin glistens when it catches the flickering light from the candle on our table (I told you it felt like a set up) He’s contemplating my question; his tongue slips out to wet his lip. I narrow my gaze, homing in on it, I can almost feel it.

  Without looking away from me he leans forward to take a sip of his water. I promise you, watching him swallow should be an Olympic sport. I want to follow its journey and it travels down his throat, throats shouldn’t be sexy but I want to lick his. Tongue him from his collarbone up that muscular neck.

  Honestly? I am freaking myself out right now, scrap that I am disgusting myself right now. Who licks necks?

  He swallows again.

  The inner slut in me is jumping up and down with her hands up, boobs jiggling as she venomously screams.

  Me! I do!! I lick necks. Adam (apple) come to Mumma.

  Ok too much.

  “Not sure yet beautiful, but I will let you know” he takes a sip of his water before continuing “You seem to have relaxed a little, feeling better about your day?”

  He’s asking me as I tuck into the bread and olives.

  As first dates go, I am breaking all my rules.

  We’ve crossed the river, I have nothing against South London, honestly, I don’t but up until a few years back if you were from anywhere else, you needed a passport to be this side.

  I’m kidding.


  (South Londoners can’t take a joke)

  Anyway, back to my rules, yes right, crossed the river. I also let him drive which means I am reliant on him and worst still I am drinking.

  After yesterday I don’t think that is a good idea, but to hell with it. I am done thinking.

  “I’m not even thinking about it now”

  “what are you thinking about then?”


  He nods and I take a mouth full of wine, in for a penny...

  “I am wondering how I have let you, someone I physically ran into for the first-time last night, take me on this rollercoaster? I am usually very guarded, one-night stands aren’t my thing, I don’t randomly kiss men I don’t know and I sure as hell don’t let them do what I let you do to me today”


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