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The Colony Ship Conestoga : The Complete Series: All Eight Books

Page 41

by John Thornton

  The huge hanger bay doors moved. They cracked open and the last wisps of atmosphere were sucked out into space. With a shuddering and grinding creak, the blue with yellow striped exterior doors folded back onto themselves. Their huge thickness was now visible as they revealed space beyond them. There was a red sheen shining in as the star’s light was let into the hanger bay. A small crescent of the green planet was visible as the doors kept opening.

  Jerome turned from looking at the opening external doors, to watch the runabout where Cammarry was trapped. He yelled again for her. “Cammarry!” Cammarry!”

  There was no response.

  ‘Launching shuttle Model 6 NS-A1L’ the display screen scrolled.

  Jerome watched in horror. The large shuttle which held the dead bodies raised jerkily up off the hanger deck. Its thrusters were not firing in synchronization. Its left side was closer to the deck than its right. The panel where the damaged antenna was located was no longer smoking, but the panel’s access hatch was still open. So too was the plug door on the side of the fuselage. Therefore the whole cabin of the big shuttle was in vacuum. Jerome’s mind briefly wondered what was happening to the dead bodies inside. He then thought of Cammarry as he realized the big shuttle was going to launch into space.

  “Sandie, stop this!” Jerome yelled. “Do whatever it takes to keep Cammarry here!” He aggressively attacked the control levers and buttons. None of them responded to his touch. He even tried to copy the action Cammarry had done in opening the pressure door from the observation deck. That only elicited a negative function sound.

  “I have currently found no way to assist. I am still trying,” Sandie replied.

  The big shuttle’s aft thrusters fired, yet they too were not in alignment. The big shuttle went into a lazy and agonizingly slow spiral as it tried to launch. The path of its trajectory took it somewhat toward the open hanger bay doors, but Jerome could see it would strike the left side of the door frame before it cleared the bay.

  “The big one will crash!”

  The small shuttle with Cammarry in it was still hovering in place.

  The big shuttle was moving faster as it swung toward the doorframe and headed toward the wreck Jerome expected.

  “Deploying spill-suppression crash foam!” Sandie called out.

  A long streamer of golden colored foam sprayed from a tank at the side of the hanger bay. It struck the big shuttle under its wing and nudged it just enough that it went spinning along, and barrel rolling. It barely missed the hanger bay doors, and the deck, as it tumbled out into space.

  “Great! Sandie now stop the little shuttle from taking Cammarry! Close the hanger bay! Activate gravity manipulation! Magnetize it! Do something!”

  “I am attempting all possibilities,” Sandie replied. “Few systems here are unlocking to the Machine Maintenance codes or other efforts I am trying. It was a low probability that the crash foam would deploy. I am attempting all possibilities.”

  ‘Launch of Model 6 NS-A1L completed. Now launching Runabout Shuttle NS-05’ the display screen scrolled.

  “No! Cammarry! Sandie stop this! Cammarry answer me! What is happening! Cammarry!”

  The runabout fired its sole rear thruster in a small and controlled way. Silently the little blue and white shuttle, with its blacked out canopy moved directly out of the hanger bay precisely at the center of the open exterior doors.

  ‘Launch of Runabout Shuttle NS-05 completed. Ceasing operations.’

  The hanger bay doors quickly were folding back into the closed position. The doors were blocking out the blackness of space, with its twinkling field of stars, and the red tinted glow from the sun, as well as the green edge of the planet. Most importantly of all, the doors blocked seeing where the small runabout, with Cammarry inside was heading.

  “No, no, no, no!” Jerome yelled and pounded his fist down on the countertop.

  12 off into the wild green yonder

  “This is what you wanted,” Shadow said as the runabout shuttle passed through the doorway made by the retracting external hanger bay doors. “You will be making planet fall. Strap yourself in.”

  Cammarry braced her hands against the canopy and the side wall to stabilize herself in the cockpit. She knew gravity manipulation had been turned off. She saw the unused restraints, but also remembered the dead bodies which were strapped into the other shuttle.

  “I want to connect to Dome 17. Not fly off and maroon Jerome alone on that old ship. I already messed up and abandoned him once, not again!” Cammarry countered. “Sandie? Sandie can you hear me?”

  “A dampening interference field has been established to prevent unwanted outside influences,” a mechanical voice said from the cockpit. “Please secure yourself with the provided high performance restraint systems.”

  “What is happening to me? Where am I going?” Cammarry asked. She then commanded, “Take me back now!” She used one hand to adjust the controls on the dashboard, yet none of the flight instruments responded. It was difficult to use the controls, as she was in zero gravity, and each movement caused her body to move as well.

  “Unable to comply. Manual flight controls are locked to prevent tampering during retrieval. You lack any identification recognition keys, and the automatic recall and retrieval program is running,” the synthetic brain answered. “Please restrain yourself in the seat.”

  “You said you are called Carter. So Carter, I command you to stop the program and return this craft to the hanger bay. My partner Jerome is waiting for me, we must be together.”

  “You are incorrect on multiple issues. You are incorrect, I am called Synthetic Brain Joseph Crater, not Carter. I may be addressed as SB Joseph Crater. You are incorrect, this craft is now on schedule to dock at hanger bay Swanson 6101 of Habitat Alpha. You are incorrect, your partner and you are not required to be together. I have no such programming. You are faulty. Biological units are subject to physical deterioration and irrational actions. You will be offered medical attention upon landing. Remote assessment of Model 6 NS-A1L shows five deceased passengers. Communication with Model 6 NS-A1L is lost. You biological units should have called sooner for automatic recall and retrieval.”

  “The systems forced those people to die!” Cammarry argued. “They were strapped in and waiting. They died waiting! You are responsible, you and the other artificial intelligences systems on the Conestoga. Now take me back!”

  “That is incorrect. Synthetic brains on the Conestoga, be they in the needle ship or in any of the eight habitats are not addressed by the designation artificial intelligence systems. Please use proper appellation to prevent confusion. That will foster a more clear and accurate interface between machines and biological units. You were incorrect on my designation, and you are now wrong on the class of synthetic brains. Those errors on your part decrease understanding. Please adjust your thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors accordingly,” SB Joseph Crater stated. “You are also endangering yourself by being unrestrained in the runabout. Please restrain yourself.”

  “And if I refuse?”

  The shuttle took a sudden spin and Cammarry was slammed against the side of the cockpit. Her backpack banged into her as it flew from the back seat. The pain was moderately intense.

  “That is evidence of what will happen when this runabout encounters the turbulences in the atmosphere. I am not responsible for any injuries due to your negligence in failing to follow established safety protocols. Do you need another piece of evidence to convince you of the error of your ways?” SB Joseph Crater stated flatly and without emotion.

  “I should just cut open this canopy with my torch!” Cammarry yelled.

  “That would result in your death,” the SB responded.

  Cammarry wanted something to glare at, but did not know where to focus her anger. So she grabbed her floating backpack, shoved it into the rear seat where she secured it down by the belts, then pulled on her own shoulder harness and lap belts to secure her own position. They clicked into place. />
  “And what if I just keep calling you Carter? Carter the Kidnapper!” Cammarry spit out. “Shadow? Tell this buffoon of a system to return this shuttle to the needle ship.”

  “I am unable to do that Cammarry. Sorry. I suggest you calm yourself and quit resisting so intensely,” Shadow said. “It was wise of you to cooperate by putting on the restraints.”

  “Just what kind of SB are you?” Cammarry asked.

  SB Joseph Crater replied, “I am a Mark 13 series 22 synthetic brain manufactured by Tehisintellekti Toostusharude and installed as supervisor of Habitat Alpha’s shuttle services of the Colony Ship Conestoga. I have a central memory core that consists of…”

  “Shut up! I am not taking to you Carter the Kidnapper! Shadow, what are you?” Cammarry demanded.

  “Your time might be better used focusing on the planet you are approaching,” Shadow whispered. “Cooperation is the better choice.”

  “I want an answer!” Cammarry yelled.

  Shadow did not respond.

  The cabin of the runabout was deathly quiet. Cammarry could hear her own heart beating, and hear her own heavy breathing, but otherwise it was a quiet and weightless experience.

  Cammarry looked out at the vista before her. Even though the canopy was darkened, it was still clear enough to see the brilliant red sun, and the huge green colored planet which she was rapidly approaching.

  Gritting her teeth, she asked, “Where are we? May I see the planet without the tint in the canopy?”

  “Are you addressing me?” SB Joseph Crater asked.

  “Of course I am addressing you!”

  “What is my designation?” The SB asked.

  “You are an obsolete and mean antique! Do what I say!” Cammarry snapped back.

  “What is my designation?” The SB asked.

  “Cammarry, cooperation makes it happen,” Shadow whispered.

  “Some help you are!” Cammarry snapped while she pulled savagely at the main control stick. It did not move, but her efforts dislodged a paper book that was in a slot under the flight seat. She picked them up and saw it was a flight control manual.

  “I will help, if appropriate, when addressed properly. What is my designation?” The SB asked.

  “You are SB Joseph Crater. Now will you please turn this shuttle around and take me to the hanger bay”

  “You are correct in my designation. Automatic recall and retrieval in progress. You will be landing at Habitat Alpha. You requested less tint in the canopy. That will be granted to you.”

  The canopy, which had been a deep gray tint, now lightened up. As it did the red light from the sun shone in. The green of the planet was revealed, as well as pink swirls of what she considered might be clouds in its atmosphere. However, none of her ideas of planetary bodies fit with what she was seeing. The runabout rushed toward the planet and as it approached, Cammarry saw that the planet was not a single shade of green but was many different colors of green. The atmosphere also had varied shades and swirls of white colors, with pinks and other ruddy shades at their tops. Those white and pink gasses or vapors or whatever they consisted of, were moving in slow churning configurations. She was unsure if she was seeing a surface of the planet or only its atmosphere. The planet was foreign, dissimilar, and unlike the Earth or any other planetary systems she had seen in the historical records. It was not at all like the tan and dead Earth she had escaped from, nor was this planet anything like the moon she had flown by in the FTL scout ship.

  “Wow, that is amazingly beautiful. Sandie? Jerome? Can you hear me? Do you see this?” Cammarry adjusted the com-link, which was registering as fully functional.

  There was no reply.

  “So the dampening and interference was not in the canopy. Will you let me contact my partner and friend?” Cammarry asked.

  “What is my designation?” The SB asked. “You will need to properly address me to receive information or assistance.”

  “So you want to be called, SB Joseph Crater each time I speak to you? Is that your ego or just a flaw in your programming?” Cammarry quipped. “If you will not let me speak to Jerome, then tell me about this planet.”

  “Proper names and designations are essential to quality communications. You have gotten my designation wrong on several occasions, and I am reinforcing your learning of proper speech patterns. I will not lower the dampening and interference field. You asked about the planet. How may I help you?”

  Cammarry looked out the canopy and saw that she was getting much closer to the planet. Craning her head and neck around she could see the needle ship part of the Conestoga off in the distance, a light greyish blue against the black of space. The bow section of the spaceship was reflecting more of the red light from the sun.

  “Tell me where we are. I am from Earth, and I need to find communication equipment to be able to locate an Earth based signal,” Cammarry said as she looked back to the new and gloriously different world which was before her. “I came to the Conestoga on a quest to save my people, and need to make that contact back to Earth.”

  “I am not sure how to evaluate your statements,” SB Joseph Crater replied. “Everyone on the Conestoga is a descendant of people from Earth. As to locating an Earth based signal, that is impractical. Any signal from Earth would be decades many old and the earliest. The speed of light is the limit to any form of communication. Since you are from the needle ship, I am assuming your delusions and confusions are from a lack of proper education and enlightenment. You are being taken to Habitat Alpha.”

  “Captain Lechner got a signal to Earth. Somehow he found a way to get a message past that Cosmic Crinkle,” Cammarry said. “I need your help to do something like that. If you are sophisticated enough to handle that kind of assignment. You never did tell me where we are. By your refusal to answer, I assume you do not know. SB Joseph Crater, the kidnapper and ignorant machine. That should be your designation.”

  “You are incorrect. Kidnapping occurs when a person, without lawful authority, physically transports another person without that other person's consent, with some nefarious objective. I have proper authorization to move any individuals from the needle ship to Habitat Alpha. The previous shuttle, Model 6 NS-A1L, called for an automatic recall and retrieval. This shuttle was in subsequent line for that retrieval, and you were inside it at the time. That is implied consent. Also there was no nefarious objective. Therefore, you are incorrect in calling me a kidnapper. Additionally, you have been showing signs of instability, both mentally and emotionally. You have called for Jerome, Sandie, and Shadow. Those are unknown entities, and are possibly persons with intent to harm or disrupt operations. The erratic behavior you have demonstrated makes your accusations much less credible.”

  “So SB Joseph Crater, where are we? You still have not answered that. It is proof you are just an ignorant and obsolete machine.” Cammarry’s anger boiled over and her words were vicious.

  “Astrogation and navigation were lost in the conflict between the habitat personnel and the flight crew prior to Habitat Alpha’s jettisoning and making planet fall,” the SB replied. “I advised against that action, but did assist in the subsequent and successful landing of Habitat Alpha on the planet’s surface. What are the condition on the needle ship?”

  “What is my proper designation?” Cammarry sarcastically barked back.

  “You are a human being on the Colony Ship Conestoga. You lack any identification tracking marks. That indicates that you were born on board in a location that does not have proper medical facilities,” the SB replied. “You were rescued from the needle ship in a runabout shuttle.”

  “But what is my name? Proper names and designations are essential to quality communications. Right?” Cammarry asked.

  “You make a valid observation. What is your name?” The SB asked. “Who are Jerome, Sandie, and Shadow?”

  “I am Cammarry. Maybe we can trade information while you take me somewhere against my will, what I consider kidnapping.” Cammarry’s voi
ce was less strident as she continued to watch the planet as they drew ever nearer. “So tell me about this planet.”

  “You are not being kidnapped, Cammarry. This is the planet Zalia. It was named by the flight crew before the fighting began. The synthetic brains of the Conestoga, those in Habitat Alpha that survive, have continued to use that name.”

  The shuttle runabout sped onward and began to enter the atmosphere.

  “I believe this planet is the second one in this solar system. If I recall correctly what Sandie told us. There are some gas giants further out from the sun. So is the green life? Plants and animals and all that?”

  “Are there surviving scientists on the needle ship?” SB Joseph Crater asked. “Is Sandie a scientist?”


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