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The Colony Ship Conestoga : The Complete Series: All Eight Books

Page 245

by John Thornton

  Then a strange sound came from somewhere out in the transport hub. It was a man’s voice, but he was mimicking the bleating of the goats. With surprising speed, the goats marched out of the vehicle, not in perfect unison, but in a much more controlled and orderly manner. Their butting and leaping was greatly subdued.

  While the goats were filing out, Monika had lifted both babies out of the safety seats and was cuddling them. Jerome had stood and was staring out at the transport hub looking for the woman he had seen.

  “Cammarry? Is that you?” Jerome asked.

  “I am not one of our old AIs Winchell or Faraday,” Cammarry responded. She was wearing her RAM suit, but her dark brown hair was cropped very short and spikey. Her new short hair accentuated her oval face, and her complexion had a more peachy tone to it. She ran a hand over her head, and while she did that, a tentative smile crossed her lips.

  Jerome met her narrow brown eyes with his own gaze.

  “Cammarry? You are here?” Jerome’s flustered words just tumbled out.

  “You are here as well,” Cammarry replied. “Good thing my husband Alizon came with me.” She gestured toward the man who was leading the goats down a side doorway and out into a hallway. “We did not expect you to bring some squadron of goats with you.”

  The mimicking of the bleating stopped for a moment, and Alizon called back, “My dear beautiful woman, I do not mean to be pedantic, but a group of goats is called a tribe. I will instruct these fine animals to follow this automacube out here. It is designed for animal husbandry and will lead them to the natural world. Our farm can use them as an addition, unless someone else had other plans for them?”

  Jerome just stood and looked at Cammarry. Her RAM suit fit her better, as she had gained back some of the weight she had lost. She was more muscular than Jerome had ever seen. She held herself erect and confidently.

  “You have the com-link on,” was all Jerome could mutter.

  “Well, you and I once shook the world, and when that happened again, I figured I better find out what was happening. This is my world too, and with my husband’s encouragement, I came here.” She again rubbed her hand through her hair. A gold ring sparkled on the fourth finger of her left hand.

  Monika stepped out of the vehicle, a baby in each arm. They had settled down, somewhat, but were wide-eyed. “Hello Cammarry. Did I hear you say your husband? Congratulations!” Monika’s smile was genuine, and she met Cammarry’s look.

  For just a moment, there was an emotional something that passed across Cammarry’s countenance. Then she grinned. “I suppose I am the primitive, and savage one now. Well, when I think of my story, there were times when I was pretty savage, ever since I came to this old colony ship.”

  Alizon called again, “I am sending this tribe of goats to our home, unless either of those others object. Have you asked them, beautiful woman?”

  “I will ask now, Alizon.” Cammarry turned to Monika and Jerome. “Jerome, close your mouth, and think of some writer you like, perhaps that Poe fellow, or Twain. Monika, while Jerome composes himself, tell me what were your plans for that flock, oh, sorry, that tribe of goats? Hate to use a tautology or something incorrect. Are they for a milk supply for your offspring? Or are the children too young for that?”

  “We had no plans, specifically. Just to save them. The goats sort of joined us on their own initiative.” Monika knew Cammarry had asked an honest and innocent question, and could even see traces of compassion in Cammarry’s brown eyes.

  “They are ours, Alizon. Send them to your farm,” Cammarry hollered back.

  “That is fine, beautiful woman, fine indeed.” Some low words came from where Alizon was working with the brown and green automacube. The goats were still fairly well organized and compliant. “The automacube has our location, remember dearest, it is not my farm, it is our home.”

  Jerome took several deep breaths, and then he finally found his voice. “Twenty years from now we will be more disappointed by the things we did not do than by the things we attempted to do. So, throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Go and explore and dream and discover.”

  Cammarry laughed a bit, and Monika just looked at him. No one noticed the rats as they scurried out of the vehicle and disappeared away from the commotion.

  “Jerome, you seem flabbergasted, and that quote applies even less to our situation here, than the ones I remember you reciting. Oh well,” Cammarry said as she stopped laughing. She again met Monika’s greenish-hazel colored eyes. “He does seem to look like he is surviving being a biological parent, and indeed, your children have grown. I am happy they are safe and came to Alpha.”

  Monika smiled and kissed each baby’s head in turn. “Yes, they are awesome.” Then looking up at Cammarry, Monika said, “I seriously congratulate you on your wedding, and marriage. It was nice of you to come and see us off before we take those shuttles out on this last flight.”

  “Thank you, but the flight is what I am here about. Sandie has been telling me about your war with some vicious aliens, Jellies. I know the Conestoga is in bad shape, and I am the best pilot aboard. So, I will be helping to get this wreck to somewhere else. Besides, one of you needs to stay with your children. Dome 17 had regimented nurseries and care staff, beginning with the five-year-old age-mates. Remember, other helpers were there too, the tens, and the fifteens. A baby in Dome 17 was never in need. Here your babies are dependent on you and Jerome. So, one of you must stay with them. I will pilot one shuttle, one of you pilots the other.”

  “Has Captain Eris approved that?” Jerome blurted out.

  Sandie’s voice came from all three com-links. “Yes, Captain Eris has been fully aware of all these developments, and she has authorized this quest, with the lattice of compeers and me assisting. She left the second pilot decision to be made by Jerome and Monika. However, I suggest that Monika remain behind for…”

  “For I am an inexperienced pilot,” Monika finished.

  “No, that was not the primary factor,” Sandie stated. “My suggestion is for the sake of the breastfeeding which is so important for your sons. We can make artificial infant formula, which is equally nutritious to the breast milk which Monika is naturally producing. However, the interaction between mother and child cannot be identically replicated. We are unsure of how long this towing of the Conestoga might take, and we do not want to impede Monika’s interaction with her children for longer than is absolutely necessary. However, I can have bottles of formula made and shipped here for Jerome to use with his children, if the decision Monika and Jerome make is for Monika to pilot the shuttle. A father’s bonding and intimacy with his children is also essential. We have all agreed to let this decision be in their hands.”

  Jerome walked over and put his one hand on Monika, and the other on one of his babies. “In peace, sons bury their fathers. In war, fathers bury their sons. I do not want to see my sons endangered anymore. I will pilot the shuttle, for them.”

  Tears ran down Monika’s face, and she looked at Jerome and said, “You are the better pilot anyway. So, do this for all of us.” She looked at Cammarry. “You two came through that Cosmic Crinkle thing before, and I am confident you can do it this time as well.”

  Alizon had walked back in and stood behind Cammarry. His spiked blond hair matched the style of Cammarry’s. He too had a golden ring on his finger.

  Cammarry reached up and patted Alizon’s hand. “We both have something to come back to and a good reason to make this work. Better chances than when we launched on our quest for the Conestoga, right Jerome?”

  “We did find a home, so I guess in that way, that quest did succeed.”

  “Does that make us wizards?” Cammarry chided with a grin.

  “When we get back, we will ask Khin all about it,” Jerome replied.

  Cammarry pulled Alizon’s hand up to her lips and kissed it. She then stepped away from him and toward Jerome. “I started this story with you, Jerome,
I will help you finish it. I understand it will be separate vehicles this time. Is that correct Sandie?”

  “That is correct. Both of the Model 7 shuttles are here in Swanson 1277, with the designations AS-701 and AS-702,” Sandie reported. “They are prepped and ready to depart. Vesna was the last person I could track who was still on the needle ship, outside of Captain Eris on the bridge. Vesna has now returned to Alpha and brought back an unconscious Bigelow. Bigelow is being treated at the hospital near Aston.”

  “Will they recover?” Monika asked.

  “There are mass causalities streaming into the hospital. Vesna alone can be credited for saving twenty-four people, including Bigelow who she just brought in. The staff relates that the prognosis for him is adequate, but the details are not pertinent to what is happening here. The Colony Ship Conestoga needs to get moving,” Sandie replied. The AI had concerns about sharing things which might illicit memories from Jerome or Cammarry. Sandie had withheld the name of SB Cotard, who was in charge of the hospital. Sandi had made conjectures which showed a high possibility that Jerome, Cammarry, or both would have negative reactions when hearing that name. Sandie tried to be extraordinarily judicious in how information was parsed out. “I believe this operation is now ready to commence.”

  Jerome looked out at the transport hub. It was clean and well lit. The door through which the goats had departed was shut. Another door was labeled, ‘To Hanger Bay Swanson 1277’ in glowing blue letters. He turned to Monika, “So, I will pilot the shuttle in this mission, but you will make sure the boys are safe and secure?”

  “Always.” Monika walked over, and lifted the children.

  Jerome reached down and kissed the babies in turn. He rubbed their heads, and nuzzled noses with them.

  “Sandie?” Monika asked. “Do you have a location near here where I can assist and take care of my sons?”

  “Yes, Monika. There is an apartment near the hanger bay which I have secured for your usage. Cradles are there for your children. Additionally, it has monitoring equipment, as well as new links and controls coupled to Captain Eris on the bridge. Captain Eris has requested your help with some of the instruments and controls. A yellow transport automacube is awaiting outside to carry your backpacks and supplies.” Again, Sandie left out some information, in this case, the fact that the apartment was being connected to the remaining weapons and their fire controls.

  Monika kissed Jerome, and said, “You come back to me. We need you.”

  Jerome returned the kiss, but glanced at Cammarry.

  Cammarry just stood there, holding Alizon’s hand. She slightly nodded, and then looked away.

  “I am not sure what role I can play here,” Alizon stated, as he touched the com-link which was over his own ear. “I am a farmer, but will render whatever aid I can to this mission.”

  Cammarry turned to him. “You are my foundation and you have already saved my life. Thank you.”

  “Alizon, you can be of service in the hanger bay’s observation deck,” Sandie replied. “I have had an automacube set up a small cot and supplies there.”

  “Or, if her wants to, he can stay with me at the apartment. That is, if there is room,” Monika said haltingly. “I hate for anyone to be alone in times like this.”

  Alizon looked at Monika. “Thank you for your consideration, however, I think I will go where Sandie directs. I will assist the beautiful woman from that observation deck. I was alone for much of the time prior to meeting her, and we can all serve in our separate places. But your thoughtfulness is noted.”

  And so, Monika departed, and shortly thereafter so did Alizon.

  Jerome felt very awkward, but then just blurted out, “I never thought of you as having short hair and working on a farm. But it seems to suit you.”

  Cammarry looked down, but then brought her eyes up and looked at the man who had come with her from Dome 17. “I never thought of you as a biological father to twins, but you obviously love them, and her.”

  “Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, and I was sorry I could not travel both. As I was one traveler, long I stood…”

  “Jerome, shut up,” Cammarry said playfully. “The quest took us to different places, but we were trained as adventurers. So, let us do this thing.” She then pushed the nine-sectioned color control pad next to the door marked, ‘To Hanger Bay Swanson 1277’.

  The door slid open, and Jerome and Cammarry, both dressed in their RAM suits, entered the hanger bay. The bay consisted of four stalls, with the observation deck at the rear. The clear permalloy window which comprised the front of the observation deck allowed them to see Alizon as he stood watching. A set of chairs, a table, and a cot-type bed were arranged at the end of the observation deck.

  “A lot different than the hanger bays we have visited in the past,” Jerome remarked.

  “Indeed, this one is level,” Cammarry smirked, but in a more teasing way, and without malice.

  They both looked out at the two shuttles which were in the two center stalls.

  “No dead bodies in spacesuits, here, either,” Jerome added as they walked toward the shuttles. “Those are a type we have not seen before, or at least I have not seen them. Have you Cammarry?”

  “No. They have similar lines, and look like technology from the same era, of course, but they are new to me as well.” Cammarry’s mind was whirling with all the memories of the shuttles, flights, kidnappings, and dangers she had encountered since coming to the Conestoga.

  “These are Model 7 shuttles,” Sandie stated. “In conjunction with the lattice of compeers they were made ready for this mission. Basically, you will fly out, make connections, and initiate the towing. The flightpath will be set to the speed and vectors I have from the Zalian library. Once the flightpath is established, the shuttles will no longer be needed, as friction and resistance will be negligible. I have conjectured this flightpath will recreate the one the Zalian ship set us upon. The Conestoga will be heading into the Cosmic Crinkle, but the shuttle mission will be nearly completed. The final step is for you to disconnect the shuttles and return them to Swanson 1277. Do you want the design parameters, or specifications of this type of shuttle?”

  “I can tell the thrusters are different,” Cammarry stated as she pointed at the very large flange which came projecting back from the rear of the shuttle. Its diameter was about half of the whole wingspan. That required the shuttle to stand on landing gear which extended further than the other shuttles had. Also, there were heavy-looking, thick wheels at the end of the handing gear. The shuttle had no rudder, but the wedge-shaped craft did have upturned ends on its wings which extended vertically about three meters. Those winglets were a deep blue color, as was the leading edge of the wings. The wings comprised most of the entire body of the shuttle, with its fuselage just rising up from the wings. The fuselage was light green colored, and had a row of windows on each side, a single hatch door, and a large set of compartment doors which arched over the entire rear part of the shuttle. A similar compartment, with identical doors, was mirrored on the underneath side of the shuttle. Both those compartments extended toward the rear of the shuttle right to the engine and thruster assembly which flared out into the large flange. On the side in black lettering was ‘AS-701’ on one shuttle, and ‘AS-702’ on the other one.

  “I will take AS-701 since I am the better pilot,” Cammarry teased.

  “Agreed. The light green reminds me of Zalia, a bit. Did you know Zalia is no more?”

  Cammarry looked at him. “What is done in the past is done. I am not here to chat or babble with you. We have a job to do. Besides, I would think you would be happy to see the demise of the Crocks.”

  “Sorry. You are absolutely right. I do babble too much. I will stick to the mission as a professional adventurer. I will do that.” Jerome started to walk over to the other shuttle. Then he turned around. “Cammarry, you are a good pilot. You are a good teammate, and Alizon is very fortunate to have you in his life.”

both have new lives. Now, we must go out and secure a future for both our families,” Cammarry replied through somewhat tight lips. “This is survival, and this last flight will be our most important.”

  “I am glad we can do this together.” Jerome gave a small grin.

  “Yes, together in one last quest, with the survival of everyone depending on us. The circumference of our story has been nearly completed. We have come around to what feels like another beginning. Fly well Jerome. Fly well.” Cammarry choked a bit on that last sentence.

  “Thanks. Together we can succeed,” Jerome replied and turned toward the shuttle he would be piloting. “Together in electric dreams.” He muttered, recalling some ancient song he had heard somewhere. He reached the landing gear which had the ladder built into it. He climbed up and stepped on the marked places so he could open the hatch.


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