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Jennifer's Choice

Page 8

by Erin Osborne

  “We gotta do somethin’. She’s so scared to do anythin’ here and I know that’s not what either one of us wanted,” I say.

  “I know. The only thing we can really do is keep givin’ her time for now. It’s not like we haven’t told her she can do whatever she wants here,” Boy Scout says.

  “We’ll see what happens over the next few days. I’m gonna go in the mornin’ and get more of their stuff to bring here.”

  After grabbing a beer from the fridge and drinking it out on the deck, we make our way back to the room and go to bed. Jennifer never once stirs as we climb back in and let her decide how she’s going to sleep for the night.

  Chapter Fourteen


  THE LAST WEEK has been another adjustment. It’s different having Jennifer and Wade living with us. Right now, there are toys added to the living room that Wade plays with in the morning after his breakfast, and a bunch of stuff Jennifer has added to our kitchen, bathrooms, and in the bedroom. It’s not a bad thing, we just have to get used to one another, and all the little quirks we all have.

  Wade is having the time of his life, even if he is grumpy with all the change. He’s not used to living in a house like this and having a huge yard out back to play in. Plus, the girls can’t just wander over to his house so that the kids can all play together. He’s alone here and doesn’t necessarily like the fact his friends aren’t here. We’ll have to arrange a play date for them so the girls can come over here and hang out for the day.

  On top of that, Jennifer has had to get used to seeing me and Boy Scout naked. We’re done sleeping with shorts or boxers on. When we climb in bed, it’s naked as the day we were born. The first night, Jennifer was covered in a dark shade of red from blushing so bad. She didn’t know where to look or what to do when we climbed in bed next to her.

  She’s still sleeping in those little tank tops that showcase her hard nipples, and little panties that barely cover her ass. Now, she can deal with us wearing nothing every night we’re in bed together. Hell, she even tried to sneak into bed early so she wouldn’t be awake when we climbed in next to her. Yeah, that shit didn’t work at all. We knew what she was doing, and made sure we walked in right after her so she still got to see us.

  “Wood, what time are you leaving?” Jennifer asks, walking back in the bedroom with nothing more than a robe covering her body.

  “In a few minutes. Did you need somethin’?” I ask, letting my gaze roam over her body from head to toe and back again.

  “No. I know it’s gonna be a late night for you guys tonight. I’m going to try to get Wade to bed early so I can work on research for a project I have coming up. I’ll leave dinner wrapped up for you guys in the refrigerator,” she answers, heading for the closet to pull her clothes out for the day.

  “Alright, Spitfire. We’ll be back as early as we can, but we have church today. I’m not sure how long it’s goin’ to last, or when we can get to work though,” I tell her, watching her bend over while her robe slides up her legs and comes to rest just under her ass.

  My mouth is watering to get a taste of her. Her skin is like silk, and I want to rub my hands over every single inch of her body. Then I want to taste every part of her. I adjust myself just as she stands up and turns to face me. She watches me as a faint tinge of pink graces her face.

  I’d say I’m sorry, but I’m really not. I want her to know what she does to me and I’m not ashamed that I’m hard as fuck for her right now. Jennifer’s eyes turn a darker shade of blue as she watches me watch her. It’s the first time I’ve been able to tell she’s turned on and likes what she sees with either one of us.

  “You can have us whenever you want us. All you have to do is make the first move. We’re not gonna pressure you,” I say, letting her know that the decision is up to her. “I’m headin’ out. I’ll see you later.”

  I walk over to her and wrap my arms around her before pulling her body close to mine. She looks up at me from under her eyelashes and licks her lips. A moan escapes me because I have better places her tongue can be right now as I grind my hips into her.

  Jennifer surprises me and stands up so she can reach my mouth while pulling my head down to hers. She just initiated a kiss, and it tastes even better than normal. I can taste the sweetness from her creamer mixed with the remnants of her toothpaste. She smells of something floral, and all of her wraps around me as I deepen the kiss before pulling away from her.

  “Have a good day, Spitfire,” I say before making my way out to my bike so I can go to the clubhouse.

  The short ride to the clubhouse does nothing to get rid of the image of Jennifer leaning up to kiss me. It might not have been the best kiss I’ve ever had as far as technique goes, but it’s the best kiss I’ve ever had in my life. Not only is Jennifer meant for us, I know she’s never let anyone get close enough to her to kiss her. Trey didn’t even get that from her. I know that for a fact because she let it slip one night.

  As soon as I pull in, I see that even Boy Scout is here already. I’m not sure when he left the house this morning, but it must have been early. Walking in the meeting room, I take my seat and wait for Slim to begin the meeting. He’s looking to be in a better mood than what he’s been lately, but not a completely good mood. I’m sure we’ll find out why as soon as he starts talking.

  “We’re movin’ things with the next run,” Slim says after slamming the gavel against the table. “Renegade has brought up the possibility of there bein’ a mole in one of the clubs. So, we’re movin’ the run up to tonight. Wood, Ghost, Playboy, and Killer will go along with Zach. The location is the same as before, we’re just changin’ the day of the meet. Any questions?”

  “I thought we weren’t gonna change anythin’ with any of the runs right now,” Ghost says.

  “I didn’t think we were goin’ to. But, Renegade wants to do this. There’s a bunch of shit goin’ down over there right now, and he wants to do this. None of their heads are in the game so I’m gonna need you guys to focus more than normal,” Slim says, making sure we all know to pay attention and make sure that we keep our eyes peeled for anything out of the ordinary.

  “What’s goin’ on over there? Is it gonna bleed over to our club?” Boy Scout asks, sitting up and looking at the rest of us while he talks.

  “One of their girls was taken. She’s not one of their house bunnies. Her grandmother was with a member before she died, and now there’s somethin’ goin’ on between this girl and Bear. They’ll be in and out so they can get back and keep lookin’ for her. She’s been gone a few weeks now,” he tells us as we all let that news sink in.

  “You realize we had two girls vanish from Allure within the last two months, don’t you?” Grizzly asks, standing up and walking over to the door for a minute. “I got a message again last week about them still not showing up. Neither one has been back to their apartments or returned any calls or messages. If they have one of their girls I wonder if that has somethin’ to do with our own girls goin’ missin’.”

  We watch as he messes around on his phone before setting it down in front of Slim. Our President reads through the messages before turning his attention toward us. “I want Fox and Stryker to go to the apartments and see what you can find out. If they’ve been taken, I want to fuckin’ know about it.”

  The rest of the meeting we go over the rest of club business and I zone out. I’m getting ready to go on this run tonight, and I need to put everything else out of my mind with all the shit that’s going on in the background. I can’t think about what anyone else is gonna do on the run.

  Yeah, there’s another club trying to start shit with Satan’s Anarchy that’s bleeding down into us, but if we don’t know what they’re going to do, there’s no point in thinking about them. My only concern with them will be trying to anticipate any moves they’re going to make against us while we meet.

  “Everyone, you know what you have to do. Get ready to go in a few hours, and report back to me when you get back.
I don’t care what the fuck I’m doin’, I want to know,” Slim says, banging the gavel on the table before heading out the door and leaving us to follow him.

  Boy Scout follows me into my room in the clubhouse so I can pack a bag in case anything happens and we need to be gone longer than a few hours. He sits on the bed while I throw a bunch of clothes in a bag, and make sure I have extra ammo and weapons. Right now, we don’t know what’s going to happen when we meet up with Satan’s Anarchy, so we all need to be prepared.

  “What do you want me to tell J?” he asks, watching me pull out maps so I can go over alternate routes to come back home.

  “Tell her I had to leave on club business and I’ll be back as soon as I can,” I answer, shutting him out to concentrate on the task at hand.

  We met with the other guys and transferred over the guns with no one stepping in or letting themselves be known. While the Prospects from Satan’s Anarchy are loading the shipment, Zach drives up in the van, I sit back and have a smoke. It’s not long before Grave comes over to join me. For a few minutes, we sit in silence and keep watch while I know two more guys are over on the opposite side of the van to make sure no one comes at us from that side.

  “Are you guys any closer to findin’ the girl?” I ask, knowing they’ve been searching non-stop since she went missing.

  “No. Had a few leads that were dead ends. If we don’t find somethin’ soon, Bear’s gonna lose his shit more than he already has. He’s exhausted, and not goin’ to do anyone any good if he keeps goin’ on the way he has been. It’s hard to watch a friend, and brother, goin’ through this shit. Makes me never want to take an ol’ lady of my own,” he answers, lighting a smoke and inhaling deep while I contemplate his words.

  “Boy Scout and I are goin’ to be claimin’ our girl soon,” I say. “She’s been through some shit, and we’re tryin’ to bide our time until we know she’s ready for that step.” I inhale deep from my own cigarette and hold the smoke in until my lungs almost burn.

  “She been through bad shit? Shit that she can get past?” he asks, genuinely concerned about our situation.

  “She’s gettin’ a little better every day. We just got her to move in with us, she’s goin’ to school, and she’s workin’ at Phantom,” I say, not wanting to think of our Spitfire when there’s business that needs to be concluded so we can get home.

  Grave must sense my unease about continuing to think of her and home when we don’t know what we’ve walked into here. He stops talking, and we continue to look around for anything that feels off or looks suspicious.

  I don’t have a gut feeling about this meet, but that doesn’t mean anything. We’ve been ambushed before, and I never felt a thing. It’s been a while since that’s happened, but I don’t ever want to make that mistake again.

  Finally, everything is exchanged and we can leave. I breathe a sigh of relief as I straddle my bike along with the other men. We make our way back onto the highway with Zach following us. I’m the last man in formation, and I catch Zach flashing the van’s headlights rapidly at us.

  Just as I look to the left of the road where there’s trees and other places to hide, a searing pain rips through my upper arm. I grit my teeth and move to pull my gun when another bullet almost hits me in the side of the head. If I hadn’t been moving around to reach for my gun, I’d be lying dead on the road right fucking now. Fuck this!

  Killer and Playboy surround me so I’m not hit again, while Ghost takes off in the opposite direction to find where the shooting is coming from. Zach pulls the van up alongside us so that nothing can hit us while we all pull our guns out. He’s never done that before, and I look in the passenger side window quickly so he knows we appreciate the help.

  As soon as he sees that we’re all ready to fire back, he pulls back behind us and waits for us to make our next move. There’s no more gunfire, and Ghost hasn’t made it back to us yet. I’m slowing down to go look for him when the revving of an engine comes from behind us. Using my mirror, I see it’s Ghost and he’s got a body slumped over his bike in front of him.

  We move faster along the highway until we reach our exit. Thankfully, we haven’t run into any cops tonight on the deserted highway and could go faster than we’d normally do with other traffic.

  My arm is burning and going numb from the wound. Blood is pouring down my arm, and I’ve had to shake myself awake more than once while I stay in between Killer and Playboy. If I’ve slowed down, they slow down. They’re going to make sure I can get back to the clubhouse or make sure that I make it to the side of the road and into the van without killing myself.

  Pulling into the clubhouse, I park my bike and slump forward. I don’t have the strength to put down the kickstand or turn it off. Killer is next to me in an instant, taking care of the things I can’t do right now. Playboy and he pull me off the bike and carry me into the clubhouse where Slim is waiting for us. Boy Scout and Jennifer are sitting with him. She jumps out of the chair she’s been sitting in and runs over to me with tears rolling down her beautiful face. That’s the last thing I see before darkness claims me.

  Chapter Fifteen


  BOY SCOUT AND I were in bed when his phone rang. We both looked at one another in the dim light from the bathroom before he answered it. He never once broke eye contact as he listened to whoever was on the other end of the line. Instead, he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me into his naked chest. His heart beat rapidly with the news that he was getting on the phone. There was no way I could even begin to tell what’s going on because he’s been mainly listening and done very little talking.

  “Gotta go to the clubhouse,” he finally says after setting the phone down next to me.

  “Wood?” I question as tears fill my eyes and my body trembles at the thought that we won’t see him again.

  Boy Scout nods his head as I jump off the bed and throw a shirt and pair of pajama pants on. The shirt is Wood’s and smells just like him-tobacco, oil, leather, and his own unique scent, while the pants are Boy Scouts.

  Everything is way too big on me, but I don’t even care about that as I run into Wade’s room, and gently pick him up out of bed. He doesn’t even stir as I carry him out to the SUV while Boy Scout grabs the diaper bag and locks the door. We make our way to the clubhouse to wait for the guys to get back from the run and we can finally lay eyes on Wood.

  “He’s goin’ to be okay,” Boy Scout tells me, reaching over to place his hand in mine and giving it a squeeze.

  “How do you know?” I ask, trying to keep the insane thoughts of every possible injury from running through my mind right now.

  “Slim said it was an arm injury. He could still ride and control his bike, so that tells me that he’ll be okay,” he says fast and sure.

  “They don’t know if there are other injuries though,” I say, my voice breaking on a sob I can’t keep from escaping.

  I’ve wasted so much time with these men. They’ve stuck by my side from the moment we met and have done whatever I needed to get past the life I’ve had to live. Wood and Boy Scout never forced me into anything, hurt me, or pushed me beyond what they knew I needed. It’s time I start living and accepting every single thing they can give me and give them all that I can in return.

  Slim is waiting in the common room of the clubhouse when we get there. Boy Scout helps me get Wade settled into the playpen we have in the room for him before we make our way back down to wait for Wood to get back. Taking seats at the table he’s already occupying; I sit as close to Boy Scout as I can. I need his strength and comfort right now. The same that I expect he’s getting from me.

  “They should be here soon. Zach called and let me know they just got off the exit,” Slim says, watching us as we sit in silence.

  The men make small talk to fill the silence, while I keep my eyes glued to the door. I want to see Wood as soon as he’s through that door. So, I don’t let anyone distract me as women and men begin to make their way in the clubhouse.

  An older man walks in carrying a black bag and disappears down the hallway. Still, I don’t move or interact with anyone as they all disappear from the room. It’s as empty as it was when we got here and you wouldn’t know most of the club just showed up. No, it’s almost like a ghost town in the early hours of the morning while we wait for the telltale signs that the men are back.

  Finally, there’s the rumble of bikes screaming into the parking lot. One runs longer than the rest of them, and I can only imagine that it’s Wood and he can’t get it shut off with his injuries. Soon, the quietness blankets us once more as we barely hear what’s going on outside.

  Everything in me is telling me to get up and run to the door so I can see him. But, I sit by Boy Scout’s side until I see the door get flung open, and Playboy and Killer maneuver inside, carrying Wood between them. His eyes meet mine and for the briefest second, I think he’s okay. That thought quickly disappears as I get closer to them and his eyes close while his head drops down.

  “No!” I yell out, not knowing if he’s just passed out or if he’s just taken his last breath.

  “Baby, I got you,” Boy Scout says, pulling me into his arms, and walking me back to where they’re taking Wood.

  The door shuts behind them, and we’re still out in the hallway. I want to bang it down and force my way into the room so I can see what’s going on with him; make sure he’s okay and they’re doing everything to save him. Boy Scout keeps me at his side as he holds us up against the wall just across from the room. It feels like forever before Killer and Playboy come out of the room and tell us we can go in.

  I rush inside to see Wood in a sitting position on the bed. He’s got an IV attached to him and his arm is in a sling. His face looks pale, and I can tell he’s taken medicine to help with the pain. Boy Scout doesn’t stop my attempt to get to him or try to hold me back as I go to his good side and wrap myself around him the best that I can.


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