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The Colony Ship Conestoga : The Complete Series: All Eight Books

Page 156

by John Thornton

  “But Jerome?” Eris asked as she too smiled. “Wow, Maybe that explains a lot. I know siblings fight, but is this why Cammarry and he are fighting?”

  “They are not brother and sister, but something called age-mates. As to the fighting, how do you know?”

  “Sandie told me there was a conflict.” Eris then grabbed Monika in another hug. “I am so very pleased you came here. You are very mechanically skilled, I know you have worked on the carousels and other intricate devices. How about I teach you to fly a shuttle?”

  “To go to Delta?” Monika said. “I think I could do that. Yes, I will help you.”

  Eris tapped her own com-link. “Sandie? Monika is here with me. I know about what happened between her and Jerome and Cammarry.”

  Monika pulled out the com-link she had taken from near the teleporters. She smiled sardonically.

  “Monika has a com-link as well. I think you better link her to me as we are planning a shuttle trip to Delta.”

  “I understand,” Sandie replied. “The work order is progressing in Alpha’s Reproduction and Fabrication center. I have been told not to bother Jerome and Cammarry, as they are continuing their forceful verbal altercation. I am also re-analyzing the last messages from SB Virginia Dare. When our next window of communication occurs, I conjecture a high probability that I can gain some better, but still limited, access to the nonphysicality of Delta, if I am allowed to use what you might consider unscrupulous force.”

  Eris looked at Monika. Then Eris said kindly, “Sandie, tell me your idea. If it does not harm anyone or any system, we may use it.”

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  Cammarry finally just went into the bedroom and shut the door. She could not take any additional toxic comments from Jerome. She was seething in anger, pain, frustration, and doubt. It was as mixed-up a jumble of emotions as she had ever experienced. “This should not be my story. Not at all!” She recalled the morning back in Dome 17 when she had heard about the suicides of LeeAnn, Roy, Dave, and Constance after they were on solo missions. She had not thought of those lost friends for some time. Then she remembered Vihaan and Estrella who were still missing when she and Jerome had launched on their quest to the Conestoga. After that, came thoughts of the other adventurers who set off for other colony ships.

  “What happened to them?” Cammarry asked herself. “What is their story?”

  Cammarry thought then about Monika. She was not so much angry at Monika, more just confused. The idea of siblings, like brothers and sisters, was foreign to Cammarry, except for what she had read and studied in history books. It was clear that she and Jerome were age-mates, everyone knew that, and understood what it meant. Everyone in Dome 17 did anyway. Biological relatives were a foreign concept. The gamete compatibility of the age-mate groups was overseen by the artificial intelligence systems of Dome 17, so that there was never a chance of incompatible sperm and egg uniting. Cammarry scrunched up her lips at the thought of that primitive biological reproduction which Monika personified. It was not the sexual act which upset her. Sexual activity was common in Dome 17, just like every society of humans, but rather the procreation, to use an ancient term, was the unsettling aspect. So many risks. So many unknowns, and so many random chances for errors and mutations.

  “But there is not a radiation problem here,” she said aloud as she pondered and plumbed the depths of her reactions. “It is not the pregnancy so much, as the fact that it was even possible. Jubal and the Committee, they did this. Set us up for this, and prohibited Sandie from even warning us. It could be me! I could have become biologically pregnant.” Her thoughts were conflicted again.

  Jerome, meanwhile, had not tried to enter the bedroom, but instead had crawled out and into the FTL scout ship. It was a tight fit, but it was Dome 17 technology, and he needed a touch of home. Just being inside that scout ship helped him think about other things. Unfortunately, he recalled with clarity each insulting word, phrase, and sentence he had said to Cammarry. They ran though his mind in a repeating loop. Her retorts, and her own criticisms were nothing to him. He knew she was speaking out of anger and pain, and he brushed aside those comments. His own words, those are what stuck to him. Oh, how he wished he had recited some old poem, or song lyrics, or some obscure line from a book he had read. Any of those would have been preferable to the mean-spirited ways he spoke to Cammarry.

  “Oh consider the tongue. It is a small part of the body, yet it boasts of great exploits. How giant a forest is set ablaze by a small spark, and the tongue lights many sparks!”

  Jerome tried doing some calisthenics, but the confined space in the scout ship was inadequate for a proper energetic workout. So after a restless, exercise-less, and frustrating time, he crawled out and walked back toward the teleportation room. As he passed the closed door of the bedroom, he considered knocking and apologizing, but he did not.

  There was an off smell in the air as he entered the teleportation room. He immediately recognized it as the odor which came from Alpha’s teleportation system. He darted over and examined the console on the receiving section of the teleporter. It showed that only a few minutes before, the orifice had been opened. The bitter, pungent aroma was thick near the system.

  “Sandie! Sandie! Who has used the teleporter from Alpha?”

  “A shipment of materials came through seven minutes ago,” Sandie replied. Jerome did not have his com-link over his ear, so the AI’s voice came from some hidden speakers in the upper part of the room. Jerome involuntarily had his hand up to his ear.

  “I do not remember what that shipment was,” Jerome said. “I have been distracted. Is it the parts for a weapons system?”

  “No, I have not placed an order for the orbital bombardment contraption you desire, nor has SB Bodowa allowed weapons to be made. There is still a strong inhibition against that due to the lingering influence of the insurrection.”

  Jerome’s patience was wearing thin. “What was shipped here? Where did it go? On whose authority was it manufactured?”

  “Captain Eris asked for some machine parts. They are being transported to her location now. The yellow automacube TA-8808 is carrying them.”

  “What kind of machine parts?” Jerome enquired. There was an edge to his voice. “Machine parts is pretty generic, and you sound evasive.”

  “Captain Eris has been refurbishing Navigation and Astrogation. There are many and various machine parts that go into those efforts,” Sandie replied.

  “You avoided the question with prevarication. I hate this. You never told me I was fertile again either, and I have to learn that from Monika,” Jerome barked. His anger was rising. “Now something comes through the teleporter, and you claim it is ‘machine parts’ for Eris. Are you going to lie to me again?”

  “Jerome, you will be happy to know that TA-8808 is the yellow automacube which you rescued with the escaping slaves on your last raid. It is responding beautifully to the repurposing which we did together. The Advanced Weapon Automacube Disabler, AWAD, worked effectively against the transport and horticultural automacubes. I have also been reviewing the firing sequence you did at the security automacubes, and the AWAD seems to have a more limited range in those scenarios. I conjecture that is because the security autom…”

  “Sandie, stop!” Jerome commanded. “First, you give me a nebulous answer, then you give me equivocation about what machine parts were made. Now you are diverting the conversation toward the AWAD weapon, which was hand-made by Siva and Peter. Stop all this lying!” Jerome stomped away from the teleporter. He then spun about. “Exactly what was made for Eris? No, wait, you will squirrel around that answer as well. What …”

  “I believe the proper idiom you are looking for is ‘weasel out of’ not ‘squirrel around’. That confusion is easy to understand as the animals known as the weasel and the squirrel bear many superficial similarities, and since you had not observed any actual living mammals prior to….”

  “Sandie, halt! Quit all this nonsense. Ex
actly what was transported through this teleporter most recently. Not the molecular composition, but the purpose, use, and function of what you called machine parts. Give me a straight and clear answer!”

  “Sorry Jerome,” Sandie replied. “It was a teleportation system comparable to the ones we used for Alpha, and for Beta.”

  “Why would you lie?” Jerome snapped out. “Sandie, I already have so many doubts and suspicions about the reversal of my sterilization by what I was told were prophylactics against diseases and injuries. So why are you talking to me like this now?”

  “I was trying to reduce your stress. I apologize if I caused more of it. Jerome, I honestly did not know that the Committee authorized that action. I was as surprised and astonished as you were. Finding hidden records in my database have made me question my own basic functioning. As to the teleporter system, Eris asked me to withhold the information from you. She does not trust you, nor does she trust Cammarry. I was trying to please Eris’s demands, and support her mission, as well as protecting you from further conflict, and reducing your stress. Your emotionally abusive argument with Cammarry, which was mutually destructive to and from each of you, was quite disturbing to me. I have conflicts in my choices of action. I apologize, but I am trying my best.”

  “So what is Eris’ mission?” Cammarry asked from the doorway to where the bedroom was located.

  Jerome wheeled about. “How long have you been there?”

  “Long enough to hear that our artificial intelligence system is not loyal to us. Reminds me of Carter the Kidnapper.” Bitterness was thick in Cammarry’s words. “Sandie, just tell us what mission Eris is planning. We should all have the same goals.” Before Jerome could say anything, Cammarry waved her hand and added, “Jerome, do not speak of the Crocks right now. We all know you think they are the quintessential threat, so drop that right now. I mean it, stop bringing that up. Now Sandie, what is Eris planning?”

  “Eris is planning a shuttle mission in NS-99 to Habitat Delta. The mission includes taking a teleporter to set up for possible evacuation of suspended animation cocoons and other items,” Sandie replied.

  “Exactly what other items?” Jerome demanded. “Be specific, and no evasions.”

  “Eris is trying to rebuilt the flight crew and the lattice of compeers. She will bring back from Delta any surviving people in suspended animation, and functional central memory cores for artificial intelligences and synthetic brains,” Sandie replied. “Eris will probably bring back other items, which she decides are useful to fulfilling her mission, but I cannot at this time know for certain what they are.”

  “Thank you Sandie,” Cammarry said. “Please be honest and straightforward in all future conversations.”

  “Right,” Jerome added. “No more evasions, or withholding information.”

  “I will do what I feel is best for the situation,” Sandie answered. “As I have done since we left Dome 17.”

  Jerome huffed.

  Cammarry rolled her eyes, but walked over to Jerome and looked him right in the face. “We are in this together, good or bad, so you too will tell me honestly and without reservation what I want and need to know. Understood?”

  “Yes. I apologize.” Jerome looked down.

  “I also apologize,” Cammarry added. "I have made some bad mistakes, but we need to correct all that, especially if we are going with Eris to Delta.”

  Jerome met her eyes. “A new wizard’s quest?”

  Cammarry smiled. “Khin would laugh at us.” She threw her arms around Jerome and hugged him.

  “Gather your things,” Jerome said. “Bring anything you think we will need.”

  Sandie interrupted. “You may wish to wait for the next shipment. It contains four spacesuits which will be needed on your mission.”

  “More delays?” Jerome said with distaste. “More distractions?”

  “No,” Sandie answered. “I will halt the yellow automacube TA-8808 with its shipment of the teleporter, if you insist. Then the next automacube, which is EA-952, with the spacesuits can accompany you to Navigation and Astrogation. All of you can travel together. I am not trying to be obstructionist in any way.”

  “Sandie? Why spacesuits?” Cammarry asked.

  “Habitat Delta was located, but visual observations show…” Sandie went on a filled in Jerome and Cammarry on all the details about what little was known of Delta. Sandie did not mention Monika. While she was conversing with Jerome and Cammarry, the AI Sandie was running simulations with Doctor Chambers attempting to chart the best possible course for all that was happening.

  Not long later, the teleporter system from Alpha activated. The receiving grid flashed several times. Then it began to glow, and shimmered as energy came from the jumbo fusion boxes at the corners. A few sparks came up from each corner as the energy field stabilized. A dull, flat white-colored sheen hovered just above the receiving grid. Suspended slightly above that energized grid were two small globes of power. Occasional sparks rippled across the gird, and a few leaped between the grid and the twin globes.

  “The automacube and the spacesuits will pass through when the orifice is stabilized,” Sandie stated.

  The energy circles quickly drew closer together. Then the white-shimmering glow on the grid folded itself upright with a snap. The orifice was open.

  “There is more of that smell,” Jerome wrinkled his nose. “Why is that?”

  “The odor is of no consequence to the functioning of the teleporter,” Sandie replied tersely. “I have explained the mechanism of the odor before, but it is inconsequential.”

  “It is how I knew the teleporter was used,” Jerome snapped back. “Without it, you would have continued in your deception, and we would have been as inconsequential as you claim this odor to be. Beta’s teleporter never had that odor.”

  “Beta no longer exists,” Sandie stated bluntly.

  “Jerome, ignore the stupid smell. Unless, you think it is a Crock plot to kill us with some kind of nervous gas,” Cammarry said harshly. She thought it would come out as a joke, but the humor did not make it from her intentions to her lips.

  “Nerve gas, not nervous gas, was a horrific weapon,” Jerome chastised. “There is no doubt in my mind that creatures who can live in a chlorine atmosphere, and used gravity sink holes to crush people to death would use gas to kill as well. The Crocks would have no qualms about killing us through a gas attack. Millions of humans killed each other that way in the 90 Hour War, so why would a hostile alien species be any different?”

  A white boundary of light encircled the newly formed cavity through space. Through that tunnel in the sky, they could see the apartment where the sending unit was located. A blue automacube was rolling right at the opposite end. It was pulling a small cart.

  “There is no direct evidence the Crocks caused the gravity sinks or the gravity holes,” Cammarry retorted. “We do not know what caused them.”

  “I know,” Jerome said. “Any thinking person would know.”

  Sandie commented, “I am in agreement with Cammarry. We are not sure of the Crocks intentions, despite the circumstantial evidence.”

  “Maybe you will have a revelation of some unknown memories about that too,” Jerome said. “When the circumstances fit, right?”

  Sandie ignored the jibe.

  The blue automacube rolled up and onto the sending pad in Alpha. When its front end touched the orifice, for a moment, it looked to elongate, or be distorted somehow. Then it rolled onto the receiving pad, right in front of Jerome and Cammarry. The cart it was pulling had four bubble helmets and spacesuits stacked on it. These spacesuits were a deep burgundy color, and not green like the other spacesuits they had seen.

  “A different kind of spacesuit?” Cammarry asked.

  “Yes,” Sandie replied. “These were fabricated to my specifications. Enhanced communication systems, more storage pouches, and some abilities at gravity nullification and manipulation to allow the wearer protection in a heavy gravity atmosph

  “But no weapons systems, right? You claim that SB Bodowa does not allow weapons to be fabricated,” Jerome stated. “Or has that suddenly changed again as well?”

  “There are no weapons built into the spacesuits. There are external holsters for carrying the weapons like the ones Willie designed, including automatic built-in recharging. I have also included a block of semisoft permalloy in a pocket near the holster so you can refill the ammunition chamber on the Willie Blasters if needed. The gloves of the spacesuit are tapered to allow the wearer easy access to the triggers on the Willie Blasters as well. I conjecture those weapons will function in the Zalian atmosphere, as well as in vacuum. Jerome, you can also bring the AWAD as another part of your personal armament.”

  Jerome crossed his arms, but nodded slightly at that improvement.

  “Why four?” Cammarry asked.


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